Why do the admin and mods allow

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I totally agree tommy taint is 24 hours of democrat Influence
there are a couple of other nonstop 24/7 bashing of a president that has no effect on their lives.

You may be right. I know of some who are worse and they go to America and then bash the country when they work or live there. How insulting is that?

William Shatner said it best when they asked him about Trump, "I'm just a visitor here". Yet, you have some like Jim Carey (he may be an American citizen now I don't know), who work O.T to bash your government and citizens. It's as weak as it gets.

If an American came to work in Canada and bashed my government and citizens, even those I didn't agree with; I'd ask him WTF he's in Canada? Some of us are stuck here, we don't have a choice, but others do. In fact, I basically said that to a guy many years ago when he bitched about the taxes coming off his paycheque (he was from N.Y).

I didn't agree with Obama at times, I disagreed with Bush just as much, maybe more. I respected that they were duly elected and I had to always hope they loved their country and wanted it to succeed. I certainly wouldn't live in America and bash the very country I am doing well in.
That's the difference between you and the rabid non U.S. Citzens you may or may not agree with the American president but you aren't constantly bashing them.
Those who attack Trump Bush 1 and 2 and Reagan seem to give a pass to Clinton and obama
even though it was obama's policy that gave us the JV team ISIS

They now LIKE GWB because he's Anti-Trump ditto why they now LIKE that Neo-Conservative Warmongering Psychopath John Bolton.

Bush was a shitty president, and nobody excuses the crap he pulled. His presidency was shit from start to finish. It's good that he's finally making some good decisions, even if it is too late for him to fix what he broke.

Okay but what about the new Love-In with John Bolton? Given the opportunity he's a threat to World Peace, the man is not only a Neo-Conservative he's one of the most vile of them, he's a complete psychopath, there's not a nation he's not up for bombing probably even using Nukes, he's upset with Trump ONLY because Trump hasn't started WWIII already.

Now he's written a book because he's angry at Trump for not starting WWIII etc all the Leftists are having a Love-In with him.

Bolton is still a pig. Now he is a pig with pertinant information. Nobody wants him to have anything to do with setting policy because he sucks.
Why didn't he talk with A Dam Shit?

Bolton is a pig who cared more about profit from his book than he did for the country.
So Boltons book is fiction like Harry Potter.

That's the problem with crazy right wingers. You don't understand that Bolton is a pig, but that doesn't mean he is a liar.
he's a liar because if the President was unfit when Bolton was in the Trump administration why didn't Bolton say something then?
You do realize Bolton was one of the big pushers for the Iraq invasion?
Bolton is a neocon ass. But none the less fascinating in what he reveals.
Submit to my command! Or fall graciously in the rankings of my favorite people
I totally agree tommy taint is 24 hours of democrat Influence
there are a couple of other nonstop 24/7 bashing of a president that has no effect on their lives.

You may be right. I know of some who are worse and they go to America and then bash the country when they work or live there. How insulting is that?

William Shatner said it best when they asked him about Trump, "I'm just a visitor here". Yet, you have some like Jim Carey (he may be an American citizen now I don't know), who work O.T to bash your government and citizens. It's as weak as it gets.

If an American came to work in Canada and bashed my government and citizens, even those I didn't agree with; I'd ask him WTF he's in Canada? Some of us are stuck here, we don't have a choice, but others do. In fact, I basically said that to a guy many years ago when he bitched about the taxes coming off his paycheque (he was from N.Y).

I didn't agree with Obama at times, I disagreed with Bush just as much, maybe more. I respected that they were duly elected and I had to always hope they loved their country and wanted it to succeed. I certainly wouldn't live in America and bash the very country I am doing well in.
That's the difference between you and the rabid non U.S. Citzens you may or may not agree with the American president but you aren't constantly bashing them.
Those who attack Trump Bush 1 and 2 and Reagan seem to give a pass to Clinton and obama
even though it was obama's policy that gave us the JV team ISIS

They now LIKE GWB because he's Anti-Trump ditto why they now LIKE that Neo-Conservative Warmongering Psychopath John Bolton.

Bush was a shitty president, and nobody excuses the crap he pulled. His presidency was shit from start to finish. It's good that he's finally making some good decisions, even if it is too late for him to fix what he broke.

Okay but what about the new Love-In with John Bolton? Given the opportunity he's a threat to World Peace, the man is not only a Neo-Conservative he's one of the most vile of them, he's a complete psychopath, there's not a nation he's not up for bombing probably even using Nukes, he's upset with Trump ONLY because Trump hasn't started WWIII already.

Now he's written a book because he's angry at Trump for not starting WWIII etc all the Leftists are having a Love-In with him.

Bolton is still a pig. Now he is a pig with pertinant information. Nobody wants him to have anything to do with setting policy because he sucks.
Why didn't he talk with A Dam Shit?

Bolton is a pig who cared more about profit from his book than he did for the country.
So Boltons book is fiction like Harry Potter.

That's the problem with crazy right wingers. You don't understand that Bolton is a pig, but that doesn't mean he is a liar.
he's a liar because if the President was unfit when Bolton was in the Trump administration why didn't Bolton say something then?
You do realize Bolton was one of the big pushers for the Iraq invasion?
Bolton is a neocon ass. But none the less fascinating in what he reveals.
Anything he says in his book is tainted for two reasons
If it were true why wait so late to say anything?
and he's a disgruntled ex-employee
he says sweet nothings chocolate cover balls of bullshit and you foolishly eat them up.
I don't believe some of these guys are from away. Why would they be on an American board, knowing so much about American politics? Half the people in America don't care about politics. Why do they?
That goes for Lucy, too, though. Don't understand it, except I'm sure in Austria they won't allow her opinions on social media.

You are seriously the most ignorant person on the Internet.

GIve any evidence you have that anyone is lying about what country they're in. You make up the weirdest shit I ever heard.
Candy corn does the same thing to me
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?
You would really cry if the whole world was on social media. You missed that one.
but the big thing was foreign influence on America's social media

Foreign influence by people not stating that they were foreigners.

Something a lot of faux-conservatives don't understand: The Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, including Free Speech, applies to every single person, in their
I totally agree tommy taint is 24 hours of democrat Influence
there are a couple of other nonstop 24/7 bashing of a president that has no effect on their lives.

You may be right. I know of some who are worse and they go to America and then bash the country when they work or live there. How insulting is that?

William Shatner said it best when they asked him about Trump, "I'm just a visitor here". Yet, you have some like Jim Carey (he may be an American citizen now I don't know), who work O.T to bash your government and citizens. It's as weak as it gets.

If an American came to work in Canada and bashed my government and citizens, even those I didn't agree with; I'd ask him WTF he's in Canada? Some of us are stuck here, we don't have a choice, but others do. In fact, I basically said that to a guy many years ago when he bitched about the taxes coming off his paycheque (he was from N.Y).

I didn't agree with Obama at times, I disagreed with Bush just as much, maybe more. I respected that they were duly elected and I had to always hope they loved their country and wanted it to succeed. I certainly wouldn't live in America and bash the very country I am doing well in.
That's the difference between you and the rabid non U.S. Citzens you may or may not agree with the American president but you aren't constantly bashing them.
Those who attack Trump Bush 1 and 2 and Reagan seem to give a pass to Clinton and obama
even though it was obama's policy that gave us the JV team ISIS

They now LIKE GWB because he's Anti-Trump ditto why they now LIKE that Neo-Conservative Warmongering Psychopath John Bolton.

Bush was a shitty president, and nobody excuses the crap he pulled. His presidency was shit from start to finish. It's good that he's finally making some good decisions, even if it is too late for him to fix what he broke.

Okay but what about the new Love-In with John Bolton? Given the opportunity he's a threat to World Peace, the man is not only a Neo-Conservative he's one of the most vile of them, he's a complete psychopath, there's not a nation he's not up for bombing probably even using Nukes, he's upset with Trump ONLY because Trump hasn't started WWIII already.

Now he's written a book because he's angry at Trump for not starting WWIII etc all the Leftists are having a Love-In with him.

Bolton is still a pig. Now he is a pig with pertinant information. Nobody wants him to have anything to do with setting policy because he sucks.
Why didn't he talk with A Dam Shit?

Bolton is a pig who cared more about profit from his book than he did for the country.
So Boltons book is fiction like Harry Potter.

That's the problem with crazy right wingers. You don't understand that Bolton is a pig, but that doesn't mean he is a liar.
he's a liar because if the President was unfit when Bolton was in the Trump administration why didn't Bolton say something then?
You do realize Bolton was one of the big pushers for the Iraq invasion?
Bolton is a neocon ass. But none the less fascinating in what he reveals.
Anything he says in his book is tainted for two reasons
If it were true why wait so late to say anything?
and he's a disgruntled ex-employee
he says sweet nothings chocolate cover balls of bullshit and you foolishly eat them up.

I will give you my opinion (which may not be worth much to you)...Bolton is a professional, with his own political ambitions and desire for a legacy. The wait is basically because of various lawsuits and scrubbing.

He plays coy with releasing bits...refusing to testify...etc.

But...what he says is in many ways in line with what others have said about this administration.
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?
Prove you’re a citizen Mr. Blart.
I've been an American citizen since 1961 the year I was born in the old North State the tarheel state FRIST IN FREEDOM

You can’t prove it Blart
freedom of speech does not apply on a discussion board and it only applies to the U.S. Congress
It's a right they are supposed to in sure is protected

That's true but your argument against foreign influence in American elections is based on the claims of Russian influence in the 2016 election. That Russian influence that was deemed to be so objectionable was done in secret and not out in the open as Russians. So foreign nationals on this forum expressing their opinion is not at all the same thing as what happened in 2016.

Are you so weak-minded that you can't defeat the arguments of the left so you want to shut down their ideas and not hear them?
Free speech is for American citizens!

Where does it say that? Where does government get any power to limit free speech for non-citizens?
THE U.S. Congress doesn't make laws anywhere but here in the U.S.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The US government has no power not given to it in the Constitution. Where is there an exception for non-citizens? Or even for protests at US Embassies? Where is there an authority that would allow the US to try a person without a jury in a foreign land? Or to hang an MS-13 member without a trial or a lawyer?

Without the Constitution, those in government are nothing other than just people. How do those people have authority of US government to deal with anyone, in any fashion, on any matter, anywhere in the world, if not through the Constitution?
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?
Prove you’re a citizen Mr. Blart.
I've been an American citizen since 1961 the year I was born in the old North State the tarheel state FRIST IN FREEDOM

You can’t prove it Blart
ok blart you can't prove that I am not an American citizen
try it blart I dare you
Free speech is for American citizens!

Where does it say that? Where does government get any power to limit free speech for non-citizens?
THE U.S. Congress doesn't make laws anywhere but here in the U.S.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The US government has no power not given to it in the Constitution. Where is there an exception for non-citizens? Or even for protests at US Embassies? Where is there an authority that would allow the US to try a person without a jury in a foreign land? Or to hang an MS-13 member without a trial or a lawyer?

Without the Constitution, those in government are nothing other than just people. How do those people have authority of US government to deal with anyone, in any fashion, on any matter, anywhere in the world, if not through the Constitution?
The 14th amendment covers U.S. CITIZENS and their rights
The U.S Government does not make laws for citizens of other countries only US. CITIZENS
Free speech is for American citizens!

Where does it say that? Where does government get any power to limit free speech for non-citizens?
THE U.S. Congress doesn't make laws anywhere but here in the U.S.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The US government has no power not given to it in the Constitution. Where is there an exception for non-citizens? Or even for protests at US Embassies? Where is there an authority that would allow the US to try a person without a jury in a foreign land? Or to hang an MS-13 member without a trial or a lawyer?

Without the Constitution, those in government are nothing other than just people. How do those people have authority of US government to deal with anyone, in any fashion, on any matter, anywhere in the world, if not through the Constitution?
The 14th amendment covers U.S. CITIZENS and their rights
The U.S Government does not make laws for citizens of other countries only US. CITIZENS
I’m guessing this guy claims he’s a Republican but he wont vote for Trump.. won’t tell us who he votes for lol
Free speech is for American citizens!

Where does it say that? Where does government get any power to limit free speech for non-citizens?
THE U.S. Congress doesn't make laws anywhere but here in the U.S.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The US government has no power not given to it in the Constitution. Where is there an exception for non-citizens? Or even for protests at US Embassies? Where is there an authority that would allow the US to try a person without a jury in a foreign land? Or to hang an MS-13 member without a trial or a lawyer?

Without the Constitution, those in government are nothing other than just people. How do those people have authority of US government to deal with anyone, in any fashion, on any matter, anywhere in the world, if not through the Constitution?
The 14th amendment covers U.S. CITIZENS and their rights
The U.S Government does not make laws for citizens of other countries only US. CITIZENS

The US Constitution makes the rules for the US government. There's no other authority they have.
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?
Silly...because our Marxist brothers in Beijing tell us to send derogatory comment's on Trump & Republicans to influence the election. I think though payments should be made on number of derogatory posts made, rather than number of responses to derogatory posts. Its not always easy to think of things derogatory enough to get a large response.

Ha ha ha ha a ha ha ha!

Only kidding........believe me?
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?
You right whingers will never know how much laughter you create!
I want to hear from foreign posters; I read The Economist and English versions of European and Asian newspapers, and since we're a global power we need to hear from citizens from all those countries. I expect Germans to be German patriots, Singaporeans to be pro-Singapore, French to be pro-French, etc., doesn't bother at me at all, neither do Russians; pretending to be Americans is dishonest, but they have little effect given the vast numbers of domestic traitors and vermin, Democrats, we have here, dwarfing any foreign enemies we may have. Does Tommy Fae really have any influence on Americans??? lol don't be silly.
The U.S Government does not make laws for citizens of other countries only US. CITIZENS
Tell that to Iran and to the citizens and companies of other nations trading with Iran.

Screw Iran and alll the other terrorist gangs you support and encourage; sooner or later they all implode from their own corruption and stupidity. The Iranians have dragged Lebanon down ti near collapse and will soon be driven out, being nothing but parasites and that country will no longer be a threat, for instance. The rest of the ME is coalescing into a bloc that will eventually crush it, too. You should move there and rescue them with your brilliance. lol
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