Why Do Right Wingers Still Watch Fox, When It's #2 Owner Is a Muslim?

Looks like the OP's wife has a humongous dick in her picture. Congrats OP. Anyway... you are saying that certain Saudi Muslims are more trustworthy than many American news outlets? Ouch. That is very scary indeed for a majority of media. Says a lot.

Attacking family members?Tsk, tsk. According to a warning I got some time ago, that's a no no. Where's the refs?
There must be 25 Fox News threads to every MSNBC thread.

It goes to show you how much Fox pisses off the left all the while we could seemingly care less about Ed, Larry Al, Chris, and Dyke.

Of course, the fact that people actually watch Fox is what really pisses off the left. They don't have to worry about anyone watching the five baboons.

Studies that have been done conclusively identified FOX viewers as the most misinformed. Congratulations.
Anyone who thinks Obama deserves a second term is a damn fool and it doesn't matter what station you watch.
Anyone who thinks Obama deserves a second term is a damn fool and it doesn't matter what station you watch.

So you think we all should just give the House and Senate republicans an "atta boy" for a job well done blocking every effort Obama made to improve the lives of Americans?

Americans are for the MOST part not simpletons like you would enjoy dispensing your bullshit to. We know what time it is and WHO failed us in the last 3 years and 9 months.

Republicans have not earned a presidency. What they have earned is an early retirement.

Elections have consequenses. Let's see how much buyers remorse we have floating around after electing the teabaggers into the house.

That's really the whole underlying republican message isn't it.

Actually it's a Democrat idea.....


If we had left it up to you Dems blacks still wouldn't be able to go to college.

Nothing old? ..nothing new? OK smart ass. If you want to dredge up how things used to be in the South why don't you tell the class Just where Wallace would be elected to any democratic office today? George Wallace is no more a democrat of 2012 than any republican in the house or senate is a Goldwater or Eisenhower.

If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. If a republican's mouth is moving he/she is lying. That includes you pudwhistler.
That's really the whole underlying republican message isn't it.

Actually it's a Democrat idea.....


If we had left it up to you Dems blacks still wouldn't be able to go to college.

Nothing old? ..nothing new? OK smart ass. If you want to dredge up how things used to be in the South why don't you tell the class Just where Wallace would be elected to any democratic office today? George Wallace is no more a democrat of 2012 than any republican in the house or senate is a Goldwater or Eisenhower.

If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. If a republican's mouth is moving he/she is lying. That includes you pudwhistler.

Democrats elected KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd till he died.

Where do you get off.......
Actually it's a Democrat idea.....


If we had left it up to you Dems blacks still wouldn't be able to go to college.

Nothing old? ..nothing new? OK smart ass. If you want to dredge up how things used to be in the South why don't you tell the class Just where Wallace would be elected to any democratic office today? George Wallace is no more a democrat of 2012 than any republican in the house or senate is a Goldwater or Eisenhower.

If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. If a republican's mouth is moving he/she is lying. That includes you pudwhistler.

Democrats elected KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd till he died.

Where do you get off.......

"He was briefly a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s, but later left the group and denounced racial intolerance."

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not a fan of Byrd. I watched him on many occasions though as long as C-SPAN has been going and believe that he repented for his stint with the KKK. There are many here on USMB, so called republicans, that are as bigoted as Byrd or Wallace ever were. AND none of that changes the fact that republicans are all liars...many are racists.
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

Your assumptions do not equate with actual reality.

Sorry about that. :D
Nothing old? ..nothing new? OK smart ass. If you want to dredge up how things used to be in the South why don't you tell the class Just where Wallace would be elected to any democratic office today? George Wallace is no more a democrat of 2012 than any republican in the house or senate is a Goldwater or Eisenhower.

If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. If a republican's mouth is moving he/she is lying. That includes you pudwhistler.

Democrats elected KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd till he died.

Where do you get off.......

"He was briefly a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s, but later left the group and denounced racial intolerance."

Yeah and Pol Pot briefly committed genocide on over 2 million Cambodians.

Once a Klan member always a Klan member.

I was offered membership in a militia.....but I was never stupid enough to join a bunch of white supremacist assholes.

The choices we make in our lives reflect on our wisdom.....or lack of.

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