Why do the admin and mods allow

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Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?
Why not allow all opinions? Do you want to live in a bubble?
Should we allow foreign agents to influence the election? How about Christopher Steele in his opinion?

Actually, Steele told the FBI his stuff was all just opinion. For 6 million dollars, I'll make up a bunch of lying shit about Saint Donald, myself. The FBI and DOJ are the ones who used Steele's stuff for illegally influencing the election.

It amazes me how much so-called conservatives bitch about Facebook or Twitter blocking conservative views and then try to block the views they don't want to hear. Reminds me of the Dixie Chicks cancellation by Republicans. No different than the censors on the left.
yet the FBI used the dossier. not based on facts just maybe it might have happened this way.
Why did we allow a foreigner to influence our political system?
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.
Nope not going to allow America's enemies to be ignored might as well agree with them if you allow that
Go elsewhere, snowflake
Newbi I am not a Leftists so it would be impossible for me to be a snowflake

You're definitely a snowflake.
Your TDS is in total denial of your mental meltdown snowflake. Leftist are snowflakes have been since 2016

You only call me a leftist because I disagree with pretty much everything you vomit up on a screen. It doesn't make it true, but it makes you feel better, you fucking snowflake.

I doubt you'll even have the stones to read this full comment in entirety.

You, like most mouth breathers of your stripe, simply assume shit. You aren't here for any meaningful discussion unless it lives up to your own perverted agenda. You are content to live in an ideological echo chamber just like the regressive left. You are way more like them than I, I can assure you. Your tactics are similar, your memes are similar and your perpetual outrage is identical. So, fuck you both.

Independents and centrists are tired of being a sounding board for Cult45 extremists to concoct straw men made of your own flung feces, because that's the entirety of your inane arguments. You make up talking points for independents/centrists because you really couldn't handle the real ones if we said it to your faces. You're really more pussies and cowards than snowflakes, but the meme works to trigger inbreds like yourself to froth at the mouth, and I'll always take the little victories against assholes.

And let's face it, we're both assholes in our own ways.

But you base your ire at me upon a fantasy you've already concocted in your pointy little head. In reality, you don't know what I really think about anything. You merely assume. Because you're an arrogant, ignorant little snowflake.

I hold our constitutional values in the highest regard. That's why I don't mind peaceful protest. I don't conflate protest with violence, like you ignorant savages do. I can even get behind the mission and message of BLM, but I've never really cared for that name. It is too alienating to too many and the mission and the message becomes lost. I personally have no inclinations to protest on the streets in our cities myself, but I don't shit on those who do, however, as long as it stays peaceful.

I don't support, theft, destruction of personal property or violence as a means to solve problems. The regressive left sure does, and so do you. Another thing you wingers have in common with each other.

I can get behind the mission and message of a group that opposes fascism, but everything I've seen from Antifa sure as fuck ain't it. The moment even one person in the group uses violence, the mission and the message instantly becomes invalided. Very few people see the irony in fighting fascism with fascism. I blame it on an media-driven agenda of slowly dumbing down American society, and It's working. You are a product of this.

I am a staunch advocate of the 1st amendment. Burning the flag, while I personally find the act despicable, is a federally protected right. We can bitch and moan all we like about it, but that doesn't change a thing. The moment you call for violence as a recourse against any federally protected speech you disapprove of, you infringe upon the rights of others, simultaneously misunderstanding and disrespecting the spirit of our constitution. When the orange traitor calls for imprisonment as a recourse against federally protected speech he doesn't approve of, he proves he actively seeks to infringe upon the rights of others, simultaneously misunderstanding and disrepecting the spirit of our constitution. That makes him a threat to our republic, for which there is another possible remedy:

I am a proud gun owner and pro-2nd amendment because again, I hold constitutional values in the highest regard. I have a range on my property, for fucks sake. This *pResident's perversion and usurpation of his powers in this manner will not stand.

I value states rights. Period. This doesn't change when I get my panties in a bunch over something, like you and your traitorous leader. The states can take care of themselves just fine without government intervention. I don't care what majority party rules. If you think you can do better, run for office. Otherwise, I don't really care what stupid opinions you have about it, so you might as well keep them to yourself.

I value a smaller government. Unfortunately, no one else in either party shares that sentiment in 2020. So, fuck them both.

I value a strong, free market economy based on capitalism, with a government that will cut taxes and especially spending when necessary. Unfortunately, no one else in either party shares that sentiment in 2020. So, fuck them both. Orange really only had one fucking job, and that was to keep an already strong economy going, and he blew it. It was literally the only thing I've ever given him any credit for.

As a quiet, reserved, hard working, normal family man living in rural America. I don't really have a dog in this hunt. I do think America has a serious class problem right now, and the dickhead you orange sycophants put in charge is precisely the wrong asshole to handle it. I don't relate to rich, big city populists like him. I think his abrasive crudeness deserves a smack in the mouth, and nothing more.

Nothing any of the Cult45 vomits on screen is of any value to me. Nothing the regressive left vomits back has any value to me.

Try bringing your culture war to the doorsteps of centrists/independents, and you'll regret it more than you've ever regretted anything in your miserable lives. We are the true silent majority. Do not piss us off. Think about that next time you refer to me as a liberal, snowflake.
You're just a bump in the road of life junior

You're about as deep as a puddle and as threatening as a bag of goldfish. Fuckface.
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.
Nope not going to allow America's enemies to be ignored might as well agree with them if you allow that
Go elsewhere, snowflake
Newbi I am not a Leftists so it would be impossible for me to be a snowflake


drama queen.jpg
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?
Why not allow all opinions? Do you want to live in a bubble?

he lives in a methane filled bubble.
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.
Nope not going to allow America's enemies to be ignored might as well agree with them if you allow that
Go elsewhere, snowflake
Newbi I am not a Leftists so it would be impossible for me to be a snowflake
Then I guess you just accomplished the impossible. Whiny snowflake
No snowflake the only thing accomplished was showing you are a TDS easily triggered snowflake
Ok snowflake
Nope you Leftists hold the ownership of that name because y'all have been in total meltdown stage since 2016

Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?

This forum is bigger than most on matters of free speech. No reason why foreigners, who have no real knowledge of America, and no say in how we run our country, should not be allowed to express their opinions. But when the opinions are based on such ignorance and hubris as we are seeing from a particularly noisy few, then there is also no god reason why the rest of us should not, subject them to the mockery and ridicule that they so richly deserve for it. At least they are worth some entertainment.

far too many times dragonlady, who is canadian - has proven she knows way more about our constitution than the american born hayseeds who post on USMB.

she is also wrong alot too....

i'm sure she is wrong at times - after all she's not american. but the very fact that she does know much about our nation & its constitution only solidifies just how poorly educated trump's base is.
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?

This forum is bigger than most on matters of free speech. No reason why foreigners, who have no real knowledge of America, and no say in how we run our country, should not be allowed to express their opinions. But when the opinions are based on such ignorance and hubris as we are seeing from a particularly noisy few, then there is also no god reason why the rest of us should not, subject them to the mockery and ridicule that they so richly deserve for it. At least they are worth some entertainment.
Every Brit who has expressed an opinion on here has ridiculed your president. We know everything that goes on in America we have 24/7 news coverage. I can also get every US TV program you get. Most of its wank, especially Fox News. However I have to admit we will miss Trump after Nov. His news briefs often had us rolling around the floor in tearful hysterics. That right hand of his seems to have a life of its own. And the hair? - Is it a birds nest stuck on?

it's a tribble.

View attachment 354393
Romulans feared the tribble you must be a romulan
actually it was the Klingons....
I knew it was one of the leftist's groups on StarTrek
yea im sure the klingons were lefties reb....
Foreigners to try to influence America's political system? For the last 3 years, all we heard was about how Russia went on social media to influence the 2016 and now the 2020 election. So why is this board allowing NON-U.S. Citizens to give their opinion by America's politics namely the president?

This forum is bigger than most on matters of free speech. No reason why foreigners, who have no real knowledge of America, and no say in how we run our country, should not be allowed to express their opinions. But when the opinions are based on such ignorance and hubris as we are seeing from a particularly noisy few, then there is also no god reason why the rest of us should not, subject them to the mockery and ridicule that they so richly deserve for it. At least they are worth some entertainment.

far too many times dragonlady, who is canadian - has proven she knows way more about our constitution than the american born hayseeds who post on USMB.

she is also wrong alot too....

i'm sure she is wrong at times - after all she's not american. but the very fact that she does know much about our nation & its constitution only solidifies just how poorly educated trump's base is.
you people have trump on the brain......do you see him everywhere?.....
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.
Nope not going to allow America's enemies to be ignored might as well agree with them if you allow that
Go elsewhere, snowflake
Newbi I am not a Leftists so it would be impossible for me to be a snowflake

You're definitely a snowflake.
Your TDS is in total denial of your mental meltdown snowflake. Leftist are snowflakes have been since 2016

You only call me a leftist because I disagree with pretty much everything you vomit up on a screen. It doesn't make it true, but it makes you feel better, you fucking snowflake.

I doubt you'll even have the stones to read this full comment in entirety.

You, like most mouth breathers of your stripe, simply assume shit. You aren't here for any meaningful discussion unless it lives up to your own perverted agenda. You are content to live in an ideological echo chamber just like the regressive left. You are way more like them than I, I can assure you. Your tactics are similar, your memes are similar and your perpetual outrage is identical. So, fuck you both.

Independents and centrists are tired of being a sounding board for Cult45 extremists to concoct straw men made of your own flung feces, because that's the entirety of your inane arguments. You make up talking points for independents/centrists because you really couldn't handle the real ones if we said it to your faces. You're really more pussies and cowards than snowflakes, but the meme works to trigger inbreds like yourself to froth at the mouth, and I'll always take the little victories against assholes.

And let's face it, we're both assholes in our own ways.

But you base your ire at me upon a fantasy you've already concocted in your pointy little head. In reality, you don't know what I really think about anything. You merely assume. Because you're an arrogant, ignorant little snowflake.

I hold our constitutional values in the highest regard. That's why I don't mind peaceful protest. I don't conflate protest with violence, like you ignorant savages do. I can even get behind the mission and message of BLM, but I've never really cared for that name. It is too alienating to too many and the mission and the message becomes lost. I personally have no inclinations to protest on the streets in our cities myself, but I don't shit on those who do, however, as long as it stays peaceful.

I don't support, theft, destruction of personal property or violence as a means to solve problems. The regressive left sure does, and so do you. Another thing you wingers have in common with each other.

I can get behind the mission and message of a group that opposes fascism, but everything I've seen from Antifa sure as fuck ain't it. The moment even one person in the group uses violence, the mission and the message instantly becomes invalided. Very few people see the irony in fighting fascism with fascism. I blame it on an media-driven agenda of slowly dumbing down American society, and It's working. You are a product of this.

I am a staunch advocate of the 1st amendment. Burning the flag, while I personally find the act despicable, is a federally protected right. We can bitch and moan all we like about it, but that doesn't change a thing. The moment you call for violence as a recourse against any federally protected speech you disapprove of, you infringe upon the rights of others, simultaneously misunderstanding and disrespecting the spirit of our constitution. When the orange traitor calls for imprisonment as a recourse against federally protected speech he doesn't approve of, he proves he actively seeks to infringe upon the rights of others, simultaneously misunderstanding and disrepecting the spirit of our constitution. That makes him a threat to our republic, for which there is another possible remedy:

I am a proud gun owner and pro-2nd amendment because again, I hold constitutional values in the highest regard. I have a range on my property, for fucks sake. This *pResident's perversion and usurpation of his powers in this manner will not stand.

I value states rights. Period. This doesn't change when I get my panties in a bunch over something, like you and your traitorous leader. The states can take care of themselves just fine without government intervention. I don't care what majority party rules. If you think you can do better, run for office. Otherwise, I don't really care what stupid opinions you have about it, so you might as well keep them to yourself.

I value a smaller government. Unfortunately, no one else in either party shares that sentiment in 2020. So, fuck them both.

I value a strong, free market economy based on capitalism, with a government that will cut taxes and especially spending when necessary. Unfortunately, no one else in either party shares that sentiment in 2020. So, fuck them both. Orange really only had one fucking job, and that was to keep an already strong economy going, and he blew it. It was literally the only thing I've ever given him any credit for.

As a quiet, reserved, hard working, normal family man living in rural America. I don't really have a dog in this hunt. I do think America has a serious class problem right now, and the dickhead you orange sycophants put in charge is precisely the wrong asshole to handle it. I don't relate to rich, big city populists like him. I think his abrasive crudeness deserves a smack in the mouth, and nothing more.

Nothing any of the Cult45 vomits on screen is of any value to me. Nothing the regressive left vomits back has any value to me.

Try bringing your culture war to the doorsteps of centrists/independents, and you'll regret it more than you've ever regretted anything in your miserable lives. We are the true silent majority. Do not piss us off. Think about that next time you refer to me as a liberal, snowflake.
You're just a bump in the road of life junior

You're about as deep as a puddle and as threatening as a bag of goldfish. Fuckface.
and you're just a bump in the road
The sitting president affects the entire world.

I have no problem hearing thier points of view.

If they upset you so much, use the ignore button.
Nope not going to allow America's enemies to be ignored might as well agree with them if you allow that
Go elsewhere, snowflake
Newbi I am not a Leftists so it would be impossible for me to be a snowflake


View attachment 354552
I would never think of taking your crown away
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