Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
You might want to stop GENERALIZING. Unlike the former Democrat Party (now the neo-Marxist/Communist Party), we're not a voting monolith. Myself, I'm an Independent Voter who has swung over to the Republican side after watching the former Democrat Party become more and more authoritarian and continually try to chip away at our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
Focus on your own dying nation, destined to become an Islamic Theocracy, once most of the Parliament members have been replaced by Muslims.
You might want to stop GENERALIZING. Unlike the former Democrat Party (now the neo-Marxist/Communist Party), we're not a voting monolith. Myself, I'm an Independent Voter who has swung over to the Republican side after watching the former Democrat Party become more and more authoritarian and continually try to chip away at our Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
Focus on your own dying nation, destined to become an Islamic Theocracy, once most of the Parliament members have been replaced by Muslims.

How is the democratic party Marxist or Communist?
Blm is a Marxist organization supported by the democrat party.

When did BLM identify itself as a "Marxist organization"? Are they trying to nationalize the major centers of economic power in America, like the banks, oil, mining, utilities, telecom..etc? The vast majority of people that were identifying themselves as BLM, don't have a clue about Marxism or Communism.
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When did BLM identify itself as a "Marxist organization"? Are they trying to nationalize the major centers of economic power in America, like the banks, oil, mining, utilities, telecom..etc? The vast majority of people that were identifying themselves as BLM, don't have a clue about Marxism or Communism.
Useful idiots never understand they're being used. Blm isn't going to identify as a Marxist organization publicly. However, the leaders are admittedly Marxist.
Useful idiots never understand they're being used. Blm isn't going to identify as a Marxist organization publicly. However, the leaders are admittedly Marxist.

There are a lot of democrats, American liberals like Bernie Sanders who identify as Marxists or "democratic socialists", but that revisionist version of Marxism ignores much of the foundational, essential principles and values of Marxism. It serves the right to have kookie American liberals identifying themselves as socialists because it strengthens the false narrative about "cultural Marxism", a concept alien to actual Marxism. Genuine Marxists see the struggle for justice as a socioeconomic class struggle between the working-class and the capitalist ruling class, not between Whites and Blacks, or Hispanics and Whites..etc. It's a class struggle, not a race war. We try to unite people of all races under the banner of the working-class. We are all of the working-class and our real enemy are those who exploit us.
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There are a lot of democrats, American liberals like Bernie Sanders who identify as Marxists or "democratic socialists", but that revisionist version of "Marxism" ignores much of the foundational, essential principles and values of Marxism. It serves the right to have kookie American liberals identifying themselves as socialists because it strengthens the false narrative about "cultural Marxism", a concept alien to actual Marxism. Genuine Marxists see the struggle for justice as a socioeconomic class struggle between the working-class and the capitalist ruling class, not between Whites and Blacks, or Hispanics and Whites..etc. It's a class struggle, not a race war. We try to unite people of all races under the banner of the working-class. We are all of the working-class and our real enemy are those who exploit us.
Read the article.
I think for a lot of people it's about living as a free person, an equal person, where they live.
A ban on gay marriage would send out that message that gay people are not welcome in their own home.
LGBT persons are less likely to live in states that have laws that are hostile to LGBTs.
States that are most hostile to LGBTs are the one's you would expect, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Louisiana. These are also the states that have been most hostile toward people of color, supporters of prochoice, and supporters of liberal immigration laws. This should not be suppressing because people like to live in environments in which they feel welcomed and feel protected.
There are a lot of democrats, American liberals like Bernie Sanders who identify as Marxists or "democratic socialists", but that revisionist version of Marxism ignores much of the foundational, essential principles and values of Marxism. It serves the right to have kookie American liberals identifying themselves as socialists because it strengthens the false narrative about "cultural Marxism", a concept alien to actual Marxism. Genuine Marxists see the struggle for justice as a socioeconomic class struggle between the working-class and the capitalist ruling class, not between Whites and Blacks, or Hispanics and Whites..etc. It's a class struggle, not a race war. We try to unite people of all races under the banner of the working-class. We are all of the working-class and our real enemy are those who exploit us.
Democrat Socialists- yes
Marxists -no

There is a huge difference between these ideologies.

A democratic socialist believes that the government should provide a range of essential services to the public for free or at a significant discount, such as health care and education. Unlike socialists, democratic socialists do not believe the government should control all aspects of the economy, only help provide basic needs and help all of its citizens have an equal chance of success. Most Northern Europe including Great Briton, Germany, and France function as democratic socialist states. The United States will most probably be classified as democratic socialists in this century.

There are only a few states that consider themselves Marxist, China, Cuba, and Laos. And even in these states there is a growing private sector.

Russia, the nation were communism began no longer considers itself communist. There are still communist movements but the communists no longer control state policies. Russia today is a capitalist autocracy, with a highly reactionary and nationalist government that works on behalf of wealthy oligarchs loyal to the leader, Putin. Russian individuals can own all kinds of property and control all kinds of businesses. There is probably as much socialism in the US today as in Russia.

IMHO, most nations in the world will function as a democrat socialist state by the end of the century.
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Homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) beginning with the first edition, published in 1952 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). This classification was challenged by gay rights activists in the years following the 1969 Stonewall riots, and in December 1973, the APA board of trustees voted to declassify homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1974 the DSM was updated and homosexuality was replaced with a new diagnostic code for individuals distressed by their homosexuality. Distress over one's homosexual orientation remained in the manual, under different names, until the DSM-5 in 2013.

The APA reclassified homosexuality for political reasons, it had nothing to do with science. Homosexuals were threatening to kill psychiatrists if they continued diagnosing homosexuality as a paraphilia or sexual disorder, so the APA coward to their demands and threats, giving them what they wanted. In the early days, homosexuals seemed to be content with society being tolerant of them, not discriminating against them in the area of employment, housing..etc. All seemed fair and good, but the problem with many homosexuals (not all of them, but many), is that tolerance is not enough. They want to become the fully accepted, mainstream "healthy alternative" to heterosexuality. From that stems the demand for gay marriage, child adoption..etc. All of our goodwill and tolerance towards homosexuality has unfortunately led to all of the transgender confusion we see today. Literally, hundreds of thousands of children are being subjected to dangerous hormone treatments and being deprived of going through puberty. Some children even have their breasts and genitals mutilated by doctors in an attempt to "transition" them to the opposite sex.

The consequences of opening the closet and letting all of these homosexuals out results in this:

Homosexuals are many times more susceptible to STDs, like HIV, syphilis, herpes, and other diseases. They have problems with depression and suicide at much higher rates than heterosexuals and that's the case everywhere, regardless of whether the environment is egalitarian, "progressive" or the Bible belt (i.e. the American South). The rates of homosexual depression and suicide are the same in Norway and Sweden as they are in Alabama and Tennessee. Same shit. Children raised by homosexuals are 8 times more likely to "dabble" with homosexuality, developing a homosexual orientation. Placing them at greater risk of all of the aforementioned health problems, not to speak of the fact that these children are being deprived of developing a healthy, normal heterosexual orientation. Getting married with a member of the opposite sex and siring their own offspring, starting a family in a traditional, natural, normal sense. These children are being deprived of that, and it's nothing less than a heinous crime.

If society has a choice of offending homosexuals by keeping their activities in the closet as it was in previous generations, or in any way hurting children, undermining their wellbeing, health, their future, civil society must always opt for keeping homosexuals in their closets, where they belong. Sexuality is a private matter, it's in the closet for everyone in many ways, including heterosexuals. How many heterosexual pride parades have you seen lately? Sex is something that is private, but these homosexuals want their sexuality in the open, in everyone's face. They were never satisfied with tolerance, they always wanted full-blown societal submission to their depravities. Being tolerant of them at the expense of our children is simply unacceptable and if society is willing and able, it should stop this LGBTQ invasion of society immediately. Force them back into their nightclubs and closets. They can engage in their degenerate activities among themselves in their private bathhouses and bedrooms.

Gay marriage, gay adoption, all of this should be made illegal immediately here in America. Russia was smart enough not to fall into the LGBTQ trap. That's why American liberals hate Russia so much. In Russia, there's no same-sex marriage, no gay adoption, and no gay pride parades without being broken up almost immediately by the police. None of that filth has taken over Russia as it has here in America.

A long post but the actual reason homosexuality is not listed as a disorder is because the condition must either regularly cause subjective distress or regularly be associated with some generalized impairment in social effectiveness or functioning. Clearly homosexuality per se does not meet these requirements: Many homosexuals are satisfied with their sexual orientation and demonstrate no generalized impairment. Therefore there is reason to consider it a disorder.

Not listing homosexuality as a disorder makes no statement as whether it is normal, a good or bad influence on society, or a serious social problem. There is simple no reason to list it as a disorder in the DSM because doing so does not help the clinician make a diagnosis which is the purpose of the DSM.

How is the democratic party Marxist or Communist?
People who call people Marxist or Communist are living in the 20th century. Today, there are no true communistic governments. Russia the birthplace of communism is now a capitalist autocracy. China's government is communist in structure but the wealth of country is due to capitalism. Communism is a failed political theory. Essentially every country on earth's economic system is a hybrid of socialism and capitalism.

So when you accuse the democrats of being communist that is about as meaningful as calling them really bad guys who don't share my beliefs.
A long post but the actual reason homosexuality is not listed as a disorder is because the condition must either regularly cause subjective distress or regularly be associated with some generalized impairment in social effectiveness or functioning. Clearly homosexuality per se does not meet these requirements: Many homosexuals are satisfied with their sexual orientation and demonstrate no generalized impairment. Therefore there is reason to consider it a disorder.

Not listing homosexuality as a disorder makes no statement as whether it is normal, a good or bad influence on society, or a serious social problem. There is simple no reason to list it as a disorder in the DSM because doing so does not help the clinician make a diagnosis which is the purpose of the DSM.

So if a pedophile or a psychopath doesn't show any "subjective distress" or no "generalized impairment" (whatever the heck that means), in "social effectiveness" (more ambiguity), or "functioning", their condition is not a disorder? Homosexuals aren't sexually attracted to the opposite sex but are rather attracted sexually to members of their own sex, which leads to very serious impairment, namely, seriously undermining their ability to procreate. Most people in society are naturally repulsed by homosexuals, despite not admitting it publicly in our modern, Western society, due to political reasons. So it does indeed impair their ability to effectively interact with and function in most societies. A society that doesn't recognize homosexuality as an illness becomes ill itself, as is evident today with our "woke", gender fluid, and dysphoric, highly sexualized (pornified) culture. I should also add "pedophilic" because some people in positions of influence are even considering legalizing pedophilia.

" Result of the above study. Twenty-one percent had made a suicide plan; 12% had attempted suicide (almost half of those 12% were multiple attempters). Most who attempted suicide made their first attempt before age 25. Although prevalence of parasuicide (i.e., attempted suicide) has remained constant across birth cohorts, mean age at initial attempts has declined. Conclusions. MSM are at elevated risk for suicide attempts, with such risk clustered earlier in life. Some risk factors were specific to being gay or bisexual in a hostile environment."

Of course, some will say that it is due to being in a hostile environment that they've become suicidal. But even in an egalitarian society where homosexuals are parading themselves in the streets, can get married, adopt children, GROOM children to be gay, and do whatever they want, with all of that, they're still committing suicide at much higher rates than heterosexuals."

" Meta-analyses revealed a two fold excess in suicide attempts in lesbian, gay and bisexual people [pooled risk ratio for lifetime risk 2.47 (CI 1.87, 3.28)]. The risk for depression and anxiety disorders (over a period of 12 months or a lifetime) on meta-analyses were at least 1.5 times higher in lesbian, gay and bisexual people (RR range 1.54–2.58) and alcohol and other substance dependence over 12 months was also 1.5 times higher (RR range 1.51–4.00). Results were similar in both sexes but meta analyses revealed that lesbian and bisexual women were particularly at risk of substance dependence (alcohol 12 months: RR 4.00, CI 2.85, 5.61; drug dependence: RR 3.50, CI 1.87, 6.53; any substance use disorder RR 3.42, CI 1.97–5.92), while lifetime prevalence of suicide attempt was especially high in gay and bisexual men (RR 4.28, CI 2.32, 7.88).


LGB people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse, and deliberate self harm than heterosexual people.
Peer Review reports "

" Statistics on Mental Health and Suicide Among LBGTQ Youth

LGBTQ teen suicide rates and LGBTQ mental health statistics reflect the societal and relationship challenges that these young people face. The Trevor Project’s new survey captured the experiences of some 34,000 LGBTQ youth, ages 13 to 24, across the United States. Here are some of the key findings:

  • 75 percent of LGBTQ teens experienced symptoms of anxiety in the past year.
  • 61 percent experienced symptoms of depression.
  • Among all LGBTQ youth surveyed (ages 13–24), 82 percent wanted mental healthcare in the past year.
  • However, 60 percent of those youth were unable to access care.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), LGBTQ teens are six times more likely to experience symptoms of depression than the general population. Research shows that low family satisfaction, cyberbullying victimization, and unmet medical needs contributed to their higher rates of depression. The Trevor Project found that the pandemic also contributed to mental health challenges: 60 percent of teens reported experiencing poor mental health sometimes or all the time since the pandemic began. "

A contributing factor doesn't imply causation. Homosexuals, whether they're in the American Bible belt or ISIS-controlled Syria, facing the specter of being thrown off of a roof, or they're living in the most egalitarian societies in the world like Norway or Denmark, the rates of depression and suicide are still much higher for homosexuals than they are for heterosexuals. Same shit.

"Depression is a risk factor for suicide (Oliffe & Phillips, 2008), and suicide is a leading cause of male death (Statistics Canada, 2014). Within this context, there is strong evidence that gay men are more likely than heterosexual men to experience suicidality (Brennan, Ross, Dobinson, Veldhuizen, & Steele, 2010; Hottes, Bogaert, Rhodes, Brennan, & Gesink, 2016; King et al., 2008). Depression and suicidality may also increase gay men’s risk of alcohol and drug overuse, unprotected anal intercourse, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV; Cox, 2006; Ferlatte, Dulai, Hottes, Trussler & Marchand, 2015). In terms of potential causes of depression and suicidality in gay men, relationship problems, accepting one’s homosexuality, experiencing homophobia, institutional discrimination, and alienation from gay communities have been reported as underpinning issues (Cox, 2006; Haas et al., 2011; Wang, Plöderl, Hӓusermann, & Weiss, 2015).

Scant research exists about gay men’s health beyond sexual health issues, most often HIV (Hottes, Ferlatte, & Gesink, 2014). Though gay men self-report that they rank mental health as one of their top health concerns (Grov, Ventuneac, Rendina, Jimenez, & Parsons, 2013) depression and suicidality in the lives of gay men are poorly understood (Haas et al., 2011; King et al., 2008). "

Gay parents are more likely to have children with a homosexual orientation:

"Data from ethnographic sources and from previous studies on gay and lesbian parenting were re-examined and found to support the hypothesis that social and parental influences may influence the expression of non-heterosexual identities and/or behaviour. Thus, evidence is presented from three different sources, contrary to most previous scientific opinion, even most previous scientific consensus, that suggests intergenerational transfer of sexual orientation can occur at statistically significant and substantial rates, especially for female parents or female children. In some analyses for sons, intergenerational transfer was not significant. Further research is needed with respect to pathways by which intergenerational transfer of sexual orientation may occur. The results confirm an evolving tendency among scholars to cite the possibility of some degree of intergenerational crossover of sexual orientation."

There are several studies showing that the sexual orientation of parents has an influence over their children's sexual orientation.

By every metric and standard of health, personal safety, and welfare, homosexuality is a disorder. More depression, suicide, substance abuse, and a higher frequency of STD infections among a plethora of other ailments, and yet you assert homosexuality is just a "healthy alternative" to heterosexuality? Really? Seriously? All of this is healthy for society? You deny this is a disorder and you make homosexuality "mainstream" and this is what occurs:

7-year-old trans child wins LA Pride Parade..






No. That should NEVER be acceptable in a civilized society. NEVER. You keep your homosexuality in your nightclubs, bathhouses, in your bedrooms, and keep that crap away from our children.

Due to political reasons, homosexuality in modern Western society has become "normalized", a supposed "healthy alternative" to heterosexuality. It's self-evident for most reasonable people, even if they refuse to admit it, that homosexuality isn't a "healthy alternative" to heterosexuality. It's an illness that could perhaps, with hormone treatments, genetic therapy, medications, and professional counseling (that's not politically influenced or coerced), be effectively treated, if not cured. Due to political reasons, medical science is not allowed to even consider the possibility that homosexuality is a disorder that can be effectively treated and cured. So due to politics, homosexuals are being deprived of a potential, effective treatment and cure for their illness.

I don't believe in witch hunts for homosexuals or that they should be abused or deprived of their human rights. I just don't consider the "human rights" of homosexuals to include placing children at risk of developing a homosexual orientation, gender dysphoria, or any condition that might place them at serious risk of having problems with depression, suicide, substance abuse, starting a family and siring offspring (spreading their genes). I will offend homosexuals, the LGBTQA+++ community ALL DAY & FOREVER, before I place any child at risk of injury and death by being influenced and abused by homosexuals or anybody else.

Now what I'm about to say, I know is going to be scoffed at, ridiculed, and used to discredit everything I mentioned earlier and that's fine. I frankly don't care, because I know that what I'm about to reveal is 100% real. It's the reality (it's part of the "cosmos") and relevant to this issue, whether the nihilistic atheists and materialists agree or not. I was an atheist, and materialist for most of my adult life, so I know that what I'm about to say sounds crazy. Nonetheless, what you are about to see in the following videos, I confirmed for myself with much research, conducted with others, at the University of Arizona in Tucson. We had to do this type of research privately, without any of our colleagues discovering what we were doing, lest we lose our careers. All of the phenomena that you're about to see in the video below are 100% genuine and authentic, it's not a fraud.

People are influenced, not just by genetics, biology, the environment, or material conditions, but also by a metaphysical reality. There are non-biological minds (i.e.intelligences), entities, that are able to influence our thoughts, feelings, behavior and even our health. The Christians and Muslims, the Hindus and spiritualists, all of these religious folks, that I used to mock, and make fun of, are correct with respect to the existence of "spirits". When I say spirits, I'm not referring to Jack Daniels. These "Bible thumpers" are correct, when it comes to the existence of non-biological life, angels, demons..etc. They're correct. To what extent do these beings influence sexual orientation? Ask yourself that. To what extent do these entities, whatever they actually are, desire to influence our thoughts, behavior, our health, and relationships? Don't run away from the question, consider it. As yourselves these questions, especially if you're a seeker of truth.

You think you're really smart, and perhaps you are, but we need to be a bit more humble, because all of these religious folks that we dismiss as being "stupid", dumb, might be right on certain issues.

I'm no longer an atheist, and although I'm still a Marxist and materialist, I consider the spirits and the "frequency of existence" in which they live, to be as real and material as this one. It's just a different type of material. Physics has been telling us for years that there's "dark matter" and "dark energy", a reality that influences the perceivable world but can't be directly detected by our scientific instruments. We only see its effects on our material world, hence we mathematically determined that this hidden or "dark" matter and energy exists. Well, perhaps what we are identifying as "dark" matter or energy is nothing less than the so-called "spirit realm", the world of spirit. The "aether".

I believe this is relevant to the issue of homosexuality and what is happening today in our country with all of this gender confusion and children being subjected to all of this sexual depravity. Children are being sexualized by these demonized "liberals" and homosexuals. This isn't just psychological, within the orb of sociology, no no. There is a spiritual component to all of this. The "religious folks" (that's what I call them), are correct on this issue. This is demonic. Evil, destructive entities.

Just because I feel like having sex with someone, doesn't imply that I should or have to. Feelings don't justify the act. More, love isn't necessarily sexual. A parent should love his or her children, and it goes without saying that, that parental love shouldn't be sexual. Love doesn't equate to sex or eroticism. There are different types of love. When homosexuals appeal to "love" to justify their sexual practices and lifestyle, they're applying very poor logic.


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People who call people Marxist or Communist are living in the 20th century. Today, there are no true communistic governments. Russia the birthplace of communism is now a capitalist autocracy. China's government is communist in structure but the wealth of country is due to capitalism. Communism is a failed political theory. Essentially every country on earth's economic system is a hybrid of socialism and capitalism.

So when you accuse the democrats of being communist that is about as meaningful as calling them really bad guys who don't share my beliefs.

The term "communist state" is oxymoronic, on account of the fact that the Marxist definition of communism is a "stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money". The Soviet Union was the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics. It was never a "communist state", no matter how you attempt to portray it.

Capitalism didn't replace chattel slavery and feudalism overnight, it took centuries, so why assume that socialism and later communism, have to replace their predecessors in one quick, definitive swoop? Be fair.

More, markets don't equate to capitalism. They existed before capitalism, so your assumptions that capitalism or "free markets", is what made China what it is today is quite naive. There is plenty of central planning in China, the private sector is highly regulated and under the heel of the state.

Socialism and communism are the future of human production, due to advanced technology. It's unavoidable and inevitable once enough wage labor is replaced with automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, nanotechnology, atomic precision manufacturing, autonomous-robot surgeons..etc.


The way that we relate to production, property ownership, all of this is going to change, by necessity, in the not to distant future. The billionaires are talking about giving everyone a UBI or "Universal Basic Income", which as a communist I'm against. UBI is nothing more than capitalism on life support. We don't need the capitalist vegetable connected to the UBI machine, we need a mode of production that isn't for the purpose of profits. We need a new "bottom line" . We will produce everything to meet our needs, not for private capital accumalation. Socialism and later communism, is coming like a freight train, and nothing is going to stop them. Advanced production technology ensures that socialism is the next step in human production.



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LGBT persons are less likely to live in states that have laws that are hostile to LGBTs.
States that are most hostile to LGBTs are the one's you would expect, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Louisiana. These are also the states that have been most hostile toward people of color, supporters of prochoice, and supporters of liberal immigration laws. This should not be suppressing because people like to live in environments in which they feel welcomed and feel protected.

Less likely because they don't feel welcome there.
Democrat Socialists- yes
Marxists -no

There is a huge difference between these ideologies.

A democratic socialist believes that the government should provide a range of essential services to the public for free or at a significant discount, such as health care and education. Unlike socialists, democratic socialists do not believe the government should control all aspects of the economy, only help provide basic needs and help all of its citizens have an equal chance of success. Most Northern Europe including Great Briton, Germany, and France function as democratic socialist states. The United States will most probably be classified as democratic socialists in this century.

There are only a few states that consider themselves Marxist, China, Cuba, and Laos. And even in these states there is a growing private sector.

Russia, the nation were communism began no longer considers itself communist. There are still communist movements but the communists no longer control state policies. Russia today is a capitalist autocracy, with a highly reactionary and nationalist government that works on behalf of wealthy oligarchs loyal to the leader, Putin. Russian individuals can own all kinds of property and control all kinds of businesses. There is probably as much socialism in the US today as in Russia.

IMHO, most nations in the world will function as a democrat socialist state by the end of the century.

Democratic socialism is a revisionist version of genuine Marxist socialism. It's a watered-down version of socialism, which really isn't socialism at all. One very important aspect of socialism is the nationalization of industries that are vital to a nation's infrastructure. All of the major centers of economic power (i.e. heavy industries), like energy (oil, gas, nuclear plants, electricity) and other utilities are publicly owned. The banks, the mining industry, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, education, the military-industrial complex..etc, comprise the nation's commonwealth, it's owned and operated by the people. All of the money generated by those industries is deposited in the public treasury, in other words, it's returned to the people. When we pay our light bill, we are paying that money to our government which then takes that money and uses it to pave roads, inspect and maintain bridges, build housing and hospitals, and universities. etc. I'll rather pay my utilities to my government than to a billionaire, who's going to use that money to buy a new mega yacht. I'll rather have that money return to me and my family, my community.

Socialism is the process that leads to high-communism. A stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. Communism is born when the individual consumer has complete contraol over the means of production. Technology will eventually allow the consumer to produce everything they consume, themselves, without anyone else's assistance:

We're about 70 or 100 years from high communism. Until then, we'll have socialism. When unemployment becomes much worse than it is right now, people will form worker cooperatives and colonies to survive.



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What era are you living in? You just don't have much grasp on the wonders of technology and the workings of government. I don't have time for your ignorance troll. Looks like you've hijacked another thread with irrelevance to the topic.
You can't just bring up a law in Word and do a Replace All. Any change has to be brought up in the legislature, debated and voted upon. What is so hard to understand that a single word can be applied both in a religious and secular context?
Because monkeypox has been documented to infect the proven reservoir of HIV-2, the Sooty Mangabey?

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