Why do polls show support for gay marriage, when the states keep rejecting it?

No, it's really about marriage equality...and bigotry like yours is the minority.

He most certainly is not the minority on the Gay Marriage issue - the fact that most jurisdictions have to bypass the ballot box and get SSM forced upon the people by Judicial or legislative modes is an indication of that . To quote one of your little perverted cohorts

Our civil rights are not subject to the 'will of the people.'

PS: OT - Hows that Nose Job working out for you ?

Where'd you get that horse shit from ?

Human rights, I dig. Gay and "rights" go together like military and intelligence…. “Gay” is a politicized made up word for broken sexuality. Homosexuality is a dysfunction, a handicap , it's not the optimal function of human physiology. Most of us know it isn't equitable to heterosexuality. Perhaps I am not addressing the topic on this board, I am addressing a broader and more important point: homosexuality isn’t the same as heterosexuality.

Why be so polite ?

Homosexuals are a demented , devious pack of rabid,degenerate,nauseating, arrogant disease infested, parasitc perverts.

Try here:




The Graph you posted is based on a Poll which asks the question...

"Do you Gay ... between consenting Adults should or should not be Legal ?"

Had I participated in that Poll , the quintessential Gay Hater - would have answered yes they should be Legal - who the fuck am I or anybody - Govt.included to tell grown Ass degenerates what they can and can't do behind closed doors so long as they leave the Kids out of it --- You dont make those kids participate in your debauchery --- DO YOU ?

AS much as I despise you - I honestly doubt that you do - your a Female Homo - it's your male copunterparts that are the primary problem in that Arena - Perhaps you should keep an eye on that Gay Male Couple you supposedly bore a brat for - check the kids tookas - you know what I mean - Right ?

Moving along to the second Graph - relative to Same Sex Marriages - ditto - I would have voted in favor following the same path of Logic as Above - I'm still a Gay-Hater

The Third Graph- I'll give you a browny point for that one - but only for lack of refutable data as to how the Study /Poll wass conducted , who were the polled and pollers.
from your link. as usual the numbers don't quite match your claim. what is it with liberals and facts that create such problems?

and then the House passed the bill, 342-67, on 12 July; two abstained and 22 did not vote. The Senate passed the bill, 85-14, on 10 September; one did not vote

oh and your democratic president signed it too

You better count again. An overwhelmingly GOP bill passed and a complacent Democratic president signed it.

And in almost 20 years that has all changed.

Now our GOP says it's a state matter. I opposed our party then and I oppose its hypocrisy now.

I don't have to count. the numbers are right there. talking democrats only, the overwhelming number of democrats supported the bill. jake, almost 75% of the democratic senators supported it. seems the democratic president was complacent on signing many things libs try to blame the republicans for. perhaps we shouldn't have democrats in office if they can't think for themselves

. . . matter now, does it? The Dems are on the right side of the right cause. Just as they moved to the right side of civil liberties. Marriage equality nationally is inevitable and is coming quickly.
In the long run, this isn't about 'marriage equality'...

It's about legitimizing and mainstreaming homosexuality...

Those who already understand this oppose it...

Those who do not yet understand it will eventually come to that understanding...

Mostly after they've had children of their own...

And contemplate grandchildren...

And reach the conclusion that they don't want that degenerate shit around their kids, either...

And come to the sad conclusion that Mom and Dad were right about such depravity, after all...

No, it's really about marriage equality...and bigotry like yours is the minority.

He most certainly is not the minority on the Gay Marriage issue - the fact that most jurisdictions have to bypass the ballot box and get SSM forced upon the people by Judicial or legislative modes is an indication of that . To quote one of your little perverted cohorts

Our civil rights are not subject to the 'will of the people.'

PS: OT - Hows that Nose Job working out for you ?

Nope, most people don't find anything wrong with homosexuality at all.

Where'd you get that horse shit from ?

Human rights, I dig. Gay and "rights" go together like military and intelligence…. “Gay” is a politicized made up word for broken sexuality. Homosexuality is a dysfunction, a handicap , it's not the optimal function of human physiology. Most of us know it isn't equitable to heterosexuality. Perhaps I am not addressing the topic on this board, I am addressing a broader and more important point: homosexuality isn’t the same as heterosexuality.

Why be so polite ?

Homosexuals are a demented , devious pack of rabid,degenerate,nauseating, arrogant disease infested, parasitc perverts.

We are your fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens...your doctors, your lawyers, your firemen, your soldiers, your nurses, your sons, your daughters, your co-workers, your teachers, your students, your next door neighbors, your Congressmen, your police, your grocery clerks......:D
He most certainly is not the minority on the Gay Marriage issue - the fact that most jurisdictions have to bypass the ballot box and get SSM forced upon the people by Judicial or legislative modes is an indication of that . To quote one of your little perverted cohorts

Our civil rights are not subject to the 'will of the people.'

PS: OT - Hows that Nose Job working out for you ?

Where'd you get that horse shit from ?

Why be so polite ?

Homosexuals are a demented , devious pack of rabid,degenerate,nauseating, arrogant disease infested, parasitc perverts.

Try here:




The Graph you posted is based on a Poll which asks the question...

"Do you Gay ... between consenting Adults should or should not be Legal ?"

Had I participated in that Poll , the quintessential Gay Hater - would have answered yes they should be Legal - who the fuck am I or anybody - Govt.included to tell grown Ass degenerates what they can and can't do behind closed doors so long as they leave the Kids out of it --- You dont make those kids participate in your debauchery --- DO YOU ?

AS much as I despise you - I honestly doubt that you do - your a Female Homo - it's your male copunterparts that are the primary problem in that Arena - Perhaps you should keep an eye on that Gay Male Couple you supposedly bore a brat for - check the kids tookas - you know what I mean - Right ?

Moving along to the second Graph - relative to Same Sex Marriages - ditto - I would have voted in favor following the same path of Logic as Above - I'm still a Gay-Hater

The Third Graph- I'll give you a browny point for that one - but only for lack of refutable data as to how the Study /Poll wass conducted , who were the polled and pollers.

What the polls show is this:

Try here:




The Graph you posted is based on a Poll which asks the question...

"Do you Gay ... between consenting Adults should or should not be Legal ?"

Had I participated in that Poll , the quintessential Gay Hater - would have answered yes they should be Legal - who the fuck am I or anybody - Govt.included to tell grown Ass degenerates what they can and can't do behind closed doors so long as they leave the Kids out of it --- You dont make those kids participate in your debauchery --- DO YOU ?

AS much as I despise you - I honestly doubt that you do - your a Female Homo - it's your male copunterparts that are the primary problem in that Arena - Perhaps you should keep an eye on that Gay Male Couple you supposedly bore a brat for - check the kids tookas - you know what I mean - Right ?

Moving along to the second Graph - relative to Same Sex Marriages - ditto - I would have voted in favor following the same path of Logic as Above - I'm still a Gay-Hater

The Third Graph- I'll give you a browny point for that one - but only for lack of refutable data as to how the Study /Poll wass conducted , who were the polled and pollers.

What the polls show is this:


You have no business insulting African Americans with that disgusting and vile attempt to equate Gays with their Civil Rights Struggle - The Blacks fought for a Noble and Just Cause -

Yours is simply a perversion of truth , and an advocacy of Mental Illness and degeneration of Humanity !
Last edited:
No, it's really about marriage equality...and bigotry like yours is the minority.

He most certainly is not the minority on the Gay Marriage issue - the fact that most jurisdictions have to bypass the ballot box and get SSM forced upon the people by Judicial or legislative modes is an indication of that . To quote one of your little perverted cohorts

Our civil rights are not subject to the 'will of the people.'

PS: OT - Hows that Nose Job working out for you ?

Where'd you get that horse shit from ?

Human rights, I dig. Gay and "rights" go together like military and intelligence…. “Gay” is a politicized made up word for broken sexuality. Homosexuality is a dysfunction, a handicap , it's not the optimal function of human physiology. Most of us know it isn't equitable to heterosexuality. Perhaps I am not addressing the topic on this board, I am addressing a broader and more important point: homosexuality isn’t the same as heterosexuality.

Why be so polite ?

Homosexuals are a demented , devious pack of rabid,degenerate,nauseating, arrogant disease infested, parasitc perverts.

We are your fellow law-abiding, tax-paying citizens...your doctors, your lawyers, your firemen, your soldiers, your nurses, your sons, your daughters, your co-workers, your teachers, your students, your next door neighbors, your Congressmen, your police, your grocery clerks......:D

No- you're just the asshole on the corner with a brew in a paper bag and a crack pipe in his pocket.
The Graph you posted is based on a Poll which asks the question...

"Do you Gay ... between consenting Adults should or should not be Legal ?"

Had I participated in that Poll , the quintessential Gay Hater - would have answered yes they should be Legal - who the fuck am I or anybody - Govt.included to tell grown Ass degenerates what they can and can't do behind closed doors so long as they leave the Kids out of it --- You dont make those kids participate in your debauchery --- DO YOU ?

AS much as I despise you - I honestly doubt that you do - your a Female Homo - it's your male copunterparts that are the primary problem in that Arena - Perhaps you should keep an eye on that Gay Male Couple you supposedly bore a brat for - check the kids tookas - you know what I mean - Right ?

Moving along to the second Graph - relative to Same Sex Marriages - ditto - I would have voted in favor following the same path of Logic as Above - I'm still a Gay-Hater

The Third Graph- I'll give you a browny point for that one - but only for lack of refutable data as to how the Study /Poll wass conducted , who were the polled and pollers.

What the polls show is this:


You have no business insulting African Americans with that disgusting and vile attempt to equate Gays with their Civil Rights Struggle - The Blacks fought for a Noble and Just Cause -

Yours is simply a perversion of truth , and an advocacy of Mental Illness and degeneration of Humanity !

You hate it because it's true...and it won't take 40 years. :lol:

You better count again. An overwhelmingly GOP bill passed and a complacent Democratic president signed it.

And in almost 20 years that has all changed.

Now our GOP says it's a state matter. I opposed our party then and I oppose its hypocrisy now.

I don't have to count. the numbers are right there. talking democrats only, the overwhelming number of democrats supported the bill. jake, almost 75% of the democratic senators supported it. seems the democratic president was complacent on signing many things libs try to blame the republicans for. perhaps we shouldn't have democrats in office if they can't think for themselves

. . . matter now, does it? The Dems are on the right side of the right cause. Just as they moved to the right side of civil liberties. Marriage equality nationally is inevitable and is coming quickly.

no, the democrats have become lock stepped on their vote. there is no more thought process with the democrats. no negotiation, no compromise. that's why democrats will never get my vote. you know what ever their agenda items are, they are going to ram it through if they have the votes. that isn't government. bottom line, per the constitution. its still up to states. the fed needs to back of what isn't their jurisdiction
He most certainly is not the minority on the Gay Marriage issue - the fact that most jurisdictions have to bypass the ballot box and get SSM forced upon the people by Judicial or legislative modes is an indication of that . To quote one of your little perverted cohorts

Our civil rights are not subject to the 'will of the people.'

PS: OT - Hows that Nose Job working out for you ?

Where'd you get that horse shit from ?

Why be so polite ?

Homosexuals are a demented , devious pack of rabid,degenerate,nauseating, arrogant disease infested, parasitc perverts.

Try here:




The Graph you posted is based on a Poll which asks the question...

"Do you Gay ... between consenting Adults should or should not be Legal ?"

Had I participated in that Poll , the quintessential Gay Hater - would have answered yes they should be Legal - who the fuck am I or anybody - Govt.included to tell grown Ass degenerates what they can and can't do behind closed doors so long as they leave the Kids out of it --- You dont make those kids participate in your debauchery --- DO YOU ?

AS much as I despise you - I honestly doubt that you do - your a Female Homo - it's your male copunterparts that are the primary problem in that Arena - Perhaps you should keep an eye on that Gay Male Couple you supposedly bore a brat for - check the kids tookas - you know what I mean - Right ?

Moving along to the second Graph - relative to Same Sex Marriages - ditto - I would have voted in favor following the same path of Logic as Above - I'm still a Gay-Hater

The Third Graph- I'll give you a browny point for that one - but only for lack of refutable data as to how the Study /Poll wass conducted , who were the polled and pollers.
that should read the quintessential homophobe....
the rest is fucking rationalization of the phobia...
even worse it's not even original or surprising..
What the polls show is this:


You have no business insulting African Americans with that disgusting and vile attempt to equate Gays with their Civil Rights Struggle - The Blacks fought for a Noble and Just Cause -

Yours is simply a perversion of truth , and an advocacy of Mental Illness and degeneration of Humanity !

You hate it because it's true...and it won't take 40 years. :lol:

You have no business insulting African Americans with that disgusting and vile attempt to equate Gays with their Civil Rights Struggle - The Blacks fought for a Noble and Just Cause -

Yours is simply a perversion of truth , and an advocacy of Mental Illness and degeneration of Humanity !

You hate it because it's true...and it won't take 40 years. :lol:

DAWS !!!! You've come back for more I see ...LMAO !!!!
Done Licking Your wounds from last time yet ?

Listen, you dumpster-diving cum guzzler, you're so far out of your depth you need a snorkel to keep from drowning in your ignorance.

1) polls are always subjective, change the wording even slightly and the results can change dramatically 2) not everyone who participates in a poll actually votes, and vice versa 3) who gives the poll, where it is given, and how it is given is often a better indicator of the results than the poll itself and 4) people lie
Regardless of the policy, or your opinion of a policy, polls should always be looked at with skepticism.

All very true. This is also a "dog whistle" issue that always gets the social conservatives running to the voting booth. Can't have any of them filthy queers having the same rights as everyone else.
Hey if Adam and Steve cant get married in their state then they should do the adult thing and fucking move! Christ liberals are fucking dumb.
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Hey if Adam and Steve cant get married in their state then they should do the adult think and fucking move! Christ liberals are fucking dumb.

next time you have a thought and you want to post it, dont. Instead hit yourself with a large heavy shovel. It will have the same affect
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You hate it because it's true...and it won't take 40 years. :lol:

DAWS !!!! You've come back for more I see ...LMAO !!!!
Done Licking Your wounds from last time yet ?

Listen, you dumpster-diving cum guzzler, you're so far out of your depth you need a snorkel to keep from drowning in your ignorance.

wounds from what? laughing too hard at your splapdickery ?
believing that you have some effect other than showcasing bigotry and hate ...is far more ignorant then I could ever be.....
you are as original as a copy machine...

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