Why Do Right Wingers Still Watch Fox, When It's #2 Owner Is a Muslim?

It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

God you're a moron, we have nutty muslims, which there are alot of them. But hey your still looking for the Rosie ODonell christian terrorists
I thought rw's hated muslim's. Let's ask one of USMB's rw queen bees- Stephanie :) Well steph?
I haven't read all the rw responses but notice that what I have dodge the question and instead try to deflect with the usual junior high level insults.

IOW, they know they're hypocrites but won't admit it.

Just like they know that Romney/Ryan plan to steal them blind but they won't admit to being THAT dumb.
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

Why Do Right Wingers Still Watch Fox, When It's #2 Owner Is a Muslim?

Doesn't make sense does it. Sense obviously is not a Fox viewers strong suit. :lol:

I know its hard for you to understand but us conservative are not like you progressives....We dont use Race or religion as reasons to judge.

Hey, WARN us before you type something so hysterically funny and so incredibly untrue.

I damn near spewed my coffee all over my computer.
Meet the single largest INDIVIDUAL stockholder of FOX NEWS.
Muslim Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia is the largest INDIVIDUAL stockholder of News Corp, which includes FOX NEWS.

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal

In 1997, Time Magazine reported that Al Waleed owned about 5 percent of News Corporation. In 2010, Alwaleed's stake in News Corp. was a stake of about 7% worth $3Bn; and News Corp. had a $70 million (9%) investment in Al Waleed's Rotana Group, the Arab World's largest entertainment company. This review of his holdings also referred to the Al Waleed investment AOL as if it was perhaps in the past.

His stake in Citibank once accounted for approximately half of his wealth, prior to the recent financial crisis. At the end of 1990, he bought 4.9 percent of Citicorp’s existing common shares for $207 million ($12.46 per share)—the most that he could without being legally obliged to declare his interest. In February 1991, he spent $590m buying new preferred shares, convertible into common shares at $16 each. This amounted to a further 10% of Citicorp and took his stake to 14.9%.

In 1999 The Economist expressed doubts about the source of income of Prince Al Waleed and whether he is a front man for other Saudi investors. Because his income in the 1990s was insufficient to cover his expenditures. "You could barely clothe a Saudi prince for such sums, let alone furnish him with a multi-billion-dollar empire. Nevertheless, by 1991 Prince Alwaleed had felt able to risk an investment of $797m in Citicorp", writes the magazine.

Later, he also made large investments in AOL, Apple Inc., MCI Inc., Motorola, Fox News and other technology and media companies.

His real estate holdings have included large stakes in the Four Seasons hotel chain and the Plaza Hotel in New York. He sold half of his shares in the latter in August 2004. He has made investments in London's Savoy Hotel and Monaco's Monte Carlo Grand Hotel. He currently holds a 10% stake in Euro Disney SCA, the company that owns, manages and maintains Disneyland Paris in Marne-la-Vallee.

In January 2005, Al Waleed purchased the Savoy Hotel in London for an estimated GBP £250 million, to be managed by Fairmont Hotels and Resorts; his sister, Sultana Nurul owns an estimated 16% stake. In January 2006, in partnership with the U.S. real estate firm Colony Capital, Kingdom Holding acquired Toronto, CA-based Fairmont Hotels and Resorts for an estimated $3.9 billion.

In 2009, Al Waleed is reported to own 35% of Saudi Research and Marketing Group (SRMG), reportedly the largest media company in the Middle East.

In August 2011, Al Waleed announced that his company had contracted Saudi Binladen Group to build the next tallest building in the World, the Kingdom Tower at a height of at least 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) for SR 4.6 billion. The original plan announced in 2008 called it برج الميل (Arabic for "the Tower of One Mile") at 1,609 metres (5,279 ft) and an estimated cost of US$10 billion.

In December 2011, Al Waleed invested $300 Million in Twitter through the purchase of secondary shares from insiders. The purchase gave Kingdom Holding a "more than 3% share" of the company, which was valued at $8Bn in late summer 2011.

Founded in 1993, the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (CMCU) engages in teaching, research, analysis, and public outreach designed to improve relations between the Muslim world and the West and enhance understanding of Muslims in the West. Located at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, CMCU has a core faculty of four professors and hosts a large number of visiting scholars-in-residence, researchers, and fellows from the United States and abroad each year. In addition to its Masters and undergraduate certificate programs, CMCU sponsors dozens of public lectures, book discussions, film screenings, and symposia annually on the topics of modern Islam and Muslim-Christian relations. The center's website includes transcripts and videos of CMCU events and an index of essays, articles, and opinion pieces by faculty, along with entries in CMCU's "Occasional Papers" series. John L. Esposito serves as the center's director.
Meet the single largest INDIVIDUAL stockholder of FOX NEWS.
Muslim Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia is the largest INDIVIDUAL stockholder of News Corp, which includes FOX NEWS.



Murdoch, the chairman and CEO of News Corp., owns a controlling share of the voting stock.

Holdings of News Corp. include Dow Jones & Company, the Wall Street Journal, 20th Century Fox, the Fox Broadcasting Company, SKY Italia, Harper Collins Publishers, MySpace, hulu.com, Beliefnet, AmericanIdol.com and Rotten Tomatoes.
you're supposed to put stuff like that in quotes AND supply a link johnny reb :nono:
I don't get this thread. If you want to criticize right wingers for watching Fox News when it's second largest stakeholder is muslim, then certainly you acknowledge 1 of 3 things?

1. If Fox News is the anti-muslim rhetoric machine you claim it is then certainly Alwaleed is either a self hating muslim or doesn't really have any control over programming content.
2. Alwaleed approves of the message.

Most likely, he's just like any other investor. Fox News dominates the American cable news space, therefore they are profitable (i would assume anyway) and therefore they're a good investment for him.
Why Do Right Wingers Still Watch Fox, When It's #2 Owner Is a Muslim?

Doesn't make sense does it. Sense obviously is not a Fox viewers strong suit. :lol:

I know its hard for you to understand but us conservative are not like you progressives....We dont use Race or religion as reasons to judge.

Hey, WARN us before you type something so hysterically funny and so incredibly untrue.

I damn near spewed my coffee all over my computer.

No we can actually seperate good muslims from bad ones.....apparently you think they're all bad? Nuanced distinctions are not understood by a group that deivides everyone by how they vote. Example blacks....democrats=good, republicans=uncle toms, house *******

We dont really care how muslims vote, but if they want to kill us, we have issues with that....maybe you dont?
you copy 'n pasted something w/o attribution. Google that :)

So no comment on the information given, just bitching about the way it was delivered.


The onus is on you to provide proof of your assertions asswipe. NOT for others to waste time verifying them. Goes to show how lazy &/or ignorant you are :)


You idiots whine about any information you get unless it come from huff-po or media matters.

You idiots would not recognize facts if it up and bit you in your fat ass.

No matter what website I cite, you would dismiss it as being right wing bias.

I know your game and you're not that good at it.
I haven't read all the rw responses but notice that what I have dodge the question and instead try to deflect with the usual junior high level insults.

IOW, they know they're hypocrites but won't admit it.

Just like they know that Romney/Ryan plan to steal them blind but they won't admit to being THAT dumb.

No one has dodged a thing. We've answered you straight forward.

We don't care. We aren't bigots. We don't hate someone or their business interests just because they have a certain religion or ethnic background. It doesn't matter.

You see, we evaluate things on their merits. I know, it's a radical concept, but it was one this nation was founded upon.

Just because you don't understand the very plain english we are speaking doesn't mean we haven't answered your questions or dodged anything.
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

No big deal. Most of the republican party is owned by the Saudis. That's why they hate alternative energy.
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

No big deal. Most of the republican party is owned by the Saudis. That's why they hate alternative energy.

You've got that right, and this speaks for itself,..

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