Why do the God-haters persist?

GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

You got it backward. You lying, murdering, raping, racist christians think you can do whatever you want and go to heaven just because you are a member of the club. Trust me, if god exists, he aint rewarding your hypocricy or ignorance.

Atheists, at least me, are good people. Not because we are afraid of hell. They tell that to weak people who would be even worse if it weren't for religion.

You also got it backward on the 5000 year earth thing. Don't blame us that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimize it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

And yes, this isn't the only reason we don't believe in god or your cult. As soon as you blow off the fact your church has been proven wrong on this issue, yes we will move on to all the other reasons we know you are in a bullshit religion. Too strong? Get over it. Being subtle doesn't seem to work with you freaks. Got to hit you over the head with it. GOD DOESN"T EXIST.
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

But the bible doesn't say the earth is 15 billion years old, because it was written by common yet nutty men 2000 years ago. They believed in witches too. Do you believe in them too?

So the men who wrote the bible 2000 years ago should have been more careful. Now their bible is outdated. They tried to squash science from exposing them but eventually civilization advanced enough to where it's ok to point out just how stupid old superstitions are. I'm surprised it took so long but look at how no amount of fact will change you because not only did your parents brainwash you but their parents brainwashed them and their neighbors were brainwashed too and eventually everyone was telling their kids the same lie, just like the muslim parents are all telling their children their lie about god.
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

I can feel the Christian love!
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

You got it backward. You lying, murdering, raping, racist christians think you can do whatever you want and go to heaven just because you are a member of the club. Trust me, if god exists, he aint rewarding your hypocricy or ignorance.

Atheists, at least me, are good people. Not because we are afraid of hell. They tell that to weak people who would be even worse if it weren't for religion.

You also got it backward on the 5000 year earth thing. Don't blame us that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimize it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

And yes, this isn't the only reason we don't believe in god or your cult. As soon as you blow off the fact your church has been proven wrong on this issue, yes we will move on to all the other reasons we know you are in a bullshit religion. Too strong? Get over it. Being subtle doesn't seem to work with you freaks. Got to hit you over the head with it. GOD DOESN"T EXIST.

GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

This is why religious people deny evolution:

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution: Original sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham
Instead of criticizing each other for using atheism to mean contrary things,
why not spell out the choices for what it can mean to different people/contexts.

And go through the lists and AGREE which people are talking about which approach:
17 Kinds of Atheism

Behold, the six types of atheists ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Just because people mean different things does not make one person right and others wrong.

God means different things in different religions, too.
God as Wisdom is different from God as Love or God as Creation.

Why not decide what we mean, and stick to those concepts, so there is no conflict or confusion by using one terms to mean too many different things?

C'mon guys, with the collective intelligence we have on here, let's use some of it!

It has been explained to you. You still cling desperately to your totally wrong ideas concerning what atheism is. Your learning imparement is unfortunate but it is YOUR problem. Try shutting your ignorant pie hole about atheists untill your pea brain gets it figured out.

Note: I'm searching for another list of types of atheism that someone else posted.
I thought there was a list of the equivalent of "different denominations" or degrees of atheism.
I found this, but it isn't the quote I was looking for: Something to think about. - Page 31 - Evil Empire Forums

"In practical, or pragmatic, atheism, also known as apatheism, individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena without resorting to the divine.

The existence of gods is not denied, but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide purpose to life, nor influence everyday life, according to this view.

Practical atheism can take various forms:

Absence of religious motivation—belief in gods does not motivate moral action, religious action, or any other form of action;

Active exclusion of the problem of gods and religion from intellectual pursuit and practical action;

Indifference—the absence of any interest in the problems of gods and religion; or

Unawareness of the concept of a deity"

Nothing in your list of definitions supports your durrogatory opinions and conclusions concerning atheism.

Attempting to associate atheism and atheists with Hitler, Stalin, Communism...etc... is offensive.

If anything atheists are typically a-political and tend NOT to join groups especially any that would require some form of statement of allegience other than where it may concern the country.

Obviously I would find it more comfortable if we could drop the added god reference installed in 1955 to the pledge of allegience. It was added stupidly as a knee jerk reaction to the threat of communism. As if THAT would prevent a communist subversive from being a subversive.

As an ACTUAL conservative I have MORE right to disbelieve that which is NOT SUPPORTED by evidense than someone who CLAIMS they are a conservative believing in something without factual evidense.

You who CLAIM to believe in things with no evidense to support these things are by definition NOT conservative. You take "LIBERTIES" with reality therefore are at heart pure liberal at your cores.
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

You got it backward. You lying, murdering, raping, racist christians think you can do whatever you want and go to heaven just because you are a member of the club. Trust me, if god exists, he aint rewarding your hypocricy or ignorance.

Atheists, at least me, are good people. Not because we are afraid of hell. They tell that to weak people who would be even worse if it weren't for religion.

You also got it backward on the 5000 year earth thing. Don't blame us that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimize it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

And yes, this isn't the only reason we don't believe in god or your cult. As soon as you blow off the fact your church has been proven wrong on this issue, yes we will move on to all the other reasons we know you are in a bullshit religion. Too strong? Get over it. Being subtle doesn't seem to work with you freaks. Got to hit you over the head with it. GOD DOESN"T EXIST.


So no one thinks I'm a fool? Because god doesn't exist.

Or are you god? Because you say so?

Hey, if something had to create the earth, something had to create god. Who or what created god? You can't have it both ways. You can't say something MUST HAVE created us but nothing had to create god. So if you can fathom that god could have been created out of nothing, and you have zero proof there is even a god :cuckoo: then why can't you accept that you and the universe came from nothing? Or at least admit you don't know. That's the only real truth. We don't know. But I do know your stories aren't true because we have studied man, history, other religions, bible thumper mentality, and I can tell you right now your god doesn't exist. If there is a god he will reward me for not being stupid like you. No way god is a fan of churches. They take in all that money tax free and do very little to help anyone but themselves.

Louis CK said it best. What kind of car do you drive? If its not a $20K ford focus and instead it's a $30-$100K car, then how many people are you killing because you choose to drive a car that cost $10K or more MORE? Do you get the truth in the joke? I drive a $30K car. How about you? So look at us all. We say we care but instead of spending that money on helping the poor and just driving a focus, we instead drive mustangs and corvettes and mercedes and we pretend to care. We don't give a shit. Neither does the universe. And when you die that's it. So what? BFD. Enjoy the time while you have it. Don't sit around worrying about something you have no control over. And when you are dead that's it. No heaven but at least there isn't any hell. Man made that up when we were cavemen. You are not evolved my brother. No biggy. I'm sure you aren't winning over any new members with your schtick.
You got it backward. You lying, murdering, raping, racist christians think you can do whatever you want and go to heaven just because you are a member of the club. Trust me, if god exists, he aint rewarding your hypocricy or ignorance.

Atheists, at least me, are good people. Not because we are afraid of hell. They tell that to weak people who would be even worse if it weren't for religion.

You also got it backward on the 5000 year earth thing. Don't blame us that there is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimize it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

And yes, this isn't the only reason we don't believe in god or your cult. As soon as you blow off the fact your church has been proven wrong on this issue, yes we will move on to all the other reasons we know you are in a bullshit religion. Too strong? Get over it. Being subtle doesn't seem to work with you freaks. Got to hit you over the head with it. GOD DOESN"T EXIST.


So no one thinks I'm a fool? Because god doesn't exist.

Or are you god? Because you say so?

Hey, if something had to create the earth, something had to create god. Who or what created god? You can't have it both ways. You can't say something MUST HAVE created us but nothing had to create god. So if you can fathom that god could have been created out of nothing, and you have zero proof there is even a god :cuckoo: then why can't you accept that you and the universe came from nothing? Or at least admit you don't know. That's the only real truth. We don't know. But I do know your stories aren't true because we have studied man, history, other religions, bible thumper mentality, and I can tell you right now your god doesn't exist. If there is a god he will reward me for not being stupid like you. No way god is a fan of churches. They take in all that money tax free and do very little to help anyone but themselves.

Louis CK said it best. What kind of car do you drive? If its not a $20K ford focus and instead it's a $30-$100K car, then how many people are you killing because you choose to drive a car that cost $10K or more MORE? Do you get the truth in the joke? I drive a $30K car. How about you? So look at us all. We say we care but instead of spending that money on helping the poor and just driving a focus, we instead drive mustangs and corvettes and mercedes and we pretend to care. We don't give a shit. Neither does the universe. And when you die that's it. So what? BFD. Enjoy the time while you have it. Don't sit around worrying about something you have no control over. And when you are dead that's it. No heaven but at least there isn't any hell. Man made that up when we were cavemen. You are not evolved my brother. No biggy. I'm sure you aren't winning over any new members with your schtick.

GOD SAYS!!==That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
GOD IS OUTSIDE TIME!!! THERE WAS NEVER ANYTIME WHEN GOD WAS NOT!!! THIS TRUTH is way,way over your little peanut brain thinking!!!HUH??? ROFLMAO!!!

So no one thinks I'm a fool? Because god doesn't exist.

Or are you god? Because you say so?

Hey, if something had to create the earth, something had to create god. Who or what created god? You can't have it both ways. You can't say something MUST HAVE created us but nothing had to create god. So if you can fathom that god could have been created out of nothing, and you have zero proof there is even a god :cuckoo: then why can't you accept that you and the universe came from nothing? Or at least admit you don't know. That's the only real truth. We don't know. But I do know your stories aren't true because we have studied man, history, other religions, bible thumper mentality, and I can tell you right now your god doesn't exist. If there is a god he will reward me for not being stupid like you. No way god is a fan of churches. They take in all that money tax free and do very little to help anyone but themselves.

Louis CK said it best. What kind of car do you drive? If its not a $20K ford focus and instead it's a $30-$100K car, then how many people are you killing because you choose to drive a car that cost $10K or more MORE? Do you get the truth in the joke? I drive a $30K car. How about you? So look at us all. We say we care but instead of spending that money on helping the poor and just driving a focus, we instead drive mustangs and corvettes and mercedes and we pretend to care. We don't give a shit. Neither does the universe. And when you die that's it. So what? BFD. Enjoy the time while you have it. Don't sit around worrying about something you have no control over. And when you are dead that's it. No heaven but at least there isn't any hell. Man made that up when we were cavemen. You are not evolved my brother. No biggy. I'm sure you aren't winning over any new members with your schtick.

GOD SAYS!!==That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

A tad self serving?

And NOW that we have the means to RECORD voices your god is so conveniently absent?

What a remarkable co-incidense.

Instead of criticizing each other for using atheism to mean contrary things,
why not spell out the choices for what it can mean to different people/contexts.

And go through the lists and AGREE which people are talking about which approach:
17 Kinds of Atheism

Behold, the six types of atheists ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Just because people mean different things does not make one person right and others wrong.

God means different things in different religions, too.
God as Wisdom is different from God as Love or God as Creation.

Why not decide what we mean, and stick to those concepts, so there is no conflict or confusion by using one terms to mean too many different things?

C'mon guys, with the collective intelligence we have on here, let's use some of it!

It has been explained to you. You still cling desperately to your totally wrong ideas concerning what atheism is. Your learning imparement is unfortunate but it is YOUR problem. Try shutting your ignorant pie hole about atheists untill your pea brain gets it figured out.

Note: I'm searching for another list of types of atheism that someone else posted.
I thought there was a list of the equivalent of "different denominations" or degrees of atheism.
I found this, but it isn't the quote I was looking for: Something to think about. - Page 31 - Evil Empire Forums

"In practical, or pragmatic, atheism, also known as apatheism, individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena without resorting to the divine.

The existence of gods is not denied, but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide purpose to life, nor influence everyday life, according to this view.

Practical atheism can take various forms:

Absence of religious motivation—belief in gods does not motivate moral action, religious action, or any other form of action;

Active exclusion of the problem of gods and religion from intellectual pursuit and practical action;

Indifference—the absence of any interest in the problems of gods and religion; or

Unawareness of the concept of a deity"

Nothing in your list of definitions supports your durrogatory opinions and conclusions concerning atheism.

Attempting to associate atheism and atheists with Hitler, Stalin, Communism...etc... is offensive.

If anything atheists are typically a-political and tend NOT to join groups especially any that would require some form of statement of allegience other than where it may concern the country.

Obviously I would find it more comfortable if we could drop the added god reference installed in 1955 to the pledge of allegience. It was added stupidly as a knee jerk reaction to the threat of communism. As if THAT would prevent a communist subversive from being a subversive.

As an ACTUAL conservative I have MORE right to disbelieve that which is NOT SUPPORTED by evidense than someone who CLAIMS they are a conservative believing in something without factual evidense.

You who CLAIM to believe in things with no evidense to support these things are by definition NOT conservative. You take "LIBERTIES" with reality therefore are at heart pure liberal at your cores.

I liked everything you said until you said that liberals take liberties with reality.

How about when Bush was leaving office, the economy was going down the drain and because McCain and Romney couldn't admit that bush really blew it, McCain said the fundamentals of our economy were strong and Romney said Michigan was in a one state recession. They knew he sucked and the economy was crashing but they couldn't say the economy sucked until Obama was president. Or when they would admit the economy wasn't good they blamed Reed, Pelosi and Freddy & Fanny Mac.

You know the only people who were completely not at fault for the great recession were the republicans. Now that is taking liberty with reality.

Anyways, don't tell me conservatives don't take liberties with reality.
So no one thinks I'm a fool? Because god doesn't exist.

Or are you god? Because you say so?

Hey, if something had to create the earth, something had to create god. Who or what created god? You can't have it both ways. You can't say something MUST HAVE created us but nothing had to create god. So if you can fathom that god could have been created out of nothing, and you have zero proof there is even a god :cuckoo: then why can't you accept that you and the universe came from nothing? Or at least admit you don't know. That's the only real truth. We don't know. But I do know your stories aren't true because we have studied man, history, other religions, bible thumper mentality, and I can tell you right now your god doesn't exist. If there is a god he will reward me for not being stupid like you. No way god is a fan of churches. They take in all that money tax free and do very little to help anyone but themselves.

Louis CK said it best. What kind of car do you drive? If its not a $20K ford focus and instead it's a $30-$100K car, then how many people are you killing because you choose to drive a car that cost $10K or more MORE? Do you get the truth in the joke? I drive a $30K car. How about you? So look at us all. We say we care but instead of spending that money on helping the poor and just driving a focus, we instead drive mustangs and corvettes and mercedes and we pretend to care. We don't give a shit. Neither does the universe. And when you die that's it. So what? BFD. Enjoy the time while you have it. Don't sit around worrying about something you have no control over. And when you are dead that's it. No heaven but at least there isn't any hell. Man made that up when we were cavemen. You are not evolved my brother. No biggy. I'm sure you aren't winning over any new members with your schtick.

GOD SAYS!!==That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

A tad self serving?

And NOW that we have the means to RECORD voices your god is so conveniently absent?

What a remarkable co-incidense.

ROFLMAO!!! little guy, your brain is toooooooooo small to argue with ALMIGHTY GOD!!! Compared to GOD,you are less than a germ on a worm on a germ.
So no one thinks I'm a fool? Because god doesn't exist.

Or are you god? Because you say so?

Hey, if something had to create the earth, something had to create god. Who or what created god? You can't have it both ways. You can't say something MUST HAVE created us but nothing had to create god. So if you can fathom that god could have been created out of nothing, and you have zero proof there is even a god :cuckoo: then why can't you accept that you and the universe came from nothing? Or at least admit you don't know. That's the only real truth. We don't know. But I do know your stories aren't true because we have studied man, history, other religions, bible thumper mentality, and I can tell you right now your god doesn't exist. If there is a god he will reward me for not being stupid like you. No way god is a fan of churches. They take in all that money tax free and do very little to help anyone but themselves.

Louis CK said it best. What kind of car do you drive? If its not a $20K ford focus and instead it's a $30-$100K car, then how many people are you killing because you choose to drive a car that cost $10K or more MORE? Do you get the truth in the joke? I drive a $30K car. How about you? So look at us all. We say we care but instead of spending that money on helping the poor and just driving a focus, we instead drive mustangs and corvettes and mercedes and we pretend to care. We don't give a shit. Neither does the universe. And when you die that's it. So what? BFD. Enjoy the time while you have it. Don't sit around worrying about something you have no control over. And when you are dead that's it. No heaven but at least there isn't any hell. Man made that up when we were cavemen. You are not evolved my brother. No biggy. I'm sure you aren't winning over any new members with your schtick.

GOD SAYS!!==That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

A tad self serving?

And NOW that we have the means to RECORD voices your god is so conveniently absent?

What a remarkable co-incidense.


Wow, I never thought atheism would bring me in agreement with a conservative.
GOD SAYS!!==That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

A tad self serving?

And NOW that we have the means to RECORD voices your god is so conveniently absent?

What a remarkable co-incidense.

ROFLMAO!!! little guy, your brain is toooooooooo small to argue with ALMIGHTY GOD!!! Compared to GOD,you are less than a germ on a worm on a germ.

Do Tardagrades go to heaven?
GOD SAYS!!==That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

A tad self serving?

And NOW that we have the means to RECORD voices your god is so conveniently absent?

What a remarkable co-incidense.

ROFLMAO!!! little guy, your brain is toooooooooo small to argue with ALMIGHTY GOD!!! Compared to GOD,you are less than a germ on a worm on a germ.

OMG no kidding right? I've watched both comedians and atheists pick apart these things. How does anybody still believe?

And if you are a conservative, I'm curious what your opinion is of how the republicans were able to win over the moral majority. I guess you probably love it because it helps you win elections but how do you feel that the bible thumping fundamentalists typically tend to belong to the GOP. Does it bother you or will you take the votes no matter how you can get them. I can respect that.
Instead of criticizing each other for using atheism to mean contrary things,
why not spell out the choices for what it can mean to different people/contexts.

And go through the lists and AGREE which people are talking about which approach:
17 Kinds of Atheism

Behold, the six types of atheists ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Just because people mean different things does not make one person right and others wrong.

God means different things in different religions, too.
God as Wisdom is different from God as Love or God as Creation.

Why not decide what we mean, and stick to those concepts, so there is no conflict or confusion by using one terms to mean too many different things?

C'mon guys, with the collective intelligence we have on here, let's use some of it!

Note: I'm searching for another list of types of atheism that someone else posted.
I thought there was a list of the equivalent of "different denominations" or degrees of atheism.
I found this, but it isn't the quote I was looking for: Something to think about. - Page 31 - Evil Empire Forums

"In practical, or pragmatic, atheism, also known as apatheism, individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena without resorting to the divine.

The existence of gods is not denied, but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide purpose to life, nor influence everyday life, according to this view.

Practical atheism can take various forms:

Absence of religious motivation—belief in gods does not motivate moral action, religious action, or any other form of action;

Active exclusion of the problem of gods and religion from intellectual pursuit and practical action;

Indifference—the absence of any interest in the problems of gods and religion; or

Unawareness of the concept of a deity"

Nothing in your list of definitions supports your durrogatory opinions and conclusions concerning atheism.

Attempting to associate atheism and atheists with Hitler, Stalin, Communism...etc... is offensive.

If anything atheists are typically a-political and tend NOT to join groups especially any that would require some form of statement of allegience other than where it may concern the country.

Obviously I would find it more comfortable if we could drop the added god reference installed in 1955 to the pledge of allegience. It was added stupidly as a knee jerk reaction to the threat of communism. As if THAT would prevent a communist subversive from being a subversive.

As an ACTUAL conservative I have MORE right to disbelieve that which is NOT SUPPORTED by evidense than someone who CLAIMS they are a conservative believing in something without factual evidense.

You who CLAIM to believe in things with no evidense to support these things are by definition NOT conservative. You take "LIBERTIES" with reality therefore are at heart pure liberal at your cores.

I liked everything you said until you said that liberals take liberties with reality.

How about when Bush was leaving office, the economy was going down the drain and because McCain and Romney couldn't admit that bush really blew it, McCain said the fundamentals of our economy were strong and Romney said Michigan was in a one state recession. They knew he sucked and the economy was crashing but they couldn't say the economy sucked until Obama was president. Or when they would admit the economy wasn't good they blamed Reed, Pelosi and Freddy & Fanny Mac.

You know the only people who were completely not at fault for the great recession were the republicans. Now that is taking liberty with reality.

Anyways, don't tell me conservatives don't take liberties with reality.

That's not what I said. WHAT I said is more in line to your last sentence.
A tad self serving?

And NOW that we have the means to RECORD voices your god is so conveniently absent?

What a remarkable co-incidense.

ROFLMAO!!! little guy, your brain is toooooooooo small to argue with ALMIGHTY GOD!!! Compared to GOD,you are less than a germ on a worm on a germ.

OMG no kidding right? I've watched both comedians and atheists pick apart these things. How does anybody still believe?

And if you are a conservative, I'm curious what your opinion is of how the republicans were able to win over the moral majority. I guess you probably love it because it helps you win elections but how do you feel that the bible thumping fundamentalists typically tend to belong to the GOP. Does it bother you or will you take the votes no matter how you can get them. I can respect that.

I don't believe christian fundamentalists are conservative. They stole that name just as they did the republican party so they would have a platform to lie from and project the christian political agenda. You are correct that the "new christofascistconservatives" will do and say anything to get votes. Allowing the religists into the power structure of the republican party was the dumbest thing they could have done for the party and the most dangerous thing for the country. As it turns out they are nothing less than political terrorists. Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater are rolling over in their graves.

Note how Bush was told by god to invade Iraq and then he and Cheney conspired to blame 9/11 0n the Iraqis and worked tirelessly to make the country believe that WE HAD TO INVADE and NOW they work just as hard blaming the dems that THEY also voted to support invasion as if the dems came up with the idea and were behind it all along.
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

This is why religious people deny evolution:

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution: Original sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

Ken has it right. That's the slippery slope of religious dogma. Once anyone begins to subdivide the bibles into the "yeah, that's absolutely true" parts from the "well, that's kinda' true", parts, it becomes a convoluted mess of contradictory suppositions and personal preferences.

Religious dogma has a goal that cannot be swayed, and that is to bolster your faith -- not your knowledge, because knowledge and faith are different. True knowledge would be for you to contemplate, with objectivity, countering proposals. Knowledge is not asked for in the salvation paradigm, unquestioning faith is. There is an underlying misology (hatred of knowledge) in the bible—knowledge of good and evil is the original sin, after all. Before they sinned, A & E were ignorant. Knowledge to god is sin-- because knowledge would preclude faith. According to the paradigm, god prefers unquestioning belief, but will allow you to choose knowledge. The price of which is eternal hell of course.

So, back to the convoluted mess.
OMG no kidding right? I've watched both comedians and atheists pick apart these things. How does anybody still believe?

And if you are a conservative, I'm curious what your opinion is of how the republicans were able to win over the moral majority. I guess you probably love it because it helps you win elections but how do you feel that the bible thumping fundamentalists typically tend to belong to the GOP. Does it bother you or will you take the votes no matter how you can get them. I can respect that.

I don't believe christian fundamentalists are conservative. They stole that name just as they did the republican party so they would have a platform to lie from and project the christian political agenda. You are correct that the "new christofascistconservatives" will do and say anything to get votes. Allowing the religists into the power structure of the republican party was the dumbest thing they could have done for the party and the most dangerous thing for the country. As it turns out they are nothing less than political terrorists. Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater are rolling over in their graves.

Note how Bush was told by god to invade Iraq and then he and Cheney conspired to blame 9/11 0n the Iraqis and worked tirelessly to make the country believe that WE HAD TO INVADE and NOW they work just as hard blaming the dems that THEY also voted to support invasion as if the dems came up with the idea and were behind it all along.

Yep. The religious right wants to legislate morality along the lines of fundamentalist Christian precepts but fortunately, are less coalesced now as they were during the years of the rabid Bushites. I'd be way more concerned with the Southern Baptist voter block than with the <snicker> Communist party or the Nazis. C'mon, you add up all the lunatic leftists and they are a tiny block of people. You add up the religious right and you get in a legislative block which is a shill for Falwell and Robertson, who wanted to push through a moronic, ill thought out and totally unconstitutional give-away called the Faith Initiative. Anyone remember the Bushite "Faith Initiative"?

In my opinion, Bush screwed the pooch right out of the gate with that stupid faith initiative -- showing himself to be a shill for the religious right (I love that there was outrage at Nation of Islam demanding their slice -- and Christians pissed at Wiccans wanting theirs-- each group does community service work and therefore deserved a slice.). His administration was dull and trying to drum up issues based on his perception of morality and so on, and not having a clue at the consequences of such morality-pushing showed me he was fairly naive about the very Constitution he swore to uphold.
I don't believe christian fundamentalists are conservative. They stole that name just as they did the republican party so they would have a platform to lie from and project the christian political agenda. You are correct that the "new christofascistconservatives" will do and say anything to get votes. Allowing the religists into the power structure of the republican party was the dumbest thing they could have done for the party and the most dangerous thing for the country. As it turns out they are nothing less than political terrorists. Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater are rolling over in their graves.

Note how Bush was told by god to invade Iraq and then he and Cheney conspired to blame 9/11 0n the Iraqis and worked tirelessly to make the country believe that WE HAD TO INVADE and NOW they work just as hard blaming the dems that THEY also voted to support invasion as if the dems came up with the idea and were behind it all along.

Yep. The religious right wants to legislate morality along the lines of fundamentalist Christian precepts but fortunately, are less coalesced now as they were during the years of the rabid Bushites. I'd be way more concerned with the Southern Baptist voter block than with the <snicker> Communist party or the Nazis. C'mon, you add up all the lunatic leftists and they are a tiny block of people. You add up the religious right and you get in a legislative block which is a shill for Falwell and Robertson, who wanted to push through a moronic, ill thought out and totally unconstitutional give-away called the Faith Initiative. Anyone remember the Bushite "Faith Initiative"?

In my opinion, Bush screwed the pooch right out of the gate with that stupid faith initiative -- showing himself to be a shill for the religious right (I love that there was outrage at Nation of Islam demanding their slice -- and Christians pissed at Wiccans wanting theirs-- each group does community service work and therefore deserved a slice.). His administration was dull and trying to drum up issues based on his perception of morality and so on, and not having a clue at the consequences of such morality-pushing showed me he was fairly naive about the very Constitution he swore to uphold.

Exactly right. That FBI was partially why the response to Katrina was so disjointed. Not only were funds being diverted to Bush's popular church organizations but many of the appointments to critical components of our countries reaction to disaster response such as FEMA became targets of Bush abuse of office.

The Faith Based Initiative blew up in Bushes face when he discovered that other non profits logically sought funding through the only chanels available. His attempt to redistribute the wealth to his own christian supporters and at the same time dry up funding to others wouldn't fly.

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