Why do the God-haters persist?

You should probably be clear as to your definition of atheism.

Of course, even going with a definition of a person who actively denies the possibility of any god existing, your views are pretty out there. :lol:

While the Atheist had only butchered 199 million peace time civilians, I might have agreed with you - but once they hit 200..

Fact, Atheism is the most deadly "ism" in human history.

Not true.
Extremism takes that accolade, and whether it is an extremism that includes faith or rejects it, it is the inability to be inclusive of the variety of human experience that leads down the same destructive path that every "true Scotsman" will take you down, no matter the foundational beliefs.
Hubris is the killer.
G-d wants you to stop talking for Him because you seem to forget the whole judge not... thing.

Jack McCoy wants you to stop pretending to be a lawyer on the interwebz and be content eating bon bons in your trailer...

there's also no such thing as hell.

Unless you count the VA hospitals under Obama....

Oh yea Walter Reed was a well oiled machine under Bush. Hey we're broke. What do you want to do, borrow the money? Add to the debt? How about we take back the tax breaks we gave the rich the last 14 years? How bout we roll back the taxes to Clinton era levels so we can fund the va hospitals? How about we don't fucking send kids to get blown up for oil so we don't need all these va hospitals that are filled with amputees all because bush got hit on 9-11. So keep crying about benghazi
Thank the gawds that the Founding Fathers understood that Christianity (like all religions), needed a choke collar.

You don't have a hint of a clue what the founding fathers thought.

I'll give you a clue for free - it isn't even close to what you claim. You've never read the Jefferson letter to the Danbury Baptists - neither has Rachel Maddow.

I have many clues. Here, I'll loan you a few of them.

Firstly, Jefferson was not the only Founding Father. The FF's knew that religions propagate and they knew that once in control, religious tenets are biased towards themselves and poorly disposed towards competitive beliefs systems. We don't have to assume their intent regarding a throttle on state endorsement of religion, the intent is clear: the state is precluded from dictating any and all religious conscience to any free people. Hence, the First Amendment. Simple, really.

Secondly, we know some of the FF's had direct experiance with the a theocratic state, ie: the Anglican Church. Similarly, the FF's knew the history of the earlier colonial settlers and the sectarian hatreds that divided them. The various sects of Christianity were completely at odds with one another as colonial states. Catholics couldn't live in one state, Quakers were executed if they went to another, Protestants were reviled in still others, and so on. These documents still exist. Take a few minutes, go to the library, or even here on the Net (the library is better because you can know for sure that the documents are for real) and research the laws of the original 13 colonies. You'll be surprised at what you'll learn.

The long range vision of the FF's clearly indicates they did not think such a growth would ever end (and 220 some years later, it still has not) and so the fundamental documents of law restricting the government's rights to the liberty and freedom of conscience of the people was worded to ensure neutrality regardless of which religious belief is in the majority.
The god character of the Bible is a misogynistic tyrant that condones and even orders the practice of slavery, rape of women and murder of children. The moment you disagree with a single instruction of the Bible, such as the command to kill any bride who is not a virgin or any child who disrespects their parents, then you acknowledge that there exists a superior standard by which to judge moral action and thus no need to rely on an ancient, primitive and barbaric fantasy.

You clearly missed that I was poking fun of your use of the word concur when you should have used conquer. :eusa_shhh:

No I got it. Did you think I would waste my time replying back? I almost didn't reply back to this one, but I'll kill two birds with one stone.

For all the people who say I'm angry or hateful or a bigot or going to hell, I just realized, this is just another attempt by you guys to get emotional about the topic. Yes I call you stupid. You believe in fairytales for fuck sakes. What else would you call it? You can't tactfully tell someone they've been brainwashed. Sometimes you have to him them over the head with a brick.

You don't know how hard I tried to hang on to the notion that all religions are bullshit but I still believe in god. My atheist friends couldn't find a better way to say it other than if you believe that then you aren't that smart. Because its unbelievable. Who you gonna believe, science or bullshit religion? Then I did my own investigating research and now I can't pray to god because I know that's about as smart as a fish in my goldfish bowl praying to me. Actually the fish is smarter because he can actually see me. People who prayed to the sun god I understand. People who pray to an invisible man who is jealous and petty just like humans are and who mass murdered humans in a flood all to re populate the planet with even worse assholes.

Anyays, 996 gods have come and gone. The jewish, christian, muslim, mormon gods are next and good riddance.

OK, let me ask this then : is there a particular reason you are quoting my posts but replying to something completely different? :lol:
G-d wants you to stop talking for Him because you seem to forget the whole judge not... thing.

Jack McCoy wants you to stop pretending to be a lawyer on the interwebz and be content eating bon bons in your trailer...

there's also no such thing as hell.

Unless you count the VA hospitals under Obama....

Why under Obama?

From what I've heard/read, the VA hospitals have been hell since before Obama became president. It seems to be a long-ongoing tragedy.
I could show you quote after quote where the founding fathers warned us about religion so stfu. And you act as if they had a collective brain. Not all founding fathers agreed on all issues. Fact is they knew to keep religion out of politics.

What you mean is that you can post bullshit talking points from Atheist hate sites.

To claim that the "founding fathers were atheist" is the level of ignorance I've come to expect from Atheists.

You are an uneducated lot, spewing bigotry as if it were fact.

"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." - Thomas Jefferson.
You should probably be clear as to your definition of atheism.

Of course, even going with a definition of a person who actively denies the possibility of any god existing, your views are pretty out there. :lol:

While the Atheist had only butchered 199 million peace time civilians, I might have agreed with you - but once they hit 200..

Fact, Atheism is the most deadly "ism" in human history.

You toss around "fact" without being able to define the term. Atheism had nothing to do with the atrocities of the socialist/communist/Maoist regimes. Those were political ideologies helmed by true megalomaniacs. When did any of the regimes noted above ever commit an act of horror to the accompaniment of "god is not on our side".

Sorry, but killing in the name of a deity (or a religious brand), has had far greater consequence and it continues today. You can do this at home - take a look at the conflicts / skirmishes around the globe today. Overwhelming, they are being waged by the religious entities and especially, an angry component of the Abrahamic faith.
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Not true.

Defending your religion...

Extremism takes that accolade, and whether it is an extremism that includes faith or rejects it, it is the inability to be inclusive of the variety of human experience that leads down the same destructive path that every "true Scotsman" will take you down, no matter the foundational beliefs.
Hubris is the killer.

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.
You fool I'm the nicest person you could ever meet. I run a music school where parents and children come in and say all the time, "boy you sure are passionate about music".

I work with a real quiet musician who's really good at teaching but he's a dick. He hates loud happy funny guys like me and everyone else thinks it's funny. I'm the kind of guy who you either love me or hate me. 95% love me and 5% hate me. Usually alpha dogs because I'm short but I am certainly the top dog in the room wherever I go.

I'm not surprised religious christians hate me. Fuck them. I don't sit around worrying about this stuff. I'm on a message board talking to a bunch of dopes who think an invisible man cares about them. I'm just trying to kill all religions because they suck and are unnecessary. Certainly not deserving of a tax break. But I'm not angry. And don't argue with me that they do some good. So fucking what. Just because a lie makes you feel better doesn't mean you shouldn't hear the truth.

Well yeah, I see your point... :cuckoo:

The first rise of Atheists came about in the French Revolution, where the Atheists proceeded to murder thousands, in 2 years slaughtering dozens of times more than 500 years of inquisition.

Atheism went down hill from there.

I'm reading about the French Revolution. Pretty interesting stuff. They should have went after the catholic church like that when we found out that they were covering up for pedophile priests. And knowing the history of the catholic church, I kind of have a hard time blaming France for wanting to do away with christianity. I didn't know this history existed.

Victims of the Reign of Terror totaled somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000. According to one estimate, among those condemned by the revolutionary tribunals, about 8 percent were aristocrats, 6 percent clergy, 14 percent middle class, and 70 percent were workers or peasants accused of hoarding, evading the draft, desertion, rebellion, and other purported crimes.

Waaaah!!! Tell it to the American Indians.
You toss around "fact" without being able to define the term. Atheism had nothing to do with the atrocities of the socialist/communist/Maoist regimes.

Zealots defending their religion come up with the most fascinating distortions.

Those were political ideologies helmed by true megalomaniacs. When did any of the regimes noted above ever commit an act of horror to the accompaniment of "god is not on our side".

Or whilst standing on one foot using a kazoo - so your religion MUST be blameless.

Sorry, but killing in the name of a deity (or a religious brand), has had far greater consequence and it continues today. You can do this at home - take a look at the conflicts / skirmishes around the globe today. Overwhelming, they are being waged by the religious entities and especially, an angry component of the Abrahamic faith.

200 million peace time civilians.

I condemn the Muzzie Beasts and the terrorism they perpetrate, but they are amateurs in contrast to you Atheists. No one mass murders on the scale you do.

Not true.

Defending your religion...

Extremism takes that accolade, and whether it is an extremism that includes faith or rejects it, it is the inability to be inclusive of the variety of human experience that leads down the same destructive path that every "true Scotsman" will take you down, no matter the foundational beliefs.
Hubris is the killer.

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

What about native American indians? Were the pilgrims on the mayflower atheists? Were Louis & Clark or the men who came after them and slaughtered all the indians not christians? What about signing treaties and then renigging on them and then murdering them? What a hoot you are.

Like China said about America, you guys think you have the moral high ground to preach to people about espionage? Like Russia said to us, you think you have the right to tell us not to invade another country after you invaded Iraq? And now here your forefathers murdered the indians to steal their land and you think god blesses America and you?
Not true.

Defending your religion...

Extremism takes that accolade, and whether it is an extremism that includes faith or rejects it, it is the inability to be inclusive of the variety of human experience that leads down the same destructive path that every "true Scotsman" will take you down, no matter the foundational beliefs.
Hubris is the killer.

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

What about native American indians? Were the pilgrims on the mayflower atheists? Were Louis & Clark or the men who came after them and slaughtered all the indians not christians? What about signing treaties and then renigging on them and then murdering them? What a hoot you are.

Like China said about America, you guys think you have the moral high ground to preach to people about espionage? Like Russia said to us, you think you have the right to tell us not to invade another country after you invaded Iraq? And now here your forefathers murdered the indians to steal their land and you think god blesses America and you?

What did your forefathers do????
You toss around "fact" without being able to define the term. Atheism had nothing to do with the atrocities of the socialist/communist/Maoist regimes.

Zealots defending their religion come up with the most fascinating distortions.

Those were political ideologies helmed by true megalomaniacs. When did any of the regimes noted above ever commit an act of horror to the accompaniment of "god is not on our side".

Or whilst standing on one foot using a kazoo - so your religion MUST be blameless.

Sorry, but killing in the name of a deity (or a religious brand), has had far greater consequence and it continues today. You can do this at home - take a look at the conflicts / skirmishes around the globe today. Overwhelming, they are being waged by the religious entities and especially, an angry component of the Abrahamic faith.

200 million peace time civilians.

I condemn the Muzzie Beasts and the terrorism they perpetrate, but they are amateurs in contrast to you Atheists. No one mass murders on the scale you do.


Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color, or not collecting stamps a hobby. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, nothing more.

It is, therefore, not a positive belief or a claim to knowledge. Instead, it is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding claims made by theists. Just as it takes no faith to lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods.

Every human-being ever born begins life as an implicit atheist and must be taught the concept of theism or, more commonly, indoctrinated with it.

Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organization or church. It fulfills none of the criteria that define a religion.

Common among many atheists is an appreciation for secularism, rationalism, humanism, skepticism, naturalism, materialism and freethinking – none of which are implicit or derived from atheism, nor necessary in order to lack belief.

“To say that atheism requires faith is as dim-witted as saying that disbelief in pixies or leprechauns takes faith. Even if Einstein himself told me there was an elf on my shoulder, I would still ask for proof and I wouldn’t be wrong to ask.” – Geoff Mather
Defending your religion...

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

What about native American indians? Were the pilgrims on the mayflower atheists? Were Louis & Clark or the men who came after them and slaughtered all the indians not christians? What about signing treaties and then renigging on them and then murdering them? What a hoot you are.

Like China said about America, you guys think you have the moral high ground to preach to people about espionage? Like Russia said to us, you think you have the right to tell us not to invade another country after you invaded Iraq? And now here your forefathers murdered the indians to steal their land and you think god blesses America and you?

What did your forefathers do????

We were enslaved by the turks for 500 years. Then the nazi's invaded Greece during ww2 and my family ended up coming to America.
What about native American indians? Were the pilgrims on the mayflower atheists? Were Louis & Clark or the men who came after them and slaughtered all the indians not christians? What about signing treaties and then renigging on them and then murdering them? What a hoot you are.

Like China said about America, you guys think you have the moral high ground to preach to people about espionage? Like Russia said to us, you think you have the right to tell us not to invade another country after you invaded Iraq? And now here your forefathers murdered the indians to steal their land and you think god blesses America and you?

What did your forefathers do????

We were enslaved by the turks for 500 years. Then the nazi's invaded Greece during ww2 and my family ended up coming to America.
WONDER WHY they would want to come here???? FREEDOM,JUSTICE,IN GOD WE TRUST!!!!
You toss around "fact" without being able to define the term. Atheism had nothing to do with the atrocities of the socialist/communist/Maoist regimes.

Zealots defending their religion come up with the most fascinating distortions.
I can understand you're angry at being challenged to defend your specious claims, but be prepared to be support your arguments, especially when your arguments are built around the ".... because I say so" crap.

Those were political ideologies helmed by true megalomaniacs. When did any of the regimes noted above ever commit an act of horror to the accompaniment of "god is not on our side".

Or whilst standing on one foot using a kazoo - so your religion MUST be blameless.
I understand, you're befuddled and can't compose a coherent comment.

Sorry, but killing in the name of a deity (or a religious brand), has had far greater consequence and it continues today. You can do this at home - take a look at the conflicts / skirmishes around the globe today. Overwhelming, they are being waged by the religious entities and especially, an angry component of the Abrahamic faith.

200 million peace time civilians.

I condemn the Muzzie Beasts and the terrorism they perpetrate, but they are amateurs in contrast to you Atheists. No one mass murders on the scale you do.

How strange that you toss "fact" around and you're unable to support your "fact" with anything but ".... because I say so."

Your "fact" is not fact at all. Either you're too lazy or too fact-less to offer any comparable numbers for review.
What did your forefathers do????

We were enslaved by the turks for 500 years. Then the nazi's invaded Greece during ww2 and my family ended up coming to America.
WONDER WHY they would want to come here???? FREEDOM,JUSTICE,IN GOD WE TRUST!!!!

Financial opportunity. Do you think rich people in Greece don't feel free? And by the way, where should black people in America go to get those things? :lol:

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