Why Do So Many White Americans Practically Hate Malcolm X?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
Here's an interesting debate between Brother Minister Malcolm X and, another thought leader, James Baldwin...

It features the core of Malcolm's beliefs.

I challenge anyone to point out what's wrong w/anything he said.
Brother Malcolm understood the fear, flight, fight response. He understood that if Blacks posed a threat to whites they would no longer feel they could just beat us down. Whites would have to take some casualties. Once that dynamic was introduced whites were never the same. Whites have an especially strong reaction to fear. It freezes them Whites hate Malcolm for bringing this mentality and bringing an end to passive resistance.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
Why do you hate conservatives?
I didn't like him because he was a hateful, antisemitic piece of shit.

As a black man, you embrace his ethic hatred because you never actually learned the lesson of racism.

all you have done is replicate it with different targets.
Here's an interesting debate between Brother Minister Malcolm X and, another thought leader, James Baldwin...

It features the core of Malcolm's beliefs.

I challenge anyone to point out what's wrong w/anything he said.

Fascinating to listen to.
Most white people, far from hating Malcolm X, would more likely say, Malcolm who? Aside from him proclaiming Obama to be the Messiah, most don't really care who he is.
The truth shouldn't be an offense.

Tell that to the clowns that want to see professors fired and students expelled from college for not accommodating ridiculous gender pronouns.

Tell that to the people that won't admit that poor Mexicans are not currently a benefit to our economy.
Sorry to break it to you, Marc...but most whites don't know anything about MalcomX and don't care...
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.

I'd be willing to bet, and I'm not a betting man, that most of the white Americans who profess hatred for Malcolm X don't really know why they hate him.

Personally, I have know feelings for the man either way. He spoke to and for a people whose circumstances I will never know or come close to fully understanding. I imagine the truths he spoke were true for them, I'm not able to say otherwise.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?
All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.
I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

Brother Malcolm understood the fear, flight, fight response. He understood that if Blacks posed a threat to whites they would no longer feel they could just beat us down. Whites would have to take some casualties. Once that dynamic was introduced whites were never the same. Whites have an especially strong reaction to fear. It freezes them Whites hate Malcolm for bringing this mentality and bringing an end to passive resistance.

So, in a nutshell, you sum up all the very reasons you deny why cops single you out and people shun you. Thanks for at least admitting as much. BTW, wasn't Malcolm X eventually shot and killed for his constant spewing of race hatred?
I "hate him" to the extent that I hate him, because just about everyone I have ever spoken to, that reveres him, is an ignorant, black supremacist asshole.

It gives me a bad impression of him.

It has been years since I read his book. I barely recall thinking that it reminded me of mein kampf.
Whites didn't hate him as much as negros did... Killed by his own... Such a common end for the American negro. Maybe they were just trying to kill the white part of him.
What? You didn't know? Malcom Littles was grandfather was white. It's obvious in his appearance...
Typical to his kind in the times he was involved in robberies, theft, and drug dealing. He even stole from his own family, and trusted aquaintences. And like so many before him, and after; he did time in prison.
Few whites hate him. Most don't really care. Given his life history, achievement, and ultimate end... He is just one of countless many, who followed his path, and ended up at the same place he did. By the same hands no less. It's happening everyday in Detroit. Most folks quit counting long ago...
I'd be willing to bet, and I'm not a betting man, that most of the white Americans who profess hatred for Malcolm X don't really know why they hate him.

Personally, I have know feelings for the man either way. He spoke to and for a people whose circumstances I will never know or come close to fully understanding. I imagine the truths he spoke were true for them, I'm not able to say otherwise.

It's a Pavlovian response. They just know they hate him, because, Muslim....or something.
I "hate him" to the extent that I hate him, because just about everyone I have ever spoken to, that reveres him, is an ignorant, black supremacist asshole.

It gives me a bad impression of him.

It has been years since I read his book. I barely recall thinking that it reminded me of mein kampf.
What's the name of the book you're referring to?

And I think it's pretty stupid to hate somebody because folks you hate like him.

That doesn't make any sense, now does it?
So, in a nutshell, you sum up all the very reasons you deny why cops single you out and people shun you. Thanks for at least admitting as much. BTW, wasn't Malcolm X eventually shot and killed for his constant spewing of race hatred?
Cite the "race hatred" that Brother Minister Malcolm X spewed.

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