Why do the God-haters persist?


Clinging desperately to a position that cannot be supported by fact for well over 3,000 years is evidense of mass stupidity.

The possibility of other alternatives, as time unfolded the science of astronomy, was brutally beat down in favor of the least likely truth.

The only hope for human kind is our ability to learn as we go. We must concede our past ignorance in view of the knowledge we encounter along the way into the future.

All we need to do is look skyward at the moon and it's many craters to see that enemies abound that could spell a very violent end to our existance.

It may very well come down to an extraordinary effort of correct thinking and action on our part and total commitment and co-operation to plan for and execute a survival strategy.

We won't have time to fight off the ignorant viewpoints and still focus on what may even with our best efforts an impossible task.

In the last few thousand years we have lived luckily in a time span of relative safety but that is clearly to any but fools not the way things have happened in the long term.

We have NOT learned from the past but wallowed in willfull ignorance and whether you like it or not that is stupid.

So religion is going to prevent us from finding a way to keep meteors from hitting Earth? You make that argument while saying the religious are ignorant and stupid? :lol:

Look, as I've said, I don't believe in any religion. They tend to be contradictory and based on very little in the way of evidence IMO. I think they are, in large part, a combination of environment (raised into religious belief, seeing religious belief around you in your formative years, etc.), habit and a search for comfort. On the other hand, I don't think that necessarily is bad. As with most anything, there are good and bad aspects to religious belief.

Religious belief has changed many times in history. So one could say that we have been learning as we go. I'm not sure why you think people must follow your timetable for changing their beliefs. :dunno:

You argue for the other side an awful lot for someone who doesn't believe. And if you don't see how religion is hurting society, then maybe you aren't as smart as you think. All the wars, the tax scam while not helping the poor or sick, they use god to ban stem cell and abortion and even birth control. And what gets me is they want their religion to be the official religion of the country. Like Sharia law only with christians. I could go on and on but I won't. I think you get it that religion keeps people ignorant. Denying global warming and evolution? What is wrong with you?

First of all, I'm not arguing 'for the other side'. I'm arguing against what I consider foolish statements. But if you think I'm just a religious believer pretending not to believe or something, I can direct you to a video of me getting a trifixion carved in my back. That at least indicates I'm not Christian. ;)

You and Huggy both seem to be missing my point. I don't think religion is the disease, rather it is a symptom. Get rid of religion and people will simply find some other justification for their actions. As foolish as it often is, as much as it is used to justify evil acts, I don't think religion is the one thing holding humanity back from achieving some sort of greatness. If it is, there's no actual evidence that is the case, as we haven't had a non-religious society achieving more than the rest of the world to use as a comparison.

As to Christians wanting their religion to be the official religion of the US, I'd say that's a small minority. Something like 70% of Americans identify as Christian, and the vast majority of them do not seem to want to make their religion a state religion. Abortion has not been banned, birth control has not been banned, stem cell research has not been banned. While I tend to also feel that tax-exempt status for churches is a bad idea, it's not just churches or religious institutions which qualify.

What is wrong with me? I guess what's wrong is that I don't lump all followers of religion together with whatever extremists I want to look at. You, on the other hand, appear to be doing just that, while making a bunch of claims that are demonstrably false.
TOTAL FOOLS try to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD! Your little peanut brain is not up to the job,best you learn your place in GOD'S creation!!!
TOTAL FOOLS try to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD! Your little peanut brain is not up to the job,best you learn your place in GOD'S creation!!!

No one is fighting god.
They are fighting you.

OH REALLY!!! SO YOU believe in GOD?? You have confessed and repented of sin??? You have accepted JESUS as your Lord and Savior??? if not you are fighting against GOD and you lose BIG TIME!!!
This site debunks every argument you have

Morality is a cultural concept with a basis in evolutionary psychology and game theory. Species whose members were predisposed to cooperate were more likely to survive and pass on their genes. Reciprocacy, altruism and other so-called ‘moral’ characteristics are evident in many species. The neurochemical thought to regulate morality and empathy is oxytocin.

Religious texts are simply part of many early attempts to codify moral precepts. Secular law, flexible with the shifting moral zeitgeist, has long since superseded religion as a source of moral directives for the majority of developed societies. Secular ethics offers a number of competing moral frameworks which do not derive from a purported supernatural source.

ROFLMAO!!! Satan is a liar and the father of liars!!!and you????

Whatever church lady. What proof do you have of satan other than that sci fi book you call a bible? And where are these fucking preachers who can heal the sick. If they aren't in hospitals 7 days a week touching people them they are murderers. But I suspect they are just liars and con men.

And let me ask you can I do what I want in heaven? So what if I want to be a dick when I get to heaven like Satan did? do I have the choice? People say no more bad feelings or sin in heaven. If that is true, how did satan get jealous? Isn't that a sin? So can I go to heaven and be a dick like satan? And if even satan is burning in hell but he can come here why doesn't he stay here? If it isn't hot to him then what kind of punishment is that? Sounds like he got to be #2 and be a bad boy and have his own place. Tell me what heaven is like.

I can't imagine a worse place than heaven. If it is chock full of the wackamos that speak of it the most often like Jizzmo I would get such a headache my brain would explode. :eek: Hell doesn't sound all that bad as that is apparently where all the interesting people go... and as for the "heat"... it's not really a problem cuz as they say "it's not the heat...it's the humidity" :lol: You never hear anything bad in the buybal about the humidity.
TOTAL FOOLS try to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD! Your little peanut brain is not up to the job,best you learn your place in GOD'S creation!!!

No one is fighting god.
They are fighting you.

OH REALLY!!! SO YOU believe in GOD?? You have confessed and repented of sin??? You have accepted JESUS as your Lord and Savior??? if not you are fighting against GOD and you lose BIG TIME!!!

Can you imagine a heaven with this fruitcake jizzmo on board? I would go so out of my mind that I might even have to sock jeebuss in his pie hole just to get a fast train to hell to get away from that wackjob.
ROFLMAO!!! Satan is a liar and the father of liars!!!and you????

Whatever church lady. What proof do you have of satan other than that sci fi book you call a bible? And where are these fucking preachers who can heal the sick. If they aren't in hospitals 7 days a week touching people them they are murderers. But I suspect they are just liars and con men.

And let me ask you can I do what I want in heaven? So what if I want to be a dick when I get to heaven like Satan did? do I have the choice? People say no more bad feelings or sin in heaven. If that is true, how did satan get jealous? Isn't that a sin? So can I go to heaven and be a dick like satan? And if even satan is burning in hell but he can come here why doesn't he stay here? If it isn't hot to him then what kind of punishment is that? Sounds like he got to be #2 and be a bad boy and have his own place. Tell me what heaven is like.

I can't imagine a worse place than heaven. If it is chock full of the wackamos that speak of it the most often like Jizzmo I would get such a headache my brain would explode. :eek: Hell doesn't sound all that bad as that is apparently where all the interesting people go... and as for the "heat"... it's not really a problem cuz as they say "it's not the heat...it's the humidity" :lol: You never hear anything bad in the buybal about the humidity.

WHY show the world your IGNORANCE?? ====
Corinthians 2:9 ►
However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" -- the things God has prepared for those who love him--
TOTAL FOOLS try to argue and fight against ALMIGHTY GOD! Your little peanut brain is not up to the job,best you learn your place in GOD'S creation!!!

No one is fighting god.
They are fighting you.

OH REALLY!!! SO YOU believe in GOD?? You have confessed and repented of sin??? You have accepted JESUS as your Lord and Savior??? if not you are fighting against GOD and you lose BIG TIME!!!

To fight god one has to believe in him.
They don't.
They are fighting you.
ROFLMAO!!! Satan is a liar and the father of liars!!!and you????

Whatever church lady. What proof do you have of satan other than that sci fi book you call a bible? And where are these fucking preachers who can heal the sick. If they aren't in hospitals 7 days a week touching people them they are murderers. But I suspect they are just liars and con men.

And let me ask you can I do what I want in heaven? So what if I want to be a dick when I get to heaven like Satan did? do I have the choice? People say no more bad feelings or sin in heaven. If that is true, how did satan get jealous? Isn't that a sin? So can I go to heaven and be a dick like satan? And if even satan is burning in hell but he can come here why doesn't he stay here? If it isn't hot to him then what kind of punishment is that? Sounds like he got to be #2 and be a bad boy and have his own place. Tell me what heaven is like.

I can't imagine a worse place than heaven. If it is chock full of the wackamos that speak of it the most often like Jizzmo I would get such a headache my brain would explode. :eek: Hell doesn't sound all that bad as that is apparently where all the interesting people go... and as for the "heat"... it's not really a problem cuz as they say "it's not the heat...it's the humidity" :lol: You never hear anything bad in the buybal about the humidity.

George Bernard Shaw said you go to heaven for the climate, but to hell for the conversation.
OH REALLY!!! SO YOU believe in GOD?? You have confessed and repented of sin??? You have accepted JESUS as your Lord and Savior??? if not you are fighting against GOD and you lose BIG TIME!!!

To fight god one has to believe in him.
They don't.
They are fighting you.

IS there no limit to your IGNORANCE???

Maybe there is something as a ressurection.... :eek:

...you seem to talk a lot for someone that just got knocked stone cold out... :lol:
No one is fighting god.
They are fighting you.

OH REALLY!!! SO YOU believe in GOD?? You have confessed and repented of sin??? You have accepted JESUS as your Lord and Savior??? if not you are fighting against GOD and you lose BIG TIME!!!

Can you imagine a heaven with this fruitcake jizzmo on board? I would go so out of my mind that I might even have to sock jeebuss in his pie hole just to get a fast train to hell to get away from that wackjob.

While I have not followed "fruitcake" long I have never heard him speak of how it is on the other side. Nor have I heard him speak of the condition of this side except to say how this side has far to go to pass through the doorway he describes.
For centuries men have clenched their fists and gritted their teeth in the face of God, and they do it today. They pit their own will against the will of God. Solomon stated how futile it was in Proverbs 21:30. These are the words that he said: "There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord." And what he meant by that was anybody who goes against God is a fool. There's no wisdom in that. That shows you don't understand and there's no wise counsel in that. Nothing can stand against God and yet men foolishly slam their own wills against the will of God like shattering eggs against granite and all you have is the strewn refuse of lives broken against a God that cannot be violated.

Men have always tried to fight God. That isn't anything new. It's not just common to our age, although it is common to our age.
For centuries men have clenched their fists and gritted their teeth in the face of God, and they do it today. They pit their own will against the will of God. Solomon stated how futile it was in Proverbs 21:30. These are the words that he said: "There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord." And what he meant by that was anybody who goes against God is a fool. There's no wisdom in that. That shows you don't understand and there's no wise counsel in that. Nothing can stand against God and yet men foolishly slam their own wills against the will of God like shattering eggs against granite and all you have is the strewn refuse of lives broken against a God that cannot be violated.

Men have always tried to fight God. That isn't anything new. It's not just common to our age, although it is common to our age.

It it but a recent event however that so many have built up ill will against God. There are there class of people, so to speak, those who have accepted God, those who are indifferent to God, and those who hate God. If the time has indeed come for man to be judged then the Shepard is asking all his sheep to come to Him for the wolves are circling closer.
So religion is going to prevent us from finding a way to keep meteors from hitting Earth? You make that argument while saying the religious are ignorant and stupid? :lol:

Look, as I've said, I don't believe in any religion. They tend to be contradictory and based on very little in the way of evidence IMO. I think they are, in large part, a combination of environment (raised into religious belief, seeing religious belief around you in your formative years, etc.), habit and a search for comfort. On the other hand, I don't think that necessarily is bad. As with most anything, there are good and bad aspects to religious belief.

Religious belief has changed many times in history. So one could say that we have been learning as we go. I'm not sure why you think people must follow your timetable for changing their beliefs. :dunno:

You argue for the other side an awful lot for someone who doesn't believe. And if you don't see how religion is hurting society, then maybe you aren't as smart as you think. All the wars, the tax scam while not helping the poor or sick, they use god to ban stem cell and abortion and even birth control. And what gets me is they want their religion to be the official religion of the country. Like Sharia law only with christians. I could go on and on but I won't. I think you get it that religion keeps people ignorant. Denying global warming and evolution? What is wrong with you?

You and Huggy both seem to be missing my point. I don't think religion is the disease, rather it is a symptom. Get rid of religion and people will simply find some other justification for their actions. As foolish as it often is, as much as it is used to justify evil acts, I don't think religion is the one thing holding humanity back from achieving some sort of greatness. If it is, there's no actual evidence that is the case, as we haven't had a non-religious society achieving more than the rest of the world to use as a comparison.

As to Christians wanting their religion to be the official religion of the US, I'd say that's a small minority. Something like 70% of Americans identify as Christian, and the vast majority of them do not seem to want to make their religion a state religion. Abortion has not been banned, birth control has not been banned, stem cell research has not been banned. While I tend to also feel that tax-exempt status for churches is a bad idea, it's not just churches or religious institutions which qualify.

What is wrong with me? I guess what's wrong is that I don't lump all followers of religion together with whatever extremists I want to look at. You, on the other hand, appear to be doing just that, while making a bunch of claims that are demonstrably false.

You seem to want "evidence" for the obvious. When Bush denied 8 years of stem cell research and you need more proof that religion hasn't held us back? My mom might not be dying of Alzheimers if it weren't for those pricks. But then again maybe the person that would have invented the cure was aborted. LOL.

The GOP in every state they run has severely limited abortion rights. Do you not know this? Its like your asking me to prove that water is wet. I can't know how little you know. Do I have to prove to you that heat is hot?

And did you forget catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control.
Well then... :lol: That settles it.

With THAT kind of logic the earth must be no more than 3,000 or so years old. Since there is little to no recorded history more than that in age... certainly no calenders to prove earth is older than that then there must be at least a 50-50 chance the earth MUST be just a few thousand years old. I mean...carbon dating has some flaws... we can certainly throw that "theory" baby out with the bath water.

The great flood of Noah? Hells bells... why not? Never mind all the different types of variations of human beings.. Black skinned...slant eyed... I guess we can just rack that up to evolution..whoops !!! Can't be.. So Noah got a couple of negros..a couple of Chinese..etc...a couple of South American Indians to walk or swim 20,000 miles to catch his boat before it sailed ... and THAT explains where THEY came from...not to mention that they had to walk and swim BACK to where they came from ... No problem..!!! Thank GOD they didn't mind going to that effort to keep THAT story intact.. :lol:

Sorry.. the rabbit holes are being filled up faster than you crazies can dig them now. If it takes looking under every rock in the universe to find your god then so be it. If that what it takes to rid the place of this insane fairy tale then that is what we need to do to erradicate the scourge of religion and god from ours and all other worlds.

Seems like an impossible job proving that god isn't camped out in some little cubby hole a trillion light years away in some cave not yet discovered before it will be enough "proof" to satisfy some people.

Lots to do...lets get crackin... :lol:

Have you heard about this MERS sickness that is killing people? Look who these science haters run to when they need a cure. I say they should only be able to go to church for their cure if they want to hate on scientists.

YES!!! BLESS THE LORD oh my soul,the LORD who heals all my sickness. i went to a doctor LAST TIME in 1967 for a stuffy nose problem,I wasted my time and money!!!


......a few million gibbering posts ago, you said that you went to a doctor for a stuffy ear. You can't even be honest about such a trivial pointless claim.....

is there anything good inside of you?
Have you heard about this MERS sickness that is killing people? Look who these science haters run to when they need a cure. I say they should only be able to go to church for their cure if they want to hate on scientists.

YES!!! BLESS THE LORD oh my soul,the LORD who heals all my sickness. i went to a doctor LAST TIME in 1967 for a stuffy nose problem,I wasted my time and money!!!


......a few million gibbering posts ago, you said that you went to a doctor for a stuffy ear. You can't even be honest about such a trivial pointless claim.....

is there anything good inside of you?
DUH!!! DO you not know the passage from the nose and throat leads to the ear????
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YES!!! BLESS THE LORD oh my soul,the LORD who heals all my sickness. i went to a doctor LAST TIME in 1967 for a stuffy nose problem,I wasted my time and money!!!


......a few million gibbering posts ago, you said that you went to a doctor for a stuffy ear. You can't even be honest about such a trivial pointless claim.....

is there anything good inside of you?
DUH!!! DO you not know the passage from the nose and throught leads to the ear????

I know that the nose bone is connected to the head bone and the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone and I also know that you must have never received a good education or if you did you lacked the mental ability to absorb anything given that hell is all to real, God revieled himself, and your passage from the nose and throught....

DUH yourself.

You are quite the schlemiel...

......a few million gibbering posts ago, you said that you went to a doctor for a stuffy ear. You can't even be honest about such a trivial pointless claim.....

is there anything good inside of you?
DUH!!! DO you not know the passage from the nose and throught leads to the ear????

I know that the nose bone is connected to the head bone and the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone and I also know that you must have never received a good education or if you did you lacked the mental ability to absorb anything given that hell is all to real, God revieled himself, and your passage from the nose and throught....

DUH yourself.

You are quite the schlemiel...

SO YOU TOO KNOW YOU ARE JUST A SILLY,BLINDED WASTE OF TIME FOOL!! ===For centuries men have clenched their fists and gritted their teeth in the face of God, and they do it today. They pit their own will against the will of God. Solomon stated how futile it was in Proverbs 21:30. These are the words that he said: "There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord." And what he meant by that was anybody who goes against God is a fool. There's no wisdom in that. That shows you don't understand and there's no wise counsel in that. Nothing can stand against God and yet men foolishly slam their own wills against the will of God like shattering eggs against granite and all you have is the strewn refuse of lives broken against a God that cannot be violated.

Men have always tried to fight God. That isn't anything new. It's not just common to our age, although it is common to our age.

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