Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century?

The conservative "reforms" are the pander to the rich bs...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an racist A-hole? :cuckoo:

View attachment 119282

Pandering to the rich was a progressive reform that mandated everyone purchase from a private company so the rich that control almost one quarter of the GDP could become wealthier.

That's why we had to sign the bill so we could find out what was in the bill.

If you progressives were really progressive and didn't want to cater to making the wealthy even wealthier you would nationalized the health care industry and put everyone that works in it on the military/government payroll.



ACA was obviously all Dems could get, basically a gd miracle.

They controlled the White House and had the majority in both sides of Congress. They could have passed anything they wanted. So the only miracle that happened was to enrich the portfolios of those who voted for the bill in Congress.

Who was that????? Oh that's right! The Democratic Party members of Congress.

20 million poor people got insurance, 5 million more when red states stop holding out.

How many millions dropped their policies when they became unaffordable? Seems like we still have quite a few people who don't have health care even if they pay the 'tax' that's not a 'tax'.

[For the first time insurers had profit limits and it will only get better over time, and for the first time EVER the cost curve is bending down.

Doesn't look like there are any profit limits to me. Cost of insurance policies continue to skyrocket along with the deductibles. I would say those looking for a profit off health insurance weren't affected at all.

You're welcome, dupe.

Seems your reasoning and solution is full of holes.


Your welcome.


The conservative "reforms" are the pander to the rich bs...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an racist A-hole? :cuckoo:

View attachment 119282

Pandering to the rich was a progressive reform that mandated everyone purchase from a private company so the rich that control almost one quarter of the GDP could become wealthier.

That's why we had to sign the bill so we could find out what was in the bill.

If you progressives were really progressive and didn't want to cater to making the wealthy even wealthier you would nationalized the health care industry and put everyone that works in it on the military/government payroll.



ACA was obviously all Dems could get, basically a gd miracle.

They controlled the White House and had the majority in both sides of Congress. They could have passed anything they wanted. So the only miracle that happened was to enrich the portfolios of those who voted for the bill in Congress.

Who was that????? Oh that's right! The Democratic Party members of Congress.

20 million poor people got insurance, 5 million more when red states stop holding out.

How many millions dropped their policies when they became unaffordable? Seems like we still have quite a few people who don't have health care even if they pay the 'tax' that's not a 'tax'.

[For the first time insurers had profit limits and it will only get better over time, and for the first time EVER the cost curve is bending down.

Doesn't look like there are any profit limits to me. Cost of insurance policies continue to skyrocket along with the deductibles. I would say those looking for a profit off health insurance weren't affected at all.

You're welcome, dupe.

Seems your reasoning and solution is full of holes.

View attachment 119301

Your welcome.



To get 60 votes, they had to bribe 5 senators lol. You're nuts. The price rise curve is down for the first time ever. This is how much insurance costs without the old GOP scams and 500k bankruptcies WITH "good" insurance. Now fix what's wrong and get those damn insurers...
Our Liberal founders would be very proud of the country they created. Immense wealth, immense power, more freedom than they could imagine
Our conservative founders would be disgusted with this nation. The first thing they would say is "so how long was it until our experiment in self-government failed"?

See....being the parasite that you are and the left-winger obsessed only with wealth and power - you have no clue that our founders didn't give their life for "immense wealth" and/or "immense power". They gave it for liberty. Something that assholes like you have destroyed.

In fact they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor for their liberty.
Conservatives weren't rebels. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were wild eyed liberal ideas, dupes.

The conservatives of the time were the Tories, or the Loyalists, who wanted the colonies to stay with England.

That represented most of the founding fathers for a long time.

They only saw revolution as a last resort.

The conservative "reforms" are the pander to the rich bs...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an racist A-hole? :cuckoo:

View attachment 119282

Pandering to the rich was a progressive reform that mandated everyone purchase from a private company so the rich that control almost one quarter of the GDP could become wealthier.

That's why we had to sign the bill so we could find out what was in the bill.

If you progressives were really progressive and didn't want to cater to making the wealthy even wealthier you would nationalized the health care industry and put everyone that works in it on the military/government payroll.



ACA was obviously all Dems could get, basically a gd miracle.

They controlled the White House and had the majority in both sides of Congress. They could have passed anything they wanted. So the only miracle that happened was to enrich the portfolios of those who voted for the bill in Congress.

Who was that????? Oh that's right! The Democratic Party members of Congress.

20 million poor people got insurance, 5 million more when red states stop holding out.

How many millions dropped their policies when they became unaffordable? Seems like we still have quite a few people who don't have health care even if they pay the 'tax' that's not a 'tax'.

[For the first time insurers had profit limits and it will only get better over time, and for the first time EVER the cost curve is bending down.

Doesn't look like there are any profit limits to me. Cost of insurance policies continue to skyrocket along with the deductibles. I would say those looking for a profit off health insurance weren't affected at all.

You're welcome, dupe.

Seems your reasoning and solution is full of holes.

View attachment 119301

Your welcome.



They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.
So confused. Curious if you own a cell phone. Yes obama allowed it to be recorded and, yes he demanded reform, but shifted the burden to industry. You are clown. Of course the undrinkable water would happen in the deep liberal neighborhoods. It is what it is.
Our Liberal founders would be very proud of the country they created. Immense wealth, immense power, more freedom than they could imagine
Our conservative founders would be disgusted with this nation. The first thing they would say is "so how long was it until our experiment in self-government failed"?

See....being the parasite that you are and the left-winger obsessed only with wealth and power - you have no clue that our founders didn't give their life for "immense wealth" and/or "immense power". They gave it for liberty. Something that assholes like you have destroyed.

In fact they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor for their liberty.
Conservatives weren't rebels. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were wild eyed liberal ideas, dupes.

The conservatives of the time were the Tories, or the Loyalists, who wanted the colonies to stay with England.

That represented most of the founding fathers for a long time.

They only saw revolution as a last resort.

How dare England try and tax them for beating the French? Then they got the FRENCH to beat the English, bankrupting Louis and bringing on the French Revolution. LOL.
To get 60 votes, they had to bribe 5 senators lol. You're nuts. The price rise curve is down for the first time ever. This is how much insurance costs without the old GOP scams and 500k bankruptcies WITH "good" insurance. Now fix what's wrong and get those damn insurers...


I thought the progressive movement had it perfect the first time around and that's why the majority in charge had to pass the bill so they could find out what was in it. Now you're saying that it was so screwed up that the progressives had to bribe other Congresspeople to pass it because it was so screwed up. Sounds like you need to make up your mind what you want.


Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.
So confused. Curious if you own a cell phone. Yes obama allowed it to be recorded and, yes he demanded reform, but shifted the burden to industry. You are clown. Of course the undrinkable water would happen in the deep liberal neighborhoods. It is what it is.
Black isn't liberal. They just know the GOP is full of racists. If I understand your gibberish correctly...
To get 60 votes, they had to bribe 5 senators lol. You're nuts. The price rise curve is down for the first time ever. This is how much insurance costs without the old GOP scams and 500k bankruptcies WITH "good" insurance. Now fix what's wrong and get those damn insurers...

View attachment 119306

I thought the progressive movement had it perfect the first time around and that's why the majority in charge had to pass the bill so they could find out what was in it. Now you're saying that it was so screwed up that the progressives had to bribe other Congresspeople to pass it because it was so screwed up. Sounds like you need to make up your mind what you want.



Congress knew what was in it, she's talking about the people, who still don't get it...
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.


All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.



Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.

We had clean air, better water and all organic food in the 1700's. It had nothing to do with federal government. Your strawman cause and effect scenery is as flimsy as your socialistic utopian world. Nothing unexpected.
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.
So confused. Curious if you own a cell phone. Yes obama allowed it to be recorded and, yes he demanded reform, but shifted the burden to industry. You are clown. Of course the undrinkable water would happen in the deep liberal neighborhoods. It is what it is.
Black isn't liberal. They just know the GOP is full of racists. If I understand your gibberish correctly...
Who said black? The Obama administration allowed the poising of children.
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.
Hmmm. The 18th century would be the 1700s. The air and water was pristine. There was no government safety net. The old and disabled depended on the kindness and charity of neighbors. Somehow it was always there. Someone came with food. A young man from the village was told by his mother to go chop wood for someone feeling poorly. Big things, a new roof or collapsed fireplace, the church organized a crew.

The able bodied who refused to work were not fed and driven from the village. Boys started learning to shoot and survival skills at around 7. By 11 boys and girls if they wanted, were expected to hunt and put meat on the family table. At 14 boys and girls were expected to handle a gun well enough to fight off an indian attack. At 16 boys and girls were adults. They could marry and set up their own households. The only snowflakes came in the winter. People lived into their 80s.

It seems that we lost something. We became soft. When do people become adults today? Some say not until 40, more say 26 to 30.

If someone from the 18th century came to this time, they would vomit at what we have become.
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.




Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol. Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.
To get 60 votes, they had to bribe 5 senators lol. You're nuts. The price rise curve is down for the first time ever. This is how much insurance costs without the old GOP scams and 500k bankruptcies WITH "good" insurance. Now fix what's wrong and get those damn insurers...

View attachment 119306

I thought the progressive movement had it perfect the first time around and that's why the majority in charge had to pass the bill so they could find out what was in it. Now you're saying that it was so screwed up that the progressives had to bribe other Congresspeople to pass it because it was so screwed up. Sounds like you need to make up your mind what you want.



Congress knew what was in it, she's talking about the people, who still don't get it...

Wrong Franco- I am sure that all those who voted for the bill did not read it or understand what was in it. The actual bill was 1990 pages long with numerous references to other bills that it amended. You'd be a fool to think that all those dweebs read it, let alone understood all the ramifications within it. BTW- Our constitution with 27 amendments contains less than 8000 words and was debated and re written for months. BOcare contains over 234,000 words with footnotes which reference other laws.
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.
Hmmm. The 18th century would be the 1700s. The air and water was pristine. There was no government safety net. The old and disabled depended on the kindness and charity of neighbors. Somehow it was always there. Someone came with food. A young man from the village was told by his mother to go chop wood for someone feeling poorly. Big things, a new roof or collapsed fireplace, the church organized a crew.

The able bodied who refused to work were not fed and driven from the village. Boys started learning to shoot and survival skills at around 7. By 11 boys and girls if they wanted, were expected to hunt and put meat on the family table. At 14 boys and girls were expected to handle a gun well enough to fight off an indian attack. At 16 boys and girls were adults. They could marry and set up their own households. The only snowflakes came in the winter. People lived into their 80s.

It seems that we lost something. We became soft. When do people become adults today? Some say not until 40, more say 26 to 30.

If someone from the 18th century came to this time, they would vomit at what we have become.
Happy unicorny GOP BS. Read The Good Old Days- They were TERRIBLE!. lots of pictures for you dupes...
To get 60 votes, they had to bribe 5 senators lol. You're nuts. The price rise curve is down for the first time ever. This is how much insurance costs without the old GOP scams and 500k bankruptcies WITH "good" insurance. Now fix what's wrong and get those damn insurers...

View attachment 119306

I thought the progressive movement had it perfect the first time around and that's why the majority in charge had to pass the bill so they could find out what was in it. Now you're saying that it was so screwed up that the progressives had to bribe other Congresspeople to pass it because it was so screwed up. Sounds like you need to make up your mind what you want.



Congress knew what was in it, she's talking about the people, who still don't get it...

Wrong Franco- I am sure that all those who voted for the bill did not read it or understand what was in it. The actual bill was 1990 pages long with numerous references to other bills that it amended. You'd be a fool to think that all those dweebs read it, let alone understood all the ramifications within it. BTW- Our constitution with 27 amendments contains less than 8000 words and was debated and re written for months. BOcare contains over 234,000 words with footnotes which reference other laws.

Not what Pelosi was saying...more BS GOP propaganda...
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.




Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol. Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.

Wrong again Frances- BOcare does not save any lives. It deals with the payment of healthcare that people were already receiving. You could make the argument that it saves some people money, but it does nothing for enhancing the healthcare for life or death situations. Try again, it's fun to blow you up.
Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.

Somebody doesn't agree with something you said and then you think this means they want to live in the 1700's and own slaves?? were you a difficult child growing up? I'm just trying to figure out the deeper meaning to your OP because it's not making much sense.

He never does, that's just who Matty is.
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.




If insurers were making so much money, why is it so hard to keep them in it...lol

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