Why do people talk about "liberal bias" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?

Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.
I'm not though. I'm generally opposed to authority, especially self-granted authority. However, I recognize that we need a government given authority by mutual consent to enforce our rights and ensure that no interest becomes too powerful and no person gets left behind. Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.
Blacks have blindly followed democrats for over 50 years. With the promise of a better life. Now tell me, are blacks better off? Republican blacks are.

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats, even during Republican administrations, the Liberals dictate, manipulate and devastate the poor, and poor families, in particular African Americans. The bumbling leftists bureaucracy attempts to end poverty are a dismal failure and have only succeeded in forming a new type of slavery , slavery to the Liberal machine.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.

Welfare is a two edged sword, it not only enslaves those being taxed, but shackles the recipients as well.

Democratic Parties Racist History
It's liberal America that's been clamping down on racial discrimination, intolerance, and hate speech. ...

Wrong again, junior. You really are a brainless little drone. You gotta grow up sometime, kid.
Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.
I'm not though. I'm generally opposed to authority, especially self-granted authority. However, I recognize that we need a government given authority by mutual consent to enforce our rights and ensure that no interest becomes too powerful and no person gets left behind. Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
It's liberal America that's been clamping down on racial discrimination, intolerance, and hate speech. ...

Wrong again, junior. You really are a brainless little drone. You gotta grow up sometime, kid.

That's where the oxymoronic aspect comes in - they believe they are battling racism when they are actually feeding the demons that create the racial divisions ---- they claim to despise discrimination so create programs that discriminate against one person - simply because of his skin color in favor of another simply because of skin color -- ............ affirmative action, racial hiring quotas and so forth.

They run through the streets screaming "kill the cops" because a punk got killed by one trigger happy cop - but ignore the dozens of other people who died at the hands of police that weren't of the correct color - they treat white on black crime as a hate crime yet ignore black on white crime. They feel anybody who can get across our unguarded border is entitled to more benefits than our fellow Americans who risked their lives fighting for our country.
Last edited:
He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?

I couldn't get past all the BS. except to say man they are so full of themselves. Which I don't see as a trait that is noble or honorable. That's seems to be a big problem with Liberalism. it's ugly
They did not remove it. They changed Sec. 176
Spending bill funds SEC and CFTC amends Dodd-Frank swaps push-o

Dodd-Frank swaps push-out provision. Currently, Section 716 of Dodd-Frank prevents federally insured financial institutions from conducting certain swaps trading, including trading of commodity, equity, and credit derivatives. This prohibition compels financial institutions to push out swaps trading into separately capitalized affiliates. The measure would amend Section 716 of the Dodd-Frank Act to protect farmers and other commodity producers from having to put down excessive collateral to get a loan, expand their businesses, and hedge production.

It would allow financial institutions to continue to conduct risk-mitigation efforts for clients, such as farmers and manufacturers, who use swaps to insure against price fluctuations. It would also modify Section 716 to allow commodity and equity derivatives in financial institutions with federal deposit insurance. However, derivatives involving structured finance transactions would still need to be pushed out of a federally insured financial institution.

Under the legislation, the only swaps that covered depository institutions must spin out to separately capitalized entities are structured finance swaps unless they are undertaken for hedging or risk management purposes or expressly permitted by prudential regulators to take place in a covered depository institution. The bill also ensures that uninsured U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks are treated the same as insured depository institutions by defining both groups as covered depository institutions.

Office of Financial Research. The measure contains additional reporting requirements to increase transparency of the activities of agencies whose funding jurisdiction fall outside annual congressional review. Specifically, the Office of Financial Research must provide quarterly reports on its activities to Congress. The reports must include, among other things, the obligations made during the previous quarter by object class, office, and activity and the estimated obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year by object class, office, and activity.

What President Obama objects to is that he said, the swaps push-out rider would weaken a critical component of financial system reform aimed at reducing taxpayer risk.

I think that the additional reporting requirements would stop that from happening..
Changing the bill to protect farmers and other commodity producers from having to put down excessive collateral to get a loan, in order to expand their businesses, and hedge production to me is a good thing.

Thank you for admitting that this is deregulating the provision to prevent the Wall Street Casino bosses from gambling at taxpayer expense. That they are trying to disguise it as something to help farmers is BS. The reality is that now they have a loophole in which to go gambling again. Oh, and the post facto reporting provision won't stop them from doing it either because by the time it is reported they will have their hands in your pocket because those Wall Street Casino bosses are "too big to fail".

FYI as someone who claims to be for the TP you have just betrayed your own movement by supporting this amendment. This is the ultimate in "big government spending" and you have willingly enabled it.

Think about it.

I never admitted anything even close to what you just accused me of.
I never accused you of anything at all and yes, you did just tacitly admit it.
You won't believe facts, that is your choice.Keep your head in the sand that no Dems helped to change that part of the bill.
Go back and reread the thread. You falsely alleged that Senator Warren never read that bill and that has been exposed as a lie.
It is not BS about that part of the Dodd Frank bill harming the smaller businesses who want loans by having to pay excessive collateral.
Obviously you don't understand what you are quoting because that is NOT what this is about. They can still get loans with normal collateral. It is only if they want to use swaps as hedged collateral that it becomes an issue. If you believe that small businesses use swaps and hedges as collateral then you really are clueless as far as this topic is concerned.
That had been discussed before the Dodd Frank bill passed and the people who decided to change that was Repubs and Dems.
I am not part of the Tea Party movement. I support some of their basic ideas but not all.

Are you now claiming that the TP isn't opposed to government bailouts?

Go ahead and twist it all you want.
It still does not make it true.
The Dems as well as the Repubs supported the changes

The onus is on you to prove that I "twisted" anything.

I don't have to prove anything.
It's up to other readers to decide.
He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?

I couldn't get past all the BS. except to say man they are so full of themselves. Which I don't see as a trait that is noble or honorable. That's seems to be a big problem with Liberalism. it's ugly

Nothing is quite as noble and honorable as racism, isn't that right, Stephanie?
Thank you for admitting that this is deregulating the provision to prevent the Wall Street Casino bosses from gambling at taxpayer expense. That they are trying to disguise it as something to help farmers is BS. The reality is that now they have a loophole in which to go gambling again. Oh, and the post facto reporting provision won't stop them from doing it either because by the time it is reported they will have their hands in your pocket because those Wall Street Casino bosses are "too big to fail".

FYI as someone who claims to be for the TP you have just betrayed your own movement by supporting this amendment. This is the ultimate in "big government spending" and you have willingly enabled it.

Think about it.

I never admitted anything even close to what you just accused me of.
I never accused you of anything at all and yes, you did just tacitly admit it.
You won't believe facts, that is your choice.Keep your head in the sand that no Dems helped to change that part of the bill.
Go back and reread the thread. You falsely alleged that Senator Warren never read that bill and that has been exposed as a lie.
It is not BS about that part of the Dodd Frank bill harming the smaller businesses who want loans by having to pay excessive collateral.
Obviously you don't understand what you are quoting because that is NOT what this is about. They can still get loans with normal collateral. It is only if they want to use swaps as hedged collateral that it becomes an issue. If you believe that small businesses use swaps and hedges as collateral then you really are clueless as far as this topic is concerned.
That had been discussed before the Dodd Frank bill passed and the people who decided to change that was Repubs and Dems.
I am not part of the Tea Party movement. I support some of their basic ideas but not all.

Are you now claiming that the TP isn't opposed to government bailouts?

Go ahead and twist it all you want.
It still does not make it true.
The Dems as well as the Repubs supported the changes

The onus is on you to prove that I "twisted" anything.

I don't have to prove anything.
It's up to other readers to decide.


Is this the latest extremist rightwing cop out when you can't defend your own position? Appeal to some nameless "readers" because the facts are proving you wrong?

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.
Last edited:
Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves to build their prosperity for them out of greed and hatred. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.

All who disagree are ignorant of history.

Sorry to burst your bubble bub - but it appears that you are the one who is ignorant of History - although somewhat versed in the narrative that you've been force fed.

Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves to build their prosperity for them out of greed and hatred.

What is not commonly found in the populist annals of the slave history narrative force fed to American Students is the fact that Negro slavery did not originate with Europeans or Whites, but rather was a product of African tribal trade, inter tribal warfare, and Moslem commerce.

What is also commonly swept under the rugs of simplicity and convenience, basically because it does not fit the "narrative" by Liberal Propagandists posing as Historians, is the fact that many slaveholders themselves were black or mixed race.

It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

Yes it is - but the Liberals of that era were true Liberals in the textbook definition of the word Liberal - not the oxymoronic accolade adopted by the simpletons of the current era who label themselves "Liberals" - The liberals of that era were Republicans .
He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?

I couldn't get past all the BS. except to say man they are so full of themselves. Which I don't see as a trait that is noble or honorable. That's seems to be a big problem with Liberalism. it's ugly

Nothing is quite as noble and honorable as racism, isn't that right, Stephanie?
I don't know you tell us.
Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them.

Obtaining Black slaves, unlike white ones, did not generally require violence , they were generally obtained through trade with African Kings. Unlike the Roots saga where Kunta Kinte went off into the woods to fetch wood for a drum, was captured by slavers never to be seen in Africa again. Alex Haley first claimed this to be a true and researched portrayal of his ancestor. However it was later proven that Kinte's life was apparently taken from a fictional book, the African by Harold Courlander, and Haley was sued for Plagiarism. Neither Haley or Courlander , Author of the African acknowledged the fact that slaves taken in the way Kunta Kinte was taken were an extreme rarity Haley later labeled his work as "factional" a mix of fact and fiction, Courlander never denied his work was pure fiction.

Slaves arriving in North America were in most instances acquired from Africans and Arabs by Europeans and Americans. The origins of most slaves was as currency for goods purchased by their own kings and chiefs. Historians estimate that between 10 and 12 million Africans were sold by other Africans to Europeans before the USA even existed. Nearly 20 Million more were sold to Arabs. The legends of European pirate-merchants storming peaceful villages in the jungle are basically nonsense . It may have happened on rare occasion, but was never the norm. There was no need for European - American slave traders to risk their lives, or expend capital on mercenaries , they simply purchased slaves from the Moslems and African Chiefs.

The Africans themselves frequently enslaved members of other tribes. Men and women captured in inter-tribal warfare became slaves. The Akans - [ Modern day Ghana and Ivory Coast], purchased slaves from the Portuguese that were taken from other parts of Africa, such as the Congo. There is little to indicate that they sold slaves themselves till the late 17th century. By the time Lee surrendered to Grant at the Appomattox court house and the last vestiges of slavery were vanquished from American shores there were still many more slaves in Black Africa owned by Blacks than in all the Americas combined. To this day slavery is still practiced on a diminished scale in the Islamic World and sub Saharan Africa.

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.
Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them.

Obtaining Black slaves, unlike white ones, did not generally require violence , they were generally obtained through trade with African Kings. Unlike the Roots saga where Kunta Kinte went off into the woods to fetch wood for a drum, was captured by slavers never to be seen in Africa again. Alex Haley first claimed this to be a true and researched portrayal of his ancestor. However it was later proven that Kinte's life was apparently taken from a fictional book, the African by Harold Courlander, and Haley was sued for Plagiarism. Neither Haley or Courlander , Author of the African acknowledged the fact that slaves taken in the way Kunta Kinte was taken were an extreme rarity Haley later labeled his work as "factional" a mix of fact and fiction, Courlander never denied his work was pure fiction.

Slaves arriving in North America were in most instances acquired from Africans and Arabs by Europeans and Americans. The origins of most slaves was as currency for goods purchased by their own kings and chiefs. Historians estimate that between 10 and 12 million Africans were sold by other Africans to Europeans before the USA even existed. Nearly 20 Million more were sold to Arabs. The legends of European pirate-merchants storming peaceful villages in the jungle are basically nonsense . It may have happened on rare occasion, but was never the norm. There was no need for European - American slave traders to risk their lives, or expend capital on mercenaries , they simply purchased slaves from the Moslems and African Chiefs.

The Africans themselves frequently enslaved members of other tribes. Men and women captured in inter-tribal warfare became slaves. The Akans - [ Modern day Ghana and Ivory Coast], purchased slaves from the Portuguese that were taken from other parts of Africa, such as the Congo. There is little to indicate that they sold slaves themselves till the late 17th century. By the time Lee surrendered to Grant at the Appomattox court house and the last vestiges of slavery were vanquished from American shores there were still many more slaves in Black Africa owned by Blacks than in all the Americas combined. To this day slavery is still practiced on a diminished scale in the Islamic World and sub Saharan Africa.

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.
Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them.

Obtaining Black slaves, unlike white ones, did not generally require violence , they were generally obtained through trade with African Kings. Unlike the Roots saga where Kunta Kinte went off into the woods to fetch wood for a drum, was captured by slavers never to be seen in Africa again. Alex Haley first claimed this to be a true and researched portrayal of his ancestor. However it was later proven that Kinte's life was apparently taken from a fictional book, the African by Harold Courlander, and Haley was sued for Plagiarism. Neither Haley or Courlander , Author of the African acknowledged the fact that slaves taken in the way Kunta Kinte was taken were an extreme rarity Haley later labeled his work as "factional" a mix of fact and fiction, Courlander never denied his work was pure fiction.

Slaves arriving in North America were in most instances acquired from Africans and Arabs by Europeans and Americans. The origins of most slaves was as currency for goods purchased by their own kings and chiefs. Historians estimate that between 10 and 12 million Africans were sold by other Africans to Europeans before the USA even existed. Nearly 20 Million more were sold to Arabs. The legends of European pirate-merchants storming peaceful villages in the jungle are basically nonsense . It may have happened on rare occasion, but was never the norm. There was no need for European - American slave traders to risk their lives, or expend capital on mercenaries , they simply purchased slaves from the Moslems and African Chiefs.

The Africans themselves frequently enslaved members of other tribes. Men and women captured in inter-tribal warfare became slaves. The Akans - [ Modern day Ghana and Ivory Coast], purchased slaves from the Portuguese that were taken from other parts of Africa, such as the Congo. There is little to indicate that they sold slaves themselves till the late 17th century. By the time Lee surrendered to Grant at the Appomattox court house and the last vestiges of slavery were vanquished from American shores there were still many more slaves in Black Africa owned by Blacks than in all the Americas combined. To this day slavery is still practiced on a diminished scale in the Islamic World and sub Saharan Africa.

Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.
What is not commonly found in the populist annals of the slave history narrative force fed to American Students is the fact that Negro slavery did not originate with Europeans or Whites, but rather was a product of African tribal trade, inter tribal warfare, and Moslem commerce.
This is true, however it is irrelevant to the fact that the transatlantic slave trade occurred and for the reasons that I stated. I could say that the Romans were enslaving Africans even before the Arabs. It wouldn't be relevant to African American history either. The fact is that almost all African Americans in this country are descended from slaves bought and owned by white people for the benefit of a predominantly white society until a few generations ago.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is - but the Liberals of that era were true Liberals in the textbook definition of the word Liberal - not the oxymoronic accolade adopted by the simpletons of the current era who label themselves "Liberals" - The liberals of that era were Republicans .
It's also true that the Republicans started as a liberal abolitionist party. I had a funny feeling that would be mentioned. I'm sure you know how that changed too: the Right's Southern Strategy.
He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?

I couldn't get past all the BS. except to say man they are so full of themselves. Which I don't see as a trait that is noble or honorable. That's seems to be a big problem with Liberalism. it's ugly

Nothing is quite as noble and honorable as racism, isn't that right, Stephanie?
I don't know you tell us.

Sarcasm goes right over your head, doesn't it?
Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.

The right want to safe guard the life an innocent child who can not speak.
I also disagreed with the wording the left use in order to sway peoples minds.
Example - Fighting for undocumented workers rights.Talk about pushing buttons of the people's emotions.
Fact - they are law breakers who entered this country illegally and need to go thru the legal way like everyone else has.
And you are buying into the lefts spin and lies about the Right is actively working right now to dismantle the lefts hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities.

No Republican woman wants their rights and equality dismantled.
The Dems policies have not gotten the poor out of poverty.

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