Why do the God-haters persist?

You want us to be apathetic while you try to push your religion on the rest of us? Forget it. If you kept it to yourselves then we would be apathetic. The fact is, a pew research poll said people would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than an atheist. So don't try to cry and play the fucking victims here. We see how "they" use religion to control the dumb masses and FINALLY after over 2000 years we can finally speak up and not be burned at the stake. You guys want to cry about Pol Pot and Stalin? Rubber and glue bitches! We all know the murderous history of christians killing for the lord. It's ok if its for the lord, remember? Do you think GW Bush would have invaded a christian country? Fuck no.

NO it's NOT okay for any person or nation to abuse religion or laws to oppress or impose war on people politically.

The difference is that when you rebuke Christians by their laws, whether using the Bible or the Constitution, then you hold people in check by the principles they commit to follow by conscience.

So there is a system of invoking Justice where people accept responsibility for living by the laws by conscience, and respond to rebukes from peers in the spirit of enforcing the laws.

People who do not make this commitment pass the buck to someone else.
People who commit to embody the laws by conscience, this is what it means to be one with Christ.

Sealybobo -- what makes me most curious is that in your answers your spirit is clearly committed to upholding the natural laws of Justice. I see you as following this same role that other Christian believers do. You don't depend on outside parties to authorize or tell you what is right and wrong, but you invoke this directly yourself, which is the same process Christians use invoking Jesus authority by conscience.

is the problem that you have no faith in or support for rebuking fellow Christians using their own sysetm to correct abuses of their own religious and church leaders?
So that you are attacking and criticizing the whole Christian faith as the problem? instead of rebuking members and leaders WITHIN those bodies to correct the problems by enforcing the laws?

is that where the conflict is coming from?

You seem to have the same commitment as I do as a Christian believer.
I am against the same abuses as you protest. I align with you on enforcing natural laws
where I related to secular language and laws better than Biblical laws which are like a second language to me and not native.

So the only difference I can see is that I have more success and experience
approaching fellow Christians to enforce their own laws consistently, as given,
to address these wrongs and abuses as responsible citizens and members of society.

I do not discount or discredit the entire faith, but seek to enforce the true principles
in a spirit consistent with the laws, in order to correct the abuses of religion and authority.
I find this works well to correct problems from within, instead of attacking or rejecting from outside
which more often results in defensive reactions and mutual rejection that doesn't stop the abuses but makes them worse.

Is this the main difference between us?
That you do not have faith these problems can be corrected from within
by enforcing the true laws to expose and correct the wrongs that have been done?

I agree with you that what is wrong is wrong, regardless.
I just don't blame the Christian faith but the ABUSE of it to commit those wrongs.
Instead of following the laws as given to correct and prevent them in the future
which is the true practice of Christianity. Like a math problem, it helps to correct
the errors by comparing the right answers, not just rejecting math entirely because it's hard to get it right!

Thank you sealybobo, I really feel you have the mindset and gifted ability to discern and articulate
what is wrong and what needs to be corrected, where the problems with religious and political abuse CAN be broken down and solved without rejecting whole groups of people.

Maybe you still hold onto personal problems with forgiving wrongful abuses from the past, as GISMYS has difficulty forgiving unresolved issues with atheists and rejecting atheism for that. instead of blaming and rejecting whole groups, why not correct the specific problems?
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SB said:
RE: Who rules the world or has for 1600 years? Christians. Rome, England, USA. You want to argue petty points that mean nothing. Derailing the actual topic. What is your position please so I can pick it apart. Lets start with you. Why do god haters persist?

You think it is petty that I am unwilling to concede Europe and the US as the entirety of the world? No one has ruled the world for 1600 years. It's a big world, lots of people, lots of places, no one has ruled it all. That you continue to make such a claim highlights how little thought you are putting into this.

Dear Montrovant:
Do you believe that the power of good will is greater than ill will?
Love is greater than fear?
Forgiveness more powerful than unforgiveness?
Truth conquers falsehood?
Justice prevails over injustice?
Charity has more impact than greed?

If so, that is what it means to have faith that "God's will" is greater
than the negative ills, forces or obstacles that stand in its way.
If you believe that the force and drive of good will for all
is greater and can eventually overcome any setbacks working against it.

So this good will, this drive in the human conscience to better ourselves and
humanity, is the ultimate governing force that motivates the changes in the world.
The counter forces are part of our learning and development process,
as we strive for mastery and maturity as a society. The negative problems will
not last, but are there so we can study how to correct and prevent them in the future.

This process to learn and improve is driven by a positive force of love of truth,
justice and humanity. if you focus on the negatives it is harder to see; but if
you compare with cases where positive outcomes overcame the negative setbacks,
you can see how the entire process was motivated by keeping a positive faith and drive.

No, I do not believe 'good' is more powerful than 'bad' or anything of the sort.
TRY TO THINK!!! It takes far more than calling yourself"christian" to be a CHRISTIAN.

Yes I agree. Curiously, I see that Sealybobo has the convictions and commitment to truth and justice by conscience as a Christian does, but appears to relate to the secular gentile path of natural laws to express these principles of what is right and wrong in the world.

So the spirit and conviction is there, as true to the faith in justice as a Christian believer,
but the expression is coming out in terms of natural laws and secular experience and understanding of the world.

I believe any conflicts we have can be resolved in this common spirit and conviction to truth and justice that we share by conscience. We just have some language and perceptions to align, but the principles are one and the same. The same good things are still right, and the same abuses are still wrong.

We just don't agree where to place the blame and how to go about fixing the abuses.
But that can be worked out since at least we agree we do not want wrongs to continue.
We agree that things should change to correct these problems, so the issue is how do we fix those things?
No, I do not believe 'good' is more powerful than 'bad' or anything of the sort.

You don't believe that given equal choices,
if someone can get what they want and it does good for others,
or get what they want where it causes some bad to happen,
their conscience wouldn't try to seek what offers more good to more people?

You don't think the power of good and love is
a greater influence over negative conflicting forces?
You want us to be apathetic while you try to push your religion on the rest of us?

The one pushing religion is you.

You alone use the implied force of arms of the Federal Government to impose your faith on others. You alone demand that others be silenced for fear that it may spark doubt in the faith you promote.

Forget it. If you kept it to yourselves then we would be apathetic.

I am an agnostic, a non-believer. Christ is no more to me than Bugs Bunny is. I feel no need to silence Daffy Duck - ah but you - you must crush Christ.

So tell me again that you don't believe? You fear what you claim not to believe - which is irrational.

All religion is irrational, but none is quite as irrational as Atheism.

The fact is, a pew research poll said people would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than an atheist. So don't try to cry and play the fucking victims here. We see how "they" use religion to control the dumb masses and FINALLY after over 2000 years we can finally speak up and not be burned at the stake. You guys want to cry about Pol Pot and Stalin? Rubber and glue bitches! We all know the murderous history of christians killing for the lord. It's ok if its for the lord, remember? Do you think GW Bush would have invaded a christian country? Fuck no.

Atheists are irrational, and aggressive - shoving their beliefs down the throat of all. Seeking to use force and violence to force others to follow their faith.

It makes you unpopular. The difference between Atheists and the Taliban is...


I got nothing...

You should probably be clear as to your definition of atheism.

Of course, even going with a definition of a person who actively denies the possibility of any god existing, your views are pretty out there. :lol:
No, I do not believe 'good' is more powerful than 'bad' or anything of the sort.

You don't believe that given equal choices,
if someone can get what they want and it does good for others,
or get what they want where it causes some bad to happen,
their conscience wouldn't try to seek what offers more good to more people?

You don't think the power of good and love is
a greater influence over negative conflicting forces?

I think that, first of all, what is good or bad is vague and subjective.

Given entirely equal choices between what a person considers good and bad, yes, they will choose the good. Whether that seems good to others is, of course, important.

Beyond that, I think it is very rare to have a situation where you get a choice that is entirely equal except for whether it does good or bad. Life is generally far more complex than that.

I don't think that good and love are a greater influence on people inherently.
Do you really call a person who hates racists, stupid & greedy people a bigot? Ok I'm a bigot.

It's clear that hatred is the foundation of your life.

It's also clear that you have no idea what the word "bigot" means.

And yes, you are the epitome of bigotry.

I think the hostility is directed toward a particular group or practice
of abusing Christian faith to target, oppress or control people politically.

I don't think it is generalized hatred, but specific to injustices that
can and should be addressed and corrected.

Why not focus on how to address this particular level of abuse,
and what can be done to resolve the problem locally and globally?

Of course there is natural hatred for this type of injustice; anyone of conscience would be aware this is wrongful. So how to direct that passion toward constructive change?
No, I do not believe 'good' is more powerful than 'bad' or anything of the sort.

You don't believe that given equal choices,
if someone can get what they want and it does good for others,
or get what they want where it causes some bad to happen,
their conscience wouldn't try to seek what offers more good to more people?

You don't think the power of good and love is
a greater influence over negative conflicting forces?

I think that, first of all, what is good or bad is vague and subjective.

Given entirely equal choices between what a person considers good and bad, yes, they will choose the good. Whether that seems good to others is, of course, important.

Beyond that, I think it is very rare to have a situation where you get a choice that is entirely equal except for whether it does good or bad. Life is generally far more complex than that.

I don't think that good and love are a greater influence on people inherently.

Yes of course what is good or bad is relative to the people in the situation.
So we seem to agree generally that people's conscience or will
tends toward "that which they believe is good for them."

Even where this is relative or subjective,
this still points to the natural mechanism in the human conscience that seeks
what is good/pleasurable/satisfying and tries to avoid what is painful/stressful/negative/feared.

We will choose what we love over what we fear.
So this mechanism in human nature is part of the "natural laws" that already exist.

Where you may focus on this being a subjective or relative process,
I focus on the overall trend that humanity tends toward greater good and justice.

When I see things like people in the World Trade Center choosing to stay and die
so that someone else didn't get left behind and die alone, things like that tell me that
there is a greater good or love that motivates people more than physical benefits.

People will even choose love and compassion for others over their own life.
So I see some greater force there that motivates people consciously or unconsciously.

(as for the opposite, people who are so criminal sick they put their own addictive pleasures over the life of others they kill to satisfy their urges, I did research to find the cause of these sicknesses can be identified and cured so these are not permanent states of mind but can be changed with early enough intervention and treatment. the forgiveness therapy it takes to heal people of inborn criminal mental or physical illness also cures a lot of other ill conditions; so this also tells me the power of forgiveness, love and healing is greater than any evil ill will or sickness that otherwise blocks the natural flow of life and energy.)

If I didn't know people personally who have cured people of all kinds of illness, mental and physical,
maybe I wouldn't believe these things can be overcome. But I am fortunate to know people with
real life experience and testimony, so when I read books on this methods, I could relate to them as a real and natural process that can
be studied and documented statistically by science to show the effects.
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Hatred is not a sign of disbelief - apathy is. Sealybobo and Richard Dawkins are anything but apathetic about the war they wage on Christianity.

You want us to be apathetic while you try to push your religion on the rest of us? Forget it. If you kept it to yourselves then we would be apathetic. The fact is, a pew research poll said people would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than an atheist. So don't try to cry and play the fucking victims here. We see how "they" use religion to control the dumb masses and FINALLY after over 2000 years we can finally speak up and not be burned at the stake. You guys want to cry about Pol Pot and Stalin? Rubber and glue bitches! We all know the murderous history of christians killing for the lord. It's ok if its for the lord, remember? Do you think GW Bush would have invaded a christian country? Fuck no.

Why shouldn't we voice our opinions concerning our religion? You push your religion on us as a matter of routine ("you" meaning God haters in general). Please note that our nation was founded by Christians so that their posterity could live in religious peace and freedom. Take a look at my signature line and the link to the Library of Congress. Thanks to our Christian founders who fought, bled, and died for YOUR freedom to speak.
Thank the gawds that the Founding Fathers understood that Christianity (like all religions), needed a choke collar.
Hatred is not a sign of disbelief - apathy is. Sealybobo and Richard Dawkins are anything but apathetic about the war they wage on Christianity.

You want us to be apathetic while you try to push your religion on the rest of us? Forget it. If you kept it to yourselves then we would be apathetic. The fact is, a pew research poll said people would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than an atheist. So don't try to cry and play the fucking victims here. We see how "they" use religion to control the dumb masses and FINALLY after over 2000 years we can finally speak up and not be burned at the stake. You guys want to cry about Pol Pot and Stalin? Rubber and glue bitches! We all know the murderous history of christians killing for the lord. It's ok if its for the lord, remember? Do you think GW Bush would have invaded a christian country? Fuck no.

Why shouldn't we voice our opinions concerning our religion? You push your religion on us as a matter of routine ("you" meaning God haters in general). Please note that our nation was founded by Christians so that their posterity could live in religious peace and freedom. Take a look at my signature line and the link to the Library of Congress. Thanks to our Christian founders who fought, bled, and died for YOUR freedom to speak.

Don't forget to thank the jewish, agnostic and atheist founders too who said keep your religion to yourself or at least away from our state. IE seperation of church and state.

And right back at you. Why shouldn't we voice our opinions, especially when we are right.
SB said:
RE: Who rules the world or has for 1600 years? Christians. Rome, England, USA. You want to argue petty points that mean nothing. Derailing the actual topic. What is your position please so I can pick it apart. Lets start with you. Why do god haters persist?

You think it is petty that I am unwilling to concede Europe and the US as the entirety of the world? No one has ruled the world for 1600 years. It's a big world, lots of people, lots of places, no one has ruled it all. That you continue to make such a claim highlights how little thought you are putting into this.

Dear Montrovant:
Do you believe that the power of good will is greater than ill will?
Love is greater than fear?
Forgiveness more powerful than unforgiveness?
Truth conquers falsehood?
Justice prevails over injustice?
Charity has more impact than greed?

If so, that is what it means to have faith that "God's will" is greater
than the negative ills, forces or obstacles that stand in its way.
If you believe that the force and drive of good will for all
is greater and can eventually overcome any setbacks working against it.

So this good will, this drive in the human conscience to better ourselves and
humanity, is the ultimate governing force that motivates the changes in the world.
The counter forces are part of our learning and development process,
as we strive for mastery and maturity as a society. The negative problems will
not last, but are there so we can study how to correct and prevent them in the future.

This process to learn and improve is driven by a positive force of love of truth,
justice and humanity. if you focus on the negatives it is harder to see; but if
you compare with cases where positive outcomes overcame the negative setbacks,
you can see how the entire process was motivated by keeping a positive faith and drive.

What proof do you have of all this? What church do you belong to? The only difference between a church and cult is the number of members. We all know or hope that eventually love concurs evil but that doesn't prove anything. How many jews died in Germany before love concurred evil? Why is god so slow?

Oxytocin, Serotonin and Dopamine.

Affection, empathy and peer bonding increase social cohesion and lead to higher survival chances for offspring.
You think it is petty that I am unwilling to concede Europe and the US as the entirety of the world? No one has ruled the world for 1600 years. It's a big world, lots of people, lots of places, no one has ruled it all. That you continue to make such a claim highlights how little thought you are putting into this.

Dear Montrovant:
Do you believe that the power of good will is greater than ill will?
Love is greater than fear?
Forgiveness more powerful than unforgiveness?
Truth conquers falsehood?
Justice prevails over injustice?
Charity has more impact than greed?

If so, that is what it means to have faith that "God's will" is greater
than the negative ills, forces or obstacles that stand in its way.
If you believe that the force and drive of good will for all
is greater and can eventually overcome any setbacks working against it.

So this good will, this drive in the human conscience to better ourselves and
humanity, is the ultimate governing force that motivates the changes in the world.
The counter forces are part of our learning and development process,
as we strive for mastery and maturity as a society. The negative problems will
not last, but are there so we can study how to correct and prevent them in the future.

This process to learn and improve is driven by a positive force of love of truth,
justice and humanity. if you focus on the negatives it is harder to see; but if
you compare with cases where positive outcomes overcame the negative setbacks,
you can see how the entire process was motivated by keeping a positive faith and drive.

What proof do you have of all this? What church do you belong to? The only difference between a church and cult is the number of members. We all know or hope that eventually love concurs evil but that doesn't prove anything. How many jews died in Germany before love concurred evil? Why is god so slow?

Oxytocin, Serotonin and Dopamine.

Affection, empathy and peer bonding increase social cohesion and lead to higher survival chances for offspring.

Do love and evil concur? :lol:
You want us to be apathetic while you try to push your religion on the rest of us? Forget it. If you kept it to yourselves then we would be apathetic. The fact is, a pew research poll said people would rather vote for a cheating pot smoker than an atheist. So don't try to cry and play the fucking victims here. We see how "they" use religion to control the dumb masses and FINALLY after over 2000 years we can finally speak up and not be burned at the stake. You guys want to cry about Pol Pot and Stalin? Rubber and glue bitches! We all know the murderous history of christians killing for the lord. It's ok if its for the lord, remember? Do you think GW Bush would have invaded a christian country? Fuck no.

NO it's NOT okay for any person or nation to abuse religion or laws to oppress or impose war on people politically.

The difference is that when you rebuke Christians by their laws, whether using the Bible or the Constitution, then you hold people in check by the principles they commit to follow by conscience.

So there is a system of invoking Justice where people accept responsibility for living by the laws by conscience, and respond to rebukes from peers in the spirit of enforcing the laws.

People who do not make this commitment pass the buck to someone else.
People who commit to embody the laws by conscience, this is what it means to be one with Christ.

Sealybobo -- what makes me most curious is that in your answers your spirit is clearly committed to upholding the natural laws of Justice. I see you as following this same role that other Christian believers do. You don't depend on outside parties to authorize or tell you what is right and wrong, but you invoke this directly yourself, which is the same process Christians use invoking Jesus authority by conscience.

is the problem that you have no faith in or support for rebuking fellow Christians using their own sysetm to correct abuses of their own religious and church leaders?
So that you are attacking and criticizing the whole Christian faith as the problem? instead of rebuking members and leaders WITHIN those bodies to correct the problems by enforcing the laws?

is that where the conflict is coming from?

You seem to have the same commitment as I do as a Christian believer.
I am against the same abuses as you protest. I align with you on enforcing natural laws
where I related to secular language and laws better than Biblical laws which are like a second language to me and not native.

So the only difference I can see is that I have more success and experience
approaching fellow Christians to enforce their own laws consistently, as given,
to address these wrongs and abuses as responsible citizens and members of society.

I do not discount or discredit the entire faith, but seek to enforce the true principles
in a spirit consistent with the laws, in order to correct the abuses of religion and authority.
I find this works well to correct problems from within, instead of attacking or rejecting from outside
which more often results in defensive reactions and mutual rejection that doesn't stop the abuses but makes them worse.

Is this the main difference between us?
That you do not have faith these problems can be corrected from within
by enforcing the true laws to expose and correct the wrongs that have been done?

I agree with you that what is wrong is wrong, regardless.
I just don't blame the Christian faith but the ABUSE of it to commit those wrongs.
Instead of following the laws as given to correct and prevent them in the future
which is the true practice of Christianity. Like a math problem, it helps to correct
the errors by comparing the right answers, not just rejecting math entirely because it's hard to get it right!

Thank you sealybobo, I really feel you have the mindset and gifted ability to discern and articulate
what is wrong and what needs to be corrected, where the problems with religious and political abuse CAN be broken down and solved without rejecting whole groups of people.

Maybe you still hold onto personal problems with forgiving wrongful abuses from the past, as GISMYS has difficulty forgiving unresolved issues with atheists and rejecting atheism for that. instead of blaming and rejecting whole groups, why not correct the specific problems?

I have friends who are christians, muslims and jews. If my opinions offend them we just don't talk politics. And yes I can work with them. I'm not as angry as I come off. I'm passionately debating my side. There is no god. Anyone who thinks there is is just hoping.

And these christians who say I'm so angry, that's funny because I have never unfriended a friend because of their christian bullshit, but I have been unfriended by a catholic and jewish friend. They get FURIOUS if I even try to suggest there is no god. Why so defensive? Hard to discuss with someone who's so brainwashed they are even scared to discuss facts like no virgin can get pregnant.
Do you really call a person who hates racists, stupid & greedy people a bigot? Ok I'm a bigot.

It's clear that hatred is the foundation of your life.

It's also clear that you have no idea what the word "bigot" means.

And yes, you are the epitome of bigotry.

You fool I'm the nicest person you could ever meet. I run a music school where parents and children come in and say all the time, "boy you sure are passionate about music".

I work with a real quiet musician who's really good at teaching but he's a dick. He hates loud happy funny guys like me and everyone else thinks it's funny. I'm the kind of guy who you either love me or hate me. 95% love me and 5% hate me. Usually alpha dogs because I'm short but I am certainly the top dog in the room wherever I go.

I'm not surprised religious christians hate me. Fuck them. I don't sit around worrying about this stuff. I'm on a message board talking to a bunch of dopes who think an invisible man cares about them. I'm just trying to kill all religions because they suck and are unnecessary. Certainly not deserving of a tax break. But I'm not angry. And don't argue with me that they do some good. So fucking what. Just because a lie makes you feel better doesn't mean you shouldn't hear the truth.
Do you really call a person who hates racists, stupid & greedy people a bigot? Ok I'm a bigot.

It's clear that hatred is the foundation of your life.

It's also clear that you have no idea what the word "bigot" means.

And yes, you are the epitome of bigotry.

You fool I'm the nicest person you could ever meet. I run a music school where parents and children come in and say all the time, "boy you sure are passionate about music".

I work with a real quiet musician who's really good at teaching but he's a dick. He hates loud happy funny guys like me and everyone else thinks it's funny. I'm the kind of guy who you either love me or hate me. 95% love me and 5% hate me. Usually alpha dogs because I'm short but I am certainly the top dog in the room wherever I go.

I'm not surprised religious christians hate me. Fuck them. I don't sit around worrying about this stuff. I'm on a message board talking to a bunch of dopes who think an invisible man cares about them. I'm just trying to kill all religions because they suck and are unnecessary. Certainly not deserving of a tax break. But I'm not angry. And don't argue with me that they do some good. So fucking what. Just because a lie makes you feel better doesn't mean you shouldn't hear the truth.

ALLOWING satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet has the highest of cost=your eternity!!! TRY TO THINK!
Dear Montrovant:
Do you believe that the power of good will is greater than ill will?
Love is greater than fear?
Forgiveness more powerful than unforgiveness?
Truth conquers falsehood?
Justice prevails over injustice?
Charity has more impact than greed?

If so, that is what it means to have faith that "God's will" is greater
than the negative ills, forces or obstacles that stand in its way.
If you believe that the force and drive of good will for all
is greater and can eventually overcome any setbacks working against it.

So this good will, this drive in the human conscience to better ourselves and
humanity, is the ultimate governing force that motivates the changes in the world.
The counter forces are part of our learning and development process,
as we strive for mastery and maturity as a society. The negative problems will
not last, but are there so we can study how to correct and prevent them in the future.

This process to learn and improve is driven by a positive force of love of truth,
justice and humanity. if you focus on the negatives it is harder to see; but if
you compare with cases where positive outcomes overcame the negative setbacks,
you can see how the entire process was motivated by keeping a positive faith and drive.

What proof do you have of all this? What church do you belong to? The only difference between a church and cult is the number of members. We all know or hope that eventually love concurs evil but that doesn't prove anything. How many jews died in Germany before love concurred evil? Why is god so slow?

Oxytocin, Serotonin and Dopamine.

Affection, empathy and peer bonding increase social cohesion and lead to higher survival chances for offspring.

Do love and evil concur? :lol:

The god character of the Bible is a misogynistic tyrant that condones and even orders the practice of slavery, rape of women and murder of children. The moment you disagree with a single instruction of the Bible, such as the command to kill any bride who is not a virgin or any child who disrespects their parents, then you acknowledge that there exists a superior standard by which to judge moral action and thus no need to rely on an ancient, primitive and barbaric fantasy.
What proof do you have of all this? What church do you belong to? The only difference between a church and cult is the number of members. We all know or hope that eventually love concurs evil but that doesn't prove anything. How many jews died in Germany before love concurred evil? Why is god so slow?

Oxytocin, Serotonin and Dopamine.

Affection, empathy and peer bonding increase social cohesion and lead to higher survival chances for offspring.

Do love and evil concur? :lol:

The god character of the Bible is a misogynistic tyrant that condones and even orders the practice of slavery, rape of women and murder of children. The moment you disagree with a single instruction of the Bible, such as the command to kill any bride who is not a virgin or any child who disrespects their parents, then you acknowledge that there exists a superior standard by which to judge moral action and thus no need to rely on an ancient, primitive and barbaric fantasy.

It's clear that hatred is the foundation of your life.

It's also clear that you have no idea what the word "bigot" means.

And yes, you are the epitome of bigotry.

You fool I'm the nicest person you could ever meet. I run a music school where parents and children come in and say all the time, "boy you sure are passionate about music".

I work with a real quiet musician who's really good at teaching but he's a dick. He hates loud happy funny guys like me and everyone else thinks it's funny. I'm the kind of guy who you either love me or hate me. 95% love me and 5% hate me. Usually alpha dogs because I'm short but I am certainly the top dog in the room wherever I go.

I'm not surprised religious christians hate me. Fuck them. I don't sit around worrying about this stuff. I'm on a message board talking to a bunch of dopes who think an invisible man cares about them. I'm just trying to kill all religions because they suck and are unnecessary. Certainly not deserving of a tax break. But I'm not angry. And don't argue with me that they do some good. So fucking what. Just because a lie makes you feel better doesn't mean you shouldn't hear the truth.

ALLOWING satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet has the highest of cost=your eternity!!! TRY TO THINK!

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” – Epicurus
Do love and evil concur? :lol:

The god character of the Bible is a misogynistic tyrant that condones and even orders the practice of slavery, rape of women and murder of children. The moment you disagree with a single instruction of the Bible, such as the command to kill any bride who is not a virgin or any child who disrespects their parents, then you acknowledge that there exists a superior standard by which to judge moral action and thus no need to rely on an ancient, primitive and barbaric fantasy.


I don't argue with something that doesn't exist. And if he existed, he would let himself be known, not make me have to believe fools like you and your red neck ancestors.

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