Why do people talk about "liberal bias" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?

Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.
I'm not though. I'm generally opposed to authority, especially self-granted authority. However, I recognize that we need a government given authority by mutual consent to enforce our rights and ensure that no interest becomes too powerful and no person gets left behind. Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals

Right. That would explain why the democratic party is composed of people from all walks of life while the GOP is composed primarily of old white guys. The fact is that you so-called conservatives are deathly afraid of multiculturalism, the idea that multiple ethnic groups can live together and get along, create a new peaceful world where people of all races and creeds can be successful. How else to explain your xenophobic statement, above?
The right want to safe guard the life an innocent child who can not speak. I also disagreed with the wording the left use in order to sway peoples minds.
Example - Fighting for undocumented workers rights.Talk about pushing buttons of the people's emotions.
Fact - they are law breakers who entered this country illegally and need to go thru the legal way like everyone else has.
And you are buying into the lefts spin and lies about the Right is actively working right now to dismantle the lefts hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities.

No Republican woman wants their rights and equality dismantled.
The Dems policies have not gotten the poor out of poverty.
A fetus is not a child. It is a fetus - a potential child. That's why it's called that. Calling it a child is an attempt to use wording to sway people's minds by pushing their emotional buttons.

When an undocumented immigrant enters this country, why do you think he's trying to come here? He's not trying to break the law. He's trying to find a home for his children where they won't have to live in fear of the drug gangs. He's trying to ensure they have a decent education and better choices to become rather than drug mule or corpse. Quite frankly, in many cases there simply isn't time for the system to attempt to work. That family needs to be here now.

Conservatives - the Right - are right now working to criminalize abortion and shut down women's healthcare facilities. They are right now working to destroy welfare and social security. They are right now working to overturn Affirmative Action and defend awesome things like the FBI spying on Muslims and cops' right to shoot black teenagers for little or no reason. Please tell me how this is not actively attempting to damage equality.
It's liberal America that's been clamping down on racial discrimination, intolerance, and hate speech. ...

Wrong again, junior. You really are a brainless little drone. You gotta grow up sometime, kid.

That's where the oxymoronic aspect comes in - they believe they are battling racism when they are actually feeding the demons that create the racial divisions ---- they claim to despise discrimination so create programs that discriminate against one person - simply because of his skin color in favor of another simply because of skin color -- ............ affirmative action, racial hiring quotas and so forth.

They run through the streets screaming "kill the cops" because a punk got killed by one trigger happy cop - but ignore the dozens of other people who died at the hands of police that weren't of the correct color - they treat white on black crime as a hate crime yet ignore black on white crime. They feel anybody who can get across our unguarded border is entitled to more benefits than our fellow Americans who risked their lives fighting for our country.

You are confused. The only ones running in the streets shouting "kill the cops" are those who are angry and radicalized by racial profiling conducted by the cops. They don't represent the liberal movement in this country. Using the death of a boy as a ramp to launch a tirade against people you oppose politically is, to say the least, tacky. At best it is counterproductive, but perhaps that is the point, eh? This applies to both sides of the isle.
Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.

The right want to safe guard the life an innocent child who can not speak.
I also disagreed with the wording the left use in order to sway peoples minds.
Example - Fighting for undocumented workers rights.Talk about pushing buttons of the people's emotions.
Fact - they are law breakers who entered this country illegally and need to go thru the legal way like everyone else has.
And you are buying into the lefts spin and lies about the Right is actively working right now to dismantle the lefts hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities.

No Republican woman wants their rights and equality dismantled.
The Dems policies have not gotten the poor out of poverty.

It was the policies of you conservatives that put the poor where they are IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Prove me wrong.

Argument to ignorance.

Nice try at avoidance. Again, prove me wrong.


No, I won't prove you wrong. Such a demand is logically invalid. You are making an argument to ignorance. I don't have to prove you wrong, you need to support your own position and prove it right. Otherwise, you are simply spouting bullshit.

That is incorrect. I don't have to support what is already common knowledge. What? You didn't know that the Republican Party is run by old white guys? Huh. Take a look at the leadership, dude.

Republican National Leadership GOP

See much racial diversity? Now take a look at the rank and file members?


Again, see much diversity? I rest my case.
Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.

The right want to safe guard the life an innocent child who can not speak.
I also disagreed with the wording the left use in order to sway peoples minds.
Example - Fighting for undocumented workers rights.Talk about pushing buttons of the people's emotions.
Fact - they are law breakers who entered this country illegally and need to go thru the legal way like everyone else has.
And you are buying into the lefts spin and lies about the Right is actively working right now to dismantle the lefts hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities.

No Republican woman wants their rights and equality dismantled.
The Dems policies have not gotten the poor out of poverty.

It was the policies of you conservatives that put the poor where they are IN THE FIRST PLACE!

The ole blame game,
No matter what, there will always be the poor no matter what any governments do or don't do.
What has been proved is that Capitalism raises the poor out of poverty, not welfare programs.
Capitalism is where the rich use the poor to make goods cheaply, then sell those goods to the middle class so they can get richer.
Prove me wrong.

Argument to ignorance.

Nice try at avoidance. Again, prove me wrong.


No, I won't prove you wrong. Such a demand is logically invalid. You are making an argument to ignorance. I don't have to prove you wrong, you need to support your own position and prove it right. Otherwise, you are simply spouting bullshit.

That is incorrect. I don't have to support what is already common knowledge. What? You didn't know that the Republican Party is run by old white guys? Huh. Take a look at the leadership, dude.

Republican National Leadership GOP

See much racial diversity? Now take a look at the rank and file members?


Again, see much diversity? I rest my case.

The GOP is not to blame for getting the minorities votes for government goodies.
Heck who wants to work when you can do whatever you want all day.
Ding-bat premise. Where the hell do such hacks come from?

Well you know you struck a nerve when this is the first best and brightest response. After this the entire first page turned into a flamefest and never addressed the topic, so I just skipped it.

Welcome to the board. I think your assessment is pretty close although I wouldn't equate Liberal with "left". Sometimes they work synonymously but sometimes they're antagonistic. But your root point is sound -- since "Liberal" means letting things develop as they may, "bias" is kind of mutually exclusive.

(TSJohnson ) You might find this link interesting.
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Capitalism is where the rich use the poor to make goods cheaply, then sell those goods to the middle class so they can get richer.

That is exactly what socialists say, so that the government can keep everyone equally poor.

Tell that lie to the South Africans who are using capitalism to get out of poverty and they will laugh in your face.
They get goats to sell milk and cheese.
They get sewing machines and make goods to sell.
They are making a good living and it is not the rich who are using them to get out of that poverty.
Under the government machine , firmly controlled by the Democrats
Please tell me which party is currently in control of both houses of Congress.

The public has been taught that white Americans should atone for the sins of slavery and racism by supporting welfare programs and the Democratic Party. Black Americans are taught that greed and hatred is the reason whites are prosperous and that whites are the cause of economic barriers that prevented blacks from obtaining wealth. All who disagree are racists.
All who disagree are ignorant of history. Black Americans are in this country because white Americans' ancestors brought them here as slaves out of greed and hatred to build their prosperity for them. It took the liberal abolitionists of this country up to 1865 to get the 13th Amendment passed. This is simply historical fact.

He starts off the thread with the lie that liberalism is mainstream or in the center & this got 21 pages of replies?
It is outside of Podunk, Kansas. There's a reason cons whine so much about the positive correlation between education and prosperity and liberal views.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals
Liberals abolished slavery, passed the Civil Rights Act, and legislated harshly against racial discrimination in employment and services. Liberals supported feminism and the women's liberation movement. Liberals are are fighting for undocumented workers' right to obtain US citizenship, women's rights to privacy and quality healthcare, and the right to marry your partner regardless of what plumbing you both have. The Right is actively working right now to dismantle our hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities. We are simply trying to safeguard them. Please provide counter-examples rather than baseless claims and insults to any point with which you disagree.

The right want to safe guard the life an innocent child who can not speak.
I also disagreed with the wording the left use in order to sway peoples minds.
Example - Fighting for undocumented workers rights.Talk about pushing buttons of the people's emotions.
Fact - they are law breakers who entered this country illegally and need to go thru the legal way like everyone else has.
And you are buying into the lefts spin and lies about the Right is actively working right now to dismantle the lefts hard work in each of these areas and revoke the rights and equality of women, the poor, and ethnic and religious minorities.

No Republican woman wants their rights and equality dismantled.
The Dems policies have not gotten the poor out of poverty.

It was the policies of you conservatives that put the poor where they are IN THE FIRST PLACE!

The ole blame game,
No matter what, there will always be the poor no matter what any governments do or don't do.
What has been proved is that Capitalism raises the poor out of poverty, not welfare programs.

Oh yes, it has done so well these last 30 years. How many middle class Americans are now living at or below the poverty level thanks to Capitalism's insistence on the needs of the corporation over the needs of the workers? How much has actual purchasing value of the average wage been reduced these past 30 years?
You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal
I'm not though. I'm generally opposed to authority, especially self-granted authority. However, I recognize that we need a government given authority by mutual consent to enforce our rights and ensure that no interest becomes too powerful and no person gets left behind. Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

You think the liberals in this country are liberal, so yeah, you're an authoritarian leftist.

Explain your view of mutual consent to me. When government bends me over and reams me as a business owner and takes a disproportionate share of what I earn, where did I consent to that? I didn't. When three wolves and a sheep vote on what's for dinner, how did the sheep consent?

You're right that consent is part of true liberalism, which is why as a libertarian, I am a true liberal.
Prove me wrong.

Argument to ignorance.

Nice try at avoidance. Again, prove me wrong.


No, I won't prove you wrong. Such a demand is logically invalid. You are making an argument to ignorance. I don't have to prove you wrong, you need to support your own position and prove it right. Otherwise, you are simply spouting bullshit.

That is incorrect. I don't have to support what is already common knowledge. What? You didn't know that the Republican Party is run by old white guys? Huh. Take a look at the leadership, dude.

Republican National Leadership GOP

See much racial diversity? Now take a look at the rank and file members?


Again, see much diversity? I rest my case.

The GOP is not to blame for getting the minorities votes for government goodies.
Heck who wants to work when you can do whatever you want all day.

So what you are saying is that you agree with the "fuck the minorities and the poor, they are just steerage" attitude of the GOP. Got it. You realize that that attitude was best express in the Movie "Titanic", right? And as I recall, that ship also went down. :)
Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.
I'm not though. I'm generally opposed to authority, especially self-granted authority. However, I recognize that we need a government given authority by mutual consent to enforce our rights and ensure that no interest becomes too powerful and no person gets left behind. Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals

Right. That would explain why the democratic party is composed of people from all walks of life while the GOP is composed primarily of old white guys. The fact is that you so-called conservatives are deathly afraid of multiculturalism, the idea that multiple ethnic groups can live together and get along, create a new peaceful world where people of all races and creeds can be successful. How else to explain your xenophobic statement, above?

Reductio ad absurdum
Argument to ignorance.

Nice try at avoidance. Again, prove me wrong.


No, I won't prove you wrong. Such a demand is logically invalid. You are making an argument to ignorance. I don't have to prove you wrong, you need to support your own position and prove it right. Otherwise, you are simply spouting bullshit.

That is incorrect. I don't have to support what is already common knowledge. What? You didn't know that the Republican Party is run by old white guys? Huh. Take a look at the leadership, dude.

Republican National Leadership GOP

See much racial diversity? Now take a look at the rank and file members?


Again, see much diversity? I rest my case.

The GOP is not to blame for getting the minorities votes for government goodies.
Heck who wants to work when you can do whatever you want all day.

So what you are saying is that you agree with the "fuck the minorities and the poor, they are just steerage" attitude of the GOP. Got it. You realize that that attitude was best express in the Movie "Titanic", right? And as I recall, that ship also went down. :)

I agree with helping them out of poverty by giving them a good education so that they can get good productive jobs and have freedom.
Same as the GOP
P.S. What you are spouting is the lefties lies about the GOP.
Guess What?
The Left lie to the voters too.
Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.
I'm not though. I'm generally opposed to authority, especially self-granted authority. However, I recognize that we need a government given authority by mutual consent to enforce our rights and ensure that no interest becomes too powerful and no person gets left behind. Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals

Right. That would explain why the democratic party is composed of people from all walks of life while the GOP is composed primarily of old white guys. The fact is that you so-called conservatives are deathly afraid of multiculturalism, the idea that multiple ethnic groups can live together and get along, create a new peaceful world where people of all races and creeds can be successful. How else to explain your xenophobic statement, above?

Reductio ad absurdum

I would have to agree that the GOP platform is and has long been absurd. :)
Capitalism is where the rich use the poor to make goods cheaply, then sell those goods to the middle class so they can get richer.

Is that what some teacher told you to parrot, kid? Why don't you try living under any other system and then come back and talk, junior?
You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.
I'm not though. I'm generally opposed to authority, especially self-granted authority. However, I recognize that we need a government given authority by mutual consent to enforce our rights and ensure that no interest becomes too powerful and no person gets left behind. Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals

Right. That would explain why the democratic party is composed of people from all walks of life while the GOP is composed primarily of old white guys. The fact is that you so-called conservatives are deathly afraid of multiculturalism, the idea that multiple ethnic groups can live together and get along, create a new peaceful world where people of all races and creeds can be successful. How else to explain your xenophobic statement, above?

Reductio ad absurdum

I would have to agree that the GOP platform is and has long been absurd. :)

You agree with yourself? Intellectual masturbation?

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