Zone1 Why Do Right Wing Whites Have Problems Figuring Out the Solution to Racism?


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Mar 11, 2015
We have had people asking blacks for solutions to racism but what was presented as problems were situations created by white racism. There are whites who know where the problem is and work to end the problem, however whites on the right denigrate and disrespect other members of their own race by calling them thngs like self hating and guilt riidden for trying to do their part to end racism. They do this because they believe that whites today are blamed for things they aren't doing. In their minds racism is over even as they practice the very racism they claim is over. Discussions about racism with the right turn into the slavery is over so what are you talking about load of disingenuous crap.

We aren't talking about slavery, we are talking about how racism is done now. Right now. Today, December 13, 2022 at 5:49 pm CST.

“In short, a large number of white Americans have become comfortable with as much racial inequality and segregation as a putatively nondiscriminatory polity and free market economy can produce. Hence, the reproduction and, on some dimensions, the worsening of racial inequalities. These circumstances are rendered culturally palatable by the new ideology of Laissez Faire Racism.” -Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, Ryan A. Smith - LAISSEZ FAIRE RACISM: The Crystallization of a ‘Kinder, Gentler’ Anti-Black Ideology
Rising out of the ashes of Jim Crow racism was an attitude of LaissezFaire racism. Laissez-Faire racism is sometimes described as the “kinder form of racism,” as if there is such a thing.

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America’s racist social conditions and institutions.”
Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, and Ryan A, Smith, “Laissez-Faire Racism: The Crystallization of a ‘Kindler, Genter’ Anti-black Madison D BW 8 112922.qxp_Layout 1 11/28/22 4:13 PM Page 476 GET YOUR KNEE OFF OUR NECKS: Essays on Race in America 477 Ideology” (Russell Sage Foundation: June 1996, Copyright 1996. EPN

So why is it that part of the white community understands the problem and it's root cause, but members of the white community who hold a right wing view have such a hard time figuring it out?

What solutions do right wing whites have to solve their inability to do the work necessary to end white racism?
All I know is that according to your ilk:



good to be white.jpg
A solution to Systemic Racism is unnecessary since it no longer exists in America. The only solution to individual racism is time. In the 50s the majority of White Americans had racist views towards Blacks. Now 70 years later, the majority of White Americans do not have racist views towards Blacks. What could reverse that trend is Black Lives Matter and the New Wokeism that is creating division intentionally.
So why is it that part of the white community understands the problem and it's root cause, but members of the white community who hold a right wing view have such a hard time figuring it out?
Maybe we’re just not as stupid, weak, and self-loathing as the leftists to accept an explanation like yours, rooted in racism.

The problem is treating people differently based on arbitrary demographic differences, the solution is stop doing that, treat everyone the same, pursue colorblind meritocracy, and the root cause of such bigotry is just that it’s a flaw in human nature repeating across all times and cultures and we have to be mindful not to hate or fear others for arbitrary things that are not in their control - we should judge folks for what they do, for their actions and their character.

Whites have no incentive to change because all you will do is change what you consider racism while you make no attempt to become less racist yourself.



Incorrect. You need to stop using the word whites because there are a lot of whites who take the initiative to change, this is why I ask right wing whites what the problem is. I am not a racist, so I am not the one who needs to become less racist. Right wing whites disingenuously call blacks racists because we call out racism.

Maybe we’re just not as stupid, weak, and self-loathing as the leftists to accept an explanation like yours, rooted in racism.

The problem is treating people differently based on arbitrary demographic differences, the solution is stop doing that, treat everyone the same, pursue colorblind meritocracy, and the root cause of such bigotry is just that it’s a flaw in human nature repeating across all times and cultures and we have to be mindful not to hate or fear others for arbitrary things that are not in their control - we should judge folks for what they do, for their actions and their character.
The problem with your excuse laden load of crap is that I am asking a subset of whites about this and not all whites. On top of that, the question is asked bassed on observed behavior by the subset in question. This subset has been the ones preventing the colorblind meritocracy you claim to want. In short, right wing whites are being judged for what they do, for their actions and their character.
Hard to argue with the OP here. America is sooooooooo racist that we never had a real American black as President but had to settle for Born in Kenya Barack

Keep up the good work IM2
It's more like right wing white Americans are so racist that they still do not believe the first black president was an American.
It's more like right wing white Americans are so racist that they still do not believe the first black president was an American.

Wow! I’m agreeing wit chew and you be calling me racist?!!


I’m Audi

Bye! Adios

He told his publisher he was “born in Kenya”
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It's more like right wing white Americans are so racist that they still do not believe the first black president was an American.
The first black president wasn't black. African Americans themselves denote who is an Uncle Tom or not. Obama is a globalist tool. The ghettos where he served in Chicago are now worse. He gets a free pass though.
The problem with your excuse laden load of crap is that I am asking a subset of whites about this and not all whites. On top of that, the question is asked bassed on observed behavior by the subset in question. This subset has been the ones preventing the colorblind meritocracy you claim to want. In short, right wing whites are being judged for what they do, for their actions and their character.
You're making terrible assumption that the problem exists with "Right Wing Whites" only. That's no difference in a white person saying that all Blacks are lazy gov't munching slugs. You do understand that your premise, from the get go, is incorrect and illogical, right?

But you also feel your observations justify your opinion, yet, do you grant the same grace when other point out their observations. Nope, you call them racists white right wingers.

From my observations, the ones stopping this colorblind nirvana are the ones that continue to find racism behind every door and under every rock. When you have a Rutgers professor who claims that racism is preventing her from losing weight due to physiological effects of racism, then we will NEVER have a true color blind state. And when there is NO backlash from the black community for its own racism and the double standards that exist today (Like RGIII using a derogatory term on live national TV and a mere apology is all that is needed), we will never be able to walk hand in hand in racial harmony.
The first black president wasn't black. African Americans themselves denote who is an Uncle Tom or not. Obama is a globalist tool. The ghettos where he served in Chicago are now worse. He gets a free pass though.
RIGHT!!! He was half black and half white. His father was Kenyan and not even an American Black. Barak went to a prestigious school in Hawaii while living with his grand parents. He was a decent student as I understand it in high school and then went on to college and eventually went to Harvard Law School.

So we understand, Barack went to high school and graduated. Went to college, then went and got a law degree from Harvard. Barack did what many people are telling the black community to go and DO. But the black community will respond, education and higher education is systemic racism and the path that white's created, therefore, we should be successful without needing to be a part of this systemically racist socioeconomic path. But continue to praise your "First Black President" who really wasn't black, nor really doesn't represent the Black American as presented today.
So why is it that part of the white community understands the problem and it's root cause, but members of the white community who hold a right wing view have such a hard time figuring it out?

What solutions do right wing whites have to solve their inability to do the work necessary to end white racism?

Why is it incumbant on them? I consider myself pretty liberal, but even I see a lot of the "solutions" don't work.

Affirmative Action just means that you promote a lot of people who probably wouldn't get promoted under other circumstances.
Defund the police just means crime runs out of control.
Welfare just creates generations of people who are dependent on government.
Why is it incumbant on them? I consider myself pretty liberal, but even I see a lot of the "solutions" don't work.

Affirmative Action just means that you promote a lot of people who probably wouldn't get promoted under other circumstances.
Defund the police just means crime runs out of control.
Welfare just creates generations of people who are dependent on government.
Do not flame me. Liberalism without rules and lines of demarcation is a death spiral with massive costs that keep rising. So the promotion of these policies with anyone spouting that irresponsible ways must be muted is demeaned as denial of freedom is spouted y the political class..
My goodness. Here we have an IM2 post and he's once again talking about those evil white people and how he is such a victim.

Where, oh where are his reparations?
Do not flame me. Liberalism without rules and lines of demarcation is a death spiral with massive costs that keep rising. So the promotion of these policies with anyone spouting that irresponsible ways must be muted is demeaned as denial of freedom is spouted y the political class..

The problem isn't "liberalism", it's a problem of continuing to do the same things after they've been proven not to work.

Affirmative action is great in principle, in practice it results in HR people hiring and promoting people who haven't really merited it.

Welfare should be replaced with workfare.

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