Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century?

The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders
As if you know anything about our founders. You literally could not provide one accurate fact about them without using Google.

Our founders were the greatest Liberals of the day
Yes they were Classical Liberals, which is the polar opposite of Dumb Fuck Liberals, like you.

No such thing....Liberals are liberals are liberals

They fight for the issues of the day
Just because Conservatives are still struggling with the issues of all men being created equal does not somehow make them like our founders
You are just repeating that Conservatives are racist. Why comment at all?
No such thing....Liberals are liberals are liberals
Snowflake, Thomas Jefferson was more conservative by today's standards than even the libertarians who causes you to lose your tiny little mind. If only you had read his original writings before speaking, you wouldn't look so stupid right now.

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it." - Thomas Jefferson (December 23, 1791)

"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery" - Thomas Jefferson (January 30, 1787)

"Give me liberty or give me death" - Patrick Henry (March 23, 1775)

The only thing our ultra conservative founders cared about was liberty. The only thing you ultra communist hatriots care about is the government providing for you - even at the cost of liberty.

Yup those liberal slave Holder, refuse the right of women to vote founding fathers were something else


But yet because of them women can vote and the only slaves we have now are the American taxpayer that are put into slavery to pay for the welfare queens.
The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders
As if you know anything about our founders. You literally could not provide one accurate fact about them without using Google.

Our founders were the greatest Liberals of the day

You are a confused Moon Bat.

You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays.

You don't get to be a Liberal nowadays that claims that you are for the revolt against big government that our Founding Fathers initiated. It just makes you look like a silly little pink pussy hat wearing fool when you make a prosperous claim like that.
The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders
As if you know anything about our founders. You literally could not provide one accurate fact about them without using Google.

Our founders were the greatest Liberals of the day
Yes they were Classical Liberals, which is the polar opposite of Dumb Fuck Liberals, like you.

No such thing....Liberals are liberals are liberals

They fight for the issues of the day
Just because Conservatives are still struggling with the issues of all men being created equal does not somehow make them like our founders
Don't be a dumb fuck.

For some odd reason.....
Conservatives claim to be both sides during the Revolution

In fact, Liberals used to tar and feather them back then

The Good ole days
The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders
As if you know anything about our founders. You literally could not provide one accurate fact about them without using Google.

Our founders were the greatest Liberals of the day

You are a confused Moon Bat.

You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays.

You don't get to be a Liberal nowadays that claims that you are for the revolt against big government that our Founding Fathers initiated. It just makes you look like a silly little pink pussy hat wearing fool when you make a prosperous claim like that.

By definition...The Tories supported the King. They were the wealthy conservatives afraid to lose their cushy position in life
For some odd reason.....Conservatives claim to be both sides during the Revolution
For some odd reason... wrongwinger never learned history in school

For some odd reason... wrongwinger lives to spread propaganda

For some odd reason... wrongwinger prefers government table scraps over liberty

For some odd reason... wrongwinger hates conservatism but wants his side to claim credit for everything that conservatism has achieved for mankind

For some odd reason... wrongwinger refuses to hold a job

For some odd reason... wrongwinger is a true blue, genuine hatriot

For some odd reason...
You are a confused Moon Bat.

You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays.

You don't get to be a Liberal nowadays that claims that you are for the revolt against big government that our Founding Fathers initiated. It just makes you look like a silly little pink pussy hat wearing fool when you make a prosperous claim like that.

You are talking to someone who is completely illiterate of history and it shows in virtually every post he makes. He has no idea of the difference between Classical Liberalism and Progressive Liberalism. He believes they are exactly the same even though their principles are totally different.

I'm not sure when our government-run schools stopped teaching history. When I attended, it was a prerequisite and we had to pass. Our teachers were hard and we had to study this stuff, do essays and reports. Apparently, somewhere along the line we stopped teaching history or we started teaching a version I am not familiar with at all. Nowadays, I guess you just show up to class and make some halfhearted effort and they give you a passing grade. That's the only explanation I can come up with but this is getting to be a common problem.
You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays..

Just the opposite, to be liberal is to invite change into the unknown. To give an unproven form of government hope and change. Conservatives wanted the status quo, the same old government they learned to tolerate.
The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders
As if you know anything about our founders. You literally could not provide one accurate fact about them without using Google.

Our founders were the greatest Liberals of the day

Liberals?? Not fucking hardly bucko.

The FF's would turn over in their graves if they ever got a look at America today.

The constitution is very clear on what they wanted our country to be like and it took forty years of the Dems ruling Congress to fuck that to hell and back.

Small Govt. The power with the States and everyone taking care of themselves. That's our constitution.

You should read it sometime asshole.
You are a confused Moon Bat.

You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays.

You don't get to be a Liberal nowadays that claims that you are for the revolt against big government that our Founding Fathers initiated. It just makes you look like a silly little pink pussy hat wearing fool when you make a prosperous claim like that.

You are talking to someone who is completely illiterate of history and it shows in virtually every post he makes. He has no idea of the difference between Classical Liberalism and Progressive Liberalism. He believes they are exactly the same even though their principles are totally different.

I'm not sure when our government-run schools stopped teaching history. When I attended, it was a prerequisite and we had to pass. Our teachers were hard and we had to study this stuff, do essays and reports. Apparently, somewhere along the line we stopped teaching history or we started teaching a version I am not familiar with at all. Nowadays, I guess you just show up to class and make some halfhearted effort and they give you a passing grade. That's the only explanation I can come up with but this is getting to be a common problem.

I know that but it is good from time to time to remind the other Moon Bats what idiots they are.

We always find out these Moon Bats are all ignorant of history, ethics, the Constitution, climate science, economics and even biology when you get them talking about abortion.

Just the opposite, to be liberal is to invite change into the unknown. To give an unproven form of government hope and change. Conservatives wanted the status quo, the same old government they learned to tolerate.

That is a piss poor excuse for modern day Libtards to support big government, isn't it?

The changes that these Liberals nowadays support are changes to the very Liberties that our Founding Fathers fought so hard to establish when fighting against the big repressive government of the UK. Conservatives are the ones that want to preserve the Liberties. Modern day Libtards would have been Tories back in 1776. They would like the control of the British government, taking away arms from the people that opposed the government, the taxation and even the slavery the Brits brought to North America. The British aristocrats were the equivalent of the fat cat Limousine Liberals we have nowadays that are the big donors to the Democrat Party that gave Crooked Hillary over a billion dollars, as an example.

Communists believe in change and look where it has got them. Tremendous government oppression and destroyed economies.

It is not enough to believe in change. You have to believe in Liberty and mondern day Liberals only believe in government oppression and control of our lives. They don't get to invoke the name of the American Revolution that established those Liberties that the Liberals are trying so hard to destroy nowadays.
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Why do you want to return to the Dark Ages when government and the guild systems wanted to tell everyone how to live their lives and tell everyone what they could and could not do?



Lol governments where feudal, which means the central government gives up most of all it's rights to local rulers. And guilds are proto conglomerates. So try again.

By definition...The Tories supported the King. They were the wealthy conservatives afraid to lose their cushy position in life

You Libtards are the Tories nowadays, supporting the continuation of big government intrusion into our lives. The same that they did in 1776. The "King" now is King Big Government, something you little libtard turds love more than life itself.
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.

Why do so many people on this board want to return to the 7th century??

So many people on this board buy the Islam religion of peace bullshit. Look at Europe. Pretty soon al of Europe will be Muslim. One has to wonder why looney tunes want the same for America.

You can't cure stupid.
4% of the EU is taking over? Actually, they're learning modernity very quickly. 100 years ago they were 7th century, now they drink alcohol like us. Unfortunately they have fundies like christians do, and Boooosh wrecked their homelands...

Give em time. They are working on it.

Oh I see you're another believer in the religion of peace.

Doubt the dead in Paris, Nice, San Bernardino and all over the world would agree with your clueless conclusion.

You can't cure stupid and you fit that stupid tag to a tee.
Next time, you moron GOPers stay the feq out of the ME and wrecking the world. See Ike and Nixon in Iran, Raygun and Boooosh in Iraq. Great job! Covert tiny penis a-holes!

By definition...The Tories supported the King. They were the wealthy conservatives afraid to lose their cushy position in life

You Libtards are the Tories nowadays, supporting the continuation of big government intrusion into our lives. The same that they did in 1776. The "King" now is King Big Government, something you little libtard turds love more than life itself.
Funny how reality is the exact opposite, superdupe.

By definition...The Tories supported the King. They were the wealthy conservatives afraid to lose their cushy position in life

You Libtards are the Tories nowadays, supporting the continuation of big government intrusion into our lives. The same that they did in 1776. The "King" now is King Big Government, something you little libtard turds love more than life itself.
Funny how reality is the exact opposite, superdupe.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Tories supported the status quo government of Britain. The government that increased taxation, subjugated the citizens to the will of the government and took arms away from the American people. The same things the shithead Liberals support nowadays.

The Patriots were fighting against big government. Go read the Declaration of Independence. It is a bitch list of many of the same kind of things the filthy ass Liberals are doing to this country nowadays.

By definition...The Tories supported the King. They were the wealthy conservatives afraid to lose their cushy position in life

You Libtards are the Tories nowadays, supporting the continuation of big government intrusion into our lives. The same that they did in 1776. The "King" now is King Big Government, something you little libtard turds love more than life itself.
Funny how reality is the exact opposite, superdupe.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Tories supported the status quo government of Britain. The government that increased taxation, subjugated the citizens to the will of the government and took arms away from the American people. The same things the shithead Liberals support nowadays.

The Patriots were fighting against big government. Go read the Declaration of Independence. It is a bitch list of many of the same kind of things the filthy ass Liberals are doing to this country nowadays.

The "government" the Tories supported was not a democracy of the people, by the people or for the people. Your government is.
The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders
As if you know anything about our founders. You literally could not provide one accurate fact about them without using Google.

Our founders were the greatest Liberals of the day

Liberals?? Not fucking hardly bucko.

The FF's would turn over in their graves if they ever got a look at America today.

The constitution is very clear on what they wanted our country to be like and it took forty years of the Dems ruling Congress to fuck that to hell and back.

Small Govt. The power with the States and everyone taking care of themselves. That's our constitution.

You should read it sometime asshole.

Our Liberal founders would be very proud of the country they created

Immense wealth, immense power, more freedom than they could imagine

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