Why do the God-haters persist?

You seem to want "evidence" for the obvious. When Bush denied 8 years of stem cell research and you need more proof that religion hasn't held us back? My mom might not be dying of Alzheimers if it weren't for those pricks. But then again maybe the person that would have invented the cure was aborted. LOL.

The GOP in every state they run has severely limited abortion rights. Do you not know this? Its like your asking me to prove that water is wet. I can't know how little you know. Do I have to prove to you that heat is hot?

And did you forget catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control.

Has embryonic stem cell research been government funded since Bush left office, and if so, what breakthroughs has it attained? Is the US the only country capable of doing stem cell research? The last I remember reading anything about it, the research was actually moving away from embryonic stem cells somewhat because of new possibilities with adult stem cells. And to be clear, I am all for using the embryonic cells that are available rather than simply destroying them.

Define 'severely limited' abortion rights. More, explain how the GOP doing something equates to religion; since the vast majority of people identify with some sort of religious belief, most Dems as well as Repubs are going to be religious. So party affiliation is not an indicator of religious belief, at best it may be an indicator of the type of religious belief.

I didn't 'forget' that Catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control. I don't really care. There's no reason I have to use a Catholic insurance company, or even use insurance to get birth control.

None of these are bans on either abortion, stem cell research (and you must mean embryonic stem cell research), or birth control.

You are trying to make your dislike of religion, something we share, into more than it actually is. Religion has done bad and good in the world. Many, perhaps most, of the greatest inventions and scientific breakthroughs in human history have been made by people with religious belief. While it's possible that those things would have happened faster, that mankind would have progressed further, without religion, there is no evidence of it.

As I said before, you can easily argue that certain types or iterations of religious belief have been detrimental and held society back, but to try and say that all religious belief does so is backed by nothing.

I think we all know the religious right held up stem cell research progress for 8 years. Did you forget Terry Shaivo the brain dead person they tried to keep alive because of their religious beliefs? I have seen the suffering of terminal people and the hospital's can't end their suffering because our laws won't allow it. Those bullshit laws are because of religious views. Why else can't Kavorkian help assist in a suicide? So don't tell me religion hasn't held us back in many areas, or done great harm. How many religious wars have occured? Weren't the 9-11 hyjackers religious? The spanish inquisition, etc. But I'm sure you will argue more because you seem to argue something no matter what. You said earlier that you don't believe in God, right? So stfu then. LOL. Why you got to bust my balls? OMG you are annoying. JK.

I don't care what other countries were doing stem cell, we should have been doing it too. I don't care if private organizations with private donations were doing it. Not enough. People are dying and suffering and religious people are holding us back and slowing us down. If you don't see it I'm sorry. Maybe you need to do a little more research. How old are you that you don't know these things. Maybe I'm talking to a teenager?

The US Government usually plays an important role in r&d and cures, but not for 8 years when Bush was in office. Have things changed much? I believe the dems have reversed that position but I could be wrong. Perhaps they couldn't get it past the filabuster which the GOP have used a record amount of times since Obama took office.

The GOP represent the religious right. They call the left the Godless party, remember? And don't forget you can't even be president unless you say you believe in Jesus. Sad huh?

Don't try to tell me the GOP aren't going after abortion and other things Proof of the GOP War on Women

Religion has held us back AT LEAST 350 years. After 350 Years, Vatican Says Galileo Was Right - It Moves - NYTimes.com

AT LEAST! 99% I'm right. No, 99.87546% not .000001% more.:eusa_pray: Jesus

I 'bust your balls', as you put it, because you keep making false statements, moving goalposts, and blaming all of religion for the actions of a few. And because it's pointless to argue with someone as far gone as GISMYS.

Do you think that there are no atheists who would try to keep a Terry Schiavo alive?

Do you think there are no atheists who oppose assisted suicide?

Do you think there have been no wars outside of those based on religion?

I already said I'm all for embryonic stem cell research (you seem to have a problem adding that word, which is important, since all stem cell research funding was not halted I don't believe). However, I don't know that 8 years without government funding for new lines of cells has held back the research that much. And even if it has, that was not the fault of all religion.

I'm 39, I know the things you are talking about. I disagree with the conclusions you draw from them.

The GOP is not a religious organization. The Democrats are not an atheist organization. Just because a bad policy comes from the GOP doesn't indict all religious belief.

So, because the Catholic church waited 350 years to make a statement about Galileo, that is representative of all people and all religion?

Here's the thing you seem to be not grasping. I know that people have done stupid, evil, horrible things in the name of religion. I don't deny it at all. I also don't like religion. Belief in religion seems silly to me. But just because I don't like it doesn't mean I can't see the good people have done in the name of religion, or separate a particular brand of crazy such as the Islamic fundamentalism of the 9/11 terrorists from the billions of people who believe around the world. Most importantly, I also believe that people would likely find some other reason to do many of the terrible things they do if they didn't have religious belief.

So again, it's possible that you are right and a world without religion would be better, happier, more technologically advanced, whatever benchmark you are setting. You don't have any direct evidence of that, however, unless you can point to a single atheistic society in the history of humanity which was/is ahead of the rest of the world in that benchmark. Without that, you simply have speculation. That's fine, but don't try to pass it off as fact or based on some kind of conclusive evidence.

Oh, and you didn't say 'the GOP is going after abortion and other things'. You said religion uses god to ban stem cells, abortion and birth control.
You and Huggy both seem to be missing my point. I don't think religion is the disease, rather it is a symptom. Get rid of religion and people will simply find some other justification for their actions. As foolish as it often is, as much as it is used to justify evil acts, I don't think religion is the one thing holding humanity back from achieving some sort of greatness. If it is, there's no actual evidence that is the case, as we haven't had a non-religious society achieving more than the rest of the world to use as a comparison.

As to Christians wanting their religion to be the official religion of the US, I'd say that's a small minority. Something like 70% of Americans identify as Christian, and the vast majority of them do not seem to want to make their religion a state religion. Abortion has not been banned, birth control has not been banned, stem cell research has not been banned. While I tend to also feel that tax-exempt status for churches is a bad idea, it's not just churches or religious institutions which qualify.

What is wrong with me? I guess what's wrong is that I don't lump all followers of religion together with whatever extremists I want to look at. You, on the other hand, appear to be doing just that, while making a bunch of claims that are demonstrably false.

You seem to want "evidence" for the obvious. When Bush denied 8 years of stem cell research and you need more proof that religion hasn't held us back? My mom might not be dying of Alzheimers if it weren't for those pricks. But then again maybe the person that would have invented the cure was aborted. LOL.

The GOP in every state they run has severely limited abortion rights. Do you not know this? Its like your asking me to prove that water is wet. I can't know how little you know. Do I have to prove to you that heat is hot?

And did you forget catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control.

Has embryonic stem cell research been government funded since Bush left office, and if so, what breakthroughs has it attained? Is the US the only country capable of doing stem cell research? The last I remember reading anything about it, the research was actually moving away from embryonic stem cells somewhat because of new possibilities with adult stem cells. And to be clear, I am all for using the embryonic cells that are available rather than simply destroying them.

Define 'severely limited' abortion rights. More, explain how the GOP doing something equates to religion; since the vast majority of people identify with some sort of religious belief, most Dems as well as Repubs are going to be religious. So party affiliation is not an indicator of religious belief, at best it may be an indicator of the type of religious belief.

I didn't 'forget' that Catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control. I don't really care. There's no reason I have to use a Catholic insurance company, or even use insurance to get birth control.

None of these are bans on either abortion, stem cell research (and you must mean embryonic stem cell research), or birth control.

You are trying to make your dislike of religion, something we share, into more than it actually is. Religion has done bad and good in the world. Many, perhaps most, of the greatest inventions and scientific breakthroughs in human history have been made by people with religious belief. While it's possible that those things would have happened faster, that mankind would have progressed further, without religion, there is no evidence of it.

As I said before, you can easily argue that certain types or iterations of religious belief have been detrimental and held society back, but to try and say that all religious belief does so is backed by nothing.

I had a day off and saw two stories that made me think of you. One was on how stem cell is going to help spinal cord injuries. On behalf of all spinal cord patients, you and your god can go fuck yourselves.

And I thought this might interest you: Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One
You and Huggy both seem to be missing my point. I don't think religion is the disease, rather it is a symptom. Get rid of religion and people will simply find some other justification for their actions. As foolish as it often is, as much as it is used to justify evil acts, I don't think religion is the one thing holding humanity back from achieving some sort of greatness. If it is, there's no actual evidence that is the case, as we haven't had a non-religious society achieving more than the rest of the world to use as a comparison.

As to Christians wanting their religion to be the official religion of the US, I'd say that's a small minority. Something like 70% of Americans identify as Christian, and the vast majority of them do not seem to want to make their religion a state religion. Abortion has not been banned, birth control has not been banned, stem cell research has not been banned. While I tend to also feel that tax-exempt status for churches is a bad idea, it's not just churches or religious institutions which qualify.

What is wrong with me? I guess what's wrong is that I don't lump all followers of religion together with whatever extremists I want to look at. You, on the other hand, appear to be doing just that, while making a bunch of claims that are demonstrably false.

Hi Montrovant: I also find the common issue is "abuse" of authority and of relationships to coerce people or impose. This is equally found in politics as religion. The problem is using bullying tactics, and group/mob mentality to overrule or dominate over others; instead of investing time and effort to understand and resolve conflicts to avoid impositions and stop repeating the same problems.

Where faith comes in: is if people HAVE faith that
* conflicts CAN be resolved mutually
* ills CAN be healed and wrongs corrected by forgiveness and responsible restitution owed
* solutions CAN be derived by working inclusively and collaboratively together instead of
blaming projecting and rejecting

Otherwise, it goes in a cycle.

If people can't forgive past problems or conflicts, this causes division in groups, competing to project blame back and forth.

If people can take steps to forgive and correct problems, we can build a positive cycle of restructuring, corrections and growth in more sustainable directions to invest in the future.

So it is just a matter of time before people see more examples of how correcting and resolving conflicts can build relationship and partnerships, to invest resources in solutions instead of wasting time and energy fighting over past problems and who to blame more.
Last edited:
Americans would more likely support a philandering presidential candidate than an atheist one -- by an 18 percent margin -- according to a Pew poll. 35 percent of respondents said they would be less likely to support a presidential candidate who had an extramarital affair, 53 percent of Americans indicated that not believing in God -- the trait viewed most negatively of the 16 tested -- would make them unsupportive of a candidate. Hey, it’s only 53%. We can improve on that. BUT, another survey found atheists to be the most disliked and distrusted minority group in the nation, only 5 percent of respondents said they would be MORE likely to vote for someone who is an atheist. While 70 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of Democrats expressed opposition to an atheist candidate, 49 percent of Democrats viewed a potential candidate’s atheism as irrelevant. In addition to the 71 percent of Protestants and the 48 percent of Catholics who would be less likely to favor an atheist candidate, almost a quarter of the religiously unaffiliated, 24 percent, indicated they would be more likely to reject an atheist contender.

What do I see in these numbers? That a hell of a lot of people are still ignorant. In fact I saw another article the other day explaining how the rich/GOP keep the poorest people in the poorest red states voting GOP. God, racism, foreigners, communism, gays, guns are how they do it.

This is why we persist. People use god to con the ignorant, divide us and keep us from solving poverty and high unemployment which means crime goes up. We all know the rich like the poor to stay poor. Low wages and all. I don't think you can be a truly good person and be a republican. Too selfish or too stupid.
You have to understand. I may be 99% sure there is no god but I am 100% sure if he exists he isn't the god you believe in. So I can mock you and your fake ass god all I want, because I'm 100% sure he doesn't exist. If a god exists, he won't care if I mock you or your corrupt churches. So I'll continue to be good to people around me and live out my life to it's fullest because once you die that's it brother. :badgrin: No hell, nothign but worms eating your corpse and like when a dog dies you just die man. A mosquito has feelings too but when he dies he doesn't go to an imaginary place.

Oh yea, someone earlier pondered why we are the only animals to come up with god and they thought that suggested we were special. What a joke. We are the only animals on this planet with minds that can imagine and create characters. At least as far as we know dolphins didn't come up with gods or maybe they think we are gods.

1. I would assume God already understands the choices and perceptions we have in life. And thus would forgive whatever we say, do, believe in, or don't, or mock because that is our natural response given our learning curve in life. If God created man and our free will, then all that comes with it is part of that, and not something we created or chose.

2. However, given our choices, if God exists as a father caring for all people, OF COURSE God cares that we do not keep making choices that cause ourselves and others SUFFERING. God as a father would want all children to ENJOY life and make the most of it.

3. so yes, there is forgiveness and not condemnation or judgment (which makes no sense if God created man and has supreme control over all things) but also there is right or wrong, there is what brings peace harmony and balance vs. what causes suffering pain
and stress and sickness.

The whole issue of how much we enjoy life
and make the most of our relationships with others
is how much we can forgive so we can receive greater understanding.

If we block the process with negative judgment punishment and rejection
this detracts from our relations, our positive energy, focus, and actions
and investing in more effective use of our words, time, energy, resources and lives.

When we care about each other equally, then we will strive to seek more
effective and positive ways of interacting, and not waste as much on negativity
that just attracts more of the same. We learn what works best, and choose that.

To choose what is better for the common good or good will of ourselves equally as others, that is synonymous with choosing to follow God's will or God's love instead of selfish ill will.
GOD loves to prosper his family and bless the poor.===== Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 john 1:2

Here's the thing you seem to be not grasping. I know that people have done stupid, evil, horrible things in the name of religion. I don't deny it at all. I also don't like religion. Belief in religion seems silly to me. But just because I don't like it doesn't mean I can't see the good people have done in the name of religion, or separate a particular brand of crazy such as the Islamic fundamentalism of the 9/11 terrorists from the billions of people who believe around the world. Most importantly, I also believe that people would likely find some other reason to do many of the terrible things they do if they didn't have religious belief.

So again, it's possible that you are right and a world without religion would be better, happier, more technologically advanced, whatever benchmark you are setting. You don't have any direct evidence of that, however, unless you can point to a single atheistic society in the history of humanity which was/is ahead of the rest of the world in that benchmark. Without that, you simply have speculation. That's fine, but don't try to pass it off as fact or based on some kind of conclusive evidence.

Oh, and you didn't say 'the GOP is going after abortion and other things'. You said religion uses god to ban stem cells, abortion and birth control.

Ok, I too see my brother and how religion hasn't hurt him or his family in fact it has made him a better person, blabla. I get all that. But why assume he would not be a good person without religion? I have a feeling religion played a big part in him being a good person but maybe in the new world we'll have gatherings like churches only without the fairytales? I heard an atheist say the other day, "I find it insulting that you think us human's can't be civilized and good without a made up story". I'm paraphrasing. And just look at the history of man under jew, christian and muslim rule. Tell me they're doing a good job?

Then the atheist I was listening to said that all the smart scientists who are atheists and do such great things find it insulting and ironic that all those great people are doing such great things and they don't believe while religion peddles it's lies to the poor and dumb.

A lot of great scientific theories are not conclusive, yet. But we can measure this. We see people are moving away from god. But unfortunately as the survey I posted earlier shows you can't be president unless you believe in a fairytale. That alone is all the proof I need religion is holding us back. Can you believe it??? You MUST believe in a fairytale or you can't lead any nation on earth. Fucked up. :eusa_pray:
Here's the thing you seem to be not grasping. I know that people have done stupid, evil, horrible things in the name of religion. I don't deny it at all. I also don't like religion. Belief in religion seems silly to me. But just because I don't like it doesn't mean I can't see the good people have done in the name of religion, or separate a particular brand of crazy such as the Islamic fundamentalism of the 9/11 terrorists from the billions of people who believe around the world. Most importantly, I also believe that people would likely find some other reason to do many of the terrible things they do if they didn't have religious belief.

So again, it's possible that you are right and a world without religion would be better, happier, more technologically advanced, whatever benchmark you are setting. You don't have any direct evidence of that, however, unless you can point to a single atheistic society in the history of humanity which was/is ahead of the rest of the world in that benchmark. Without that, you simply have speculation. That's fine, but don't try to pass it off as fact or based on some kind of conclusive evidence.

Oh, and you didn't say 'the GOP is going after abortion and other things'. You said religion uses god to ban stem cells, abortion and birth control.

Ok, I too see my brother and how religion hasn't hurt him or his family in fact it has made him a better person, blabla. I get all that. But why assume he would not be a good person without religion? I have a feeling religion played a big part in him being a good person but maybe in the new world we'll have gatherings like churches only without the fairytales? I heard an atheist say the other day, "I find it insulting that you think us human's can't be civilized and good without a made up story". I'm paraphrasing. And just look at the history of man under jew, christian and muslim rule. Tell me they're doing a good job?

Then the atheist I was listening to said that all the smart scientists who are atheists and do such great things find it insulting and ironic that all those great people are doing such great things and they don't believe while religion peddles it's lies to the poor and dumb.

A lot of great scientific theories are not conclusive, yet. But we can measure this. We see people are moving away from god. But unfortunately as the survey I posted earlier shows you can't be president unless you believe in a fairytale. That alone is all the proof I need religion is holding us back. Can you believe it??? You MUST believe in a fairytale or you can't lead any nation on earth. Fucked up. :eusa_pray:

GOD loves to prosper his family and bless the poor.===== Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 john 1:2

When you post these thing, please follow up with the translation. Seems all over the board to me. But the last part tells me that god will reward me for being smart enough to not believe your stories.

Hey, how much does your car cost? Louis CK has a funny bit where he says he drives a $50K infinity when he could drive a $20K car and save how many lives with the $30K? You christians, muslims and jews have done a HORRIBLE job. No wonder everyone's waking up to the fact you're just a big cult. :eusa_pray:

Now go put your nike sneakers on and go kill yourselves and go to jesus, oh yea, you don't get to go to heaven if you kill yourself, no matter how much you are suffering. God hates ending suffering. He wants to see you suffer for 2 more weeks, sadistic lord.

Do you think Tardigrade's think we are gods? At least they can see us. Your god is hiding from us. Why?
Ok, I too see my brother and how religion hasn't hurt him or his family in fact it has made him a better person, blabla. I get all that. But why assume he would not be a good person without religion? I have a feeling religion played a big part in him being a good person but maybe in the new world we'll have gatherings like churches only without the fairytales? I heard an atheist say the other day, "I find it insulting that you think us human's can't be civilized and good without a made up story". I'm paraphrasing. And just look at the history of man under jew, christian and muslim rule. Tell me they're doing a good job?

Then the atheist I was listening to said that all the smart scientists who are atheists and do such great things find it insulting and ironic that all those great people are doing such great things and they don't believe while religion peddles it's lies to the poor and dumb.

A lot of great scientific theories are not conclusive, yet. But we can measure this. We see people are moving away from god. But unfortunately as the survey I posted earlier shows you can't be president unless you believe in a fairytale. That alone is all the proof I need religion is holding us back. Can you believe it??? You MUST believe in a fairytale or you can't lead any nation on earth. Fucked up. :eusa_pray:


At least you have stopped calling us the "greatest nation". Now just great? How great? What are we number one in? How many things were we number one in but no longer? I bet you don't know shit praise the lord.:eusa_pray:
GOD loves to prosper his family and bless the poor.===== Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 john 1:2

Lovely prayer GISMYS

Can we think of people who are "poor" in understanding of each other's words and ways,
and in place of judging and condemning others, ask for God's BLESSINGS
that the poor may receive greater insights and understanding in abundance?

Can we ask for God's mercy and pray for those empty gaps or missing holes
in our communications and perceptions to be filled with wisdom and clarity?

Thank you, GISMYS

I believe that love that is patient, kind and charitable
can sometimes move mountains that the strongest wrath cannot sway.
Ok, I too see my brother and how religion hasn't hurt him or his family in fact it has made him a better person, blabla. I get all that. But why assume he would not be a good person without religion? I have a feeling religion played a big part in him being a good person but maybe in the new world we'll have gatherings like churches only without the fairytales? I heard an atheist say the other day, "I find it insulting that you think us human's can't be civilized and good without a made up story". I'm paraphrasing. And just look at the history of man under jew, christian and muslim rule. Tell me they're doing a good job?

Then the atheist I was listening to said that all the smart scientists who are atheists and do such great things find it insulting and ironic that all those great people are doing such great things and they don't believe while religion peddles it's lies to the poor and dumb.

A lot of great scientific theories are not conclusive, yet. But we can measure this. We see people are moving away from god. But unfortunately as the survey I posted earlier shows you can't be president unless you believe in a fairytale. That alone is all the proof I need religion is holding us back. Can you believe it??? You MUST believe in a fairytale or you can't lead any nation on earth. Fucked up. :eusa_pray:


Fuck Israel. Why are they the only country allowed to lobby our government? We need to distance ourselves from Israel. This is an unholy alliance. Look at how Joe Lieberman was more loyal to Israel than he was to his constituents.
GOD loves to prosper his family and bless the poor.===== Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 john 1:2

Lovely prayer GISMYS

Can we think of people who are "poor" in understanding of each other's words and ways,
and in place of judging and condemning others, ask for God's BLESSINGS
that the poor may receive greater insights and understanding in abundance?

Can we ask for God's mercy and pray for those empty gaps or missing holes
in our communications and perceptions to be filled with wisdom and clarity?

Thank you, GISMYS

I believe that love that is patient, kind and charitable
can sometimes move mountains that the strongest wrath cannot sway.

So true. If all we got from black people was Malcomb X that would have been a problem. They needed a MLK type leader too. You be our MLK and I'll be the Malcomb X on these fools. :eusa_pray:

At least you have stopped calling us the "greatest nation". Now just great? How great? What are we number one in? How many things were we number one in but no longer? I bet you don't know shit praise the lord.:eusa_pray:

Hi SB: America is the only nation I know that is founded on a combination of
Christian principles in church history and natural laws in Constitutional/govt history.

There are two folds of the one flock governed by Jesus or Divine Justice:
the sacred scriptures authority and laws of the Churched people
the natural laws of the secular Gentiles

Where America has the best of both worlds in our culture.
We have the free speech and press necessary to educate ourselves
and resolve conflicts with each other to reconcile the truth expressed through
these laws, both through the church and the state.

This is in our design, our destiny and our calling. To whom much is given, there is greater responsibility to use those resources to better ourselves and humanity as a whole.

That is the process we are going through, using the gifts, advantages and blessings we have as a nation to master and share with others.
At least you have stopped calling us the "greatest nation". Now just great? How great? What are we number one in? How many things were we number one in but no longer? I bet you don't know shit praise the lord.:eusa_pray:

Hi SB: America is the only nation I know that is founded on a combination of
Christian principles in church history and natural laws in Constitutional/govt history.

There are two folds of the one flock governed by Jesus or Divine Justice:
the sacred scriptures authority and laws of the Churched people
the natural laws of the secular Gentiles

Where America has the best of both worlds in our culture.
We have the free speech and press necessary to educate ourselves
and resolve conflicts with each other to reconcile the truth expressed through
these laws, both through the church and the state.

This is in our design, our destiny and our calling. To whom much is given, there is greater responsibility to use those resources to better ourselves and humanity as a whole.

That is the process we are going through, using the gifts, advantages and blessings we have as a nation to master and share with others.

YES!! AS MORE AND MORE AMERICANS CHOSE TO reject GOD and GOD'S love and forgivness and chose to live in open sin,America gets weaker and weaker.
Thank you, Brother

My favorite quote attributed to Malcolm X (drawn from other sources?):
Until all of us are free, none of us are free.
Until all of us are fed, all of us are hungry.

-- from a song by Tchiya Amet, TCHIYA AMET PORTAL ENTRANCE

My favorite quote from Dr. King, Jr:
"Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated."

-- from workshop by Center for Healing of Racism Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness - Home

GOD loves to prosper his family and bless the poor.===== Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 john 1:2

Lovely prayer GISMYS

Can we think of people who are "poor" in understanding of each other's words and ways,
and in place of judging and condemning others, ask for God's BLESSINGS
that the poor may receive greater insights and understanding in abundance?

Can we ask for God's mercy and pray for those empty gaps or missing holes
in our communications and perceptions to be filled with wisdom and clarity?

Thank you, GISMYS

I believe that love that is patient, kind and charitable
can sometimes move mountains that the strongest wrath cannot sway.

So true. If all we got from black people was Malcomb X that would have been a problem. They needed a MLK type leader too. You be our MLK and I'll be the Malcomb X on these fools. :eusa_pray:

Malcolm X also had some very good points about embracing humanity that were missed and censored. I think the movement got hijacked and kicked him out so they could run with the more militant Black Power, which stabbed him in the back for political gain.

All of us need to bring out our better sides, and need help to hold our extremes in check.
We need to help each other be more like MLK and try to be inclusive and universal.

My favorite quote attributed to Malcolm X (drawn from other sources?):
Until all of us are free, none of us is free.
Until all of us are fed, all of us are hungry.

My favorite quote from Dr. King, Jr:
Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated.

These quotes remind me that
whatever change we choose to make within ourselves,
this affects our relationships with others,
and then changes the world.

"Perfect love casts out all fear"

Whenever I get stuck in life, I try to find "what am I not forgiving"
and when I ask help to forgive and overcome that thing so it can be corrected,
then things start to change.
YES!! AS MORE AND MORE AMERICANS CHOSE TO reject GOD and GOD'S love and forgivness and chose to live in open sin,America gets weaker and weaker.

Dear GISMYS: and likewise as more people learn the difference between the two paths,
which one wins out?

Who does not choose love over fear?
Who does not choose the liberation of truth vs. enslavement by false thinking?

Nobody wants to be stuck someplace negative.

The only fear stopping us is the fear of change.
We FEAR someone must be wrong in order to be right; we FEAR we must blame others or else that means blaming us.
How do we conquer these fears and bring in truth and love that knows no fear, shame or blame?

So GISMYS how can be better stewards and neighbors
and cast out the fear of change that prevents us from moving and growing
in positive directions as a nation? How can we get rid of fear dividing us
that is defeating our own sacred purpose?

How can we increase the love and forgiveness
and dispel the fear?

Do we not increase these things by practicing them in all our relations?
How do we INVITE more love and forgiveness so there is no room for negativity?
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Fuck Israel. Why are they the only country allowed to lobby our government? We need to distance ourselves from Israel. This is an unholy alliance. Look at how Joe Lieberman was more loyal to Israel than he was to his constituents.

There is good and bad in all people, all parties, all nations.

SB, the corporations and special interests and political parties "lobby" all the time, not just Israel.

What we "hate" about any group we blame as bullies or selfishly pushing their interests,
we "hate" in ourselves. We cannot solve the problem by ignoring or avoiding it, as we have the same thing within ourselves. We all have this potential; we all have biases and fight for what we want. No collective group or party is more to blame than any other doing this.

We just have to help each other prevent abuses of the power and influence we ALL have as humans, as individuals or collectively in groups. We all have to be careful to work in concert, not in conflict.

How can we bring out the best strengths and good in each person or group
that is beneficial to share with the world? If we focus on that, wouldn't the bad points take care of themselves, because another person or group can fix it with their part of the solution?

Are we not like an orchestra, with specialized instruments and sections,
each given a part to play necessary for the whole?

As such, how do we play in harmony? How do we play our parts CORRECTLY so they blend and make a perfect masterpiece? how do we listen, check and balance with each other's parts and purpose?

We cannot do this by threatening to kick whole sections out of the band.
We need all of us to put the big picture together, or the score is incomplete.

How can we help each other to orchestrate the symphony in harmony and avoid chaos?
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Hi SB: America is the only nation I know that is founded on a combination of
Christian principles in church history and natural laws in Constitutional/govt history.

There are two folds of the one flock governed by Jesus or Divine Justice:
the sacred scriptures authority and laws of the Churched people
the natural laws of the secular Gentiles

Where America has the best of both worlds in our culture.
We have the free speech and press necessary to educate ourselves
and resolve conflicts with each other to reconcile the truth expressed through
these laws, both through the church and the state.

This is in our design, our destiny and our calling. To whom much is given, there is greater responsibility to use those resources to better ourselves and humanity as a whole.

That is the process we are going through, using the gifts, advantages and blessings we have as a nation to master and share with others.

YES!! AS MORE AND MORE AMERICANS CHOSE TO reject GOD and GOD'S love and forgivness and chose to live in open sin,America gets weaker and weaker.

Christians all possess anywhere from 1-7 of the 7 deadly sins. What sin do you guys not have that the rest of us have? Abortion and gays? You need to worry about your own sins my friend. Wake up and realize gays and abortion are just issues drummed up to get stupid middle class and poor voters like you to vote against their own financial interests.
Fuck Israel. Why are they the only country allowed to lobby our government? We need to distance ourselves from Israel. This is an unholy alliance. Look at how Joe Lieberman was more loyal to Israel than he was to his constituents.

There is good and bad in all people, all parties, all nations.

SB, the corporations and special interests and political parties "lobby" all the time, not just Israel.

What we "hate" about any group we blame as bullies or selfishly pushing their interests,
we "hate" in ourselves. We cannot solve the problem by ignoring or avoiding it, as we have the same thing within ourselves. We all have this potential; we all have biases and fight for what we want. No collective group or party is more to blame than any other doing this.

We just have to help each other prevent abuses of the power and influence we ALL have as humans, as individuals or collectively in groups. We all have to be careful to work in concert, not in conflict.

How can we bring out the best strengths and good in each person or group
that is beneficial to share with the world? If we focus on that, wouldn't the bad points take care of themselves, because another person or group can fix it with their part of the solution?

Are we not like an orchestra, with specialized instruments and sections,
each given a part to play necessary for the whole?

As such, how do we play in harmony? How do we play our parts CORRECTLY so they blend and make a perfect masterpiece? how do we listen, check and balance with each other's parts and purpose?

We cannot do this by threatening to kick whole sections out of the band.
We need all of us to put the big picture together, or the score is incomplete.

How can we help each other to orchestrate the symphony in harmony and avoid chaos?

Bullshit you are wrong. Look it up. No other country in the world is allowed to lobby the way Israel has a lobby. Maybe they have it established as a "religious" lobby because Saudi Arabia and Iran can not grease the palms of our politicians like the jews get to. Fact.

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