Why do the God-haters persist?

And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.
ROFLMAO!!!Why be a common liar for so little????

Would you care to point out the lie?
Or are you happy enough using acronyms for vulgarity?

ALL unbelievers spend their lives trying to argue and fight against GOD! WHY ELSE ARE YOU POSTING HERE????????

No, people are fighting against other people imposing unfair generalizations that offend or conflict with them.

Yes, we seek and are driven by a sense of truth and justice by conscience.
That is common. If you want to call that God and Jesus, I agree those align.

But people who don't call or personify the source of truth and justice as "God and Jesus"
are going to just use that to argue that you are imposing your religious views on them.

Why not agree that we are motivated by the same universal principles,
and just present or represent these in different ways?

Isn't the spirit/meaning of God/Christ the same whether we personify these or not? Does it matter what term or concept we use as long as we are talking about the same thing?

Why pick fights with people who just don't see or call it the same things? How long can this go on, not solving issues with how we say things, before trying a different way that might?
It is not a matter of confusion. Atheism has more than one definition.

You, for example, use a definition that seems to include love of murder rather than a simple disbelief in god(s). ;)

Atheism is the certainty that there is no supernatural and can be no supernatural. Such a position is based purely on faith, there is no empirical evidence to support such a notion.

I do not find that faith superior to the Christians, and given the aggressive opposition to liberty by the Atheists, I find them far more dangerous than Christians. History supports my view.
And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

Well, on here, I see a lot of useless masturbation
instead of meaningful fulfilling intercourse that leads to some kind of consummation.
Would you care to point out the lie?
Or are you happy enough using acronyms for vulgarity?

ALL unbelievers spend their lives trying to argue and fight against GOD! WHY ELSE ARE YOU POSTING HERE????????

No, people are fighting against other people imposing unfair generalizations that offend or conflict with them.

Yes, we seek and are driven by a sense of truth and justice by conscience.
That is common. If you want to call that God and Jesus, I agree those align.

But people who don't call or personify the source of truth and justice as "God and Jesus"
are going to just use that to argue that you are imposing your religious views on them.

Why not agree that we are motivated by the same universal principles,
and just present or represent these in different ways?

Isn't the spirit/meaning of God/Christ the same whether we personify these or not? Does it matter what term or concept we use as long as we are talking about the same thing?

Why pick fights with people who just don't see or call it the same things? How long can this go on, not solving issues with how we say things, before trying a different way that might?

WOW!!! Satan could not have said that better!! OR DID HE??????????
It is not a matter of confusion. Atheism has more than one definition.

You, for example, use a definition that seems to include love of murder rather than a simple disbelief in god(s). ;)

Atheism is the certainty that there is no supernatural and can be no supernatural. Such a position is based purely on faith, there is no empirical evidence to support such a notion.

I do not find that faith superior to the Christians, and given the aggressive opposition to liberty by the Atheists, I find them far more dangerous than Christians. History supports my view.

It seems clear to me that you and those you are arguing with are operating under different definitions of the word atheist. I am pretty sure they are using the definition not believing in a god or gods. It would be more along the lines of agnosticism the way you are using the terms.

I would argue that history does not support your view of atheists.
I use to feel special that I got it that organized religion was bullshit but I had a personal relationship with god. Then I met some atheists and they got me to realize I was just about as naive as the people who believe the christian, muslim or jewish stories.

And I don't feel bad or guilty because I know if there is a god he isn't the petty god these religious nuts claim him to be. No hell for not believing a corrupt hypocritical society or the churches in them. I say a real god would punish the stupid, if there is one, and common sense says there isn't one. Imagine you are a god to the fish in the pond you fish in. They worship you. You feed them. You supposedly love them. Every once in awhile you hook one and you eat it. They say "oh it is god's will and he works in mysterious ways and don't question god or you'll go to hell".

Because you are generally not reactionary, not motivated to OPPOSE others,
the impression I get from you is that you are naturally secular in your ways.

If you were involved in religion, it was NOT because it was the natural way for you to express and relate. If it was for the wrong reasons, for some external sense of validation and benefits, then of course that will fall apart. Buddha also found nothing by following these other religious traditions and trying every which way to come to understanding of universal truth; none of the external or material conditions is going to help.

I see nothing wrong with secular gentiles following natural laws by conscience
being included in salvation as neighbors in Christ.

Where we agree in the universal spirit of truth and justice for all people, of course,
all people of all tribes should be included, by the definition of "universal."

What keeps people from building a full and all inclusive agreement is
division, rejection, and exclusion of each other, by individuals or whole groups.

So as long as you don't cut other people out, you won't find yourself cut out of the process.

Where we all have limits or biases and can't work with all people, that is where other people step in who can bridge some of those gaps. None of us is perfectly unbiased and all inclusive in our approach. So that is why we need to help each other where we fall short.

I believe this process takes people from all walks and viewpoints to cover all the ground. There are members in every group who take a "universal inclusion" approach. I think this may be symbolized in the Bible by the 144,000 elders that will be called first from each tribe. That doesn't mean only those will reach heaven, but the agreements established among the tribal members will pave the way for all others to follow in turn. So that is why there are people called from all the different tribes or approaches to life, to include all.
Defending your religion...

Then I guess that Atheism is the most pure form of extremism, since no movement in human history has resulted in anywhere near the peace time, civilian slaughter that Atheism has engaged in.

The truth is that German Christians supported the Nazis because they believed that Adolf Hitler was a gift to the German people from God. Hitler frequently referenced God and Christianity both in public and private. The Nazi Party Program explicitly endorsed and promoted Christianity in the party platform. Millions of Christians in Germany not only enthusiastically supported and endorsed Hitler and the Nazis, but did so on the basis of common Christian beliefs and attitudes.

Even if Hitler didn't believe in god, he used god to con the stupid masses, just like the churches do today.

why come here to try to fight against ALMIGHTY GOD?? ALMIGHTY GOD who you say don't believe in,how IGNORANT AND FOOLISH,Why waste your time???? SINPLE ANSWER=YOU know GOD is real but you want to live in your pet sins and hope GOD is not real=HELL BOUND FOOL!!!

I would accuse you of having robotlike responses but that would be an insult to robotics. Who would go to all the trouble to design and build a robot as stupid as you? A Robot released out in public spouting what you spew would cause someone to take a sledge hammer to it to shut it up.

In fact the more I see your posts the more I feel inspired to start an anti-christian-robot religion and build a church..and maybe take over a country and maybe rid the world of christian robots. :lol:
You're reality challenged.

Uncensored2008 said:
So your answer is to lie?

Well, isn't that clever.

200 million victims of Atheist genocide - regardless of whether you lie for your faith.
Nothing but slogans? I can understand that your slogans and cliches are drenched in melodrama because your silly claims otherwise lack credibility. However, just realize such behavior doesn't lend credibility to your bankrupt arguments.

It's stereotypical of sweaty, chest-heaving loons to parrot absurdities as you do.

It's been explained to you that your continued confusion with atheism as a religion is false and unsupportable. You're just a slow learner?

Uncensored2008 said:
Yet here you are, shoving your faith down the throat of everyone else.

See, I support your right to believe any damned thing you want. We clash because you deny that right to others.

Atheism isn't a faith. Here you are, making desperate attempts to salvage another bankrupt claim.

What rights have I denied anyone? Such pompous behavior does nothing but make you appear quite desperate.
I can't help but think you don't know many atheists.

I've run into far more than I wish I had.

The first phase - shown early in this thread - is the Atheist missionary will demand that I am an Atheist. Like the Catholic church of the dark ages, the modern Atheist feels empowered to coerce the faith of those who hold disbelief in the goat herder gods to their own cause.

I then clash with the Atheist missionary - and EVERY FUCKING ATHEIST is a missionary, shouting down all reason to force their fucknut faith on you.

I explain that I've seen nothing that suggests a god as defined by the Bible, but that I've seen signs of intelligence in quarks and branes. There is no definitive evidence of a god or gods, nor any evidence precluding such.

Then the missionary will launch into attacks on the Bible, as if I give a fuck. That the goat herder god is false has no bearing on whether there is intelligence in the fabric of the universe.

Then the missionary will become angry that I am not accepting his faith, and engage in ad hom - the stage we are at now.

So you see Bruce, I know Atheists all too well.

Most of them think our entire conversation is a hilarious waste of time.
They couldn't care less, and are the least extreme elements of society because they are simply not engaged in this at all.

Sure, but never will one pass up the chance to force a conversion.

You have created a vision of the lack of belief in a deity morphing into blood lust and murder fantasies, and it is an insane self-created fantasy.

Right, the killing fields and purges never happened - it's just a fantasy created by heretics to keep people from the true faith of Atheism..
WOW!!! Satan could not have said that better!! OR DID HE??????????

No, Satan was seeking to divide by fear and selfish will.

The point of these statements is to align people in the spirit of truth
even if we are created under different realms of laws for a reason.
That do not mean we need to be divided against each other out of fear.

GISMYS the difference is whether
we speak the truth with love and selfless concern for others as equals
or we speak out of fear or conflict with others we are "competing" with.

I am not trying to compete with SB, but include both Jews and Gentiles
in a unifying spirit.

The spirit of Satan is fear based and uses opposition to try to divide for control.

I am trying to counteract the damage done by that approach,
by removing fear and division from the equation, so there is nothing to be manipulated by.
The examples you folks always like to give were not atheist movements but rather dictatorial regimes.

Got it, because the Inquisition was under a popular Republican government....

The only reason atheism was involved was because religion had the capacity to undermine the absolute authority of the regime, just like the intellectuals, poets and artists did who were also targeted for persecution or elimination.

Ahm that must be why religion was never found in the European monarchies - it undermind absolute authority....

It was the extremism that was the killer. Atheism was simply a tool to create absolute authority. In and of itself it was completely irrelevant.
But you guys never understand that.
The Taliban has the same absolute authority mindset, and so did Christian Rome.

In some ways you have a point - but where you jump off track is in failing to grasp that Atheism is extremism by nature.

religists = crazy train


It has been explained to you. You still cling desperately to your totally wrong ideas concerning what atheism is. Your learning imparement is unfortunate but it is YOUR problem. Try shutting your ignorant pie hole about atheists untill your pea brain gets it figured out.
Silly argument on its face.

Religious liberty is "silly."

Of course.

No one tries to silence little girls praying at gunpoint. What in the world kind of fantasy are you creating?

The fuck they are not.

{ Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000)

In Santa Fe, Texas, students were elected by their classmates to give pre-game prayers at high school football games over the public address system. A number of students sued, arguing that such solemnizing statements or prayers constituted an endorsement of religion, violating the Establishment Clause. The district countered that the pre-game invocations were a long-standing tradition in Texas communities. Moreover, the prayer came from a student, thus making it student speech and not state-sponsored speech. }

First Amendment Schools: The Five Freedoms - Court Case

What non-believers are proactive about is not letting the state become a conduit for religious faith. The girl is free to pray anywhere she likes. She is not free to use the state's infrastructure to promote her prayers to everyone else.

What Atheists demand is that no view may be express except their own.

While I defend your right to say there is no god - Atheists used the implied force of the federal government to prohibit people like GISMYS from saying there is one.

I find GISMYS to be irrational, but then I find sealybobo equally irrational. Why should one be permitted to express their beliefs, but the other prohibited? Because the beliefs of sealybobo are the established religion of the government, is the reason.

Why would the faithful need the state to promote their ideals? Are they not capable of presenting these ideas on their own?

A little girl on a mic at a football game is not the state - she is a little girl. Atheism finds her prayer to be blasphemy against their religion - which is the state religion - so men with guns ensure she is silent.
Hi Bruce [MENTION=48205]thebrucebeat[/MENTION]:
I finally got back to your previous msg I wanted to explore more.
Thanks for replying where I can understand and appreciate where you
are coming from. I think if we can communicate using just our natural
language and how we normally perceive and describe things, we
can discuss all the same principles in religion minus any symbolic hocus pocus stuff.

About objectivity:

What people subjectively find that motivates them and forms their paradigm is not what I am referring to. You are describing a subjective reality. I am talking about what is real outside of our perceptions, needs, creations or fantasies that no doubt sustain us. These are the rationalizations I frequently refer Boss to that people are 100% invested in. What is truth is not influenced by any of it.

Aren't all your objections and viewpoints, based on your perceptions, memories and experiences in life, also subjective to you?

So if absolute objective truth by definition does not depend on any of this,
doesn't that also go for all the things you perceive as real that motivate you?

Note: I also believe there are both levels. What I am saying is that by aligning our "subjective/relative" realities, by our ways of seeing and saying things, this "reflects"
a microcosm of the greater truth, laws, and relationships that are universal to all people.

This is like working out the math values, and using "variables" to communicate and work out the proof; but understanding the concepts, laws and relationships "do not depend" on those "variables" we are using as tools. We just happen to use or align variables that we agree help us to set things up accurately and communicate clearly how the values or principles relate to each other.

Is this okay?
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Nothing but slogans? I can understand that your slogans and cliches are drenched in melodrama because your silly claims otherwise lack credibility. However, just realize such behavior doesn't lend credibility to your bankrupt arguments.

200 million slaughtered are not "slogans," they are genocide.

Atheism isn't a faith. Here you are, making desperate attempts to salvage another bankrupt claim.

You have empirical evidence that there can be no god?

Well do present it....

Atheism is purely based on faith.

What rights have I denied anyone? Such pompous behavior does nothing but make you appear quite desperate.

Atheism in America fights against freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Instead of criticizing each other for using atheism to mean contrary things,
why not spell out the choices for what it can mean to different people/contexts.

And go through the lists and AGREE which people are talking about which approach:
17 Kinds of Atheism

Behold, the six types of atheists ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Just because people mean different things does not make one person right and others wrong.

God means different things in different religions, too.
God as Wisdom is different from God as Love or God as Creation.

Why not decide what we mean, and stick to those concepts, so there is no conflict or confusion by using one terms to mean too many different things?

C'mon guys, with the collective intelligence we have on here, let's use some of it!

It has been explained to you. You still cling desperately to your totally wrong ideas concerning what atheism is. Your learning imparement is unfortunate but it is YOUR problem. Try shutting your ignorant pie hole about atheists untill your pea brain gets it figured out.

Note: I'm searching for another list of types of atheism that someone else posted.
I thought there was a list of the equivalent of "different denominations" or degrees of atheism.
I found this, but it isn't the quote I was looking for: http://forums.backpage.com/showthread.php?p=674766&highlight=forms+atheism#post674766

"In practical, or pragmatic, atheism, also known as apatheism, individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena without resorting to the divine.

The existence of gods is not denied, but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide purpose to life, nor influence everyday life, according to this view.

Practical atheism can take various forms:

Absence of religious motivation—belief in gods does not motivate moral action, religious action, or any other form of action;

Active exclusion of the problem of gods and religion from intellectual pursuit and practical action;

Indifference—the absence of any interest in the problems of gods and religion; or

Unawareness of the concept of a deity"
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Several different aspects of a problem are being discussed; but the attitude of "I am right so you must be wrong". The assumption that if someone is an atheist they must be bad can never be supported and I know several atheists that are better defined as good people than many claiming to be Christians.
On occasion I have commented that "many will not do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do".
How many of you can honestly say the politicians you support will never lie or bear false whitness. Our Founding Fathers" made sure they be held libal for lying. Most of them lacked honesty and ethics anyway.
Claiming Christianity does not mean a person is good and denying the existance of God does not make a person bad.
Several different aspects of a problem are being discussed; but the attitude of "I am right so you must be wrong". The assumption that if someone is an atheist they must be bad can never be supported and I know several atheists that are better defined as good people than many claiming to be Christians.
On occasion I have commented that "many will not do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do".
How many of you can honestly say the politicians you support will never lie or bear false whitness. Our Founding Fathers" made sure they be held libal for lying. Most of them lacked honesty and ethics anyway.
Claiming Christianity does not mean a person is good and denying the existance of God does not make a person bad.

GOD says=That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
G-d wants you to stop talking for Him because you seem to forget the whole judge not... thing.

there's also no such thing as hell.

Pot meet kettle

You mean... big huge burnt out pot meet tiny teaspoon.

One small interjected opinion is certainly NOT equal to the HUNDREDS of mindless rants offered by Jizzy.

yeah, but he's deranged loon.so not surprising reality would confuse him

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