Why do the God-haters persist?

Proposing the existence of an entity or phenomena that can never be investigated via empirical, experimental or reproducible means moves it from the realm of reality and into the realm of unfalsifiable speculation. The inability of science to investigate or disprove such a hypothesis is not the same as proving it true and neither does it automatically lend credence to any metaphysical or theological argument. If such reasoning were actually permissible then one could claim anything imaginable to be real or true if only because it could not be proven false.

Relying on supernatural explanations is a cop-out or a dead-end to deepening our understanding of reality. If a natural cause for something is not known, the scientific approach is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.
GOD'S WORD teaches you how you can have eternal life.

More evidence that the root of religion is the fear of death.

fear of death????????????? NOT IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER,we believbers have GOD'S promise of a happy blessed life now and eternal life!!!

You aren't very bright, are you?
I said the root of religion is the fear of death. It is a creation to avoid that fear. You have overcome the natural fear of death by creating a fiction that pretends death is not your destiny.
It is why you believe. You constantly talk about your dodging death by believing. It is your reason to believe.
Man has always feared death, and always created a spiritual entity to avoid that fear. You are the perfect example.
GOD'S WORD teaches you how you can have eternal life.

More evidence that the root of religion is the fear of death.

fear of death????????????? NOT IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER,we believbers have GOD'S promise of a happy blessed life now and eternal life!!!

there is no such promise, those admitted to the Everlasting are not themselves guaranteed with certainty an eternal life - be happy with an extension.

1. No I guess jews, muslims and atheists can all be evil, stupid and corrupt. True.
2. Christianity became common to all of Europe starting in the 5th century. Excuse the fuck out of me. 1600 fucking years not 2000. To be petty about points like this make me not want to reply to you anymore. Pathetic.
3. What nation is still being run by atheists? None. Looks like religion won. So how are those nations doing today? Fact is, and you don't seem to want to admit it, religion has been used in a lot of bad ways. Want some examples? Read my past posts.
4. I know a lot of smart people believe in God. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

1. :D
2. If Europe were the world, you'd have a point. What's pathetic is your inability to see that the world consists of more than Christian majority countries, or the West, or whatever it is that you think constitutes the world. That you ignore multiple continents with your ridiculous statements is pathetic.
3. If religion is the one thing holding humanity back, wouldn't states run by atheists thrive and flourish? If they have not, doesn't that contradict your point?
I have said more than once that religion has been used in bad ways. You, on the other hand, seem to want to ignore any possibility it is also used in good ways. You also don't seem to think that the bad things done in the name of religions would be done without religion, which again, while possible, is not backed by any evidence.
4. I never made any claim about the existence of god being true. I've said again and again I do not believe in god. What I said was your harping on believers being ignorant and stupid is not necessarily indicative of the entirety of that person; that believers may be ignorant and stupid in their religious belief but otherwise quite intelligent. I was countering the point that you have made about the intelligence and/or ignorance of believers.

Care to throw out any more mistaken or incorrect tidbits?

You are sounding as bad as Boss, arguing your point with a bare minimum of evidence, when there is any at all, as though it is indisputable.
Proposing the existence of an entity or phenomena that can never be investigated via empirical, experimental or reproducible means moves it from the realm of reality and into the realm of unfalsifiable speculation. The inability of science to investigate or disprove such a hypothesis is not the same as proving it true and neither does it automatically lend credence to any metaphysical or theological argument. If such reasoning were actually permissible then one could claim anything imaginable to be real or true if only because it could not be proven false.

Relying on supernatural explanations is a cop-out or a dead-end to deepening our understanding of reality. If a natural cause for something is not known, the scientific approach is to say “I don’t know yet” and keep on looking, not to presume an answer which makes us comfortable.

If you're going to quote a website you should provide a link or at least an acknowledgement.
GOD'S WORD teaches you how you can have eternal life.

More evidence that the root of religion is the fear of death.

fear of death????????????? NOT IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER,we believbers have GOD'S promise of a happy blessed life now and eternal life!!!

You may think you will be happy in the afterlife but I'm pretty sure that unless YOUR little slice of heaven involves a padded room I'm certain the other heaven's occupant's bliss won't be what was promised in the brochures... :lol:
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More evidence that the root of religion is the fear of death.

fear of death????????????? NOT IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER,we believbers have GOD'S promise of a happy blessed life now and eternal life!!!

You may think you will be happy in the afterlife but I'm pretty sure that unless YOUR little slice of heaven involves a padded room I'm certain the other heaven's occupant's bliss won't be what was promised in the brochures... :lol:

I BELIEVE GOD'S WORD!! What little man thinks -zero!!
silly boob: 4. I know a lot of smart people believe in God. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Too funny.... first silly boob tries to argue that only stupid people believe in God. When proven wrong, he claims that it doesn't matter, intelligence isn't the issue. He claimed those who believe in God are evil, then has to admit there are also evil Atheists. Now he's saying it's all bout "evidence and reason" but there has been no evidence to disprove God that I am aware of.
silly boob: 4. I know a lot of smart people believe in God. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Too funny.... first silly boob tries to argue that only stupid people believe in God. When proven wrong, he claims that it doesn't matter, intelligence isn't the issue. He claimed those who believe in God are evil, then has to admit there are also evil Atheists. Now he's saying it's all bout "evidence and reason" but there has been no evidence to disprove God that I am aware of.

You're aware of very little. It's been explained to you repeatedly and tediously that the "prove it isn't" nonsense is pointless.

There's no evidence to disprove your gods are false gods as compared to the Hindu gods. Therefore, the Hindu gods are proven until you disprove them.

One wonders why so-called atheists get so angry at people who believe in God.

The anger is palpable in this thread.

It's seems to me that it's got to be super difficult for atheists to literally HATE a God they don't even believe exists and yet they head to the religious forum day after day after day after day after day to spew their vitriol and their anger, resentment, and hatred for God. They're consumed with an obsession to PROVE that God doesn't exist and yet they're never able to fulfill their fantasy.

2 Timothy 3:7, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."
silly boob: 4. I know a lot of smart people believe in God. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Too funny.... first silly boob tries to argue that only stupid people believe in God. When proven wrong, he claims that it doesn't matter, intelligence isn't the issue. He claimed those who believe in God are evil, then has to admit there are also evil Atheists. Now he's saying it's all bout "evidence and reason" but there has been no evidence to disprove God that I am aware of.

You're aware of very little. It's been explained to you repeatedly and tediously that the "prove it isn't" nonsense is pointless.

There's no evidence to disprove your gods are false gods as compared to the Hindu gods. Therefore, the Hindu gods are proven until you disprove them.


I never claimed Hindu gods were disproven. The statement was made, belief in God depended on "evidence and reason" and I pointed out there is no evidence. If you can't prove gods are false, you can't claim evidence and reason.
BOTTOMLINE TRUTH====ALMIGHTY GOD IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD ALL OTHER gods are false and demon inspired lies of satan and evil man.
silly boob: Proposing the existence of an entity or phenomena that can never be investigated via empirical, experimental or reproducible means moves it from the realm of reality and into the realm of unfalsifiable speculation.

Quick question... when you say "never" here, are you referring to the remaining time in our spacetime continuum of this universe or the greater cosmos?

You should really be cautious about making "never can" predictions regarding science. You know, it was only about 150-160 years ago, our doctors didn't realize they should wash their hands between digging in cadavers and operating. The first guy who suggested they do so was locked away in the nut house. It was 20 years after his death, someone with the educational acumen came along and discovered he was right. He didn't know how to "scientifically" explain it when he discovered it, and so everyone thought, as they do here... well, he has no scientific credibility, he's just a nutball. But the guy was right!

Now this is a case where actual "scientific community" hindered scientific progress. But I digress.

The "realm of reality" is one of the key factors in this debate, and deserves more mention than it tends to get. What you actually have is a perception of reality. You experience reality in a unique way from every other being who is also able to experience that reality. Your reality is completely different than mine, since we've never met and have probably not ever been in close proximity to each other, I would say our perceptions of reality are vastly different. So we understand, this thing called "reality" isn't a universal, and it's not simply what one individual imagines it to be. It differs from person to person, from place to place, all of us experiencing different perceptions of reality.

What enables our perceptions of reality is time. If you comprehend physics, you know that time is distance. More specifically, the distance the universe expands. Ergo: Reality is the universe expanding. Our concept of time is a temporary condition of our ever-expanding universe and will one day end.

Now what I'd like to know is, whenever our universe, concepts of time and "realm-o-reality" is over, will the Immortal Creator do it all over again in six days? ...Trick question there, btw. ;)
Scriptures say that no mere man has ever seen, heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord. 10 But we know about these things because God has sent his Spirit to tell us, and his Spirit searches out and shows us all of God’s deepest secrets. 11 No one can really know what anyone else is thinking or what he is really like except that person himself. And no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And God has actually given us his Spirit (not the world’s spirit) to tell us about the wonderful free gifts of grace and blessing that God has given us. 13 In telling you about these gifts we have even used the very words given to us by the Holy Spirit, not words that we as men might choose. So we use the Holy Spirit’s words to explain the Holy Spirit’s facts. 14 But the man who isn’t a Christian can’t understand and can’t accept these thoughts from God, which the Holy Spirit teaches us. They sound foolish to him because only those who have the Holy Spirit within them can understand what the Holy Spirit means. Others just can’t take it in. 15 But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer. But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:9-16
long emily quote said:
How can we help each other to orchestrate the symphony in harmony and avoid chaos?

I learned a long time ago that an injustice to one person is an injustice to everyone. So, when they pick on women, gays, blacks and immigrants I know that if I don't say anything when it's not me, who should speak up when it is finally me? You all need to realize that they use color, religion, race, sex, $ & guns to divide us.

Agreed, yes, all these targets are abused to divide people.
But ALL sides are doing this, it isn't "them vs. us" but we are caught in the same net.

Look at your own words in bold -- that's how these tactics win by dividing people as
"You" "They" "Us." Your words already show how this gets implanted in OUR thinking.

The way to defeat the "divide and conquer" strategy is to rise above differences,
EMBRACE and address one another as "WE" -- when "WE" share responsibility for no longer
playing into these divisions, but correcting the problems together, then we no longer fall victim to them.

In this spirit WE can hear each other, WE can redress each other's grievances and act in concert.

We can no longer be manipulated when we start thinking and acting on more inclusive terms -- nothing can come between us and divide us, much less play sides against the other.
We cannot afford to live in houses divided against each other, parties or nations, or the whole world is divided and nobody wins -- we all lose while our resources are wasted on conflict.
We cannot afford to play off these conflicts, either politically or emotionally, in a vicious cycle that cannot sustain.

How can "WE" do more to overcome these divisions so we aren't victimized any longer?
How do we stop the "them vs. us" mentality and start enforcing laws on greater terms?
Once we overcome these barriers, how much better can our ideas, resources and relationships be coordinated to develop cost-effective lasting solutions?
how do we get to there from here?
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long emily quote said:
How can we help each other to orchestrate the symphony in harmony and avoid chaos?

I learned a long time ago that an injustice to one person is an injustice to everyone. So, when they pick on women, gays, blacks and immigrants I know that if I don't say anything when it's not me, who should speak up when it is finally me? You all need to realize that they use color, religion, race, sex, $ & guns to divide us.

Agreed, yes, all these targets are abused to divide people.
But ALL sides are doing this, it isn't "them vs. us" but we are caught in the same net.

Look at your own words in bold -- that's how these tactics win by dividing people as
"You" "They" "Us." Your words already show how this gets implanted in OUR thinking.

The way to defeat the "divide and conquer" strategy is to rise above differences,
EMBRACE and address one another as "WE" -- when "WE" share responsibility for no longer
playing into these divisions, but correcting the problems together, then we no longer fall victim to them.

In this spirit WE can hear each other, WE can redress each other's grievances and act in concert.

We can no longer be manipulated when we start thinking and acting on more inclusive terms -- nothing can come between us and divide us, much less play sides against the other.
We cannot afford to live in houses divided against each other, parties or nations, or the whole world is divided and nobody wins -- we all lose while our resources are wasted on conflict.
We cannot afford to play off these conflicts, either politically or emotionally, in a vicious cycle that cannot sustain.

How can "WE" do more to overcome these divisions so we aren't victimized any longer?
How do we stop the "them vs. us" mentality and start enforcing laws on greater terms?
Once we overcome these barriers, how much better can our ideas, resources and relationships be coordinated to develop cost-effective lasting solutions?
how do we get to there from here?

The anti-christ will have the answer=one world goverment,one world religion. Billions will believe his lies.

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