Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century?

[Qy. What are we missing?

You are the one that invoked the name of democracy Moon Bat. I was responding to your stupidity.

Our Republic is weak because it doesn't protect enough individual rights like excess taxation and individual protection from government abuse like telling us we have to have heath insurance and pay somebody else's bills.

Our Founding Fathers had the right idea but never envisioned how you greedy Libtards would screw it up so bad.
You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays..

Just the opposite, to be liberal is to invite change into the unknown. To give an unproven form of government hope and change. Conservatives wanted the status quo, the same old government they learned to tolerate.

So why is it liberals are fighting conservative reforms?
Because they're pander to the rich BS, dupe.
You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays..

Just the opposite, to be liberal is to invite change into the unknown. To give an unproven form of government hope and change. Conservatives wanted the status quo, the same old government they learned to tolerate.

So why is it liberals are fighting conservative reforms?
Because they're pander to the rich BS, dupe.

Wrong Moon Bat. Because they pander to the greedy welfare queens that use the government to steal what they are too sorry to earn themselves.
Our Liberal founders would be very proud of the country they created. Immense wealth, immense power, more freedom than they could imagine
Our conservative founders would be disgusted with this nation. The first thing they would say is "so how long was it until our experiment in self-government failed"?

See....being the parasite that you are and the left-winger obsessed only with wealth and power - you have no clue that our founders didn't give their life for "immense wealth" and/or "immense power". They gave it for liberty. Something that assholes like you have destroyed.
Conservatives supported the king....follow the money

Liberals had them tarred and feathered

First, repeating nonsense does not make it any less nonsense.

Second, you seem to think tarring and feathering iis a good thing. It's not
You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays..

Just the opposite, to be liberal is to invite change into the unknown. To give an unproven form of government hope and change. Conservatives wanted the status quo, the same old government they learned to tolerate.

So why is it liberals are fighting conservative reforms?
Because they're pander to the rich BS, dupe.

Nice of you to admit that progressives are pandering to the wealthy by maintaining the status quo.
[Qy. What are we missing?

You are the one that invoked the name of democracy Moon Bat. I was responding to your stupidity.

Our Republic is weak because it doesn't protect enough individual rights like excess taxation and individual protection from government abuse like telling us we have to have heath insurance and pay somebody else's bills.

Our Founding Fathers had the right idea but never envisioned how you greedy Libtards would screw it up so bad.
Our New BS GOP republic is certainly great at protecting the rich and giant corps from excessive taxation, dupe. You already WERE paying for their health care, just in the stupidest, cruelest way...Obama didn't want a mandate originally.
You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays..

Just the opposite, to be liberal is to invite change into the unknown. To give an unproven form of government hope and change. Conservatives wanted the status quo, the same old government they learned to tolerate.

So why is it liberals are fighting conservative reforms?
Because they're pander to the rich BS, dupe.

Nice of you to admit that progressives are pandering to the wealthy by maintaining the status quo.
Only in Superdupeworld, superdupe.
You, as a stupid modern day "liberal", would have sided with the Tories, who supported the big government of King George. The government that increased taxation and sent troops to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The British government that imposed oppressive regulations on the Colonies. The same oppressive shit you Liberals support nowadays..

Just the opposite, to be liberal is to invite change into the unknown. To give an unproven form of government hope and change. Conservatives wanted the status quo, the same old government they learned to tolerate.

So why is it liberals are fighting conservative reforms?
Because they're pander to the rich BS, dupe.

Wrong Moon Bat. Because they pander to the greedy welfare queens that use the government to steal what they are too sorry to earn themselves.
The conservative "reforms" are the pander to the rich bs...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an racist A-hole? :cuckoo:
The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders
As if you know anything about our founders. You literally could not provide one accurate fact about them without using Google.

Our founders were the greatest Liberals of the day
Yes they were Classical Liberals, which is the polar opposite of Dumb Fuck Liberals, like you.

No such thing....Liberals are liberals are liberals

They fight for the issues of the day
Just because Conservatives are still struggling with the issues of all men being created equal does not somehow make them like our founders

There is such a thing. The classic liberal believes that rights CANNOT come from or be granted by the government. Instead strict guidelines NEED to be imposed on the government to protect "God given" rights. "Government is like fire, a troublesome servant, with a fearful master," the people being the masters. The bigger the government the smaller the citizen.

While today's "liberals" believe rights need to be asked of, granted, and controlled by government. Government needs to be heavily involved in business, medicine, housing, finances, diet, environment, transportation, drugs, and also needs to enforce its moral compass (which ever direction the winds blowing at that time) onto the population.

Classic liberal: less/small government= maximum individual self control. Very individualistic. People are self serving, there needs to be equality of opportunity (so no one has the upper hand), people in government when given more control will carry out self serving tendencies. Government is only good at a very few things, is not efficient, nor beholden to its "consumers" (as in, governments not going to run out of business if it does a bad job at something, it's just gonna ask for more money).

Today's Liberal: there are too many things I don't like in society = government needs to step in and fix what I don't like. Very socialistic. Seeks equality as an ends, not by opportunity. Governments job is to enact "social justice", not blind justice. Government is a tool for social causes, and humanity progresses therefore government should progress and make sure it's citizens do as well.

I feel like I fairly summed up liberalism today. As you can see, big difference from a classical liberal. If Jefferson was resurrected today, he'd probably torch the Whitehouse, and go Rambo first blood in congress.
and a pure democracy is only possible in ancient Athens...
Disagreed. It's possible in any small group such as a village or tribe.

Obviously it's not possible when people have to ride a horse, walk or otherwise take hours to arrive at a meeting place to vote. There's also the problem noted in the aphorism "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." Electing knowledgeable representatives as done in a republic is one solution.
[Qy. What are we missing?

You are the one that invoked the name of democracy Moon Bat. I was responding to your stupidity.

Our Republic is weak because it doesn't protect enough individual rights like excess taxation and individual protection from government abuse like telling us we have to have heath insurance and pay somebody else's bills.

Our Founding Fathers had the right idea but never envisioned how you greedy Libtards would screw it up so bad.
Our New BS GOP republic is certainly great at protecting the rich and giant corps from excessive taxation, dupe. You already WERE paying for their health care, just in the stupidest, cruelest way...Obama didn't want a mandate originally.

The welfare queens are the new robber barons.

They have a great scam going. They vote for thee filthy ass Democrats once every couple of years and they get a nice welfare check each month that rest of us has to pay for. Beats the hell out of picking cotton, doesn't it?
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century?
I've never seen anyone on this board say they wish to return to the 18th century. Can you name these people or are you attacking strawmen?

Leftnutter is one big dumb STRAWMAN just like his Messiah..,Barack Insane Obama.

The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders

Our founders would have tarred and feathered them

Do you believe in God Given Rights?
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century?
I've never seen anyone on this board say they wish to return to the 18th century. Can you name these people or are you attacking strawmen?

Leftnutter is one big dumb STRAWMAN just like his Messiah..,Barack Insane Obama.

The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders

Our founders would have tarred and feathered them

Do you believe in God Given Rights?

I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way
I like the 21st century, just not the religious and sociopolitical group think, let alone global warming caused by human population.
Conservatives supported the king....follow the money
Conservatives founded this nation buttercup. With the exact policies that today you call "radical" and "evil". They were more libertarian than libertarians. Which shows how bat-shit crazy you are as a full-fledged communist.
I like the 21st century, just not the religious and sociopolitical group think, let alone global warming caused by human population.
Bwahahahaha! That was scam was exposed a long time ago my dear! The Lochness Monster is more real than "Global Warming".
I've never seen anyone on this board say they wish to return to the 18th century. Can you name these people or are you attacking strawmen?

Leftnutter is one big dumb STRAWMAN just like his Messiah..,Barack Insane Obama.

The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders

Our founders would have tarred and feathered them

Do you believe in God Given Rights?

I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way

MOdern "liberals" believe that Rights flow FROM the State. This is contrary to the Age of Enlightenment thinking of the Founding Fathers.

Modern Conservatives believe that Rights are God Given or Inherent, and that the Government has no moral or legal right to take them away and a moral and legal responsibility to protect them.

Our Founding Fathers would have recognized you as the enemy of Democratic Ideals and dealt with you accordingly.

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