Why do the God-haters persist?

Instead of criticizing each other for using atheism to mean contrary things,
why not spell out the choices for what it can mean to different people/contexts.

And go through the lists and AGREE which people are talking about which approach:
17 Kinds of Atheism

Behold, the six types of atheists ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Just because people mean different things does not make one person right and others wrong.

God means different things in different religions, too.
God as Wisdom is different from God as Love or God as Creation.

Why not decide what we mean, and stick to those concepts, so there is no conflict or confusion by using one terms to mean too many different things?

C'mon guys, with the collective intelligence we have on here, let's use some of it!

It has been explained to you. You still cling desperately to your totally wrong ideas concerning what atheism is. Your learning imparement is unfortunate but it is YOUR problem. Try shutting your ignorant pie hole about atheists untill your pea brain gets it figured out.

Note: I'm searching for another list of types of atheism that someone else posted.
I thought there was a list of the equivalent of "different denominations" or degrees of atheism.
I found this, but it isn't the quote I was looking for: Something to think about. - Page 31 - Evil Empire Forums

"In practical, or pragmatic, atheism, also known as apatheism, individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena without resorting to the divine.

The existence of gods is not denied, but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide purpose to life, nor influence everyday life, according to this view.

Practical atheism can take various forms:

Absence of religious motivation—belief in gods does not motivate moral action, religious action, or any other form of action;

Active exclusion of the problem of gods and religion from intellectual pursuit and practical action;

Indifference—the absence of any interest in the problems of gods and religion; or

Unawareness of the concept of a deity"

Nothing in your list of definitions supports your durrogatory opinions and conclusions concerning atheism.

Attempting to associate atheism and atheists with Hitler, Stalin, Communism...etc... is offensive.

If anything atheists are typically a-political and tend NOT to join groups especially any that would require some form of statement of allegience other than where it may concern the country.

Obviously I would find it more comfortable if we could drop the added god reference installed in 1955 to the pledge of allegience. It was added stupidly as a knee jerk reaction to the threat of communism. As if THAT would prevent a communist subversive from being a subversive.

As an ACTUAL conservative I have MORE right to disbelieve that which is NOT SUPPORTED by evidense than someone who CLAIMS they are a conservative believing in something without factual evidense.

You who CLAIM to believe in things with no evidense to support these things are by definition NOT conservative. You take "LIBERTIES" with reality therefore are at heart pure liberal at your cores.

In 1981 I bought 12 acres north of Atlanta in a rural community. The suburbs have now caught up with us. My neighbor is an atheist. I never knew until a few years after I met him. When there is someone is need in the neighborhood, there is a fallen tree across someone's driveway or whatever he is the first to help. Great guy.
So what if I do not agree with his religious beliefs or lack of them.
Jesus loves atheists too!
In 1981 I bought 12 acres north of Atlanta in a rural community. The suburbs have now caught up with us. My neighbor is an atheist. I never knew until a few years after I met him. When there is someone is need in the neighborhood, there is a fallen tree across someone's driveway or whatever he is the first to help. Great guy.
So what if I do not agree with his religious beliefs or lack of them.
Jesus loves atheists too!

Yes, it just makes sense to me that if Christians believe God's plan and will is in charge of all things, wouldn't it be part of God's plan and purpose to create people as atheists?
The Bible says that the Lord has authority over all authorities, and all things are created and work for God's purpose. So surely there is a good purpose for all the ways God has given and created for man to be in life. Jesus is supposed to govern all these ways.

No one can be left out of God's plan or will, or it isn't universal, all encompassing,
all powerful and all knowing. Just because we don't understand doesn't mean there isn't some higher positive purpose for every person of every religion and why God has those.
HI [MENTION=18867]HUGGY[/MENTION]: Not sure who you are addressing here by "you/your"???

but I agree there is nothing derogatory about nontheists/atheists who are naturally secular, and anything negative
about those fundamentalists who may harbor "ill will" to cause division and rejection in deleterious/retributive ways can also be said about theists and Christians who can also be unforgiving and retributive.

As I said before it's not our label or affiliation that causes problems but the SPIRIT in which we do things and whether we include or exclude our neighbors that shows wheher we are joined in the SPIRIT of Christ or divided against each other where we fall short of receiving "universal" truth and understanding that
does not leave anyone or anything out.

It's the unforgiveness, ill will, and retributive factor that is antichrist. This applies to everyone of us.
People of any tribe or denomination can have this antichrist attitude toward others. We can either work to overcome it, or multiply it and make it worse.

What truly determines if someone is walking with Christ is how we take corrections,
whether we react out of retribution and project blame back on others, or we seek
to make the necessary changes to grow closer and "more perfect" in truth and justice.

That tells me, more than anything, if people are "humble and righteous" whether
Christian, Atheists, Buddhist, Muslim, Constitutionalist, feminist : do we respond to correction and work with others to solve problems or do we blame and divide by labels?
Whoever can overcome that habit that all people are prone to, that is the spirit of Christ.

Nothing in your list of definitions supports your durrogatory opinions and conclusions concerning atheism.

Attempting to associate atheism and atheists with Hitler, Stalin, Communism...etc... is offensive.

If anything atheists are typically a-political and tend NOT to join groups especially any that would require some form of statement of allegience other than where it may concern the country.

Obviously I would find it more comfortable if we could drop the added god reference installed in 1955 to the pledge of allegience. It was added stupidly as a knee jerk reaction to the threat of communism. As if THAT would prevent a communist subversive from being a subversive.

As an ACTUAL conservative I have MORE right to disbelieve that which is NOT SUPPORTED by evidense than someone who CLAIMS they are a conservative believing in something without factual evidense.

You who CLAIM to believe in things with no evidense to support these things are by definition NOT conservative. You take "LIBERTIES" with reality therefore are at heart pure liberal at your cores.

I would "offer" an alternative pledge or version of these
that substitutes "public good" for God, or some other secular concept
that means relatively the same or similar thing in each context.

Good will
greater good for humanity
public good

If communities "offer" ballots and other printed materials in other languages,
why not accommodate atheists and other people who are not included in this
God/Jesus language and offer alternatives that use generic terms such
as Truth, Justice etc.

Instead of expensive lawsuits, these foundations can pay for the printing of
additional literature that offers these alternatives as an equal option.
So people take responsibility for the cost and consequences of religious differences
and don't dump that on the public either, it should go both ways.
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Yes of course we cannot know because we weren't there, so of course this is all faith based. Bingo

As for whether God has a beginning or God is infinite with no beginning or no end,
since we do not know and weren't there when all this started,
the way to be "unconditional" and leave it OPEN either way,
is to let people believe it is or it isn't one way or another (or none of these things)
and don't DEPEND on that being true or false or perfect.

We can still discuss and compare our understanding and knowledge of
universal laws, whether laws of science, nature, etc. in addition to how universal
laws are expressed in religions as well.

We don't have to agree on all things about what God is or isn't
for us to agree on what the laws and principles/concepts mean universal to all systems
even nontheist/atheist views of the world through natural science.

We have merely to agree to forgive our differences in order to focus
on what we can work out and come to constructive conclsions that help us in life.

Hey, if something had to create the earth, something had to create god. Who or what created god? You can't have it both ways. You can't say something MUST HAVE created us but nothing had to create god. So if you can fathom that god could have been created out of nothing, and you have zero proof there is even a god :cuckoo: then why can't you accept that you and the universe came from nothing? Or at least admit you don't know. That's the only real truth. We don't know.

P.s I am perfectly OK with seeing God as infinite,
where if something created that God, then THAT becomes the source
or starting point, and if something created THAT, then THAT point
is the source, etc. ad infinitum

or to believe that things may have always existed and there was no starting point

that is valid also to take the whole of creation/universe/all things in existence
and just call all that God as the whole collective of all energy/life/truth/experiences etc.

Any of these are fine. And we can still discuss the laws WITHIN this system
that we understand and how this applies to us, our relationships and society.

We don't have to agree on all things we cannot prove, or we'd never get anywhere in life
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A tad self serving?

And NOW that we have the means to RECORD voices your god is so conveniently absent?

What a remarkable co-incidense.


1. a friend of mine who studies TESLA science especially analog vs. digital told me there were studies done that showed the voices in people's heads were showing up as measurable noise

2. if you read Scott Peck's Glimpses of the Devil, he observed two patients with severe schizophrenic disorder and demonic voices/personalities undergo deliverance/exorcism
and noted the changes in the patients that were observable and quantifiable as following patterns of disruption and of successful treatment and cure in stages.

So he concluded that even if it can never be proven what level these patients were experiencing demonic voices, the methods WORKED in an orderly way to follow
patterns and stages, so these could be documented and streamlined by science
as a formal process for diagnosing, treating, curing and monitoring patients with this type of illness. Not all schizophrenia is caused related or has these symptoms, but
for the ones who do, he saw for himself that the exorcism/deliverance process worked
to get rid of the obsessions and "demonic" psersonality so the patients regained free minds and could undergo treatment as normal where they could not be treated before.
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

This is why religious people deny evolution:

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution: Original sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham


This is extremist fundamental fear of change.

The previous Pope and many people believe we can have BOTH
evolution and creation without conflict!

My bf who is nonChristian even believes BOTH have been proven.

get rid of the division and fear,
and there is no problem accommodating BOTH.

God can create a human being, and we still go through
stages of development in life and change as we go.

Those changes can be part of the laws of life and how the system works.
Big deal.

You can write a perfectly orchestrated symphony
and leave room for some ad libbed improvisations by the soloists.

those can be part of the plan. there doesn't need to be fear and division
or rejection over this.

People have different forms of music, art, comedy, writing
and we don't have to diss each other's genres. It can all be part of
creative process and expression and not worry about conflicting with each other.

People need to grow up and quit nitpicking at things as an excuse to divide and reject
and blame others. gee whiz!!!
In 1981 I bought 12 acres north of Atlanta in a rural community. The suburbs have now caught up with us. My neighbor is an atheist. I never knew until a few years after I met him. When there is someone is need in the neighborhood, there is a fallen tree across someone's driveway or whatever he is the first to help. Great guy.
So what if I do not agree with his religious beliefs or lack of them.
Jesus loves atheists too!

Yes, it just makes sense to me that if Christians believe God's plan and will is in charge of all things, wouldn't it be part of God's plan and purpose to create people as atheists?
The Bible says that the Lord has authority over all authorities, and all things are created and work for God's purpose. So surely there is a good purpose for all the ways God has given and created for man to be in life. Jesus is supposed to govern all these ways.

No one can be left out of God's plan or will, or it isn't universal, all encompassing,
all powerful and all knowing. Just because we don't understand doesn't mean there isn't some higher positive purpose for every person of every religion and why God has those.

Just a few verses that reveal God's plan. You mentioned "Christians" in your post so I'm proposing a Christian point of view from the Christian text - the Bible:

Matthew 22:14, "For many are called, but few are chosen."

(Note in the following verse the "them" vs. God's "faithful." The "Lamb" is Jesus Christ)

Revelation 17:14, "They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings--and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers."

Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

I agree that there is a "purpose" for non-believing, deniers of Christ. I believe that our time on earth is a time of testing ones faith. There will be many, many stumbling stones in our path but Christians are called to navigate around those stones and learn lessons as they go. Satan and his followers (deniers of Christ for the name "Satan" literally means "adversary") are just some of the stumbling stones by which Christians can strengthen their faith in Christ.

Here's a good indication of what I mean:

Matthew 5:10-12, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

God knows that there are men who deny Him and He knows that these folks will persecute His followers. In the above passage God is telling us to be prepared for such persecution and to remain faithful during said persecution.

But does God intend to bring all humans into His Heavenly fold? Not according to this next passage:

Matthew 13:38-43, "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."
In 1981 I bought 12 acres north of Atlanta in a rural community. The suburbs have now caught up with us. My neighbor is an atheist. I never knew until a few years after I met him. When there is someone is need in the neighborhood, there is a fallen tree across someone's driveway or whatever he is the first to help. Great guy.
So what if I do not agree with his religious beliefs or lack of them.
Jesus loves atheists too!

Yes, it just makes sense to me that if Christians believe God's plan and will is in charge of all things, wouldn't it be part of God's plan and purpose to create people as atheists?
The Bible says that the Lord has authority over all authorities, and all things are created and work for God's purpose. So surely there is a good purpose for all the ways God has given and created for man to be in life. Jesus is supposed to govern all these ways.

No one can be left out of God's plan or will, or it isn't universal, all encompassing,
all powerful and all knowing. Just because we don't understand doesn't mean there isn't some higher positive purpose for every person of every religion and why God has those.

Just a few verses that reveal God's plan. You mentioned "Christians" in your post so I'm proposing a Christian point of view from the Christian text - the Bible:

Matthew 22:14, "For many are called, but few are chosen."

(Note in the following verse the "them" vs. God's "faithful." The "Lamb" is Jesus Christ)

Revelation 17:14, "They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings--and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers."

Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

I agree that there is a "purpose" for non-believing, deniers of Christ. I believe that our time on earth is a time of testing ones faith. There will be many, many stumbling stones in our path but Christians are called to navigate around those stones and learn lessons as they go. Satan and his followers (deniers of Christ for the name "Satan" literally means "adversary") are just some of the stumbling stones by which Christians can strengthen their faith in Christ.

Here's a good indication of what I mean:

Matthew 5:10-12, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

God knows that there are men who deny Him and He knows that these folks will persecute His followers. In the above passage God is telling us to be prepared for such persecution and to remain faithful during said persecution.

But does God intend to bring all humans into His Heavenly fold? Not according to this next passage:

Matthew 13:38-43, "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."

Yes, it just makes sense to me that if Christians believe God's plan and will is in charge of all things, wouldn't it be part of God's plan and purpose to create people as atheists?
The Bible says that the Lord has authority over all authorities, and all things are created and work for God's purpose. So surely there is a good purpose for all the ways God has given and created for man to be in life. Jesus is supposed to govern all these ways.

No one can be left out of God's plan or will, or it isn't universal, all encompassing,
all powerful and all knowing. Just because we don't understand doesn't mean there isn't some higher positive purpose for every person of every religion and why God has those.

Just a few verses that reveal God's plan. You mentioned "Christians" in your post so I'm proposing a Christian point of view from the Christian text - the Bible:

Matthew 22:14, "For many are called, but few are chosen."

(Note in the following verse the "them" vs. God's "faithful." The "Lamb" is Jesus Christ)

Revelation 17:14, "They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings--and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers."

Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

I agree that there is a "purpose" for non-believing, deniers of Christ. I believe that our time on earth is a time of testing ones faith. There will be many, many stumbling stones in our path but Christians are called to navigate around those stones and learn lessons as they go. Satan and his followers (deniers of Christ for the name "Satan" literally means "adversary") are just some of the stumbling stones by which Christians can strengthen their faith in Christ.

Here's a good indication of what I mean:

Matthew 5:10-12, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

God knows that there are men who deny Him and He knows that these folks will persecute His followers. In the above passage God is telling us to be prepared for such persecution and to remain faithful during said persecution.

But does God intend to bring all humans into His Heavenly fold? Not according to this next passage:

Matthew 13:38-43, "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."


I think you seem to miss a lot of the teachings of the Christ because you seem awfully angry at people who foolishly deny his grace.
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

This is why religious people deny evolution:

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution: Original sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

Ken has it right. That's the slippery slope of religious dogma. Once anyone begins to subdivide the bibles into the "yeah, that's absolutely true" parts from the "well, that's kinda' true", parts, it becomes a convoluted mess of contradictory suppositions and personal preferences.

Religious dogma has a goal that cannot be swayed, and that is to bolster your faith -- not your knowledge, because knowledge and faith are different. True knowledge would be for you to contemplate, with objectivity, countering proposals. Knowledge is not asked for in the salvation paradigm, unquestioning faith is. There is an underlying misology (hatred of knowledge) in the bible—knowledge of good and evil is the original sin, after all. Before they sinned, A & E were ignorant. Knowledge to god is sin-- because knowledge would preclude faith. According to the paradigm, god prefers unquestioning belief, but will allow you to choose knowledge. The price of which is eternal hell of course.

So, back to the convoluted mess.

This nice/good catholic came into my business and I asked her what she thought about the new pope. She and I agreed he was a good guy and acts and says things all priests should say. Another lady was in the waiting room. I didn't see her there. She came storming in

THAT'S BECAUSE HE DOESN'T FOLLOW DOGMA, DOGMA! After the nice catholic left I said to the bitch, "I'm glad you are the way you are. I don't like fake christians who want to redefine and forgive or ignore dogma. If you believe you have to believe it all. And if you don't, then you shouldn't be a christian"

I wish the church didn't change with the times. Then people would have abandoned it long ago and moved towards truth and science and not been played for pawns on issues like abortion, birth control, war, global warming, civil rights or gay rights. Most catholic women take birth control and a lot of them have had abortions. If you take birth control you should be forced to leave the catholic church.

But instead religion will keep redefining itself every time science or logic proves them wrong again and again. But whatever. Most of the people who are religious now either haven't heard the truth or are too far gone to wake up. But eventually their kids and their neighbors will stop being religious and I have not "proof" of it, but watch how much better society becomes when we put that bullshit behind us. Or people will just be quietly spiritual or religious. If you want to research it and you want to believe and go worship, cool. But don't push the issue too much with the rest of us because we all know it's not real. It'd be like me reading about the Greek gods and believing in Zeus. How come no one believes that shit? Because it's too old of a story. Well so is the bible. It's full of errors and was quite possibly made up 80 years after jesus died so it wasn't even the 11 guys who saw it who wrote the bible. I call BULLSHIT. Happy Friday.
I don't believe christian fundamentalists are conservative. They stole that name just as they did the republican party so they would have a platform to lie from and project the christian political agenda. You are correct that the "new christofascistconservatives" will do and say anything to get votes. Allowing the religists into the power structure of the republican party was the dumbest thing they could have done for the party and the most dangerous thing for the country. As it turns out they are nothing less than political terrorists. Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater are rolling over in their graves.

Note how Bush was told by god to invade Iraq and then he and Cheney conspired to blame 9/11 0n the Iraqis and worked tirelessly to make the country believe that WE HAD TO INVADE and NOW they work just as hard blaming the dems that THEY also voted to support invasion as if the dems came up with the idea and were behind it all along.

Yep. The religious right wants to legislate morality along the lines of fundamentalist Christian precepts but fortunately, are less coalesced now as they were during the years of the rabid Bushites. I'd be way more concerned with the Southern Baptist voter block than with the <snicker> Communist party or the Nazis. C'mon, you add up all the lunatic leftists and they are a tiny block of people. You add up the religious right and you get in a legislative block which is a shill for Falwell and Robertson, who wanted to push through a moronic, ill thought out and totally unconstitutional give-away called the Faith Initiative. Anyone remember the Bushite "Faith Initiative"?

In my opinion, Bush screwed the pooch right out of the gate with that stupid faith initiative -- showing himself to be a shill for the religious right (I love that there was outrage at Nation of Islam demanding their slice -- and Christians pissed at Wiccans wanting theirs-- each group does community service work and therefore deserved a slice.). His administration was dull and trying to drum up issues based on his perception of morality and so on, and not having a clue at the consequences of such morality-pushing showed me he was fairly naive about the very Constitution he swore to uphold.

My concern is not only did bush pass a bunch of laws for the religious right, currently all over the country states with GOP run legislatures are passing not only anti abortion laws but pro gun, pro ALEC, pro corporation, heck even in Michigan a blue state Snyder made us a right to work state. The woman running here for the GOP Terry Lynn Land would ban abortion even in cases of rape or incest.

And dumb poor/middle class independents and democrats only vote every 4 years. And a lot of them vote against themselves because of god gays guns and racism. So the GOP will probably always keep their majorities until poor and middle class people wake the fuck up. Then we need to get our version of the tea party only not crazy people and we need to lean on democrats to stop being GOP light. Tax the rich, pro union, pay people a living wage, make healthcare affordable, jesus christ. :eusa_pray:

So even when we have the white house and senate the gop are still pushing their agenda. They will even hold up the economy to get their way. And can you believe they are expected to win seats in November? What the fuck is wrong with Americans? Maybe they will prove me wrong and show up for these midterms. They didn't in 2010.

Midterms are the GOP's secret weapon. That and gerrymandering.
Instead of criticizing each other for using atheism to mean contrary things,
why not spell out the choices for what it can mean to different people/contexts.

And go through the lists and AGREE which people are talking about which approach:
17 Kinds of Atheism

Behold, the six types of atheists ? CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Just because people mean different things does not make one person right and others wrong.

God means different things in different religions, too.
God as Wisdom is different from God as Love or God as Creation.

Why not decide what we mean, and stick to those concepts, so there is no conflict or confusion by using one terms to mean too many different things?

C'mon guys, with the collective intelligence we have on here, let's use some of it!

Note: I'm searching for another list of types of atheism that someone else posted.
I thought there was a list of the equivalent of "different denominations" or degrees of atheism.
I found this, but it isn't the quote I was looking for: Something to think about. - Page 31 - Evil Empire Forums

"In practical, or pragmatic, atheism, also known as apatheism, individuals live as if there are no gods and explain natural phenomena without resorting to the divine.

The existence of gods is not denied, but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide purpose to life, nor influence everyday life, according to this view.

Practical atheism can take various forms:

Absence of religious motivation—belief in gods does not motivate moral action, religious action, or any other form of action;

Active exclusion of the problem of gods and religion from intellectual pursuit and practical action;

Indifference—the absence of any interest in the problems of gods and religion; or

Unawareness of the concept of a deity"

Nothing in your list of definitions supports your durrogatory opinions and conclusions concerning atheism.

Attempting to associate atheism and atheists with Hitler, Stalin, Communism...etc... is offensive.

If anything atheists are typically a-political and tend NOT to join groups especially any that would require some form of statement of allegience other than where it may concern the country.

Obviously I would find it more comfortable if we could drop the added god reference installed in 1955 to the pledge of allegience. It was added stupidly as a knee jerk reaction to the threat of communism. As if THAT would prevent a communist subversive from being a subversive.

As an ACTUAL conservative I have MORE right to disbelieve that which is NOT SUPPORTED by evidense than someone who CLAIMS they are a conservative believing in something without factual evidense.

You who CLAIM to believe in things with no evidense to support these things are by definition NOT conservative. You take "LIBERTIES" with reality therefore are at heart pure liberal at your cores.

In 1981 I bought 12 acres north of Atlanta in a rural community. The suburbs have now caught up with us. My neighbor is an atheist. I never knew until a few years after I met him. When there is someone is need in the neighborhood, there is a fallen tree across someone's driveway or whatever he is the first to help. Great guy.
So what if I do not agree with his religious beliefs or lack of them.
Jesus loves atheists too!

Thanks buddy. And I'm sure if jesus exists he wouldn't blame us one bit for doubting this societies story. First of all, Jesus didn't write the bible. So if he existed and if he was a profit or the messiah, he should have had someone take notes. But the 11 who survived that claim he rose from the dead didn't write it down either. They should have. Instead they just went around telling people the story and 80 years later people starting writing the story/legend. The jews say he was just a man. Only 11 say he was special. Why are you so sure the story is real or true? What about all the other religions before the abraham religions that also had virgin births and ressurections? Are you gullible?

But thank you because besides me arguing politics and religion, I'm seriously one of the nicest people you could ever meet. Like your neighbor, I'm just not buying it.

And like I said, Jesus wouldn't blame me. Remember he overturned the table of the money changers in church because he was disgusted? Yea, he would be disgusted with christians today I'm sure too. But I'm sure christians don't want to hear that. That they are no better than the jews jesus was preaching to and telling them they have all lost their way. American christians seem to think they are good yet the rest of the world doesn't think so. But we think we have the moral high ground. Like crying when China hacks our computers, as if we don't do that too. Or we cry when Russia invades another country after we did it in Iraq. Russia didn't stop us, so how can we stop them now?
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

This is why religious people deny evolution:

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution: Original sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham


This is extremist fundamental fear of change.

The previous Pope and many people believe we can have BOTH
evolution and creation without conflict!

My bf who is nonChristian even believes BOTH have been proven.

get rid of the division and fear,
and there is no problem accommodating BOTH.

God can create a human being, and we still go through
stages of development in life and change as we go.

Those changes can be part of the laws of life and how the system works.
Big deal.

You can write a perfectly orchestrated symphony
and leave room for some ad libbed improvisations by the soloists.

those can be part of the plan. there doesn't need to be fear and division
or rejection over this.

People have different forms of music, art, comedy, writing
and we don't have to diss each other's genres. It can all be part of
creative process and expression and not worry about conflicting with each other.

People need to grow up and quit nitpicking at things as an excuse to divide and reject
and blame others. gee whiz!!!

I never cared if someone was a muslim, mormon, jew, catholic or atheist until the GOP made religion a political football.

Come talk to me the day an atheist/non believer can be president. Until then, we are the ones being picked on/misjudged/bullied or whatever you want to call it.

And forgive us as we fight back when the church makes people believe atheism ='s satin.

Or when the church tries to ban abortion. I would say abortion is a necessary evil but human life isn't so precious that it's evil to have an abortion. Maybe if there was a god but there isn't. It may be a shame or sad or too bad but some people shouldn't have children and/or some people aren't ready to be parents and besides we already have too many people on this planet. Think about all the women who don't want a child being forced to have them because abortion isn't legal. Just consider all the horrible mothers in Detroit who aren't doing a good job raising their kids. Now add thousands of other unwanted kids to the streets of Detroit, because that is what you are going to get if you ban abortion. Thank GOD some women are smart enough to know they can't raise a human being. So in the future when religious thinking isn't an issue women who don't want to be parents yet but get pregnant won't be made to feel guilty because it was just a seed and life isn't that precious.
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!

This is why religious people deny evolution:

The motivation for belief in a divine, salvational Jesus breaks down when you accept evolution: Original sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham


This is extremist fundamental fear of change.

The previous Pope and many people believe we can have BOTH
evolution and creation without conflict!

My bf who is nonChristian even believes BOTH have been proven.

get rid of the division and fear,
and there is no problem accommodating BOTH.

God can create a human being, and we still go through
stages of development in life and change as we go.

Those changes can be part of the laws of life and how the system works.
Big deal.

You can write a perfectly orchestrated symphony
and leave room for some ad libbed improvisations by the soloists.

those can be part of the plan. there doesn't need to be fear and division
or rejection over this.

People have different forms of music, art, comedy, writing
and we don't have to diss each other's genres. It can all be part of
creative process and expression and not worry about conflicting with each other.

People need to grow up and quit nitpicking at things as an excuse to divide and reject
and blame others. gee whiz!!!

Why do religion haters persist? First of all, we don't really hate. We are the ones that are hated. So forgive us if we fight back. Want proof?

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One
Or when the church tries to ban abortion. I would say abortion is a necessary evil but human life isn't so precious that it's evil to have an abortion. Maybe if there was a god but there isn't. It may be a shame or sad or too bad but some people shouldn't have children and/or some people aren't ready to be parents and besides we already have too many people on this planet. Think about all the women who don't want a child being forced to have them because abortion isn't legal. Just consider all the horrible mothers in Detroit who aren't doing a good job raising their kids. Now add thousands of other unwanted kids to the streets of Detroit, because that is what you are going to get if you ban abortion. Thank GOD some women are smart enough to know they can't raise a human being. So in the future when religious thinking isn't an issue women who don't want to be parents yet but get pregnant won't be made to feel guilty because it was just a seed and life isn't that precious.

Hi sealybobo: When I approach my prolife friends with Constitutional explanations not to impose faith-based beliefs or arguments through govt, this generally is not refuted.
(same with respecting and including views both for or against gay marriage, by treating the BELIEFS as "equally protected by law," or beliefs for or against the death penalty, regardless if we agree or not.)

There is nothing wrong with defending choice, which aligns with religious freedom that conservatives believe in.

The problem they have is with "pushing abortion," so as long as you don't "push abortion," but just defend choice that is neutral as govt and laws ought to be.

I also point out that all the prolife activists, movements and outreach
are all done by FREE CHOICE and not required by law.

So this proves that it does not have to be banned to prevent abortion.
People can CHOOSE to be as educated and proactively against abortion
as prolife people who do so BY CHOICE not by "force of law" --
they serve as proof we can avoid abortion by our own choices without making it illegal.

The key is to have equal respect, defense and protection for prolife views equally
as prochoice views, if you want to enforce Constitutional principles CONSISTENTLY.

When I take this approach, I have no problem working with both prochoice and prolife people.

Only where one side attacks or rejects the other, this starts the whole business of fighting to defend beliefs of one OVER the other or in REACTION. So if we treat them both equally as protected by law, then we don't have this problem!
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Why do religion haters persist? First of all, we don't really hate. We are the ones that are hated. So forgive us if we fight back. Want proof?

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

I think the division and distrust is pretty mutual.

I think you are good at staying moderate and rational about your objections
compared with some people who go fundamentalistic to extremes and WON'T forgive.

When you and GISMYS both calm down, and come to accept that the world needs both theists and nontheists, traditional Christians and traditional secularists
to cover all the knowledge and realms of understanding truth and working together in life, in order to meet all needs and serve greater purposes,

then maybe I'll believe that humanity is really ready to receive the full coming of Justice to be established by agreement in truth across all systems and groups. We are closer than we think, but still some work to be done to let go of our old ways and accept that the process is bigger than what we imagined.

GISMYS claims to be ready, but if he thinks the right answers leave out atheists and others just because of secular thinking, that is still missing what this process is about. It is about bringing together ALL the knowledge wisdom and understanding combined as one.

If we reject each other, we are like puzzle pieces crammed in wrong ways or mismatched
and not organized to form the whole puzzle. If we accept and receive each other, we can figure out how our ins and outs all fit together perfectly to form the bigger picture.

GISMYS is right that we are closer than ever.
what goes on here, among us, is a microcosm or reflection of the larger collective process of humanity figuring it out simultaneously. So if we can get it, how we can work together and not conflict or divide over our differences, so can the rest of the world figure it out.

We are close, but still fussing because the different pieces are not where they should be, or some pieces are still upside down. All the pieces fit if we coordinate correctly.

Thank you both, and everyone here, for being part of this process. It is very interesting and rewarding to work out all these issues otherwise preventing it from full realization.

I believe GISMYS intuition is right, but the actual process will be more involved than just magically done by God. there is deep internal work to resolve all our judgment issues.
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Why do religion haters persist? First of all, we don't really hate. We are the ones that are hated. So forgive us if we fight back. Want proof?

Americans Would Rather Vote For A Philandering, Pot-Smoking President Than An Atheist One

I think the division and distrust is pretty mutual.

I think you are good at staying moderate and rational about your objections
compared with some people who go fundamentalistic to extremes and WON'T forgive.

When you and GISMYS both calm down, and come to accept that the world needs both theists and nontheists, traditional Christians and traditional secularists
to cover all the knowledge and realms of understanding truth and working together in life, in order to meet all needs and serve greater purposes,

then maybe I'll believe that humanity is really ready to receive the full coming of Justice to be established by agreement in truth across all systems and groups. We are closer than we think, but still some work to be done to let go of our old ways and accept that the process is bigger than what we imagined.

GISMYS claims to be ready, but if he thinks the right answers leave out atheists and others just because of secular thinking, that is still missing what this process is about. It is about bringing together ALL the knowledge wisdom and understanding combined as one.

If we reject each other, we are like puzzle pieces crammed in wrong ways or mismatched
and not organized to form the whole puzzle. If we accept and receive each other, we can figure out how our ins and outs all fit together perfectly to form the bigger picture.

GISMYS is right that we are closer than ever.
what goes on here, among us, is a microcosm or reflection of the larger collective process of humanity figuring it out simultaneously. So if we can get it, how we can work together and not conflict or divide over our differences, so can the rest of the world figure it out.

We are close, but still fussing because the different pieces are not where they should be, or some pieces are still upside down. All the pieces fit if we coordinate correctly.

Thank you both, and everyone here, for being part of this process. It is very interesting and rewarding to work out all these issues otherwise preventing it from full realization.

I believe GISMYS intuition is right, but the actual process will be more involved than just magically done by God. there is deep internal work to resolve all our judgment issues.

It is somewhat hilarious at this point to watch your posts that have the attitude that we are all on the same path, that you have identified that proper path, and all roads will lead to Rome if only we will let them.
And to try to sell the idea that great progress is being made toward that end.
No evidence I see on here or out in the real world indicate your fantasy is on the way to fruition.
I am positive you mean well, but your vision is as arbitrary as everyone elses, and you aren't building a strong following.
But I wish you the best of luck.
Hi DriftingSand and thanks for your posts and prayers!

There are still two meanings of Christian.

There is Christian by external label or affiliation or tradition.
There is Christian by faith internally.

I find there are "neighbors called in Christ" who are of other traditions.
So when the few come forward, it may be surprising to find that some of the
true "Christians" were Muslim, Buddhist or other gentiles, called from other tribes.

We can still receive Christ and follow Christ.

When Jesus made the parable about the Good Samaritan, the Samaritans were rejected as the most unholy people, and yet that is the example Jesus used to explain that the one who acts as our "neighbor" in Christ may not be of the affiliation we expect them to be.

I believe the people still on this thread, who haven't given up but care about
establishing truth and correcting error ARE acting as neighbors in Christ.

We are a combination of nontheists and even atheists on here, mixed with Christians or other Deists/theists on here, but the spirit of truth that is calling us, people are answering
and trying to resolve and reconcile. So those are the people answering to Christ, by conscience.

I am like a member of both folds, so I can relate to people under either one.
Where we join and agree in spirit, that is where Christ governs our relationship.
Through that, we can correct any problems that otherwise might divide us where we lose that connection in truth and by Conscience which is where Christ works through us.

Thank you DriftingSand
and please continue praying for all the people here
to be united by conscience where we fulfill the meaning and message of Christ.

Just a few verses that reveal God's plan. You mentioned "Christians" in your post so I'm proposing a Christian point of view from the Christian text - the Bible:

Matthew 22:14, "For many are called, but few are chosen."

(Note in the following verse the "them" vs. God's "faithful." The "Lamb" is Jesus Christ)

Revelation 17:14, "They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings--and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers."

Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

I agree that there is a "purpose" for non-believing, deniers of Christ. I believe that our time on earth is a time of testing ones faith. There will be many, many stumbling stones in our path but Christians are called to navigate around those stones and learn lessons as they go. Satan and his followers (deniers of Christ for the name "Satan" literally means "adversary") are just some of the stumbling stones by which Christians can strengthen their faith in Christ.

Here's a good indication of what I mean:

Matthew 5:10-12, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

God knows that there are men who deny Him and He knows that these folks will persecute His followers. In the above passage God is telling us to be prepared for such persecution and to remain faithful during said persecution.

But does God intend to bring all humans into His Heavenly fold? Not according to this next passage:

Matthew 13:38-43, "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear."

RE: path of destruction vs. gate of righteousness
most people take the popular path of "i am right you are wrong"
"we are right, they are the cause of the problem to blame"
This is the cause of all unresolved conflicts and war in the world.
most people take this path, it is filled with lots of traffic as the most common route.

how many people take the route of
"I am right on this point, you are right about that one"
"I was wrong here, but so were you on that one"
"I don't like it when you do X, you don't like it when I do Z"

So we are equal under God, with equal strengths and weaknesses as others,
but all in different areas.

How can we take the best of what each of us has to offer?
and use that for good? while helping each other to correct the faults or
limitation on our knowledge and understanding that others have more than we do?

How can we take the path that brings out the truth
and best purpose and good in ALL of us, while correcting the flaws and problems?

Surely that path where we agree and align is a very fine line, very few points.
But aren't those points the key principles that matter most? How do we focus there?
It is somewhat hilarious at this point to watch your posts that have the attitude that we are all on the same path, that you have identified that proper path, and all roads will lead to Rome if only we will let them.
And to try to sell the idea that great progress is being made toward that end.
No evidence I see on here or out in the real world indicate your fantasy is on the way to fruition.
I am positive you mean well, but your vision is as arbitrary as everyone elses, and you aren't building a strong following.
But I wish you the best of luck.

Yes and no. Obviously all our paths are different, and as unique as each of us.

What I'm saying is the process we go through to reconcile our differences
is one universal process, all humanity goes through the same basic steps.

It's similar to the grief process.
When we go through a trauma, run into conflict, or face greater change than we
can handle.

We react, and go through stages, of denial/depression, anger/projection of blame,
bargaining and conflict resolution, and some level of acceptance and peace.

All people go through this.
Fowler also wrote out stages of religious or spiritual development
from liberal to fundamentalistic to moderate, so that's another way to define the map.

Recently, I read a book by Russ Whitney that defined the stages in life as the
athlete (self-focused), warrior (fighting battles), statesman (helping others), and spirit (connecting and working on an even higher plane).

Of course NONE of our paths are the same.

But we all want freedom from what we DON'T want,
and we want better things in life that we DO want.
Whatever steps or changes we have to go through to get there
follows basic patterns and is influenced by the same system of
positive loves and fulfillment in solutions that work,
and negative fears and stress from conflicts and problems that don't.

BTW [MENTION=48205]thebrucebeat[/MENTION] I like your attitude
I appreciate and respect the people on here more and more
and can see a lot more good and broader understanding come
from these interactions. thank you and keep it up, don't stop. it helps and is working to bring about constructive change.
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It is somewhat hilarious at this point to watch your posts that have the attitude that we are all on the same path, that you have identified that proper path, and all roads will lead to Rome if only we will let them.
And to try to sell the idea that great progress is being made toward that end.
No evidence I see on here or out in the real world indicate your fantasy is on the way to fruition.
I am positive you mean well, but your vision is as arbitrary as everyone elses, and you aren't building a strong following.
But I wish you the best of luck.

Yes and no. Obviously all our paths are different, and as unique as each of us.

What I'm saying is the process we go through to reconcile our differences
is one universal process, all humanity goes through the same basic steps.

It's similar to the grief process.
When we go through a trauma, run into conflict, or face greater change than we
can handle.

We react, and go through stages, of denial/depression, anger/projection of blame,
bargaining and conflict resolution, and some level of acceptance and peace.

All people go through this.
Fowler also wrote out stages of religious or spiritual development
from liberal to fundamentalistic to moderate, so that's another way to define the map.

Recently, I read a book by Russ Whitney that defined the stages in life as the
athlete (self-focused), warrior (fighting battles), statesman (helping others), and spirit (connecting and working on an even higher plane).

Of course NONE of our paths are the same.

But we all want freedom from what we DON'T want,
and we want better things in life that we DO want.
Whatever steps or changes we have to go through to get there
follows basic patterns and is influenced by the same system of
positive loves and fulfillment in solutions that work,
and negative fears and stress from conflicts and problems that don't.

BTW [MENTION=48205]thebrucebeat[/MENTION] I like your attitude
I appreciate and respect the people on here more and more
and can see a lot more good and broader understanding come
from these interactions. thank you and keep it up, don't stop. it helps and is working to bring about constructive change.

So you say.
I see no evidence of this, but if it gives you hope it serves its purpose.

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