Why do the God-haters persist?

we were enslaved by the turks for 500 years. Then the nazi's invaded greece during ww2 and my family ended up coming to america.
wonder why they would want to come here???? Freedom,justice,in god we trust!!!!

financial opportunity. Do you think rich people in greece don't feel free? And by the way, where should black people in america go to get those things? :lol:

get a job!!!
You toss around "fact" without being able to define the term. Atheism had nothing to do with the atrocities of the socialist/communist/Maoist regimes.

Zealots defending their religion come up with the most fascinating distortions.
I can understand you're angry at being challenged to defend your specious claims, but be prepared to be support your arguments, especially when your arguments are built around the ".... because I say so" crap.
I understand, you're befuddled and can't compose a coherent comment.

Sorry, but killing in the name of a deity (or a religious brand), has had far greater consequence and it continues today. You can do this at home - take a look at the conflicts / skirmishes around the globe today. Overwhelming, they are being waged by the religious entities and especially, an angry component of the Abrahamic faith.

200 million peace time civilians.

I condemn the Muzzie Beasts and the terrorism they perpetrate, but they are amateurs in contrast to you Atheists. No one mass murders on the scale you do.

How strange that you toss "fact" around and you're unable to support your "fact" with anything but ".... because I say so."

Your "fact" is not fact at all. Either you're too lazy or too fact-less to offer any comparable numbers for review.

I looked into the French revolution and it was 20-40,000 people, not 200 million.
You toss around "fact" without being able to define the term. Atheism had nothing to do with the atrocities of the socialist/communist/Maoist regimes.

Zealots defending their religion come up with the most fascinating distortions.

Those were political ideologies helmed by true megalomaniacs. When did any of the regimes noted above ever commit an act of horror to the accompaniment of "god is not on our side".

Or whilst standing on one foot using a kazoo - so your religion MUST be blameless.

Sorry, but killing in the name of a deity (or a religious brand), has had far greater consequence and it continues today. You can do this at home - take a look at the conflicts / skirmishes around the globe today. Overwhelming, they are being waged by the religious entities and especially, an angry component of the Abrahamic faith.

200 million peace time civilians.

I condemn the Muzzie Beasts and the terrorism they perpetrate, but they are amateurs in contrast to you Atheists. No one mass murders on the scale you do.


Haven't atheists killed more people in the name of atheism than religious theists have killed in the name of their religion? No, because atheism isn't a philosophy or ideology.

How can that be? After all, millions and millions of people died in Russia and China under communist governments — and those governments were both secular and atheistic. So weren't all of those people killed because of atheism — even in the name of atheism and secularism? No, that conclusion does not follow. Atheism itself isn't a principle, cause, philosophy, or belief system which people fight, die, or kill for. Being killed by an atheist is no more being killed in the name of atheism than being killed by a tall person is being killed in the name of tallness.
Not true.

Defending your religion...

Extremism takes that accolade, and whether it is an extremism that includes faith or rejects it, it is the inability to be inclusive of the variety of human experience that leads down the same destructive path that every "true Scotsman" will take you down, no matter the foundational beliefs.
Hubris is the killer.

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

The truth is that German Christians supported the Nazis because they believed that Adolf Hitler was a gift to the German people from God. Hitler frequently referenced God and Christianity both in public and private. The Nazi Party Program explicitly endorsed and promoted Christianity in the party platform. Millions of Christians in Germany not only enthusiastically supported and endorsed Hitler and the Nazis, but did so on the basis of common Christian beliefs and attitudes.

Even if Hitler didn't believe in god, he used god to con the stupid masses, just like the churches do today.
A common complaint made by theists, typically those of the fundamentalist variety, is that atheism and/or humanism are essentially socialist or communist in nature. Thus, atheism and humanism should be rejected since socialism and communism are evil. Evidence indicates that bigotry and prejudice towards atheists in America is due in no small part to anti-communist activism by conservatives Christians in America, so this claimed connection has had serious consequences for American atheists.

I've even heard fools on this board make these claims.
Not true.

Defending your religion...

Extremism takes that accolade, and whether it is an extremism that includes faith or rejects it, it is the inability to be inclusive of the variety of human experience that leads down the same destructive path that every "true Scotsman" will take you down, no matter the foundational beliefs.
Hubris is the killer.

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

The examples you folks always like to give were not atheist movements but rather dictatorial regimes. The only reason atheism was involved was because religion had the capacity to undermine the absolute authority of the regime, just like the intellectuals, poets and artists did who were also targeted for persecution or elimination.
It was the extremism that was the killer. Atheism was simply a tool to create absolute authority. In and of itself it was completely irrelevant.
But you guys never understand that.
The Taliban has the same absolute authority mindset, and so did Christian Rome.
Religious believers, mostly Christians, are responding to atheistic critiques of religion by claiming that vocal, unapologetic atheists are analogous to religious terrorists and that criticism of religion is a form of religious intolerance. The implication is that believers shouldn't have to be faced with criticism. This is wrong: religion and theism aren't owed any deference or respect.
Not true.

Defending your religion...

Extremism takes that accolade, and whether it is an extremism that includes faith or rejects it, it is the inability to be inclusive of the variety of human experience that leads down the same destructive path that every "true Scotsman" will take you down, no matter the foundational beliefs.
Hubris is the killer.

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

The truth is that German Christians supported the Nazis because they believed that Adolf Hitler was a gift to the German people from God. Hitler frequently referenced God and Christianity both in public and private. The Nazi Party Program explicitly endorsed and promoted Christianity in the party platform. Millions of Christians in Germany not only enthusiastically supported and endorsed Hitler and the Nazis, but did so on the basis of common Christian beliefs and attitudes.

Even if Hitler didn't believe in god, he used god to con the stupid masses, just like the churches do today.

why come here to try to fight against ALMIGHTY GOD?? ALMIGHTY GOD who you say don't believe in,how IGNORANT AND FOOLISH,Why waste your time???? SINPLE ANSWER=YOU know GOD is real but you want to live in your pet sins and hope GOD is not real=HELL BOUND FOOL!!!
Not true.

Defending your religion...

Extremism takes that accolade, and whether it is an extremism that includes faith or rejects it, it is the inability to be inclusive of the variety of human experience that leads down the same destructive path that every "true Scotsman" will take you down, no matter the foundational beliefs.
Hubris is the killer.

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

The examples you folks always like to give were not atheist movements but rather dictatorial regimes. The only reason atheism was involved was because religion had the capacity to undermine the absolute authority of the regime, just like the intellectuals, poets and artists did who were also targeted for persecution or elimination.
It was the extremism that was the killer. Atheism was simply a tool to create absolute authority. In and of itself it was completely irrelevant.
But you guys never understand that.
The Taliban has the same absolute authority mindset, and so did Christian Rome.

The claim that atheism killed more than anything else conveniently forgets the role technology played. 8 million Europeans were slaughtered during the 30 Years War. Cromwell starved a million Catholics to death in Ireland. God alone only knows how many people in the New World were put to death by the Church and the Conquistadores to save them from themselves. Were those people somehow less dead because the Christians doing the killing didn't understand how to make Zyklon-B?
Defending your religion...

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

The truth is that German Christians supported the Nazis because they believed that Adolf Hitler was a gift to the German people from God. Hitler frequently referenced God and Christianity both in public and private. The Nazi Party Program explicitly endorsed and promoted Christianity in the party platform. Millions of Christians in Germany not only enthusiastically supported and endorsed Hitler and the Nazis, but did so on the basis of common Christian beliefs and attitudes.

Even if Hitler didn't believe in god, he used god to con the stupid masses, just like the churches do today.

why come here to try to fight against ALMIGHTY GOD?? ALMIGHTY GOD who you say don't believe in,how IGNORANT AND FOOLISH,Why waste your time???? SINPLE ANSWER=YOU know GOD is real but you want to live in your pet sins and hope GOD is not real=HELL BOUND FOOL!!!

No one here is fighting god.
They are fighting you.
How many times does this have to be explained to you?
The truth is that German Christians supported the Nazis because they believed that Adolf Hitler was a gift to the German people from God. Hitler frequently referenced God and Christianity both in public and private. The Nazi Party Program explicitly endorsed and promoted Christianity in the party platform. Millions of Christians in Germany not only enthusiastically supported and endorsed Hitler and the Nazis, but did so on the basis of common Christian beliefs and attitudes.

Even if Hitler didn't believe in god, he used god to con the stupid masses, just like the churches do today.

why come here to try to fight against ALMIGHTY GOD?? ALMIGHTY GOD who you say don't believe in,how IGNORANT AND FOOLISH,Why waste your time???? SINPLE ANSWER=YOU know GOD is real but you want to live in your pet sins and hope GOD is not real=HELL BOUND FOOL!!!

No one here is fighting god.
They are fighting you.
How many times does this have to be explained to you?

ROFLMAO!!!Why be a common liar for so little????
I'm reading about the French Revolution. Pretty interesting stuff. They should have went after the catholic church like that when we found out that they were covering up for pedophile priests.

You are an Atheist, so murder is your passion.

Say, read that on a per capita basis, acts of molestation are 37 times more prevalent in public schools.

But hey, your an Atheist, blood lust and bigotry define you...

And knowing the history of the catholic church, I kind of have a hard time blaming France for wanting to do away with christianity. I didn't know this history existed.

Of course, you Atheists just love mass murder.

Victims of the Reign of Terror totaled somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000. According to one estimate, among those condemned by the revolutionary tribunals, about 8 percent were aristocrats, 6 percent clergy, 14 percent middle class, and 70 percent were workers or peasants accused of hoarding, evading the draft, desertion, rebellion, and other purported crimes.

And how many died in 500 years of Inquisition?

Waaaah!!! Tell it to the American Indians.

You're flailing.

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why come here to try to fight against ALMIGHTY GOD?? ALMIGHTY GOD who you say don't believe in,how IGNORANT AND FOOLISH,Why waste your time???? SINPLE ANSWER=YOU know GOD is real but you want to live in your pet sins and hope GOD is not real=HELL BOUND FOOL!!!

No one here is fighting god.
They are fighting you.
How many times does this have to be explained to you?

ROFLMAO!!!Why be a common liar for so little????

Would you care to point out the lie?
Or are you happy enough using acronyms for vulgarity?
Even the believers on here fight you.
You embarrass them.
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I'm reading about the French Revolution. Pretty interesting stuff. They should have went after the catholic church like that when we found out that they were covering up for pedophile priests.

You are an Atheist, so murder is your passion.

Say, read that on a per capita basis, acts of molestation at 37 times more prevalent in public schools.

But hey, your an Atheist, blood lust and bigotry define you...

And knowing the history of the catholic church, I kind of have a hard time blaming France for wanting to do away with christianity. I didn't know this history existed.

Of course, you Atheists just love mass murder.

Victims of the Reign of Terror totaled somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000. According to one estimate, among those condemned by the revolutionary tribunals, about 8 percent were aristocrats, 6 percent clergy, 14 percent middle class, and 70 percent were workers or peasants accused of hoarding, evading the draft, desertion, rebellion, and other purported crimes.

And how many died in 500 years of Inquisition?

Waaaah!!! Tell it to the American Indians.

You're flailing.


Atheists love blood lust and bigotry and mass murder?
And HE is flailing?
You are a cartoon.
ROFLMAO!!!Why be a common liar for so little????

Would you care to point out the lie?
Or are you happy enough using acronyms for vulgarity?

ALL unbelievers spend their lives trying to argue and fight against GOD! WHY ELSE ARE YOU POSTING HERE????????

Personally, I come here to point out poor argumentation and intellectual fraud.
Do you think it is coincidence that I wind up responding to you so often?
Would you care to point out the lie?
Or are you happy enough using acronyms for vulgarity?

ALL unbelievers spend their lives trying to argue and fight against GOD! WHY ELSE ARE YOU POSTING HERE????????

Personally, I come here to point out poor argumentation and intellectual fraud.
Do you think it is coincidence that I wind up responding to you so often?

ROFLMAO!!!! THINK AGAIN!! IMHO GOD brings you here to read my posts and learn some truth!!!
Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color, or not collecting stamps a hobby. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, nothing more.

It is, therefore, not a positive belief or a claim to knowledge. Instead, it is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding claims made by theists. Just as it takes no faith to lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods.

Every human-being ever born begins life as an implicit atheist and must be taught the concept of theism or, more commonly, indoctrinated with it.

Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organization or church. It fulfills none of the criteria that define a religion.

Common among many atheists is an appreciation for secularism, rationalism, humanism, skepticism, naturalism, materialism and freethinking – none of which are implicit or derived from atheism, nor necessary in order to lack belief.

“To say that atheism requires faith is as dim-witted as saying that disbelief in pixies or leprechauns takes faith. Even if Einstein himself told me there was an elf on my shoulder, I would still ask for proof and I wouldn’t be wrong to ask.” – Geoff Mather

You confuse agnosticism with the fanatical religion of Atheism.
How strange that you toss "fact" around and you're unable to support your "fact" with anything but ".... because I say so."

Your "fact" is not fact at all. Either you're too lazy or too fact-less to offer any comparable numbers for review.

200 million dead - not by war, but by genocide - perpetrated by your religion. That you are a fanatic doesn't alter reality - 200 million dead.

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