Why Do Right Wingers Still Watch Fox, When It's #2 Owner Is a Muslim?

It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

I refuse to get into a battle of wits with someone who is obviously unarmed :eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

We conservatives don't worship TV stations.... we leave that kinda silly shit to you lefty moon bats who worship all things Obama, Huffington Post, Mother Jones, etc.

Mmmm....I see the left take their lessons from the followers of the religion of permanent outrage and use their kids to peddle their messages.... Bravo :clap2:
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

I refuse to get into a battle of wits with someone who is obviously unarmed :eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

Wise move to back down, then get your ass kicked up and down the block :up:
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

stupidity is a side effect of watching FOX News for a prolonged period during any given 24 hour cycle
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

We conservatives don't worship TV stations.... we leave that kinda silly shit to you lefty moon bats who worship all things Obama, Huffington Post, Mother Jones, etc.

Are you nuts? That's all the right wing sheep do is obey the right wing machine
It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

Why Do Right Wingers Still Watch Fox, When It's #2 Owner Is a Muslim?

Doesn't make sense does it. Sense obviously is not a Fox viewers strong suit. :lol:

I know its hard for you to understand but us conservative are not like you progressives....We dont use Race or religion as reasons to judge.

Case in point.
Why did Murdoch renounce his home country citizenship too? Prolly had something to do w/ $. So we got a TV station that caters to the rw nativists BUT is owned by foreigners. Priceless :clap2: :rofl:


Why does any of that matter?

The fact that you do not think it matters that the lying Aussi skunk that should be in a British prison and the Saudi prince that should be in a U S prison for turning out the perpetraitors of 9/11 spoon feed Americans lies is astonishing. How on earth do you get the idea that those two have Americas best interests at heart?

Oh...ya..Fox! Ha...Ha... And the brain wash circle jerk continues...

Mmmm....I see the left take their lessons from the followers of the religion of permanent outrage and use their kids to peddle their messages.... Bravo :clap2:

I agree that it is wrong to employ children. That is something the Chinese and other Asian countried do with our jobs the republicans send overseas.

The child obviously did not construct the sign he is carrying. The sign is clear and true.
So why do you guys worry so much about what conservatives watch??????

I like my Americans influenced by Americans.

yeah. I thought conservatives were hyper-natvists in that they don't want amnesty of any kind YET they take their marching-orders from a station owned by foreigners. (an aussie and an arab muslim)
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It makes you wonder why the right wingers still bow to the alter of fox, when it's #2 owner is a Saudi Muslim.

The right wing propaganda machine tells the sheep to hate the Muslims with a passion, especially fox, but the funny thing is their #2 owner is a Muslim himself.

Is fox just trolling their viewers?

Knows their viewers are stupid and easy to make money off of?

To the right wingers, does this even bother you? :eusa_think:

I refuse to get into a battle of wits with someone who is obviously unarmed :eusa_hand::eusa_whistle:

Wise move to back down, then get your ass kicked up and down the block :up:

You obviously didn't get the gist of the post but that's ok..It was expected :lol: Also, I doubt wether you would be capable of "kicking my arse up and down the block) as you so quaintly put it...Especially with those legs....You could feed a small tribe of starving Bangladeshis with one of those drumsticks darlin' :eusa_whistle:

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