Zone1 Why Do Right Wing Whites Ignore White on White Crime?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
While always telling us blacks how we should be more concerned with black-black crime?


I keep reading posts made by people here about interracial crimes. Seems like important data is overlooked to support a narrative that is very dangerous.

So let us look.


When we look at the numbers, we see that whites had 2,641,720 non lethal violent incidents. Whites committed 202,640 of those incidents against hispanics and 69,850 against blacks. Now we continue to see postings from the right about how blacks committed crimes against whites as if that's the number 1 threat or that it somehow represents some increase or wave of black violence against whites. However, the people making this argument bypass the 1,495,440 whites who were victimized by other whites in non lethal violent crimes. According to these numbers whites are 3 times more likely to be a victim of a non lethal violent crime by someone white than anyone black.

Now people can run off at the mouth about what the media doesn't show, but the truth is that the media hides white on white crime and it always has. In this country, whites have a long storied history of racial violence against non whites. There is so such record in reverse. And whites attack using lawmaking and policy creation just as much, if not more than violent physical confrontation.

Last, what is not shown is how these confrontations started. And like I have said, I know fro experience that I got into fights with whites who thought it was OK to use racial slurs or make derogatory comments about blacks. So then the problem for whites is white on white. Take that personal responsiblity you tell everyone else to have and start working on whit on white crime.
There is nothing fake about this. Fix white on white crime
Funny thing is, I’m like most right wing people of marginal color, and am therefore concerned with all crimes like our racist OP, I see no reason to limit it by race.

But that’s just us non racists.
Im2 and superbad can't handle the fact that their own people sold their ancestors into slavery. I readily admit that British sold Irish into slavery. The world wants to move to white countries. Why is that!
The big difference between black on black crime vs white on white?
White people want those who break the law to be punished regardless of color where blacks cover for their criminals.
We see it constantly,I din se nuffin,or the other favorite,he be a good boi and was getting his life together.
Of course we all know thats a load of horseshit.
And of course you have blacks that are all for defunding the police and claim it's because the Po Po is killing them right and left which we also know is complete bullshit.
Until blacks start obeying our laws this shit will continue.
Personally I think they should just ignore the black communities altogether and protect the communities who appreciate the police and the difficult job they do.
The crime we ALL have to be concerned with is criminal-on-victim crime.

Entering race into the discussion is a freak show and a distraction.
The big difference between black on black crime vs white on white?
White people want those who break the law to be punished regardless of color where blacks cover for their criminals.
We see it constantly,I din se nuffin,or the other favorite,he be a good boi and was getting his life together.
Of course we all know thats a load of horseshit.
And of course you have blacks that are all for defunding the police and claim it's because the Po Po is killing them right and left which we also know is complete bullshit.
Until blacks start obeying our laws this shit will continue.
Personally I think they should just ignore the black communities altogether and protect the communities who appreciate the police and the difficult job they do.
Not OUR laws, THE laws. “Our laws” make it sound like they are designed to favor whites. ”The laws” are designed to favor all non-criminals.
While always telling us blacks how we should be more concerned with black-black crime?

View attachment 785921

I keep reading posts made by people here about interracial crimes. Seems like important data is overlooked to support a narrative that is very dangerous.

So let us look.

View attachment 785926

When we look at the numbers, we see that whites had 2,641,720 non lethal violent incidents. Whites committed 202,640 of those incidents against hispanics and 69,850 against blacks. Now we continue to see postings from the right about how blacks committed crimes against whites as if that's the number 1 threat or that it somehow represents some increase or wave of black violence against whites. However, the people making this argument bypass the 1,495,440 whites who were victimized by other whites in non lethal violent crimes. According to these numbers whites are 3 times more likely to be a victim of a non lethal violent crime by someone white than anyone black.

Now people can run off at the mouth about what the media doesn't show, but the truth is that the media hides white on white crime and it always has. In this country, whites have a long storied history of racial violence against non whites. There is so such record in reverse. And whites attack using lawmaking and policy creation just as much, if not more than violent physical confrontation.

Last, what is not shown is how these confrontations started. And like I have said, I know fro experience that I got into fights with whites who thought it was OK to use racial slurs or make derogatory comments about blacks. So then the problem for whites is white on white. Take that personal responsiblity you tell everyone else to have and start working on whit on white crime.

We don't
Not OUR laws, THE laws. “Our laws” make it sound like they are designed to favor whites. ”The laws” are designed to favor all non-criminals.

No,our laws cover all Americans.
If they want to say our laws means white laws that just shows how un American they are.
Last I checked everyone is covered under our laws.
No,our laws cover all Americans.
If they want to say our laws means white laws that just shows how un American they are.
Last I checked everyone is covered under our laws.
Lol! The unequal application of laws seem to escape you.
The big difference between black on black crime vs white on white?
White people want those who break the law to be punished regardless of color where blacks cover for their criminals.
We see it constantly,I din se nuffin,or the other favorite,he be a good boi and was getting his life together.
Of course we all know thats a load of horseshit.
And of course you have blacks that are all for defunding the police and claim it's because the Po Po is killing them right and left which we also know is complete bullshit.
Until blacks start obeying our laws this shit will continue.
Personally I think they should just ignore the black communities altogether and protect the communities who appreciate the police and the difficult job they do.
Whites vote their criminals into high office.
And these evil whites are committing terrorist acts and getting away with it!!!!!!!
Talk about white privilege

While always telling us blacks how we should be more concerned with black-black crime?

View attachment 785921

I keep reading posts made by people here about interracial crimes. Seems like important data is overlooked to support a narrative that is very dangerous.

So let us look.

View attachment 785926

When we look at the numbers, we see that whites had 2,641,720 non lethal violent incidents. Whites committed 202,640 of those incidents against hispanics and 69,850 against blacks. Now we continue to see postings from the right about how blacks committed crimes against whites as if that's the number 1 threat or that it somehow represents some increase or wave of black violence against whites. However, the people making this argument bypass the 1,495,440 whites who were victimized by other whites in non lethal violent crimes. According to these numbers whites are 3 times more likely to be a victim of a non lethal violent crime by someone white than anyone black.

Now people can run off at the mouth about what the media doesn't show, but the truth is that the media hides white on white crime and it always has. In this country, whites have a long storied history of racial violence against non whites. There is so such record in reverse. And whites attack using lawmaking and policy creation just as much, if not more than violent physical confrontation.

Last, what is not shown is how these confrontations started. And like I have said, I know fro experience that I got into fights with whites who thought it was OK to use racial slurs or make derogatory comments about blacks. So then the problem for whites is white on white. Take that personal responsiblity you tell everyone else to have and start working on whit on white crime.
I am concerned with all crime. You are only concerned when crime is committed by a white person against a black person, and you always make excuses for black criminals, blaming it on whites. Whereas, whites pretty much blame the white criminal for their behavior, not a person of another race.

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