Why do the God-haters persist?

Fuck Israel. Why are they the only country allowed to lobby our government? We need to distance ourselves from Israel. This is an unholy alliance. Look at how Joe Lieberman was more loyal to Israel than he was to his constituents.

There is good and bad in all people, all parties, all nations.

SB, the corporations and special interests and political parties "lobby" all the time, not just Israel.

What we "hate" about any group we blame as bullies or selfishly pushing their interests,
we "hate" in ourselves. We cannot solve the problem by ignoring or avoiding it, as we have the same thing within ourselves. We all have this potential; we all have biases and fight for what we want. No collective group or party is more to blame than any other doing this.

We just have to help each other prevent abuses of the power and influence we ALL have as humans, as individuals or collectively in groups. We all have to be careful to work in concert, not in conflict.

How can we bring out the best strengths and good in each person or group
that is beneficial to share with the world? If we focus on that, wouldn't the bad points take care of themselves, because another person or group can fix it with their part of the solution?

Are we not like an orchestra, with specialized instruments and sections,
each given a part to play necessary for the whole?

As such, how do we play in harmony? How do we play our parts CORRECTLY so they blend and make a perfect masterpiece? how do we listen, check and balance with each other's parts and purpose?

We cannot do this by threatening to kick whole sections out of the band.
We need all of us to put the big picture together, or the score is incomplete.

How can we help each other to orchestrate the symphony in harmony and avoid chaos?

I learned a long time ago that an injustice to one person is an injustice to everyone. So, when they pick on women, gays, blacks and immigrants I know that if I don't say anything when it's not me, who should speak up when it is finally me? You all need to realize that they use color, religion, race, sex, $ & guns to divide us.
I had a day off and saw two stories that made me think of you. One was on how stem cell is going to help spinal cord injuries. On behalf of all spinal cord patients, you and your god can go fuck yourselves.

Adult stem cells - no one uses infant stem cells anymore - there was never a medical reason for them.

What are Stem Cells?

On behalf of everyone with an IQ above 20 - fuck you and your abject ignorance.

The world has not done well with Atheists.

Pol Pot

In all, Atheists have slaughtered about 200 million peace time civilians. And yeah, that does make them bad people...

Oh, all the religions combined reach about 3 million.
Hi SB: America is the only nation I know that is founded on a combination of
Christian principles in church history and natural laws in Constitutional/govt history.

There are two folds of the one flock governed by Jesus or Divine Justice:
the sacred scriptures authority and laws of the Churched people
the natural laws of the secular Gentiles

Where America has the best of both worlds in our culture.
We have the free speech and press necessary to educate ourselves
and resolve conflicts with each other to reconcile the truth expressed through
these laws, both through the church and the state.

This is in our design, our destiny and our calling. To whom much is given, there is greater responsibility to use those resources to better ourselves and humanity as a whole.

That is the process we are going through, using the gifts, advantages and blessings we have as a nation to master and share with others.

YES!! AS MORE AND MORE AMERICANS CHOSE TO reject GOD and GOD'S love and forgivness and chose to live in open sin,America gets weaker and weaker.

The people who live in this part of America are very religious. Why are they so poor and stupid?

If Republican Led 'Real America' Was a Country It Would Be the 3rd Poorest on Earth
I had a day off and saw two stories that made me think of you. One was on how stem cell is going to help spinal cord injuries. On behalf of all spinal cord patients, you and your god can go fuck yourselves.

Adult stem cells - no one uses infant stem cells anymore - there was never a medical reason for them.

What are Stem Cells?

On behalf of everyone with an IQ above 20 - fuck you and your abject ignorance.

The world has not done well with Atheists.

Pol Pot

In all, Atheists have slaughtered about 200 million peace time civilians. And yeah, that does make them bad people...

Oh, all the religions combined reach about 3 million.

Compared to how many human's have christians murdered? Starting with the million that died over Iraq.

Pol Pot. He wasn't an atheist. He once said he thought heaven/destiny wanted him to guide Cambodia.

Hitler didn't advocate for state atheism and in 1930 said christianity was the foundation of German morality. BOOM THAT JUST HAPPENED!

Hitler was a member of the catholic church till he committed suicide.

Goebbels wrote that Hitler was deeply religious but entirely anti christianity.

Hitler was into Goth and Mysticism. Modern day atheists laugh at that stuff. That's closer to religious thought.
I had a day off and saw two stories that made me think of you. One was on how stem cell is going to help spinal cord injuries. On behalf of all spinal cord patients, you and your god can go fuck yourselves.

Adult stem cells - no one uses infant stem cells anymore - there was never a medical reason for them.

What are Stem Cells?

On behalf of everyone with an IQ above 20 - fuck you and your abject ignorance.

The world has not done well with Atheists.

Pol Pot

In all, Atheists have slaughtered about 200 million peace time civilians. And yeah, that does make them bad people...

Oh, all the religions combined reach about 3 million.

Compared to how many human's have christians murdered? Starting with the million that died over Iraq.

Pol Pot. He wasn't an atheist. He once said he thought heaven/destiny wanted him to guide Cambodia.

Hitler didn't advocate for state atheism and in 1930 said christianity was the foundation of German morality. BOOM THAT JUST HAPPENED!

Hitler was a member of the catholic church till he committed suicide.

Goebbels wrote that Hitler was deeply religious but entirely anti christianity.

Hitler was into Goth and Mysticism. Modern day atheists laugh at that stuff. That's closer to religious thought.

SATAN IS A LIAR and the father of liars!!! and you?? Best you count the cost of being a puppet,tool fool of satan!!
Compared to how many human's have christians murdered?

Stalin murdered more people in an average week than were killed in 500 YEARS of Inquisition.

Starting with the million that died over Iraq.

Number of peace time civilians killed by Christian rulers in Iraq - that would be zero, sploogy.

You may be a bigot, but you're not real bright...

Pol Pot. He wasn't an atheist. He once said he thought heaven/destiny wanted him to guide Cambodia.

If history doesn't fit, just fabricate what suits you.

I've used the phrase "heaven knows" despite having no belief in Heaven. Sar was a dedicated Marxist with a bitter hatred of religion.

Hitler didn't advocate for state atheism and in 1930 said christianity was the foundation of German morality. BOOM THAT JUST HAPPENED!

Holy fuck but you're stupid.

Hitler was a member of the catholic church till he committed suicide.

I'm sure he was less active afterwards, but I suspect he was still a member.

Goebbels wrote that Hitler was deeply religious but entirely anti christianity.

Hitler was into Goth and Mysticism. Modern day atheists laugh at that stuff. That's closer to religious thought.

All irrelevant to the point that Atheists killed 200 million PEACE TIME civilians.
You seem to want "evidence" for the obvious. When Bush denied 8 years of stem cell research and you need more proof that religion hasn't held us back? My mom might not be dying of Alzheimers if it weren't for those pricks. But then again maybe the person that would have invented the cure was aborted. LOL.

The GOP in every state they run has severely limited abortion rights. Do you not know this? Its like your asking me to prove that water is wet. I can't know how little you know. Do I have to prove to you that heat is hot?

And did you forget catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control.

Has embryonic stem cell research been government funded since Bush left office, and if so, what breakthroughs has it attained? Is the US the only country capable of doing stem cell research? The last I remember reading anything about it, the research was actually moving away from embryonic stem cells somewhat because of new possibilities with adult stem cells. And to be clear, I am all for using the embryonic cells that are available rather than simply destroying them.

Define 'severely limited' abortion rights. More, explain how the GOP doing something equates to religion; since the vast majority of people identify with some sort of religious belief, most Dems as well as Repubs are going to be religious. So party affiliation is not an indicator of religious belief, at best it may be an indicator of the type of religious belief.

I didn't 'forget' that Catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control. I don't really care. There's no reason I have to use a Catholic insurance company, or even use insurance to get birth control.

None of these are bans on either abortion, stem cell research (and you must mean embryonic stem cell research), or birth control.

You are trying to make your dislike of religion, something we share, into more than it actually is. Religion has done bad and good in the world. Many, perhaps most, of the greatest inventions and scientific breakthroughs in human history have been made by people with religious belief. While it's possible that those things would have happened faster, that mankind would have progressed further, without religion, there is no evidence of it.

As I said before, you can easily argue that certain types or iterations of religious belief have been detrimental and held society back, but to try and say that all religious belief does so is backed by nothing.

I had a day off and saw two stories that made me think of you. One was on how stem cell is going to help spinal cord injuries. On behalf of all spinal cord patients, you and your god can go fuck yourselves.

And I thought this might interest you: Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

Clearly you are going to argue based on whatever strawman or prejudice you want, rather than argue with what I say.

I don't have a god. I've told you multiple times I am not a believer. You seem to find it impossible to accept that a person could not believe yet also not blame religion for all of man's ills.

Here, as I said earlier, this is a video of me having a trifixion carved into my back :

But you'll probably continue to assume I'm a Christian, or at least a believer in one of the Abrahamic religions, right?

Oh, and I also said that I'm all for using the embryonic stem cells from discarded embryos rather than simply destroying them.

Care to rethink your attempted insult? :lol:
You seem to want "evidence" for the obvious. When Bush denied 8 years of stem cell research and you need more proof that religion hasn't held us back? My mom might not be dying of Alzheimers if it weren't for those pricks. But then again maybe the person that would have invented the cure was aborted. LOL.

The GOP in every state they run has severely limited abortion rights. Do you not know this? Its like your asking me to prove that water is wet. I can't know how little you know. Do I have to prove to you that heat is hot?

And did you forget catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control.

Has embryonic stem cell research been government funded since Bush left office, and if so, what breakthroughs has it attained? Is the US the only country capable of doing stem cell research? The last I remember reading anything about it, the research was actually moving away from embryonic stem cells somewhat because of new possibilities with adult stem cells. And to be clear, I am all for using the embryonic cells that are available rather than simply destroying them.

Define 'severely limited' abortion rights. More, explain how the GOP doing something equates to religion; since the vast majority of people identify with some sort of religious belief, most Dems as well as Repubs are going to be religious. So party affiliation is not an indicator of religious belief, at best it may be an indicator of the type of religious belief.

I didn't 'forget' that Catholic run insurance companies don't want to cover birth control. I don't really care. There's no reason I have to use a Catholic insurance company, or even use insurance to get birth control.

None of these are bans on either abortion, stem cell research (and you must mean embryonic stem cell research), or birth control.

You are trying to make your dislike of religion, something we share, into more than it actually is. Religion has done bad and good in the world. Many, perhaps most, of the greatest inventions and scientific breakthroughs in human history have been made by people with religious belief. While it's possible that those things would have happened faster, that mankind would have progressed further, without religion, there is no evidence of it.

As I said before, you can easily argue that certain types or iterations of religious belief have been detrimental and held society back, but to try and say that all religious belief does so is backed by nothing.

I had a day off and saw two stories that made me think of you. One was on how stem cell is going to help spinal cord injuries. On behalf of all spinal cord patients, you and your god can go fuck yourselves.

And I thought this might interest you: Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

I've long thought it unfortunate that religious belief seems to be a requirement for the presidency. However, considering my cynicism when it comes to politicians, I don't actually think it's holding us back in any way. ;)
Here's the thing you seem to be not grasping. I know that people have done stupid, evil, horrible things in the name of religion. I don't deny it at all. I also don't like religion. Belief in religion seems silly to me. But just because I don't like it doesn't mean I can't see the good people have done in the name of religion, or separate a particular brand of crazy such as the Islamic fundamentalism of the 9/11 terrorists from the billions of people who believe around the world. Most importantly, I also believe that people would likely find some other reason to do many of the terrible things they do if they didn't have religious belief.

So again, it's possible that you are right and a world without religion would be better, happier, more technologically advanced, whatever benchmark you are setting. You don't have any direct evidence of that, however, unless you can point to a single atheistic society in the history of humanity which was/is ahead of the rest of the world in that benchmark. Without that, you simply have speculation. That's fine, but don't try to pass it off as fact or based on some kind of conclusive evidence.

Oh, and you didn't say 'the GOP is going after abortion and other things'. You said religion uses god to ban stem cells, abortion and birth control.

Ok, I too see my brother and how religion hasn't hurt him or his family in fact it has made him a better person, blabla. I get all that. But why assume he would not be a good person without religion? I have a feeling religion played a big part in him being a good person but maybe in the new world we'll have gatherings like churches only without the fairytales? I heard an atheist say the other day, "I find it insulting that you think us human's can't be civilized and good without a made up story". I'm paraphrasing. And just look at the history of man under jew, christian and muslim rule. Tell me they're doing a good job?

Then the atheist I was listening to said that all the smart scientists who are atheists and do such great things find it insulting and ironic that all those great people are doing such great things and they don't believe while religion peddles it's lies to the poor and dumb.

A lot of great scientific theories are not conclusive, yet. But we can measure this. We see people are moving away from god. But unfortunately as the survey I posted earlier shows you can't be president unless you believe in a fairytale. That alone is all the proof I need religion is holding us back. Can you believe it??? You MUST believe in a fairytale or you can't lead any nation on earth. Fucked up. :eusa_pray:

I'm not assuming your brother, or anyone else, can't be good without religion. What I'm saying is that there's no evidence he or most anyone else would be better without religion, which is a pretty good paraphrase of your argument.
Ok, I too see my brother and how religion hasn't hurt him or his family in fact it has made him a better person, blabla. I get all that. But why assume he would not be a good person without religion? I have a feeling religion played a big part in him being a good person but maybe in the new world we'll have gatherings like churches only without the fairytales? I heard an atheist say the other day, "I find it insulting that you think us human's can't be civilized and good without a made up story". I'm paraphrasing. And just look at the history of man under jew, christian and muslim rule. Tell me they're doing a good job?

Then the atheist I was listening to said that all the smart scientists who are atheists and do such great things find it insulting and ironic that all those great people are doing such great things and they don't believe while religion peddles it's lies to the poor and dumb.

A lot of great scientific theories are not conclusive, yet. But we can measure this. We see people are moving away from god. But unfortunately as the survey I posted earlier shows you can't be president unless you believe in a fairytale. That alone is all the proof I need religion is holding us back. Can you believe it??? You MUST believe in a fairytale or you can't lead any nation on earth. Fucked up. :eusa_pray:

I'm not assuming your brother, or anyone else, can't be good without religion. What I'm saying is that there's no evidence he or most anyone else would be better without religion, which is a pretty good paraphrase of your argument.

SEEK TO KNOW GOD not religion,satan loves "false religions" there are thousdands worldwide but there is only ONE TRUE GOD and your purpose in life is to seek to know GOD!!!

So, if he gets me, then he is god?

Then that makes me the god maker - thus more powerful than god? :eek::cuckoo::cuckoo:

and he was cast out of heaven and now awaits final judgment,satan hates GOD and is here to kill and destroy GOD'S CREATION =MANKIND!!! Why help him??

I've never killed anyone. I was just condemning the Atheists because they murder hundreds of millions.
I'm not assuming your brother, or anyone else, can't be good without religion. What I'm saying is that there's no evidence he or most anyone else would be better without religion, which is a pretty good paraphrase of your argument.

SEEK TO KNOW GOD not religion,satan loves "false religions" there are thousdands worldwide but there is only ONE TRUE GOD and your purpose in life is to seek to know GOD!!!

Says who? What a stupid waste of time chasing a fantasy. Wake up. My purpose in life is to live life to the fullest and be a positive influence on people and maybe hopefully leave this planet better off than it was when I came in.
Compared to how many human's have christians murdered?

Stalin murdered more people in an average week than were killed in 500 YEARS of Inquisition.

Starting with the million that died over Iraq.

Number of peace time civilians killed by Christian rulers in Iraq - that would be zero, sploogy.

You may be a bigot, but you're not real bright...

If history doesn't fit, just fabricate what suits you.

I've used the phrase "heaven knows" despite having no belief in Heaven. Sar was a dedicated Marxist with a bitter hatred of religion.

Holy fuck but you're stupid.

Hitler was a member of the catholic church till he committed suicide.

I'm sure he was less active afterwards, but I suspect he was still a member.

Goebbels wrote that Hitler was deeply religious but entirely anti christianity.

Hitler was into Goth and Mysticism. Modern day atheists laugh at that stuff. That's closer to religious thought.

All irrelevant to the point that Atheists killed 200 million PEACE TIME civilians.

Why do Christians use Stalin, Pol Pot and others to denounce atheism?
the argument is invalid. none of those people committed those crimes in the name of atheism, they did it to for political reasons. religious people commit their crimes in the name of god. if you are referring to an absence of morals in atheists then look at the horrible acts christians have comitted: crusades, inquisition, slavery(estimated 60 million), slaughter of the native americans, and Hitler was a christian for those who deny it.

So, if he gets me, then he is god?

Then that makes me the god maker - thus more powerful than god? :eek::cuckoo::cuckoo:

and he was cast out of heaven and now awaits final judgment,satan hates GOD and is here to kill and destroy GOD'S CREATION =MANKIND!!! Why help him??

I've never killed anyone. I was just condemning the Atheists because they murder hundreds of millions.

What are you besides stupid? Do you believe in god or not?

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