Why Do So Many White Americans Practically Hate Malcolm X?

You only know this because I just proved it. If you already knew then you wouldnt have made those silly claims. Youre a clown that was repeating what you were told and got caught due to your lack of knowledge.

Of course Blacks should control their own communities. Whats the issue with that? Do you really expect us to believe whites should control our communities? You white boys are silly. Why should it be okay for whites, asians, white Jews, etc to control their communities and economies but Blacks cant control theirs?

So you are also for separate communities. You are a black nationalist.
And how am I parroting what I have been told, which btw is nothing, when all I have done is directly quote Malcom?
You are a funny guy.
I have actually stated almost no opinions here. Only quoted Malcom X's own words.

I have nothing against the man.
I believe he thought and did what he believed was right. And at the time, he was right. Blacks were absolutely 2nd class citizens then. Blacks were no longer slaves, but were still in economic servitude to whites. He was angry that black people were not rising up and continued to bow their heads as whites walked by and accepted their condition. He was right.
That was then.
I have little doubt that if Malcom X could see blacks today he would be furious. But not at whites. At blacks. He would be appalled at the 70% of kids living without a father, the amoral culture and lack of accountability. Indeed.... he would be screaming at the top of his lungs.
And he would be right.

Yes I am unapologetically Black. My only concern is my Black people. However, I am not the topic so please stop deflecting. You were parroting what you were told and had no clue that after going to Mecca Malcolm X changed his stance about whites. Youre just another silly clown that didnt have a clue before being educated by me.

Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Haha.... you are entertaining I will give you that.
I let you go back to constantly seeking to reaffirm yourself by white people. While saying you don't care about white people... :rofl:
I accept your concession and will notify you when I consider you relevant. We appear to be done here.
Of course I know he went to Mecca.
I know he recanted parts of what he had said previously.
Malcom X was as complicated as he was passionate. Little is known as to why he changed everything so fast. He spoke little of it. Instead he spent his last year denouncing the Nation of Islam (which lead to his death) and trying to create a new organization, and most likely to run for office.
But you cannot deny he still spoke of separatism in 1964.
His most famous speech of '64 was "Bullets or Ballets".... and in that speech he still talked about "we should control our own communities"... and spoke of how blacks should vote for blacks. He spoke about how blacks should control their own economies by owning businesses in black neighborhoods.
You only know this because I just proved it. If you already knew then you wouldnt have made those silly claims. Youre a clown that was repeating what you were told and got caught due to your lack of knowledge.

Of course Blacks should control their own communities. Whats the issue with that? Do you really expect us to believe whites should control our communities? You white boys are silly. Why should it be okay for whites, asians, white Jews, etc to control their communities and economies but Blacks cant control theirs?

So you are also for separate communities. You are a black nationalist.
And how am I parroting what I have been told, which btw is nothing, when all I have done is directly quote Malcom?
You are a funny guy.
I have actually stated almost no opinions here. Only quoted Malcom X's own words.

I have nothing against the man.
I believe he thought and did what he believed was right. And at the time, he was right. Blacks were absolutely 2nd class citizens then. Blacks were no longer slaves, but were still in economic servitude to whites. He was angry that black people were not rising up and continued to bow their heads as whites walked by and accepted their condition. He was right.
That was then.
I have little doubt that if Malcom X could see blacks today he would be furious. But not at whites. At blacks. He would be appalled at the 70% of kids living without a father, the amoral culture and lack of accountability. Indeed.... he would be screaming at the top of his lungs.
And he would be right.

Yes I am unapologetically Black. My only concern is my Black people. However, I am not the topic so please stop deflecting. You were parroting what you were told and had no clue that after going to Mecca Malcolm X changed his stance about whites. Youre just another silly clown that didnt have a clue before being educated by me.

Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
You only know this because I just proved it. If you already knew then you wouldnt have made those silly claims. Youre a clown that was repeating what you were told and got caught due to your lack of knowledge.

Of course Blacks should control their own communities. Whats the issue with that? Do you really expect us to believe whites should control our communities? You white boys are silly. Why should it be okay for whites, asians, white Jews, etc to control their communities and economies but Blacks cant control theirs?

So you are also for separate communities. You are a black nationalist.
And how am I parroting what I have been told, which btw is nothing, when all I have done is directly quote Malcom?
You are a funny guy.
I have actually stated almost no opinions here. Only quoted Malcom X's own words.

I have nothing against the man.
I believe he thought and did what he believed was right. And at the time, he was right. Blacks were absolutely 2nd class citizens then. Blacks were no longer slaves, but were still in economic servitude to whites. He was angry that black people were not rising up and continued to bow their heads as whites walked by and accepted their condition. He was right.
That was then.
I have little doubt that if Malcom X could see blacks today he would be furious. But not at whites. At blacks. He would be appalled at the 70% of kids living without a father, the amoral culture and lack of accountability. Indeed.... he would be screaming at the top of his lungs.
And he would be right.

Yes I am unapologetically Black. My only concern is my Black people. However, I am not the topic so please stop deflecting. You were parroting what you were told and had no clue that after going to Mecca Malcolm X changed his stance about whites. Youre just another silly clown that didnt have a clue before being educated by me.

Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
The same could be said of Charles Manson.
What is it that he did that brings out the hatred of white people so?

He didn't kill anyone, he didn't steal from anyone, he didn't commit any crimes, in his life that he's known for as a Minister and thought-leader of his time.

All he did was speak the raw, unadulterated and unfiltered truth about the state of affairs in this country.

I suppose that's why so many whites couldn't stand him.

The truth shouldn't be an offense.
The same could be said of Charles Manson.
Not really. There is no one race that hates Charles Manson.
So you are also for separate communities. You are a black nationalist.
And how am I parroting what I have been told, which btw is nothing, when all I have done is directly quote Malcom?
You are a funny guy.
I have actually stated almost no opinions here. Only quoted Malcom X's own words.

I have nothing against the man.
I believe he thought and did what he believed was right. And at the time, he was right. Blacks were absolutely 2nd class citizens then. Blacks were no longer slaves, but were still in economic servitude to whites. He was angry that black people were not rising up and continued to bow their heads as whites walked by and accepted their condition. He was right.
That was then.
I have little doubt that if Malcom X could see blacks today he would be furious. But not at whites. At blacks. He would be appalled at the 70% of kids living without a father, the amoral culture and lack of accountability. Indeed.... he would be screaming at the top of his lungs.
And he would be right.

Yes I am unapologetically Black. My only concern is my Black people. However, I am not the topic so please stop deflecting. You were parroting what you were told and had no clue that after going to Mecca Malcolm X changed his stance about whites. Youre just another silly clown that didnt have a clue before being educated by me.

Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.

No one was asked their life history.

Youve posted things here many times no one has asked for but thats your freedom... this is a US message board. We dont control each other here
Yes I am unapologetically Black. My only concern is my Black people. However, I am not the topic so please stop deflecting. You were parroting what you were told and had no clue that after going to Mecca Malcolm X changed his stance about whites. Youre just another silly clown that didnt have a clue before being educated by me.

Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.

No one was asked their life history.

Youve posted things here many times no one has asked for but thats your freedom... this is a US message board. We dont control each other here
Bullshit. I've only given items about my life history when people asked for them specifically. In this case the poster was wandering aimlessly around trying to cover the fact he didnt know WTF he was talking about regarding Malcolm X.
So you are also for separate communities. You are a black nationalist.
And how am I parroting what I have been told, which btw is nothing, when all I have done is directly quote Malcom?
You are a funny guy.
I have actually stated almost no opinions here. Only quoted Malcom X's own words.

I have nothing against the man.
I believe he thought and did what he believed was right. And at the time, he was right. Blacks were absolutely 2nd class citizens then. Blacks were no longer slaves, but were still in economic servitude to whites. He was angry that black people were not rising up and continued to bow their heads as whites walked by and accepted their condition. He was right.
That was then.
I have little doubt that if Malcom X could see blacks today he would be furious. But not at whites. At blacks. He would be appalled at the 70% of kids living without a father, the amoral culture and lack of accountability. Indeed.... he would be screaming at the top of his lungs.
And he would be right.

Yes I am unapologetically Black. My only concern is my Black people. However, I am not the topic so please stop deflecting. You were parroting what you were told and had no clue that after going to Mecca Malcolm X changed his stance about whites. Youre just another silly clown that didnt have a clue before being educated by me.

Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.

It could be the poster thought it was relevant, we all dont have to be 100% correct here and our opinions vary quite a lot.
Asclepias just being Asclepias.... he can't help it.
For his sake I hope he is maybe 14 or 15....whoops, he has been here for 5 years so I guess not.
Good Lord.
Yes I am unapologetically Black. My only concern is my Black people. However, I am not the topic so please stop deflecting. You were parroting what you were told and had no clue that after going to Mecca Malcolm X changed his stance about whites. Youre just another silly clown that didnt have a clue before being educated by me.

Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.

It could be the poster thought it was relevant, we all dont have to be 100% correct here and our opinions vary quite a lot.
I didnt ask the poster what he thought was relevant. I told him he didnt know anything about Malcolm X other than what he had been told to believe. Its not about being 100% correct. Its about staying on topic. His life history was irrelevant unless he was apologizing for not knowing what he was talking about which he didnt make clear.
Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.

No one was asked their life history.

Youve posted things here many times no one has asked for but thats your freedom... this is a US message board. We dont control each other here
Bullshit. I've only given items about my life history when people asked for them specifically. In this case the poster was wandering aimlessly around trying to cover the fact he didnt know WTF he was talking about regarding Malcolm X.

alright. well thats your take on it, but maybe a simple question could clear things up as it often does. Are you always so disagreable in person as well?
Again you're a funny guy. Who doesn't read the post he responds to. Clearly.
I haven't been told anything about the guy in my life.
I am 53 years old, and grew up in Southern Indiana. In my childhood, I didn't meet the first blackperson until I was in the 6th grade. Had never spoken to one. There was none here then.
And they most certainly didn't talk about Malcom X when I was in school. And when I continued my education they weren't talking about him then either.
So, as I said... I haven't been told anything about him. But I read. a lot. About a lot of things. I read about him, saw more than one documentary in him. Listened to his words. The guy was right - for the time he lived. Nothing wrong with what he said. He was right. Then.
But now is now. His words no longer apply, because the conditions he spoke of no longer exist. And that makes him irrelevant except to know your history.
Malcom X, Frederick Douglas, MLK etc. etc. They would all be appalled and outraged by the black culture that exist now.

Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.

It could be the poster thought it was relevant, we all dont have to be 100% correct here and our opinions vary quite a lot.
I didnt ask the poster what he thought was relevant. I told him he didnt know anything about Malcolm X other than what he had been told to believe. Its not about being 100% correct. Its about staying on topic. His life history was irrelevant unless he was apologizing for not knowing what he was talking about which he didnt make clear.

Only you would think quoting the very person who the thread is about is "off topic".
You over and over and over kept saying all I am doing is repeating what I have been told...so I told you how I have never been told anything about him.
Funny thing about you.... I am pretty sure I have never saw you actually respond to what someone is saying, only picking out little pieces and trying to debate them on that rather than content.
But then again....you are you.
Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.

No one was asked their life history.

Youve posted things here many times no one has asked for but thats your freedom... this is a US message board. We dont control each other here
Bullshit. I've only given items about my life history when people asked for them specifically. In this case the poster was wandering aimlessly around trying to cover the fact he didnt know WTF he was talking about regarding Malcolm X.

alright. well thats your take on it, but maybe a simple question could clear things up as it often does. Are you always so disagreable in person as well?
Why would I ask someone that didnt know WTF he was talking about and sticking to it after it was proven he was wrong a question? I'm not here to coddle him. Yes I am just as disagreeable in person towards bullshit and ignorance. Matter of fact more so in person.
Youre just a clown repeating what you were told which is why you had no clue about Malcolms changing views. I dont need your life history. Its irrelevant to the point. The point is that Malcolm is relevant now and will continue to be in the future. His ideology lives to this very day. Nothing a white person says can change that. Sorry but you dont have the credibility to uphold your statement.

Actually background history is relevant to the thread considering the Title of the thread. It's asking a question why do whites hate malcolm X so much? Go ahead and call white people clowns for posting their opinions here but wasnt that the point of this thread? to get opinions from white people? A post started by a black man?
I dont know enough about malcom X to really post here, I only know the very basics. I sure dont hate him, never had a reason to. I imagine, In my generation thats pretty much the case though I'm sure if you go back a couple generations the demographics will be different.
Actually its not relevant. No one was asked their life history. The question asked was why whites hate Malcolm X. We dont need your life history for that. We just need to know why you hate him. Running your mouth about your personal history in order to support your ignorance regarding what the man stood for is not required.

It could be the poster thought it was relevant, we all dont have to be 100% correct here and our opinions vary quite a lot.
I didnt ask the poster what he thought was relevant. I told him he didnt know anything about Malcolm X other than what he had been told to believe. Its not about being 100% correct. Its about staying on topic. His life history was irrelevant unless he was apologizing for not knowing what he was talking about which he didnt make clear.

Only you would think quoting the very person who the thread is about is "off topic".
You over and over and over kept saying all I am doing is repeating what I have been told...so I told you how I have never been told anything about him.
Funny thing about you.... I am pretty sure I have never saw you actually respond to what someone is saying, only picking out little pieces and trying to debate them on that rather than content.
But then again....you are you.
I only thought your life history was off topic you moron. No where did I say your thoughts on Malcolm X were off topic.
So, after all this, where's the hate for Malcolm? It's been alluded to multiple times, but it's not evident.
So, after all this, where's the hate for Malcolm? It's been alluded to multiple times, but it's not evident.

Meh... it's just MarcAtl once again making yet another thread either:
A) Telling white people how they suck or -
B) Fishing for reasons to show how white people are racist.
It's what he does.
And then you usually have Asclepias come in and pick fights with people. It's what he does.

Asclepias is easy to figure out, he is just a punk. But MarcATL is another thing. He is twice as smart, actually does respond to what people are saying....but then always disappears to reappear the next day for another round.
Bored I guess.
Elaborate.... specifics.
I doubt you have a clue who Malcom X was, and if I am wrong... then why do you constantly worry about what white people think?
That's the hilarious thing about you and MarcAtl... big fans of a guy who wanted blacks and whites to be separate peoples.. yet here you are..
If you read the part bolded in black first, then read the part bolded in red -- you would laugh......but only if you had a clue who Malcolm X was...and you don't
Like most clowns that know nothing of Malcolm X, he repeats his talking points given to him by his masters.

Uh huh.... you're the clown.

Speech at MSU in 1963......

This new type of black man, he doesn't want integration; he wants separation. Not segregation, separation. To him, segregation, as we're taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, means that which is forced upon inferiors by superiors. A segregated community is a Negro community. But the white community, though it's all white, is never called a segregated community. It's a separate community. In the white community, the white man controls the economy, his own economy, his own politics, his own everything. That's his community. But at the same time while the Negro lives in a separate community, it's a segregated community. Which means it's regulated from the outside by outsiders. The white man has all of the businesses in the Negro community. He runs the politics of the Negro community. He controls all the civic organizations in the Negro community. This is a segregated community.

We don't go for segregation. We go for separation. Separation is when you have your own. You control your own economy; you control your own politics; you control your own society; you control your own everything. You have yours and you control yours; we have ours and we control ours.

They don't call Chinatown in New York City or on the West Coast a segregated community, yet it's all Chinese. But the Chinese control it. Chinese voluntarily live there, they control it. They run it. They have their own schools. They control their own politics, control their own industry. And they don't feel like they're being made inferior because they have to live to themselves. They choose to live to themselves. They live there voluntarily. And they are doing for themselves in their community the same thing you do for yourself in your community. This makes them equal because they have what you have. But if they didn't have what you have, then they'd be controlled from your side; even though they would be on their side, they'd be controlled from your side by you.

So when we who follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that we're for separation, it should be emphasized we're not for segregation; we're for separation.
Yes you are a clown. You even posted that he said that in 1963. What a moron you are. :laughing0301:
WTF are talking about.
Michigan State University, February 1963
He lived 2 years after that --- he became one of the most dangerous men to the white supremacist power structure in America in the 2 years after 63 -- but since you have no idea who Malcolm was about, you would never know..

I bet you don't even know the significance of the name "El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz"
So, after all this, where's the hate for Malcolm? It's been alluded to multiple times, but it's not evident.
Its evident in every post by a white person claiming Malcolm isnt relevant.

He isn't relevant to the majority of people, and it's not hate to say that. Obviously, he is relevant to you. Let it be that way.
So, after all this, where's the hate for Malcolm? It's been alluded to multiple times, but it's not evident.
Its evident in every post by a white person claiming Malcolm isnt relevant.

He isn't relevant to the majority of people.
I disagree. He isnt relevant to poor uneducated people but to everyone else he is very relevant. There is a reason his ideology proliferates to this day.

The Impact of Malcolm X in the Human Rights Movement | NewsActivist

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