Why do people talk about "liberal bias" when the phrase is technically an oxymoron?

I have said multiple times that the primary blame for the shootings is with the shooter. And I have said multiple times that I am referring to generations of tactics by the PC Police for creating an environment that can play a part in tragedies like this.

Okay, great. Now we're getting somewhere. What "PC Police" tactics played a part in THIS exact tragedy? What environment did the "PC Police" create in this event?

You apparently agree that the protesters have a right to protest. You seem to have indicated that they might even have reason to protest, yes? How are you then turning around and saying that the protesters protesting were in part responsible for the actions of a mentally disturbed individual?

He doesn't agree that the protestors have a right to protest, because he has blamed the cops' deaths on the protestors. He has assigned them the responsibility for 2 cops being murdered.

Logically one cannot believe that anyone has the RIGHT to take actions that are ultimately responsible for murders.
Liberals blamed Limbaugh for Giffords shooting. Till you found out it was a crazy liberal and we didn't blame your ideology. Now the cops that got killed was because of the protest. You cannot in public call for dead cops and it not happen. You have blood on your hands.

I wasn't at the protest fuckwit.

Goddam you people get more retarded every day.
You support the protesters, they chanted death to cops. Sorry but you have blood on your hands. Oh yeah in the Giffords shooting you also tried to blame Palin, who really didn't have anything to do with it. I think you tried to say guilty by association, well in your own words, in the death of the cops. Your guilty by association.
No bias or hatred in liberalism, unless you disagree with them. Just ask a conservative black man.

Liberals are supposed to agree with a conservative just because he's black? lol

How many liberal black men do you agree with?

Liberals usually cannot tell the difference between disagreement and bias or hatred. If they could understand the difference ... They would have to address the fact they are not perfect and don't have the correct answer to every equation.


So your claim is that conservatives disagree with President Obama in such dignified mature reasonable rational way that it could never possibly be seen as hateful.

Goddam, you win the prize! lol
Liberals usually cannot tell the difference between disagreement and bias or hatred. If they could understand the difference ... They would have to address the fact they are not perfect and don't have the correct answer to every equation.
That's not liberalism or conservatism; that's politics.
I have said multiple times that the primary blame for the shootings is with the shooter. And I have said multiple times that I am referring to generations of tactics by the PC Police for creating an environment that can play a part in tragedies like this.

Okay, great. Now we're getting somewhere. What "PC Police" tactics played a part in THIS exact tragedy? What environment did the "PC Police" create in this event?

You apparently agree that the protesters have a right to protest. You seem to have indicated that they might even have reason to protest, yes? How are you then turning around and saying that the protesters protesting were in part responsible for the actions of a mentally disturbed individual?

He doesn't agree that the protestors have a right to protest, because he has blamed the cops' deaths on the protestors. He has assigned them the responsibility for 2 cops being murdered.

Logically one cannot believe that anyone has the RIGHT to take actions that are ultimately responsible for murders.
Liberals blamed Limbaugh for Giffords shooting. Till you found out it was a crazy liberal and we didn't blame your ideology. Now the cops that got killed was because of the protest. You cannot in public call for dead cops and it not happen. You have blood on your hands.

I wasn't at the protest fuckwit.

Goddam you people get more retarded every day.
You support the protesters, they chanted death to cops. Sorry but you have blood on your hands. Oh yeah in the Giffords shooting you also tried to blame Palin, who really didn't have anything to do with it. I think you tried to say guilty by association, well in your own words, in the death of the cops. Your guilty by association.

I hate to break this to you but I had never heard of any death to cops protests until AFTER the two cops were killed.

It's telling though to see that you are taking the stand that no one has the right to protest anymore. We'll see how that holds up the next time the RWnuts are out on the street.
No bias or hatred in liberalism, unless you disagree with them. Just ask a conservative black man.

Liberals are supposed to agree with a conservative just because he's black? lol

How many liberal black men do you agree with?
No, but your not suppose to hate them just because there conservative.

So I guess your record is clean when it comes to saying hateful things about black liberals. lol
So your claim is that conservatives disagree with President Obama in such dignified mature reasonable rational way that it could never possibly be seen as hateful.

Goddam, you win the prize! lol

No ... I claimed that Progressive Liberals cannot tell the difference in hate and disagreement ... Go on proving it.

Okay, great. Now we're getting somewhere. What "PC Police" tactics played a part in THIS exact tragedy? What environment did the "PC Police" create in this event?

You apparently agree that the protesters have a right to protest. You seem to have indicated that they might even have reason to protest, yes? How are you then turning around and saying that the protesters protesting were in part responsible for the actions of a mentally disturbed individual?

He doesn't agree that the protestors have a right to protest, because he has blamed the cops' deaths on the protestors. He has assigned them the responsibility for 2 cops being murdered.

Logically one cannot believe that anyone has the RIGHT to take actions that are ultimately responsible for murders.
Liberals blamed Limbaugh for Giffords shooting. Till you found out it was a crazy liberal and we didn't blame your ideology. Now the cops that got killed was because of the protest. You cannot in public call for dead cops and it not happen. You have blood on your hands.

I wasn't at the protest fuckwit.

Goddam you people get more retarded every day.
You support the protesters, they chanted death to cops. Sorry but you have blood on your hands. Oh yeah in the Giffords shooting you also tried to blame Palin, who really didn't have anything to do with it. I think you tried to say guilty by association, well in your own words, in the death of the cops. Your guilty by association.

I hate to break this to you but I had never heard of any death to cops protests until AFTER the two cops were killed.

It's telling though to see that you are taking the stand that no one has the right to protest anymore. We'll see how that holds up the next time the RWnuts are out on the street.
How convenient you claim you didn't know.
Liberals usually cannot tell the difference between disagreement and bias or hatred. If they could understand the difference ... They would have to address the fact they are not perfect and don't have the correct answer to every equation.
That's not liberalism or conservatism; that's politics.

Yeah whatever ... Conservatism doesn't need your agreement or your politics ... Personal responsibility comes from within.

No bias or hatred in liberalism, unless you disagree with them. Just ask a conservative black man.

Liberals are supposed to agree with a conservative just because he's black? lol

How many liberal black men do you agree with?
No, but your not suppose to hate them just because there conservative.

So I guess your record is clean when it comes to saying hateful things about black liberals. lol
You talking about Sharpton or Jackson? Race baiting hustlers. I would say Martin Luther king, but he was a conservative.
Yeah whatever ... Conservatism doesn't need your agreement or your politics ... Personal responsibility comes from within.
In my experience when a conservative talks about "personal responsibility", it's about the other guy.

Guess your experience speaks for itself ... Let me know when you gain more and better experience with reality and conservatives.

Guess your experience speaks for itself ... Let me know when you gain more and better experience with reality and conservatives.
I've had plenty of experience, since '64. Both Rs elected in '68 were driven out of office for malfeasance in office. I don't think there's much you can tell me about conservatives talking out of both sides of their mouth.
Okay, great. Now we're getting somewhere. What "PC Police" tactics played a part in THIS exact tragedy? What environment did the "PC Police" create in this event?

You apparently agree that the protesters have a right to protest. You seem to have indicated that they might even have reason to protest, yes? How are you then turning around and saying that the protesters protesting were in part responsible for the actions of a mentally disturbed individual?

He doesn't agree that the protesters have a right to protest, because he has blamed the cops' deaths on the protesters. He has assigned them the responsibility for 2 cops being murdered.

Logically one cannot believe that anyone has the RIGHT to take actions that are ultimately responsible for murders.
Liberals blamed Limbaugh for Giffords shooting. Till you found out it was a crazy liberal and we didn't blame your ideology. Now the cops that got killed was because of the protest. You cannot in public call for dead cops and it not happen. You have blood on your hands.

I wasn't at the protest fuckwit.

Goddam you people get more retarded every day.
You support the protesters, they chanted death to cops. Sorry but you have blood on your hands. Oh yeah in the Giffords shooting you also tried to blame Palin, who really didn't have anything to do with it. I think you tried to say guilty by association, well in your own words, in the death of the cops. Your guilty by association.

I hate to break this to you but I had never heard of any death to cops protests until AFTER the two cops were killed.

It's telling though to see that you are taking the stand that no one has the right to protest anymore. We'll see how that holds up the next time the RWnuts are out on the street.

New York protesters on Dec.15th yell death to cops.
Dec. 20th 2 cops murdered.
So yes they were murdered after the protesters called for cops deaths.

Where did you get the idea that JKNOWGOOD is against anyone having the right to protest? That was never said nor implied.

At least when the right goes out and protests, they don't destroy property or block the streets and businesses so that people can't get to their jobs or get the businesses that they want to go to.
Guess your experience speaks for itself ... Let me know when you gain more and better experience with reality and conservatives.
I've had plenty of experience, since '64. Both Rs elected in '68 were driven out of office for malfeasance in office. I don't think there's much you can tell me about conservatives talking out of both sides of their mouth.

Start with the fact your stated experience is 50 years old and confined to some desire to make political judgements about personal responsibility. I never once indicated that a true conservative needs you to do anything for them.

My experience bares that out ... Your experiences may be lacking. The desire to cite politics as a measure is where your ideas fail ... In that a conservative doesn't require your cooperation, approval, funding, politics or government to accomplish what they are going to do either way.

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Guess your experience speaks for itself ... Let me know when you gain more and better experience with reality and conservatives.
I've had plenty of experience, since '64. Both Rs elected in '68 were driven out of office for malfeasance in office. I don't think there's much you can tell me about conservatives talking out of both sides of their mouth.
Richard Nixon didn't do nearly what Obama has done. Between fast and furious, bengazi, and the irs scandal, Nixon is a saint.
No bias or hatred in liberalism, unless you disagree with them. Just ask a conservative black man.

Liberals are supposed to agree with a conservative just because he's black? lol

How many liberal black men do you agree with?

Liberals usually cannot tell the difference between disagreement and bias or hatred. If they could understand the difference ... They would have to address the fact they are not perfect and don't have the correct answer to every equation.


So your claim is that conservatives disagree with President Obama in such dignified mature reasonable rational way that it could never possibly be seen as hateful.

Goddam, you win the prize! lol

How are they suppose to act when the President calls them the enemy in 2010?
The desire to cite politics as a measure is where your ideas fail ... In that a conservative doesn't require your cooperation, approval, funding, politics or government to accomplish what they are going to do either way.
Now you're just moving the goal posts. I'm talking politics on a 'Politics' board. I think you're the one that's confused.

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