Why Do the Dem Sponsors of Green New Deal Not Have Solar Panels in Their Houses?

Not sure about that, but the average rich person is not trying to push climate change.
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

It's the only natural state he knows.

Not sure about that, but the average rich person is not trying to push climate change.
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

So, where was I dishonest?
you are not in the hurricane zone I deduce.

You're right, I'm not. In that case, both the house and the cells ought to be designed to meet some code to survive fairly unscathed. I don't know what a good solution would be, maybe some sort of steel shutter that closes over them to protect them? This adds greatly to the cost of building the house, but would greatly lower the cost of insuring it.

Not sure about that, but the average rich person is not trying to push climate change.
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

So, where was I dishonest?

Where are you ever honest?

Why does Al Gore live in a big frickin' mansion with thousands of BTUs of heat and A/C pouring out every window and hundreds of lights on day and night while driving a gas hog limo and flying a fuel-spewing private jet all over the world while writing books and lecturing the rest of us on how we must all cut back on our carbon footprints???

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They amass carbon credits by imposing it on everyone else.
The massive liability of Arsenic and Gallium is in the seven figures at a minimum. If anyone has ever put up a solar panel after consulting with both an attorney and an insurance rep I have never heard of it.
"A non-toxic aerosol of an alloy of toxic Gallium and toxic arsenic is perfectly safe." ain't going to fly.

Gallium and arsenic (or any combinations thereof) are standard necessary doping compounds which go into the making of many semiconductors including photovoltaic and conductive devices.

And sodium and chlorine are both poisonous but a lack of salt can kill you. And the potential liability of a solar panel is as yet unknown because fuzzybutts or little lady have not yet croaked in the aftermath of a solar panel shattering. Where there is a will there is a lawyer. When somebody loses their 30 year old cat in the aftermath of a shattered panel the home owner has to prove a negative, which is kinda impossible there will be will and lawyers aplenty when that hits the courts.

I'm not sure why a solar panel would be considered a danger if broken. The materials mentioned are not loose to blow around or be consumed. They are bound up in a substrate making them merely less electrically resistive than an insulator but more resistive than a conductor. It merely makes the substance both a bad conductor or resistor but photoelectric in that it will produce a current upon sunlight. That substrate is sealed in a clear layer. A rock or something might crack or break a panel interrupting its circuit, but I'm not clear how any toxic agents might be released short of pulverizing the thing to a dust.

According to this article, there are NO TOXIC EMISSIONS FROM SOLAR PANELS:

Are Solar Panels Toxic or Bad For the Environment? | EnergySage

Not sure about that, but the average rich person is not trying to push climate change.
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

It's the only natural state he knows.
Does he really need you to stroke him off right out here in public like that?
I'd bet that not any more than the average rich person household.

Not sure about that, but the average rich person is not trying to push climate change.
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

So, where was I dishonest?

Where are you ever honest?
So again, you've got nuthin'.

As usual.
The break even on Solar is 20 years out in CA where the Sun shines. Then you need new panels. No thank you AlGore.
Solar anything is not being subsidized as much as it was. Actually, in most cities solar will not work unless tied into the electric company. Big utilities have clout.

The issue, there, is that most properties just don't have nearly enough area to collect enough solar energy to meet their needs. It's just not a realistic option for most to depend entirely on solar energy to meet one's electrical needs. The usual arrangement, then, is a grid-tie system, where one collects solar power, and by so doing, reduces the amount of power that one must buy from the utility. In many cases, if, at any given time one is using less energy than one's solar power system is collecting, one “sells” the excess to the utility, to be credited against power that they later use from the utility when their solar power system is collecting less than they need.

If you have enough land, you can set up a truly standalone solar power system. It needs to be big enough, not just to meet your immediate needs while the Sun is shining, but to collect enough excess power during that time, to be stored in batteries, and used when the Sun isn't shining. With that kind of system, you don't need the utility.

That's true, not sure if it's a California thing, we can have solar, but it has to be tied into the electric. If it's not tied in the solar will not work. Also, any power not used can be sent back to the electric company, but the amount the electric company is paying you has gone way down from what it use to be.

Not sure about that, but the average rich person is not trying to push climate change.
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

So, where was I dishonest?

Really!? 100 times average?
I don't know why they don't have solar panels. If they can, they should.

I do have solar panels on my house (came with the house) and I LOVE them. My electricity bill is around $50 p/month for 2300 sq.ft.

It's awesome.
Solar anything is not being subsidized as much as it was. Actually, in most cities solar will not work unless tied into the electric company. Big utilities have clout.

The issue, there, is that most properties just don't have nearly enough area to collect enough solar energy to meet their needs. It's just not a realistic option for most to depend entirely on solar energy to meet one's electrical needs. The usual arrangement, then, is a grid-tie system, where one collects solar power, and by so doing, reduces the amount of power that one must buy from the utility. In many cases, if, at any given time one is using less energy than one's solar power system is collecting, one “sells” the excess to the utility, to be credited against power that they later use from the utility when their solar power system is collecting less than they need.

If you have enough land, you can set up a truly standalone solar power system. It needs to be big enough, not just to meet your immediate needs while the Sun is shining, but to collect enough excess power during that time, to be stored in batteries, and used when the Sun isn't shining. With that kind of system, you don't need the utility.

That's true, not sure if it's a California thing, we can have solar, but it has to be tied into the electric. If it's not tied in the solar will not work. Also, any power not used can be sent back to the electric company, but the amount the electric company is paying you has gone way down from what it use to be.

Yeah that solar/electric company business seems like a bit of a racket. If the batteries were more affordable, I think I could go off grid completely. Especially since I don't have A/C.
I'd bet that not any more than the average rich person household.

Not sure about that, but the average rich person is not trying to push climate change.
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

So, where was I dishonest?

Really!? 100 times average?
Can you not read? Or did you just not understand my post.

What is wrong with you?!?!?!?! We are the plebes, and they are the masters.

Same thing with Obysmalcare, isn't it! They gave America that, then exempted themselves while keeping their gold plated healthcare.

Know what is crazy? The Left says "yay, we love getting screwed," then demands we all get screwed with them. Where is the me too movement when you need them-)
Not sure about that, but the average rich person is not trying to push climate change.
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

So, where was I dishonest?

Really!? 100 times average?
Can you not read? Or did you just not understand my post.

No, we can read, you just don't know how to write to get your point across; as dumb as your point may be-)
The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

So, where was I dishonest?

Really!? 100 times average?
Can you not read? Or did you just not understand my post.

No, we can read, you just don't know how to write to get your point across; as dumb as your point may be-)
What part of this:

The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Is unclear?
Well then, thanks for being dishonest...dumbass.

So, where was I dishonest?

Really!? 100 times average?
Can you not read? Or did you just not understand my post.

No, we can read, you just don't know how to write to get your point across; as dumb as your point may be-)
What part of this:

The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Is unclear?

Clear. The poor masses and those that already use little need to cut back much more till it hurts so that the few who can afford not to care can burn fossil fuels at their wanton convenience.

And here I always thought that the Left cared about the Little Guy.
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So, where was I dishonest?

Really!? 100 times average?
Can you not read? Or did you just not understand my post.

No, we can read, you just don't know how to write to get your point across; as dumb as your point may be-)
What part of this:

The average millionaire household may use 100 times average. Just giving numbers with nothing to compare them to is kinda dishonest.

Is unclear?

Clear. The poor masses and those that already use little need to cut back much more till it hurts so that the few who can afford not to care can burn fossil fuels at their convenience.

And here I always thought that the Left cared about the Little Guy.

Serious questions:

Are you functionally retarded?

Should I be cutting you more slack than I do?

I'm beginning to think I'm expecting to much from you.

If you're embarrassed to answer on the open forum you can reply by PM and I'll start taking it easy on you
Need BTU per SQFT per pound of human to compare. For instace AL-Tipper in 50K sqft vs. 7 Mexicans in a srudio in LA.

Does big AL need that much space? He probably has 5 car heated garage.

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