Why Do So Many White Americans Practically Hate Malcolm X?

"So many white Americans hate..."
Horseshit obviously.
Maybe...and this is a stretch... 2% of white Americans think about Malcom X...at all.
He died nearly 54 years ago after making disparaging (and accurate btw) remarks about the then leader of Islam.
He was a man of that time. No more no less.
He is no longer relevant.
You sound like an idiot. Of course he is still relevant. White people talk to me about him alot when they see some of my tshirts. Check this white guy reppin for Malcolm.

"So many white Americans hate..."
Horseshit obviously.
Maybe...and this is a stretch... 2% of white Americans think about Malcom X...at all.
He died nearly 54 years ago after making disparaging (and accurate btw) remarks about the then leader of Islam.
He was a man of that time. No more no less.
He is no longer relevant.
You sound like an idiot. Of course he is still relevant. White people talk to me about him alot when they see some of my tshirts. Check this white guy reppin for Malcolm.

You sound like an idiot. Of course he is still relevant. White people talk to me about him alot when they see some of my tshirts. Check this white guy reppin for Malcolm.

Can you PM some links to where I can buy some X gear?

Have'nt worn any since my time as a teen in the early 90's.

I'm well overdue.
I never met Malcolm X myself since he was gone before I was born but he has had the most influence on what I am about. I see his legacy in the various Black power movements. I attribute the thirst my people show for true knowledge to his teachings. Whats so great about Malcolm is that he was never portrayed as a saint yet rose to command so much respect. He showed the true phases of growth Black people must go through to achieve greatness. He provided an example, a pathway, that anyone could/can follow.
Whites didn't hate him as much as negros did... Killed by his own... Such a common end for the American negro. Maybe they were just trying to kill the white part of him.
What? You didn't know? Malcom Littles was grandfather was white. It's obvious in his appearance...
Typical to his kind in the times he was involved in robberies, theft, and drug dealing. He even stole from his own family, and trusted aquaintences. And like so many before him, and after; he did time in prison.
Few whites hate him. Most don't really care. Given his life history, achievement, and ultimate end... He is just one of countless many, who followed his path, and ended up at the same place he did. By the same hands no less. It's happening everyday in Detroit. Most folks quit counting long ago...
JFK was killed by his own too

Most white people, far from hating Malcolm X, would more likely say, Malcolm who? Aside from him proclaiming Obama to be the Messiah, most don't really care who he is.
Malcolm X said Obama was the messiah?

No, Calypso Louie did.
Remember when this thread was about Malcolm X -- the Malcolm X who went on a pilgrimage to Mecca and changed his outlook on race relations in America was despised by the Nation Of Islam
Whites didn't hate him as much as negros did... Killed by his own... Such a common end for the American negro. Maybe they were just trying to kill the white part of him.
What? You didn't know? Malcom Littles was grandfather was white. It's obvious in his appearance...
Typical to his kind in the times he was involved in robberies, theft, and drug dealing. He even stole from his own family, and trusted aquaintences. And like so many before him, and after; he did time in prison.
Few whites hate him. Most don't really care. Given his life history, achievement, and ultimate end... He is just one of countless many, who followed his path, and ended up at the same place he did. By the same hands no less. It's happening everyday in Detroit. Most folks quit counting long ago...
JFK was killed by his own too

So was Lincoln.
I notice most white folks have no idea about Malcolm's epiphany after went on his pilgrimage to Mecca -- perhaps I can show them his own words..

This is him after his return from Mecca -- an experience that caused him to break from the Nation of Islam and go out on his own, preaching a message of racial harmony -- something obviously most of the folks on this site never learned:

"Throngs of people, obviously Muslims from everywhere, bound for the pilgrimage,” he’d begun to notice at the airport terminal before boarding the plane for Cairo in Frankfurt, “were hugging and embracing. They were of all complexions, the whole atmosphere was of warmth and friendliness. The feeling hit me that there really wasn’t any color problem here. The effect was as though I had just stepped out of a prison.” To enter the state of ihram required of all pilgrims heading for Mecca, Malcolm abandoned his trademark black suit and dark tie for the two-piece white garment pilgrims must drape over their upper and lower bodies. “Every one of the thousands at the airport, about to leave for Jedda, was dressed this way,” Malcolm wrote. “You could be a king or a peasant and no one would know.” That, of course, is the point of ihram."

However, this is the part of Malcolm's thinking you would think more conservatives would latch onto -- but they don't because Malcolm's desire for black people to have political and socio-economic power on par with whites is not the desire of most conservatives -- but from the article:

But his critique of liberalism went on unabated. He was willing to take the help of “sincere whites,” but he was under no illusion that the solution for black Americans would not begin with whites. It would begin and end with blacks. In that regard, whites were better off busying themselves with confronting their own pathological racism. “Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people,” he said.
Whites didn't hate him as much as negros did... Killed by his own... Such a common end for the American negro. Maybe they were just trying to kill the white part of him.
What? You didn't know? Malcom Littles was grandfather was white. It's obvious in his appearance...
Typical to his kind in the times he was involved in robberies, theft, and drug dealing. He even stole from his own family, and trusted aquaintences. And like so many before him, and after; he did time in prison.
Few whites hate him. Most don't really care. Given his life history, achievement, and ultimate end... He is just one of countless many, who followed his path, and ended up at the same place he did. By the same hands no less. It's happening everyday in Detroit. Most folks quit counting long ago...
JFK was killed by his own too

So was Lincoln.
but apparently, it's different when black leaders are killed by other blacks..
I notice most white folks have no idea about Malcolm's epiphany after went on his pilgrimage to Mecca -- perhaps I can show them his own words..

This is him after his return from Mecca -- an experience that caused him to break from the Nation of Islam and go out on his own, preaching a message of racial harmony -- something obviously most of the folks on this site never learned:

"Throngs of people, obviously Muslims from everywhere, bound for the pilgrimage,” he’d begun to notice at the airport terminal before boarding the plane for Cairo in Frankfurt, “were hugging and embracing. They were of all complexions, the whole atmosphere was of warmth and friendliness. The feeling hit me that there really wasn’t any color problem here. The effect was as though I had just stepped out of a prison.” To enter the state of ihram required of all pilgrims heading for Mecca, Malcolm abandoned his trademark black suit and dark tie for the two-piece white garment pilgrims must drape over their upper and lower bodies. “Every one of the thousands at the airport, about to leave for Jedda, was dressed this way,” Malcolm wrote. “You could be a king or a peasant and no one would know.” That, of course, is the point of ihram."

However, this is the part of Malcolm's thinking you would think more conservatives would latch onto -- but they don't because Malcolm's desire for black people to have political and socio-economic power on par with whites is not the desire of most conservatives -- but from the article:

But his critique of liberalism went on unabated. He was willing to take the help of “sincere whites,” but he was under no illusion that the solution for black Americans would not begin with whites. It would begin and end with blacks. In that regard, whites were better off busying themselves with confronting their own pathological racism. “Let sincere whites go and teach non-violence to white people,” he said.
Doesnt matter what you show them. They are afraid of Malcolm X and will hold onto any reason to fear him. Malcolm knew the truth of the matter after going to Mecca. The problem is that white people in the US had a severe insecurity complex and had to create laws to keep themselves on top. They couldnt function on a level playing field.

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