Why do the God-haters persist?

I miss the days before reagan and the gop figured out how to win over the moral majority by being the god loving party and portraying the democrats as godless. I hope one day people return to keeping that shit to themselves. I'm Greek Orthodox. You don't see us walking around trying to convert people. And being Greek I know a lot of the men in that church are only there because their wives and kids are there. They wish they were golfing.

And I remember taking offense to them calling us godless. I'd say "hey wait a minute I'm a liberal and I believe in god too". Funny that now I don't. Google whynogod and see for yourself.

I have a lot of respect for the Greek community leadership which I do run across among the Democrats. Maybe it's a common respect for "natural laws" but I notice you and I might have an easier time connecting on common, despite our differences, where this takes a bit more work with other people on here. (Please do not give up because I do believe the rational approach is what is going to agreement on truth in religion first, and then in politics as a consequence.) I believe there is an important legacy to fulfill from the Greek history in teaching democratic principles, the Greeks as the Gentiles in the Bible, and the Greek ethics that were reconciled with church teachings.

It's not that the Democrats are godless it's that the party is set up to "react" in opposition to the Republicans. The principles talk about holding the Republican Party in check but don't mention fellow Democrats. So it comes across as reactionary; where the "white conservatives" are pegged as the "default class in power" and everyone else is "reacting" to that and trying to fight for equality in relationship to that.

What I find missing among Democrats is invoking authority directly from the Constitution, but depending instead on going through party to get political force and power. Again it comes across as reactionary, where the lobbying and mobilization is done "in response to" the right/Republican/conservatives.

What happened to enforcing laws and principles directly for their own sake?

That is what I was trying to address, but I found my fellow neighbors coworkers and Democrats did not even understand what due process was, what the difference was between state local and federal govt and process of representation, etc. Everything is lobbied in relation to what the Republicans are pushing. So that is why the Democrats
come across as making government their God and Church through which they get anything done; in "reaction" to how Conservatives and Christians organize through churches and businesses to do things they don't want to depend on govt for, the liberals flock to government, party, and media to push their agenda to counteract those influences.

I don't find a lot of fellow liberals/progressives who invoke authority for self-government directly from the laws without depending on party to act as their authority.

the Christians invoke authority directly from the laws in the Bible (and the church got in trouble where people depended on church authority instead of checking against religious abuse directly by enforcing principles in the Bible)

I see more Libertarians and Conservatives/Republicans invoking Constitutional laws and authority directly from the source and not depending on party or govt to do so.

Where are Constitutional laws and govt taught through the Democrats to help members to become more independent and work toward self-govt? That is what I was trying to push for, and ran into a bunch of political caucusing that only focused on who was electable.

Sorry to stray, but I believe the SAME PROCESS of establishing the spirit of the laws
for Equal Justice happens through the churches with religions and with govt laws as well.

It is a parallel process, where state goes through a similar "Reformation" movement as the church did, but minus the bloodshed if we use civil democratic process to reform our govt.

It is still the process of establishing "equal justice under law" for all people. I believe the gentiles will accomplish this through the natural laws and Constitutional principles that are universal language for all people. Universal Justice or Jesus by any name is the same.
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One wonders why so-called atheists get so angry at people who believe in God.

The anger is palpable in this thread.

It's seems to me that it's got to be super difficult for atheists to literally HATE a God they don't even believe exists and yet they head to the religious forum day after day after day after day after day to spew their vitriol and their anger, resentment, and hatred for God. They're consumed with an obsession to PROVE that God doesn't exist and yet they're never able to fulfill their fantasy.

2 Timothy 3:7, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Hatred is not a sign of disbelief - apathy is. Sealybobo and Richard Dawkins are anything but apathetic about the war they wage on Christianity.

You want us to be apathetic while you try to push your religion on the rest of us? Forget it. If you kept it to yourselves then we would be apathetic. The fact is, a pew research poll said people would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than an atheist. So don't try to cry and play the fucking victims here. We see how "they" use religion to control the dumb masses and FINALLY after over 2000 years we can finally speak up and not be burned at the stake. You guys want to cry about Pol Pot and Stalin? Rubber and glue bitches! We all know the murderous history of christians killing for the lord. It's ok if its for the lord, remember? Do you think GW Bush would have invaded a christian country? Fuck no.
They may not have believed in god but we don't claim them.

Well, how mighty convenient.

They didn't kill in the name of atheism like christians have.

Lying does not help your case.

Just look at how your forefathers mass murdered the indians. You make me laugh.

Small pox is my forfather?


You religious fanatics are an ignorant bunch..

Hitler was fucking crazy. He was into the occult.

Ohh, a straw man, how fun.

I'm sure it will support your fucked up religion...

The occult is "knowledge of the hidden. "knowledge of the paranormal", as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable". sometimes taken to mean knowledge that "is meant only for certain people

Didn't Bush say god talked to him? Didn't George Washington? How come god always talks to presidents name George?

And remember, you've been brainwashed by the rich people that run this country. They want to war with Russia what are they going to call them? Atheists, socialists, communists!!! You must not understand what atheists are all about. Very simple, we don't believe there is a god. No proof. We need proof. That's it. Doesn't take faith to not believe in something. Just need more evidence.

I'm not sure the talking points you get from what ever Atheist hate site you use serve you well; you sort of ramble from topic to topic and never make much of a point. Sort of a feral baboon flinging shit, and hoping some will stick..
I miss the days before reagan and the gop figured out how to win over the moral majority by being the god loving party and portraying the democrats as godless. I hope one day people return to keeping that shit to themselves. I'm Greek Orthodox. You don't see us walking around trying to convert people. And being Greek I know a lot of the men in that church are only there because their wives and kids are there. They wish they were golfing.

And I remember taking offense to them calling us godless. I'd say "hey wait a minute I'm a liberal and I believe in god too". Funny that now I don't. Google whynogod and see for yourself.

I have a lot of respect for the Greek community leadership which I do run across among the Democrats. Maybe it's a common respect for "natural laws" but I notice you and I might have an easier time connecting on common, despite our differences, where this takes a bit more work with other people on here. (Please do not give up because I do believe the rational approach is what is going to agreement on truth in religion first, and then in politics as a consequence.) I believe there is an important legacy to fulfill from the Greek history in teaching democratic principles, the Greeks as the Gentiles in the Bible, and the Greek ethics that were reconciled with church teachings.

It's not that the Democrats are godless it's that the party is set up to "react" in opposition to the Republicans. The principles talk about holding the Republican Party in check but don't mention fellow Democrats. So it comes across as reactionary; where the "white conservatives" are pegged as the "default class in power" and everyone else is "reacting" to that and trying to fight for equality in relationship to that.

What I find missing among Democrats is invoking authority directly from the Constitution, but depending instead on going through party to get political force and power. Again it comes across as reactionary, where the lobbying and mobilization is done "in response to" the right/Republican/conservatives.

What happened to enforcing laws and principles directly for their own sake?

That is what I was trying to address, but I found my fellow neighbors coworkers and Democrats did not even understand what due process was, what the difference was between state local and federal govt and process of representation, etc. Everything is lobbied in relation to what the Republicans are pushing. So that is why the Democrats
come across as making government their God and Church through which they get anything done; in "reaction" to how Conservatives and Christians organize through churches and businesses to do things they don't want to depend on govt for, the liberals flock to government, party, and media to push their agenda to counteract those influences.

I don't find a lot of fellow liberals/progressives who invoke authority for self-government directly from the laws without depending on party to act as their authority.

the Christians invoke authority directly from the laws in the Bible (and the church got in trouble where people depended on church authority instead of checking against religious abuse directly by enforcing principles in the Bible)

I see more Libertarians and Conservatives/Republicans invoking Constitutional laws and authority directly from the source and not depending on party or govt to do so.

Where are Constitutional laws and govt taught through the Democrats to help members to become more independent and work toward self-govt? That is what I was trying to push for, and ran into a bunch of political caucusing that only focused on who was electable.

Sorry to stray, but I believe the SAME PROCESS of establishing the spirit of the laws
for Equal Justice happens through the churches with religions and with govt laws as well.

It is a parallel process, where state goes through a similar "Reformation" movement as the church did, but minus the bloodshed if we use civil democratic process to reform our govt.

It is still the process of establishing "equal justice under law" for all people. I believe the gentiles will accomplish this through the natural laws and Constitutional principles that are universal language for all people. Universal Justice or Jesus by any name is the same.

Yes more stupid lazy Americans need to vote. I believe in the General Welfare Clause and that the libertarian way would destroy the middle class and be a windfall for the rich. We need regulations. Sorry but our government is the referee. Without a referee the team with the most money will win every time.
They may not have believed in god but we don't claim them.

Well, how mighty convenient.

They didn't kill in the name of atheism like christians have.

Lying does not help your case.

Small pox is my forfather?


You religious fanatics are an ignorant bunch..

Hitler was fucking crazy. He was into the occult.

Ohh, a straw man, how fun.

I'm sure it will support your fucked up religion...

The occult is "knowledge of the hidden. "knowledge of the paranormal", as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable". sometimes taken to mean knowledge that "is meant only for certain people

Didn't Bush say god talked to him? Didn't George Washington? How come god always talks to presidents name George?

And remember, you've been brainwashed by the rich people that run this country. They want to war with Russia what are they going to call them? Atheists, socialists, communists!!! You must not understand what atheists are all about. Very simple, we don't believe there is a god. No proof. We need proof. That's it. Doesn't take faith to not believe in something. Just need more evidence.

I'm not sure the talking points you get from what ever Atheist hate site you use serve you well; you sort of ramble from topic to topic and never make much of a point. Sort of a feral baboon flinging shit, and hoping some will stick..

I was going to say based on your reply you missed every point I made.
Bet you miss the days where you could ruin his life for saying such things or even tar and feather/murder him, huh? Because that is what god would want you to do.

Because you are a bigot, you respond to all things through bigotry.

In this case, you appear an utter fool - despite knowing that I have no "god," you are forced to spew the idiocy above, because you lack the wits to construct any thought outside of your mindless bigotry.

You are an apt disciple of that pile of shit Dawkins, you emulate your little pope very well.

I talk to a lot of people about this stuff. I'll usually feel them out first or get to know them for awhile but eventually ask them if they believe in god and you wouldn't believe either

Yes, like a Jehovah's Witness shoving the Watchtower in the face of strangers, you are compelled to force your foolish religion on all.

Atheists are aggressive in proselytizing.

a. How many don't.
b. How many say they do because they've never thought it through they were just brainwashed from birth so they never gave it much thought and just always assumed god was real and so was the jesus story. I was one of them for a long time. Thank you internet for allowing me to fully research the subject. google whynogod and see.

Will you be rewarded for the souls you save?
Why are we worse?

200 million dead in a single century - NO ONE slaughters innocents the way Atheists do.

Shhhhh. Don't want to call them on their own hypocrisy. You might hurt their feelings and their egos.

Oh fuck you. There is no atheist nation. Oh, and by the way, I'm going to claim Hitler as an atheist for a minute to make a point. First of all, if it were truly an atheist society then when did they all turn back to god? Because isn't Germany a christian nation? Show me the history of their atheism.

And just because hitler hated organized religion and the church, he was still a catholic. In fact the christian church helped Hitler. Anyways, yes I am off point now.

Back to my point. Look at how Hitler almost conquered the world with science. If he wasn't crazy and on drugs he might have pulled it off. If he wasn't crazy. Anyways, wasn't it them who invented the atom bomb and first rocket plains? Maybe Hitler and the 3rd Reich are a good example of how without religion we could maybe do some great things. In fact the church held hitler back. He didn't want to piss them off so he went along in fear of he might lose control of his citizens who did believe in god. See people will fight and die for country and god. This is proof they use religion to control us. Wake up.

And I'm being a little silly here, but yes the Nazi's did a lot without science.

And funny because you'd think that a godless middle east country might be the one to nuke israel but it'll most likely be a radical religious muslim. You guys need to claim the 9-11 hijackers. They might not believe in your god but they believe in god alright. And notice your bullshit story isn't much better than theirs. Talking snakes vs. 47 virgins? I'll take the virgins. :lol:
Bet you miss the days where you could ruin his life for saying such things or even tar and feather/murder him, huh? Because that is what god would want you to do.

Because you are a bigot, you respond to all things through bigotry.

In this case, you appear an utter fool - despite knowing that I have no "god," you are forced to spew the idiocy above, because you lack the wits to construct any thought outside of your mindless bigotry.

You are an apt disciple of that pile of shit Dawkins, you emulate your little pope very well.

I talk to a lot of people about this stuff. I'll usually feel them out first or get to know them for awhile but eventually ask them if they believe in god and you wouldn't believe either

Yes, like a Jehovah's Witness shoving the Watchtower in the face of strangers, you are compelled to force your foolish religion on all.

Atheists are aggressive in proselytizing.

a. How many don't.
b. How many say they do because they've never thought it through they were just brainwashed from birth so they never gave it much thought and just always assumed god was real and so was the jesus story. I was one of them for a long time. Thank you internet for allowing me to fully research the subject. google whynogod and see.

Will you be rewarded for the souls you save?

Aren't you an atheist?

I hate libertarians. They try to pretend to be different/better than conservatives but in some ways libertarians are the worse. Sometimes I think its conservatives, then libertarians and some days I think tea partiers are the worse. You all suck if you ask me.

Will you be rewarded for the dicks you sucked?
I'm thinking about my friend who was bashing radical islam here in America. He was mistaking muslims and radical islam. Why? Because Bush, the Christian coalition and his foul ass church planted that in his head.


The dude who called Islam "the religion of peace?" :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Uh yeah, let's just say that your credibility is waning.

Today thank gosh we can doubt the existence of god without being murdered and we aren't so stupid that we allow our corrupt leaders to persecute muslim americans after 9-11 the same way we did japanese american's during ww2 after pearl harbor.

Doubting the existence of god is agnosticism. Atheism is a fanatical religion in it's own right - at war with the Christian god - though fully supportive of Allah, the Muslim god.

No group is as aggressive in proselytizing as the Atheists, who have established their religion as the national church, declaring competing faiths to be heretics and using federal officials to silence competing ideas.

I don't believe in the Christian god - therefor, when others pray to him, it's no different than kids talking about Superman, who cares?

Ah but the Atheist is thrown into a rage - like their Muslim allies - they froth at the mouth at the blasphemy of a little girl saying a prayer at a football game.

You claim you don't believe in god, but I don't believe you - we do not fight against that which we don't believe in, we don't wage war on mythical beings.

Agnostics don't care what anyone else believes, as long as those beliefs don't involve physical violence or coercion.

Atheists demand that ALL bow to their beliefs, and seek to use physical violence and coercion to enforce their demands.

Bet you miss the days where you could ruin his life for saying such things or even tar and feather/murder him, huh? Because that is what god would want you to do.

Because you are a bigot, you respond to all things through bigotry.

In this case, you appear an utter fool - despite knowing that I have no "god," you are forced to spew the idiocy above, because you lack the wits to construct any thought outside of your mindless bigotry.

You are an apt disciple of that pile of shit Dawkins, you emulate your little pope very well.

I talk to a lot of people about this stuff. I'll usually feel them out first or get to know them for awhile but eventually ask them if they believe in god and you wouldn't believe either

Yes, like a Jehovah's Witness shoving the Watchtower in the face of strangers, you are compelled to force your foolish religion on all.

Atheists are aggressive in proselytizing.

a. How many don't.
b. How many say they do because they've never thought it through they were just brainwashed from birth so they never gave it much thought and just always assumed god was real and so was the jesus story. I was one of them for a long time. Thank you internet for allowing me to fully research the subject. google whynogod and see.

Will you be rewarded for the souls you save?

Do you really call a person who hates racists, stupid & greedy people a bigot? Ok I'm a bigot.
More evidence that the root of religion is the fear of death.

fear of death????????????? NOT IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER,we believbers have GOD'S promise of a happy blessed life now and eternal life!!!

First off Gismys, how can you have eternal life? By believing a fairytale? One that isn't even original? You do know prior religions all had human sacrafices, virgin births, miracles, etc. All those other religions were fake but not yours? Come on. A true god would reward the rest of us for not following your cult. Its like a giraffe caring about the mosquitos. Yea, god sits around worrying about you. :cuckoo:

I believe in karma and good vibrations too brother. Live and let live. Be kind to your neighbors. Don't fuck his wife. Don't steal or kill. The only two laws in the 10 commandments actually. But beyond that you're just wildly speculating. But I get you brother. Piece. John Lennon imagined there's no religion why can't you? Why can't you even admit that there is a possibility 11 guys made up the story around 2000 years ago and the religion flourished because people were dumb. You sound dumb. Or are you just afraid. That I understand. One of the reasons human's cling to religion. Makes them feel good. I get that. What a scam. Tax free and all you sell is the promise of eternal life and socialization with other dumb people in your community? I get it. I wouldn't want to hang out with a bunch of stupid born agains or catholics. They are wasting their lives, but if it makes them feel good, go for it. Just don't push those ideas on the rest of us. You are free to be religious or a kkk member or both in America.

You guys say, "read the bible and come back and talk to me then". Well I have. Now you read all this and then tell me how you still believe the unbelievable. Google whynogod and read it, brother. Jesus told you to go spread the word, well I was somehow told to spread this word. Wake up!

Seriously... Ya gotta jump through all the hoops to get to "heaven" and your big reward is an eternity with Jizzmo?? EEE GADS !!! I would rather take white hot ice picks and jam them in my eye balls. !!!!
I'm thinking about my friend who was bashing radical islam here in America. He was mistaking muslims and radical islam. Why? Because Bush, the Christian coalition and his foul ass church planted that in his head.


The dude who called Islam "the religion of peace?" :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Uh yeah, let's just say that your credibility is waning.

Today thank gosh we can doubt the existence of god without being murdered and we aren't so stupid that we allow our corrupt leaders to persecute muslim americans after 9-11 the same way we did japanese american's during ww2 after pearl harbor.

Doubting the existence of god is agnosticism. Atheism is a fanatical religion in it's own right - at war with the Christian god - though fully supportive of Allah, the Muslim god.

No group is as aggressive in proselytizing as the Atheists, who have established their religion as the national church, declaring competing faiths to be heretics and using federal officials to silence competing ideas.

I don't believe in the Christian god - therefor, when others pray to him, it's no different than kids talking about Superman, who cares?

Ah but the Atheist is thrown into a rage - like their Muslim allies - they froth at the mouth at the blasphemy of a little girl saying a prayer at a football game.

You claim you don't believe in god, but I don't believe you - we do not fight against that which we don't believe in, we don't wage war on mythical beings.

Agnostics don't care what anyone else believes, as long as those beliefs don't involve physical violence or coercion.

Atheists demand that ALL bow to their beliefs, and seek to use physical violence and coercion to enforce their demands.


We're making up for lost time. We couldn't say anything for 7000 years and now finally we get to wake people up from the brainwashing. You got a 7000 year head start and now you are crying because we're cathing up. Boo fucking hoo.
1. No I guess jews, muslims and atheists can all be evil, stupid and corrupt. True.
2. Christianity became common to all of Europe starting in the 5th century. Excuse the fuck out of me. 1600 fucking years not 2000. To be petty about points like this make me not want to reply to you anymore. Pathetic.
3. What nation is still being run by atheists? None. Looks like religion won. So how are those nations doing today? Fact is, and you don't seem to want to admit it, religion has been used in a lot of bad ways. Want some examples? Read my past posts.
4. I know a lot of smart people believe in God. The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

1. :D
2. If Europe were the world, you'd have a point. What's pathetic is your inability to see that the world consists of more than Christian majority countries, or the West, or whatever it is that you think constitutes the world. That you ignore multiple continents with your ridiculous statements is pathetic.
3. If religion is the one thing holding humanity back, wouldn't states run by atheists thrive and flourish? If they have not, doesn't that contradict your point?
I have said more than once that religion has been used in bad ways. You, on the other hand, seem to want to ignore any possibility it is also used in good ways. You also don't seem to think that the bad things done in the name of religions would be done without religion, which again, while possible, is not backed by any evidence.
4. I never made any claim about the existence of god being true. I've said again and again I do not believe in god. What I said was your harping on believers being ignorant and stupid is not necessarily indicative of the entirety of that person; that believers may be ignorant and stupid in their religious belief but otherwise quite intelligent. I was countering the point that you have made about the intelligence and/or ignorance of believers.

Care to throw out any more mistaken or incorrect tidbits?

You are sounding as bad as Boss, arguing your point with a bare minimum of evidence, when there is any at all, as though it is indisputable.

1. :eusa_pray:

2. Who rules the world or has for 1600 years? Christians. Rome, England, USA. You want to argue petty points that mean nothing. Derailing the actual topic. What is your position please so I can pick it apart. Lets start with you. Why do god haters persist?

3. Any athiest country would have to go up against, deal with, trade with, war with all the other religious countries. Until religion thinking is gone who knows? Did you ever hear the guys on Star Trek talk about religion? In the future it doesn't exist and neither does war, hopefully. Much smarter people in the future. If not we won't be here. Who says so? Scientists.

4. I've agreed with you on this point. Smart person X believes in god or ‘You are not qualified’.

Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.

Invisible pink unicorns exist. You’re not an expert in them, so you can’t say they don’t.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

You think it is petty that I am unwilling to concede Europe and the US as the entirety of the world? No one has ruled the world for 1600 years. It's a big world, lots of people, lots of places, no one has ruled it all. That you continue to make such a claim highlights how little thought you are putting into this.

If you'd read this thread from the beginning, you'd see that I've been arguing against the OP premise since the beginning.

So now any religion in the world holds back the entire world? Your goalposts have wheels.

Star Trek? You're using Star Trek as some sort of evidence of the future? :rofl:

Are you claiming that scientists say humanity won't exist in the future if religious belief does?

You continue to use quotes from others without providing acknowledgements.
We believers who have God's word as our source for truth not man's silly,evil,ideas and opinions=====we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:9-16

Yes, so let's put together all those parts of the truth from all of us,
assemble them in Christ where all is reconciled, and establish one truth universal for all.

Note: I believe the secular Gentiles are not only part of this process, but one of the major participants to make sure natural laws are established by science and rational understanding.

I believe it helps establish truth with two independent witnesses both in agreement.

I believe even the conversations here are part of that process of eliminating or resolving conflict, threshing the wheat, and getting to the universal essential points agreed as true.
I notice no one is trying anymore to prove god exists. So it is established, you have to believe without evidence. IE have faith. Now it's just attack me and change the subject and some people are re defining what god is. Sorry guys. God is either who the christians say he is or he's the one the muslim's say he is. If neither of them are right then you have to think it is possible the whole thing is made up. Zero evidence. Science has even discovered the part of the brain that made it up. Without evidence all we can say is we don't know. Agnostic Atheism is the best position to have.
It's seems to me that it's got to be super difficult for atheists to literally HATE a God they don't even believe exists and yet they head to the religious forum day after day after day after day after day to spew their vitriol and their anger, resentment, and hatred for God. They're consumed with an obsession to PROVE that God doesn't exist and yet they're never able to fulfill their fantasy.

2 Timothy 3:7, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Hatred is not a sign of disbelief - apathy is. Sealybobo and Richard Dawkins are anything but apathetic about the war they wage on Christianity.

You want us to be apathetic while you try to push your religion on the rest of us? Forget it. If you kept it to yourselves then we would be apathetic. The fact is, a pew research poll said people would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than an atheist. So don't try to cry and play the fucking victims here. We see how "they" use religion to control the dumb masses and FINALLY after over 2000 years we can finally speak up and not be burned at the stake. You guys want to cry about Pol Pot and Stalin? Rubber and glue bitches! We all know the murderous history of christians killing for the lord. It's ok if its for the lord, remember? Do you think GW Bush would have invaded a christian country? Fuck no.

Why shouldn't we voice our opinions concerning our religion? You push your religion on us as a matter of routine ("you" meaning God haters in general). Please note that our nation was founded by Christians so that their posterity could live in religious peace and freedom. Take a look at my signature line and the link to the Library of Congress. Thanks to our Christian founders who fought, bled, and died for YOUR freedom to speak.

The dude who called Islam "the religion of peace?" :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Uh yeah, let's just say that your credibility is waning.

Doubting the existence of god is agnosticism. Atheism is a fanatical religion in it's own right - at war with the Christian god - though fully supportive of Allah, the Muslim god.

No group is as aggressive in proselytizing as the Atheists, who have established their religion as the national church, declaring competing faiths to be heretics and using federal officials to silence competing ideas.

I don't believe in the Christian god - therefor, when others pray to him, it's no different than kids talking about Superman, who cares?

Ah but the Atheist is thrown into a rage - like their Muslim allies - they froth at the mouth at the blasphemy of a little girl saying a prayer at a football game.

You claim you don't believe in god, but I don't believe you - we do not fight against that which we don't believe in, we don't wage war on mythical beings.

Agnostics don't care what anyone else believes, as long as those beliefs don't involve physical violence or coercion.

Atheists demand that ALL bow to their beliefs, and seek to use physical violence and coercion to enforce their demands.


We're making up for lost time. We couldn't say anything for 7000 years and now finally we get to wake people up from the brainwashing. You got a 7000 year head start and now you are crying because we're cathing up. Boo fucking hoo.

You responded to my post with this because?
SB said:
RE: Who rules the world or has for 1600 years? Christians. Rome, England, USA. You want to argue petty points that mean nothing. Derailing the actual topic. What is your position please so I can pick it apart. Lets start with you. Why do god haters persist?

You think it is petty that I am unwilling to concede Europe and the US as the entirety of the world? No one has ruled the world for 1600 years. It's a big world, lots of people, lots of places, no one has ruled it all. That you continue to make such a claim highlights how little thought you are putting into this.

Dear Montrovant:
Do you believe that the power of good will is greater than ill will?
Love is greater than fear?
Forgiveness more powerful than unforgiveness?
Truth conquers falsehood?
Justice prevails over injustice?
Charity has more impact than greed?

If so, that is what it means to have faith that "God's will" is greater
than the negative ills, forces or obstacles that stand in its way.
If you believe that the force and drive of good will for all
is greater and can eventually overcome any setbacks working against it.

So this good will, this drive in the human conscience to better ourselves and
humanity, is the ultimate governing force that motivates the changes in the world.
The counter forces are part of our learning and development process,
as we strive for mastery and maturity as a society. The negative problems will
not last, but are there so we can study how to correct and prevent them in the future.

This process to learn and improve is driven by a positive force of love of truth,
justice and humanity. if you focus on the negatives it is harder to see; but if
you compare with cases where positive outcomes overcame the negative setbacks,
you can see how the entire process was motivated by keeping a positive faith and drive.
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You want us to be apathetic while you try to push your religion on the rest of us?

The one pushing religion is you.

You alone use the implied force of arms of the Federal Government to impose your faith on others. You alone demand that others be silenced for fear that it may spark doubt in the faith you promote.

Forget it. If you kept it to yourselves then we would be apathetic.

I am an agnostic, a non-believer. Christ is no more to me than Bugs Bunny is. I feel no need to silence Daffy Duck - ah but you - you must crush Christ.

So tell me again that you don't believe? You fear what you claim not to believe - which is irrational.

All religion is irrational, but none is quite as irrational as Atheism.

The fact is, a pew research poll said people would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than an atheist. So don't try to cry and play the fucking victims here. We see how "they" use religion to control the dumb masses and FINALLY after over 2000 years we can finally speak up and not be burned at the stake. You guys want to cry about Pol Pot and Stalin? Rubber and glue bitches! We all know the murderous history of christians killing for the lord. It's ok if its for the lord, remember? Do you think GW Bush would have invaded a christian country? Fuck no.

Atheists are irrational, and aggressive - shoving their beliefs down the throat of all. Seeking to use force and violence to force others to follow their faith.

It makes you unpopular. The difference between Atheists and the Taliban is...


I got nothing...
Aren't you an atheist?

No, I belong to no religion.

I have no care for what others believe. I only care that all are free to believe what they will.

I hate libertarians.

No surprise there, most Atheists are Marxists - the two are strongly intertwined. An aggressive leaning toward totalitarianism and dictatorship is inherent in Atheism.

They try to pretend to be different/better than conservatives but in some ways libertarians are the worse. Sometimes I think its conservatives, then libertarians and some days I think tea partiers are the worse. You all suck if you ask me.

I oppose Authoritarianism - thus I am an obstacle to your goals.

Will you be rewarded for the dicks you sucked?

What's sad is that really is the best you can do.

Dawkins has created a cult of the dullest wits to be found.

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