Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century?

They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.

Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol.

I thought Obamacare was supposed to do that. Didn't they get the memo?

If it's so screwed up perhaps the progressive Democratic party should fix their screw ups instead of laying it at other peoples feet.

Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.


While forcing millions of other to drop their now unaffordable policies so thousands of them would did because they now lacked health care. That was a brilliant solution.


They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.




Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol. Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.

Wrong again Frances- BOcare does not save any lives. It deals with the payment of healthcare that people were already receiving. You could make the argument that it saves some people money, but it does nothing for enhancing the healthcare for life or death situations. Try again, it's fun to blow you up.

You wouldn't know, you're on the BS GOP propaganda machine...Dignified people used to die rather than lose their assets or fight the bank/ER any more...I knew a couple. The nice guy across the street, a banker, didn't know he could be on Medicaid with ACA or get a free colonoscopy- dead. It's better. And will only GET BETTER when the GOP and insurers stop the sabotage.
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.




If insurers were making so much money, why is it so hard to keep them in it...lol


Where did I state that the insurers/companies were making money?

You don't have any sort of business courses or any concept of who really owns the large corporations do you?


They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.

Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol.

I thought Obamacare was supposed to do that. Didn't they get the memo?

If it's so screwed up perhaps the progressive Democratic party should fix their screw ups instead of laying it at other peoples feet.

Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.


While forcing millions of other to drop their now unaffordable policies so thousands of them would did because they now lacked health care. That was a brilliant solution.



It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.




If insurers were making so much money, why is it so hard to keep them in it...lol

View attachment 119310

Where did I state that the insurers/companies were making money?

You don't have any sort of business courses or any concept of who really owns the large corporations do you?



Right there for example: "All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return." So who owns the corps, conspiracy nutjob? My HS was full of the owners. Like Henry II and Edsel, my pal. Very nice. It's mid-level who are the a-hole GOPers...
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.

Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol.

I thought Obamacare was supposed to do that. Didn't they get the memo?

If it's so screwed up perhaps the progressive Democratic party should fix their screw ups instead of laying it at other peoples feet.

Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.


While forcing millions of other to drop their now unaffordable policies so thousands of them would did because they now lacked health care. That was a brilliant solution.



It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?


Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century? That was a time when we as a nation committed very little towards investment within our borders, very little laws or rules to protect the workers, life was far harder then today and I honestly believe the world of the time was so alien to the concepts of modern 20th and 21st century that America would be transformed into a very poor, backwards and violent society if we attempted it. It would be a outright suicide of the most advance nation on earth in many measures and a true lost to all of humanity.

Government expanded because it had too, just like every other modern state due to civilized people wanting infrastructure, wanting education for their children, clean air, water and food and a ever better standard of living. For one to argue that the 18th century was superior is the height of insanity within my mind, but that is exactly what extreme conservatism is bitching for. So you'd rather put your trust in the same corporations that pollute the environment in india then to have the government fine the bastards and give them a good reason to stop??? So you'd rather businesses have the power to refuse payment to work or set up sweat shops while you smile and say get a job. WTF is wrong with you? I say this because it could be you or your children that has little choice for employment! Why make life worse for yourself?

I could keep going on down the list on why the concepts of the 18th century would be a nightmare to the American people but I'll stop here. Lets just say that it isn't preferable and I really wish some people would see the benefits in living within a society that gives a shit about things.
So confused. Curious if you own a cell phone. Yes obama allowed it to be recorded and, yes he demanded reform, but shifted the burden to industry. You are clown. Of course the undrinkable water would happen in the deep liberal neighborhoods. It is what it is.
Black isn't liberal. They just know the GOP is full of racists. If I understand your gibberish correctly...
Who said black? The Obama administration allowed the poising of children.
Are you talking about Flint? How come it's GOPers getting arrested? lol
Are you kidding? Islam wants to take us back to the 13th century. Literals love bashing conservatives on that, but then tturn around and defend a group self righteous of suicidal religious freaks stuck in medieval times with major sex hang ups that slaughters and taxes non Muslims. Let's defend THAT., Shan't we?
Last edited:
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.




If insurers were making so much money, why is it so hard to keep them in it...lol

View attachment 119310

Where did I state that the insurers/companies were making money?

You don't have any sort of business courses or any concept of who really owns the large corporations do you?



Right there for example: "All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return." So who owns the corps, conspiracy nutjob? My HS was full of the owners. Like Henry II and Edsel, my pal. Very nice. It's mid-level who are the a-hole GOPers...


The stockholders who decide to withdraw from the industry because they don't like the new government policies idiot.

The major stockholders, who are also the board members, decide whether the company will continue or leave the industry.


They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.

Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol.

I thought Obamacare was supposed to do that. Didn't they get the memo?

If it's so screwed up perhaps the progressive Democratic party should fix their screw ups instead of laying it at other peoples feet.

Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.


While forcing millions of other to drop their now unaffordable policies so thousands of them would did because they now lacked health care. That was a brilliant solution.



It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



It ain't perfect- they had to pass the Senate version when Scott Brown's election gave GOP the filibuster again...IT WILL BE WORKED ON FOREVER, like all health systems...

Sons of Martha my butt...
Are you kidding? Islam wants to take us back to the 13th century. Literals love bashing conservatives on that, but then then turn around and defend a group self righteous of suicidal religious freaks stuck in medieval times with major sex hang ups that slaughters and taxes non Muslims. Let's defend THAT., Shan't we?
Sorry, Islam is modernizing very quickly. Don't be silly.
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.




If insurers were making so much money, why is it so hard to keep them in it...lol

View attachment 119310

Where did I state that the insurers/companies were making money?

You don't have any sort of business courses or any concept of who really owns the large corporations do you?



Right there for example: "All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return." So who owns the corps, conspiracy nutjob? My HS was full of the owners. Like Henry II and Edsel, my pal. Very nice. It's mid-level who are the a-hole GOPers...


The stockholders who decide to withdraw from the industry because they don't like the new government policies idiot.

The major stockholders, who are also the board members, decide whether the company will continue or leave the industry.



What are insurers going to do, go into computers? Then we'll Have to go single payer...
Are you kidding? Islam wants to take us back to the 13th century. Literals love bashing conservatives on that, but then then turn around and defend a group self righteous of suicidal religious freaks stuck in medieval times with major sex hang ups that slaughters and taxes non Muslims. Let's defend THAT., Shan't we?
Sorry, Islam is modernizing very quickly. Don't be silly.

You're dumber than a stump...
They have a limit on insurers under ACA. Only 20% of their money can be spent on other than care. Was 28%. It's a start. FIX IT.

View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.

Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol.

I thought Obamacare was supposed to do that. Didn't they get the memo?

If it's so screwed up perhaps the progressive Democratic party should fix their screw ups instead of laying it at other peoples feet.

Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.


While forcing millions of other to drop their now unaffordable policies so thousands of them would did because they now lacked health care. That was a brilliant solution.



It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]
Sorry. Islam modernizing a oxymoron. Are you kidding? That is exactly WHAT Islam preaches is against.it violates everything Islam is about, open mindedness and change.
Sorry. Islam modernizing a oxymoron. Are you kidding? That is exactly WHAT Islam preaches is against.it violates everything Islam is about, open mindedness and change.
Sorry, dupes, change is happening. ISIS is about dead. The ME is fighting fundamentalists and is sick of them and dictators. The Age of Information etc...Money will do that. My cousin was married to the King of Jordan and my uncle the CBE was the Emirates oil lawyer. Take a break from the hate pipe.
View attachment 119307

All you did was make them raise their prices higher so they could make the same amount or more at a lesser rate of return.

The only people the progressives like you have affected are those who could barely afford health insurance in the first place.

Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol.

I thought Obamacare was supposed to do that. Didn't they get the memo?

If it's so screwed up perhaps the progressive Democratic party should fix their screw ups instead of laying it at other peoples feet.

Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.


While forcing millions of other to drop their now unaffordable policies so thousands of them would did because they now lacked health care. That was a brilliant solution.



It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]


So the entitlement bitch looked it up.

Now you entitlement progressives can get off your fat dairy airs and clean up your own mess.

Otherwise as far as I'm concerned Obamacare should be defunded and not enforced.


Then fix THAT. Which is wrong...lol.

I thought Obamacare was supposed to do that. Didn't they get the memo?

If it's so screwed up perhaps the progressive Democratic party should fix their screw ups instead of laying it at other peoples feet.

Yes, saving 40k lives a year who didn't have insurance. And now they don't have to go on welfare to get Medicaid. Except in greedy idiot red states. Dupe.


While forcing millions of other to drop their now unaffordable policies so thousands of them would did because they now lacked health care. That was a brilliant solution.



It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]


So the entitlement bitch looked it up.

Now you entitlement progressives can get off your fat dairy airs and clean up your own mess.

Otherwise as far as I'm concerned Obamacare should be defunded and not enforced.



No entitlements here, dupe. I'm a doctor's son and retired teacher/businessman. Defunding would save the rich a lot of money, ruin the rest,and make us a laughingstock.

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