Why do people talk about "liberal bias" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?

Prance on, drama queen.
Do you actually have anything of value to add to the discussion?

Stop prancing about like a drama queen and you might get a more substantive response. If not, you get the reply you deserve.

Right, so you don't actually have anything of value to add. Dust bin you go. Adios amigo.

Only liberal dogma is "value to add" to you

Actually, I am willing to listen to anyone who has a valid argument. When you decide to post one, let me know.
North Korea is far Right. They are the last continuation of WWII era Japanese militarism. The socialist thing is mostly propaganda and they dropped the last scraps of the Communist claim years ago.

No they didn't, you ignorant little puke. WWII Japan was fascist, North Korea is a communist dictatorship. Have you ever opened a damn book, kid?

That aside, go look at the thread to which I directed you. You obviously haven't.
Reductio ad absurdum

I would have to agree that the GOP platform is and has long been absurd. :)

You agree with yourself? Intellectual masturbation?

Argument by gibberish. Congratulations.

So you come back with a playground response, which I made fun of, and you didn't get it. Quite the intellectual you are.

Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks. :)

Back to the playground
Prance on, drama queen.
Do you actually have anything of value to add to the discussion?

Stop prancing about like a drama queen and you might get a more substantive response. If not, you get the reply you deserve.

Right, so you don't actually have anything of value to add. Dust bin you go. Adios amigo.

Only liberal dogma is "value to add" to you

Actually, I am willing to listen to anyone who has a valid argument. When you decide to post one, let me know.

Sorry, I have no arguments supporting leftist authoritarianism right now. When I have one I'll get back to you.
Prance on, drama queen.
Do you actually have anything of value to add to the discussion?

Stop prancing about like a drama queen and you might get a more substantive response. If not, you get the reply you deserve.

Right, so you don't actually have anything of value to add. Dust bin you go. Adios amigo.

Only liberal dogma is "value to add" to you

Actually, I am willing to listen to anyone who has a valid argument. When you decide to post one, let me know.

Sorry, I have no arguments supporting leftist authoritarianism right now. When I have one I'll get back to you.

That's good, because I didn't ask you for one. Next.
North Korea is far Right. They are the last continuation of WWII era Japanese militarism. The socialist thing is mostly propaganda and they dropped the last scraps of the Communist claim years ago.

No they didn't, you ignorant little puke. WWII Japan was fascist, North Korea is a communist dictatorship. Have you ever opened a damn book, kid?

That aside, go look at the thread to which I directed you. You obviously haven't.
North Korea drops communism boosts Dear Leader Reuters
Juche Major Religions Ranked by Size
Korea under Japanese rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nope. Had you have listened to your teachers, you would know this. Japan invaded Korea and attempted to assimilate it into their empire. Part of this effort was convincing the people they were one superior race. The Japanese left but the ideology stayed. Kim Il Sung and his people kept it for their "Communist" uprising and named their purified version Juche ("self reliance"). Juche is now the state religion of NK. One of its major tenants is that the Korean nation is the purest, most innocent race and so they need a strong leader to protect them from the hostile barbarians of the outside world. These are not Communist, or even Leftist ideas.
Japan invaded Korea and attempted to assimilate it into their empire. Part of this effort was convincing the people they were one superior race. ....

Kid, you could not have illustrated more perfectly that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
It's funny how I provide sources, historical facts, and reasoned arguments while you froth at the mouth and scream at people over the internet, yet somehow you still know everything and your apparently baseless opinions are truth. You have absolutely nothing to work on here. There's no way you could possibly improve.
It's funny how I provide sources, historical facts.....

Funny how you don't seem to understand any of them. If you think that during the occupation the Japanese forces inculcated a sense of superiority in the Korean people, you are as ignorant as a stone.
How a typical conversation with a con goes:

Me-Here's my assertion, my reasoning, and a few sources backing it up.
Con-Fuck you, libtard.
Me-Um... Okay. Maybe I didn't explain what I meant very well. Let me put it another way and invite you to tell me why you disagree with what I said.
Con-You stupid piece of shit. You're probably a Commie. Go move to Russia.
Me-Russia hasn't been Communist for decades now. Again, what don't you agree with specifically? WHY do you think I'm wrong?
Con-I told you to shut your fucking mouth. BIBLE!!!

Everything you've said so far has been about par for the course Unkotare... And you wonder why nobody takes you people seriously...
You ever talk to a Korean person who lived during the occupation, kid?

You ever live under a non-capitalist system, kid?

You ever have a thought some liberal teacher didn't cram in your empty hole, kid?
I don't think I need to talk to a Korean person to understand North Korea. I think actually learning about North Korea would be more useful. You don't believe in teachers though...
I hope to move to Europe after I get done with school. Maybe Germany.
Of course.
Hello. I thought this would be the best forum to ask this and I've wondered it for a few years now. It doesn't make sense if you think about it (even by con standards). Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

Homosexuality is a good example. Liberals have always fought to represent their needs and educate people not to treat them poorly because of their orientation. The GOP ran on an explicitly anti-gay platform roughly a decade ago. Reproductive rights is another. It's the Left that safeguards women's right to choose when and whether to have children and gives them options to deal with unwanted pregnancies and support if they choose to keep them. The Right is where all of the misogynists find support for their explicitly anti-choice agenda. They're the ones who think it's moral to enslave half of the population just because they have wombs and force them to have as many children as possible.

These are just a few examples of why bias just isn't part of the liberal equation. The entire point of liberalism is defeating bias and giving everyone the exact same rights and quality of life regardless of their personal identity and life choices. Wouldn't it follow then that the only bias possible is conservative bias, ie towards the status quo?

First post and already in the running for dumbest Liberal on USMB
I hope to move to Europe after I get done with school. Maybe Germany.
Of course.

Yes, in ten years or so you should move to Europe and never come back. In the meantime, you might want to try and make less of a fool of yourself than you have been so far.
How a typical conversation with a con goes:

Me-Here's my assertion, my reasoning, and a few sources backing it up.
Con-Fuck you, libtard.
Me-Um... Okay. Maybe I didn't explain what I meant very well. Let me put it another way and invite you to tell me why you disagree with what I said.
Con-You stupid piece of shit. You're probably a Commie. Go move to Russia.
Me-Russia hasn't been Communist for decades now. Again, what don't you agree with specifically? WHY do you think I'm wrong?
Con-I told you to shut your fucking mouth. BIBLE!!!

Everything you've said so far has been about par for the course Unkotare... And you wonder why nobody takes you people seriously...

Too true. And the posts both before and after this one spared no effort in falling all over themselves to prove you right.
Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

You are an authoritarian leftist, not a liberal. That's why you don't understand why you are filled with "liberal bias." It's actually "authoritarian leftist bias."

I am a libertarian, we are the true liberals who actually don't practice bias in government. Government should provide basic services that aren't doable any other way, police, military, that sort of thing, then leave us alone. No bias.
I'm not though. I'm generally opposed to authority, especially self-granted authority. However, I recognize that we need a government given authority by mutual consent to enforce our rights and ensure that no interest becomes too powerful and no person gets left behind. Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Equality and freedom are the hallmarks of liberalism and so I'm proud to accept the title of liberal.

Beg to differ ... Ignorance and enslavement are the hallmarks of American Liberals. Liberals are a bumbleclot of narrow minded short sighted people who can't see past the ends of their noses.

They seek to create equality - they create and feed slovenly ethics and enslavement to entitlement.

They create division and strife and feed and bolster the divisions that permeate our society. They enable the ignorant and greedy to parasitize the productive and generous to the point where their productivity and generosity is worn thread bare. They open the gates to the fortress and allow our enemies to flood into the encampment to slaughter us - they are a twisted, ignorant and foolhardy lot those Liberals

Right. That would explain why the democratic party is composed of people from all walks of life while the GOP is composed primarily of old white guys. The fact is that you so-called conservatives are deathly afraid of multiculturalism, the idea that multiple ethnic groups can live together and get along, create a new peaceful world where people of all races and creeds can be successful. How else to explain your xenophobic statement, above?

That's a pretty lame uninformed and asinine statement .


Hello. I thought this would be the best forum to ask this and I've wondered it for a few years now. It doesn't make sense if you think about it (even by con standards). Liberalism is neutral by definition. The farther to the right you move, the more partisan you become. It's an obvious fact if you look at the US today. The Left is where all of the groups fighting for social justice and against bigotry and intolerance lay. The more right wing an individual or group is, the more they represent causes that the Left opposes.

Homosexuality is a good example. Liberals have always fought to represent their needs and educate people not to treat them poorly because of their orientation. The GOP ran on an explicitly anti-gay platform roughly a decade ago. Reproductive rights is another. It's the Left that safeguards women's right to choose when and whether to have children and gives them options to deal with unwanted pregnancies and support if they choose to keep them. The Right is where all of the misogynists find support for their explicitly anti-choice agenda. They're the ones who think it's moral to enslave half of the population just because they have wombs and force them to have as many children as possible.

These are just a few examples of why bias just isn't part of the liberal equation. The entire point of liberalism is defeating bias and giving everyone the exact same rights and quality of life regardless of their personal identity and life choices. Wouldn't it follow then that the only bias possible is conservative bias, ie towards the status quo?


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