Why do so many people on this board wish to return to the 18th century?

Sorry. Islam modernizing a oxymoron. Are you kidding? That is exactly WHAT Islam preaches is against.it violates everything Islam is about, open mindedness and change.
Sorry, dupes, change is happening. ISIS is about dead. The ME is fighting fundamentalists and is sick of them and dictators. The Age of Information etc...Money will do that. My cousin was married to the King of Jordan and my uncle the CBE was the Emirates oil lawyer. Take a break from the hate pipe.
Islam,Saudi Arabia taxes non believers. Fact. What is you take away on that?
I thought Obamacare was supposed to do that. Didn't they get the memo?

If it's so screwed up perhaps the progressive Democratic party should fix their screw ups instead of laying it at other peoples feet.


While forcing millions of other to drop their now unaffordable policies so thousands of them would did because they now lacked health care. That was a brilliant solution.



It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]


So the entitlement bitch looked it up.

Now you entitlement progressives can get off your fat dairy airs and clean up your own mess.

Otherwise as far as I'm concerned Obamacare should be defunded and not enforced.



No entitlements here, dupe. I'm a doctor's son and retired teacher/businessman. Defunding would save the rich a lot of money, ruin the rest,and make us a laughingstock.


I see... You're one of the rich sons of Mary who think they can change the world by creating new laws that force the working man to pay more to better the world to an unrealistic progressive utopia.

Why don't you go back to your philanthropically pursuits and use the inheritance from your rich daddy who financed your fancy degree to get you to where you are today to do some good instead of forcing those who have to work hard for a living to pay for your absolution of conscious.


All of the 9/11 attackers were Muslims, most were Saudis. Islam does that, let's question that as group think outside of box.
Sorry. Islam modernizing a oxymoron. Are you kidding? That is exactly WHAT Islam preaches is against.it violates everything Islam is about, open mindedness and change.
Sorry, dupes, change is happening. ISIS is about dead. The ME is fighting fundamentalists and is sick of them and dictators. The Age of Information etc...Money will do that. My cousin was married to the King of Jordan and my uncle the CBE was the Emirates oil lawyer. Take a break from the hate pipe.
Islam,Saudi Arabia taxes non believers. Fact. What is you take away on that?
Saudi is a POS family dictatorship the GOP loves...dupe. The women are pissed there. It's coming along...The world discovered the ME in the 30's after their oil...after dividing it up like drunken sailors...
It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]


So the entitlement bitch looked it up.

Now you entitlement progressives can get off your fat dairy airs and clean up your own mess.

Otherwise as far as I'm concerned Obamacare should be defunded and not enforced.



No entitlements here, dupe. I'm a doctor's son and retired teacher/businessman. Defunding would save the rich a lot of money, ruin the rest,and make us a laughingstock.


I see... You're one of the rich sons of Mary who think they can change the world by creating new laws that force the working man to pay more to better the world to an unrealistic progressive utopia.

Why don't you go back to your philanthropically pursuits and use the inheritance from your rich daddy who financed your fancy degree to get you to where you are today to do some good instead of forcing those who have to work hard for a living to pay for your absolution of conscious.



You're the New BS GOP dupe of the greedy idiot rich, not me...like all Dems, I'm for raising taxes on the rich, cutting them on others, raising the min wage and pay, cheap college and training, better vacations, day care and parental leave etc etc. You ain't, dumbass.
All of the 9/11 attackers were Muslims, most were Saudis. Islam does that, let's question that as group think outside of box.
Let's declare crusade on 1.6 billion for 20 rich shyte rebels, like the moron Boooshies...or even worse, brainwashed Trumpettes...
It's a basic framework that will be worked on FOREVER. Only the GOP dupes thought it was a final solution or would save $2500 immediately. It's the GOP plan that needs competition and time to work.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]


So the entitlement bitch looked it up.

Now you entitlement progressives can get off your fat dairy airs and clean up your own mess.

Otherwise as far as I'm concerned Obamacare should be defunded and not enforced.



No entitlements here, dupe. I'm a doctor's son and retired teacher/businessman. Defunding would save the rich a lot of money, ruin the rest,and make us a laughingstock.


I see... You're one of the rich sons of Mary who think they can change the world by creating new laws that force the working man to pay more to better the world to an unrealistic progressive utopia.

Why don't you go back to your philanthropically pursuits and use the inheritance from your rich daddy who financed your fancy degree to get you to where you are today to do some good instead of forcing those who have to work hard for a living to pay for your absolution of conscious.



My conscience is fine, and he was a poor Dem country doctor, for socialized medicine since 1940 even...

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]


So the entitlement bitch looked it up.

Now you entitlement progressives can get off your fat dairy airs and clean up your own mess.

Otherwise as far as I'm concerned Obamacare should be defunded and not enforced.



No entitlements here, dupe. I'm a doctor's son and retired teacher/businessman. Defunding would save the rich a lot of money, ruin the rest,and make us a laughingstock.


I see... You're one of the rich sons of Mary who think they can change the world by creating new laws that force the working man to pay more to better the world to an unrealistic progressive utopia.

Why don't you go back to your philanthropically pursuits and use the inheritance from your rich daddy who financed your fancy degree to get you to where you are today to do some good instead of forcing those who have to work hard for a living to pay for your absolution of conscious.



You're the New BS GOP dupe of the greedy idiot rich, not me...like all Dems, I'm for raising taxes on the rich, cutting them on others, raising the min wage and pay, cheap college and training, better vacations, day care and parental leave etc etc. You ain't, dumbass.


Yeah sure... Just like your progressive health care proposal wasn't supposed to raise anyone's premiums and if you want to keep your health insurer and doctor you can. You progressives talk such a good line so long as you know it's going to put more money in that inheritance portfolio that your rich daddy left you for a legacy. If you're so concerned about other people why not use your own money to do some good instead of demanding everyone else pay for your absolution? Oh that's right it's easier and less painful on your pocketbook to force those who were born into less to pay for that by the point of a government sword while lining your own pocket. How much health care stock did daddy leave you rich boy?


Last edited:
My conscience is fine, and he was a poor Dem country doctor, for socialized medicine since 1940 even...


Says the teacher/businessman who got a free ride through college from his poor, poor, rich father.


The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]


So the entitlement bitch looked it up.

Now you entitlement progressives can get off your fat dairy airs and clean up your own mess.

Otherwise as far as I'm concerned Obamacare should be defunded and not enforced.



No entitlements here, dupe. I'm a doctor's son and retired teacher/businessman. Defunding would save the rich a lot of money, ruin the rest,and make us a laughingstock.


I see... You're one of the rich sons of Mary who think they can change the world by creating new laws that force the working man to pay more to better the world to an unrealistic progressive utopia.

Why don't you go back to your philanthropically pursuits and use the inheritance from your rich daddy who financed your fancy degree to get you to where you are today to do some good instead of forcing those who have to work hard for a living to pay for your absolution of conscious.



You're the New BS GOP dupe of the greedy idiot rich, not me...like all Dems, I'm for raising taxes on the rich, cutting them on others, raising the min wage and pay, cheap college and training, better vacations, day care and parental leave etc etc. You ain't, dumbass.


Yeah sure... Just like your progressive health care proposal wasn't supposed to raise anyone's premiums and if you want to keep your health insurer and doctor you can. You progressives talk such a good line so long as you know it's going to put more money in that inheritance portfolio that your rich daddy left you for a legacy. If you're so concerned about other people why not use your own money to do some good instead of demanding everyone else pay for your absolution? Oh that's right it's easier and less painful on your pocketbook to force those who were born into less to pay for that by the point of a government sword while lining your own pocket. How much health care stock did daddy leave you rich boy?



He left me nothing, the whole thing went to pay for my mother's 9 years in a nursing home, because my brother the lawyer is a psycho a-hole. Don't you get tired of being wrong lol?

That's what our GOP system COSTS, stupid. No more scams and time to fix COSTS. Start with voting Dem, dupe. At least you like JT, but ay caramba...
My conscience is fine, and he was a poor Dem country doctor, for socialized medicine since 1940 even...

View attachment 119321

Says the teacher/businessman who got a free ride through college from his poor, poor, rich father.



What is your stupid point? You hate rich people so you vote for the Rich White party? Brilliant!
First JT song I saw, Strawberry Fields Rock Festival, 1970
Sorry. Islam modernizing a oxymoron. Are you kidding? That is exactly WHAT Islam preaches is against.it violates everything Islam is about, open mindedness and change.
Sorry, dupes, change is happening. ISIS is about dead. The ME is fighting fundamentalists and is sick of them and dictators. The Age of Information etc...Money will do that. My cousin was married to the King of Jordan and my uncle the CBE was the Emirates oil lawyer. Take a break from the hate pipe.
Islam,Saudi Arabia taxes non believers. Fact. What is you take away on that?
Irrelevant. Are they GOP? Hate immigrants and others? Out of pure ignorance?
To the OP. Oh I think I would delight in the 18th, I write of it fairly often. I even have a quill and inkwell heh I'm a bit of an anti-feminist with strong family ties (which rolls well into upper society - my German family was wealthy far into antiquity as well, up until the Nazi's anyway.)

Still I would very much miss computers as I've always loved these mechanical miscreants...

Nay I'd prefer the 80s, a decent enough mix of the good that has came out of the US "liberal/progressive" movements, with enough strong moral foundation to keep it all together. I do wish we could go back there... even if it meant I'd not be as ridiculously well off.
The conservatives of the time were the Tories, or the Loyalists, who wanted the colonies to stay with England.
Agreed. They were also "big government" supporters. Both modern day Democrats and Republicans are easily comparable to "Tories".
The funny part is that Conservatives imagine themselves to be like our founders
As if you know anything about our founders. You literally could not provide one accurate fact about them without using Google.

Our founders were the greatest Liberals of the day

Liberals?? Not fucking hardly bucko.

The FF's would turn over in their graves if they ever got a look at America today.

The constitution is very clear on what they wanted our country to be like and it took forty years of the Dems ruling Congress to fuck that to hell and back.

Small Govt. The power with the States and everyone taking care of themselves. That's our constitution.

You should read it sometime asshole.

Our Liberal founders would be very proud of the country they created

Immense wealth, immense power, more freedom than they could imagine

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Our FF would be far from pleased at the way America has turned out.

The FF were independent and so were the people. They never needed anyone to take care of them. They solved their own problems and even defeated the mightiest power on earth.

You think they would enjoy seeing one group of people forced to take care of another??

You thing they would enjoy seeing a giant bloated Govt.??

You think they would enjoy seeing the States reduced to obeying that bloated Govt??

Catch a clue moron. The FF would turn over in their graves to see what America is today.
Hmmm. The 18th century would be the 1700s. The air and water was pristine. There was no government safety net. The old and disabled depended on the kindness and charity of neighbors. Somehow it was always there. Someone came with food. A young man from the village was told by his mother to go chop wood for someone feeling poorly. Big things, a new roof or collapsed fireplace, the church organized a crew.

The able bodied who refused to work were not fed and driven from the village. Boys started learning to shoot and survival skills at around 7. By 11 boys and girls if they wanted, were expected to hunt and put meat on the family table. At 14 boys and girls were expected to handle a gun well enough to fight off an indian attack. At 16 boys and girls were adults. They could marry and set up their own households. The only snowflakes came in the winter. People lived into their 80s.

It seems that we lost something. We became soft. When do people become adults today? Some say not until 40, more say 26 to 30.

If someone from the 18th century came to this time, they would vomit at what we have become.
Air and water was only pristine out in the wilderness, in the cities it was basically raw sewage and choked with coal smoke.

Families did care for their elderly, but lifespans were short except for the rich since there was no money for medication and doctors literally bled the ill to death.
To the OP. Oh I think I would delight in the 18th, I write of it fairly often. I even have a quill and inkwell heh I'm a bit of an anti-feminist with strong family ties (which rolls well into upper society - my German family was wealthy far into antiquity as well, up until the Nazi's anyway.)

Still I would very much miss computers as I've always loved these mechanical miscreants...

Nay I'd prefer the 80s, a decent enough mix of the good that has came out of the US "liberal/progressive" movements, with enough strong moral foundation to keep it all together. I do wish we could go back there... even if it meant I'd not be as ridiculously well off.
Using corncobs to wipe one's ass while sitting in a frozen outhouse isn't fun.

A good psych question is "If you had a time machine, would you go forward or backward in time?" IMO, the past would be fun to visit, but I'd rather live in the future.

In other words the progressives screwed everything up as usual and expect the conservatives to clean up their mess.

What if the sons of Martha decide to go on strike and just not enforce or provide any funding to Obamacare?



The Sons of Martha
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Sons of Martha" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. It is inspired by the biblical story of Jesus at the home of Martha and Mary. It celebrates the careful work done by workers and builders to provide for others' physical needs.

"The Sons of Martha" was written in 1907 and was adopted by the author in 1922 to be part of the Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer performed by Canadian engineers at their graduation.

In the Bible story, Christ visits a home where two sisters, Mary and Martha, live. Mary sits at the visitor's feet to listen to him while Martha races about attending to the hospitality until her patience runs out, and Martha calls on Jesus to direct Mary to help her. Jesus chides Martha for her mundane concerns and is told: "Mary has chosen what is better".[1]


So the entitlement bitch looked it up.

Now you entitlement progressives can get off your fat dairy airs and clean up your own mess.

Otherwise as far as I'm concerned Obamacare should be defunded and not enforced.



No entitlements here, dupe. I'm a doctor's son and retired teacher/businessman. Defunding would save the rich a lot of money, ruin the rest,and make us a laughingstock.


I see... You're one of the rich sons of Mary who think they can change the world by creating new laws that force the working man to pay more to better the world to an unrealistic progressive utopia.

Why don't you go back to your philanthropically pursuits and use the inheritance from your rich daddy who financed your fancy degree to get you to where you are today to do some good instead of forcing those who have to work hard for a living to pay for your absolution of conscious.



You're the New BS GOP dupe of the greedy idiot rich, not me...like all Dems, I'm for raising taxes on the rich, cutting them on others, raising the min wage and pay, cheap college and training, better vacations, day care and parental leave etc etc. You ain't, dumbass.

I don't know how one can get so twisted.

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