Why do the God-haters persist?

If you FORCE women to carry to the birth of a child then YOU are responsible for the maintenance of the child.

On a purely economic basis early abortions or better yet comprehensive birth control education costs by far the least.

You cannot FORCE women into grinding poverty by giving birth.

The solution is simple. Stop impeding birth control. Stop impeding early abortions. Mind YOUR OWN BUSINESS ... OR take full responsibility for the raising of unwanted children.

Me personally religists ... I vote that you mind YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
Several different aspects of a problem are being discussed; but the attitude of "I am right so you must be wrong". The assumption that if someone is an atheist they must be bad can never be supported and I know several atheists that are better defined as good people than many claiming to be Christians.
On occasion I have commented that "many will not do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do".
How many of you can honestly say the politicians you support will never lie or bear false whitness. Our Founding Fathers" made sure they be held libal for lying. Most of them lacked honesty and ethics anyway.
Claiming Christianity does not mean a person is good and denying the existance of God does not make a person bad.

GOD says=That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

Why do the Fundamentalist Christians insist on using Verses from the Bible which have nothing to do with the subject they are commenting on? As a Fundamentalist Christian wouldn't it be better to take the Biblical references you use from the NT? Do you have any idea what I believe or which I follow? The only thing you know for sure is that we do not look at things the same way and that I am wrong and you are right. Consider that I might be correct and you are wrong. I'll quote a NT verse which you will not be willing to take literally and I'm pretty sure you won't hear in your church as an action to take.
Matthew 19:19
Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 19:20
The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?
Matthew 19:21
Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
If you are one who claims to be a literalist your going to have a difficult time with the attitude required with these verses.
While you are kindly debating pro lifers who you think agree with you

House Republicans Pass Sweeping Anti-Abortion Bill

And that's just on the federal level. Check out the anti abortion legislation state governments are passing in any states that have GOP run legislatures.

Why Have So Many States Banned Abortions? - ABC News

I think if you asked most people they would want abortion to remain legal and safe yet here we have republicans passing laws like this country is anti abortion.

But, if you asked most people if they want to pay for someone else's abortion, they'd say no.

Well if you asked them like that sure they'd say no. But if you asked them if they'd rather pay $500 for a crack heads abortion or $20K in welfare for the next 18 years I'm sure even the pro lifers would say abort it. If they were being honest that is. Yea I'm sure the pro lifers want inner city mothers having more not less kids. Or their position is they want the kid to be born but once he or she is born fuck them they are on their own. Survival of the richest I mean fittest.

I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility. I believe that a society runs most smoothly when everyone within that society lives by a set standard or code of ethics. If parents as well as teachers were teaching an agreed upon set of standards and emphasizing the consequences for bad actions (as well as good actions) then perhaps teenage girls wouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.

If inner city crack heads as well as boozed up/coked up female, corporate heads would keep their promiscuous legs closed then there wouldn't be any "unwanted" babies to begin with. Personal responsibility trumps abortion. But if these women just HAVE to do it with the first dude that gives them a wink and a smile and they get pregnant as a result then they need to step up to the plate and take on their new responsibility -- a baby. Again -- personal responsibility.
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But, if you asked most people if they want to pay for someone else's abortion, they'd say no.

Well if you asked them like that sure they'd say no. But if you asked them if they'd rather pay $500 for a crack heads abortion or $20K in welfare for the next 18 years I'm sure even the pro lifers would say abort it. If they were being honest that is. Yea I'm sure the pro lifers want inner city mothers having more not less kids. Or their position is they want the kid to be born but once he or she is born fuck them they are on their own. Survival of the richest I mean fittest.

I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility. I believe that a society runs most smoothly when everyone within that society lives by a set standard or code of ethics. If parents as well as teachers were teaching an agreed upon set of standards and emphasizing the consequences for bad actions (as well as good actions) then perhaps teenage girls wouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.

If inner city crack heads as well as boozed up/coked up female, corporate heads would keep their promiscuous legs closed then there wouldn't be any "unwanted" babies to begin with. Personal responsibility trumps abortion. But if these women just HAVE to do it with the first dude that gives them a wink and a smile and they get pregnant as a result then they need to step up to the plate and take on their new responsibility -- a baby. Again -- personal responsibility.

Be careful.
Your misogyny is showing.
But, if you asked most people if they want to pay for someone else's abortion, they'd say no.

Well if you asked them like that sure they'd say no. But if you asked them if they'd rather pay $500 for a crack heads abortion or $20K in welfare for the next 18 years I'm sure even the pro lifers would say abort it. If they were being honest that is. Yea I'm sure the pro lifers want inner city mothers having more not less kids. Or their position is they want the kid to be born but once he or she is born fuck them they are on their own. Survival of the richest I mean fittest.

I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility. I believe that a society runs most smoothly when everyone within that society lives by a set standard or code of ethics. If parents as well as teachers were teaching an agreed upon set of standards and emphasizing the consequences for bad actions (as well as good actions) then perhaps teenage girls wouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.

If inner city crack heads as well as boozed up/coked up female, corporate heads would keep their promiscuous legs closed then there wouldn't be any "unwanted" babies to begin with. Personal responsibility trumps abortion. But if these women just HAVE to do it with the first dude that gives them a wink and a smile and they get pregnant as a result then they need to step up to the plate and take on their new responsibility -- a baby. Again -- personal responsibility.
That's typically one-sided and naive, but in keeping with religious fundamentalism.

You forget that teaching which comes from the Vatican via those men sporting big, funny hats condemns birth control as against doctrine - hey, they need a supply of fresh recruits to fill the collection plates.

Unless you're suggesting that good Christians never have unwanted pregnancy, you may need to bang your head against a wall to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours.
No they can't afford it. So they will have the kids and then we will have to pay for it for 18 years. This is why we pay for abortions. Saves us money in the long run.

So we pay $451 now so we don't have to pay for it the next 18 years.

And since you can't cut off hungry innocent babies, you have no choice but to at least pay food stamps. Unless you are suggesting cutting that off too? I'd love to see the party of jesus do away with food stamps. They already say fuck no to healing the sick if they are poor. Next they will show us they don't really follow anything Jesus said. Why? Because you don't have to be a good person to get into heaven. All you have to do is believe the mythical story about jesus and christians think they are in. :cuckoo:
WHY don't you give up your life and allow a baby to live????

It's not a baby just like my scrambled eggs isn't a chicken.

If you possessed the understanding of the true complexity and precise happenings of reproduction, you might have a better understanding and respect for what the zygote really is, and see your comment was a comment of ignorance.
WHY don't you give up your life and allow a baby to live????

It's not a baby just like my scrambled eggs isn't a chicken.

If you possessed the understanding of the true complexity and precise happenings of reproduction, you might have a better understanding and respect for what the zygote really is, and see your comment was a comment of ignorance.

I completely understand. Life isn't so precious that you can't suck out a baby when it's the size of a seed in the womb. If you don't want to get an abortion don't but leave that decision to us. You don't worry or do anything about the people starving every day. When you solve that problem then maybe we can work on lowering the number of girls who have abortions. Maybe if walmart and mcd's paid a living wage those women wouldn't need to get abortions.
Well if you asked them like that sure they'd say no. But if you asked them if they'd rather pay $500 for a crack heads abortion or $20K in welfare for the next 18 years I'm sure even the pro lifers would say abort it. If they were being honest that is. Yea I'm sure the pro lifers want inner city mothers having more not less kids. Or their position is they want the kid to be born but once he or she is born fuck them they are on their own. Survival of the richest I mean fittest.

I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility. I believe that a society runs most smoothly when everyone within that society lives by a set standard or code of ethics. If parents as well as teachers were teaching an agreed upon set of standards and emphasizing the consequences for bad actions (as well as good actions) then perhaps teenage girls wouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.

If inner city crack heads as well as boozed up/coked up female, corporate heads would keep their promiscuous legs closed then there wouldn't be any "unwanted" babies to begin with. Personal responsibility trumps abortion. But if these women just HAVE to do it with the first dude that gives them a wink and a smile and they get pregnant as a result then they need to step up to the plate and take on their new responsibility -- a baby. Again -- personal responsibility.

Be careful.
Your misogyny is showing.

Truly ethics scare the heck out of some. :D
But, if you asked most people if they want to pay for someone else's abortion, they'd say no.

Well if you asked them like that sure they'd say no. But if you asked them if they'd rather pay $500 for a crack heads abortion or $20K in welfare for the next 18 years I'm sure even the pro lifers would say abort it. If they were being honest that is. Yea I'm sure the pro lifers want inner city mothers having more not less kids. Or their position is they want the kid to be born but once he or she is born fuck them they are on their own. Survival of the richest I mean fittest.

I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility. I believe that a society runs most smoothly when everyone within that society lives by a set standard or code of ethics. If parents as well as teachers were teaching an agreed upon set of standards and emphasizing the consequences for bad actions (as well as good actions) then perhaps teenage girls wouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.

If inner city crack heads as well as boozed up/coked up female, corporate heads would keep their promiscuous legs closed then there wouldn't be any "unwanted" babies to begin with. Personal responsibility trumps abortion. But if these women just HAVE to do it with the first dude that gives them a wink and a smile and they get pregnant as a result then they need to step up to the plate and take on their new responsibility -- a baby. Again -- personal responsibility.

But they won't. Instead they'll be horrible parents and they'll breed horrible citizens that you and I have to pay for. Sorry, abortion is a necessary evil. And you are not pro life. Everyone is pro life. What you are is anti choice. Sorry, the condom broke. That doesn't mean I have to raise a human being for 18 years. It's funny you have to take a test and get a licences to do so many other things but to have a child all you have to do is fuck. Not everyone should be parents. Do you know that crime went down 20 years after roe v wade? That's because a lot of criminals were aborted. Those women did the right thing because they would not have raised those kids properly. And it would have cost us a fortune in welfare or in prison costs.
I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility. I believe that a society runs most smoothly when everyone within that society lives by a set standard or code of ethics. If parents as well as teachers were teaching an agreed upon set of standards and emphasizing the consequences for bad actions (as well as good actions) then perhaps teenage girls wouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.

If inner city crack heads as well as boozed up/coked up female, corporate heads would keep their promiscuous legs closed then there wouldn't be any "unwanted" babies to begin with. Personal responsibility trumps abortion. But if these women just HAVE to do it with the first dude that gives them a wink and a smile and they get pregnant as a result then they need to step up to the plate and take on their new responsibility -- a baby. Again -- personal responsibility.

Be careful.
Your misogyny is showing.

Truly ethics scare the heck out of some. :D
Not when they're as one-sided as depicted by the hateful zealot. In that case, they're just chauvinistic and in keeping with attitudes of extremists.
I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility. I believe that a society runs most smoothly when everyone within that society lives by a set standard or code of ethics. If parents as well as teachers were teaching an agreed upon set of standards and emphasizing the consequences for bad actions (as well as good actions) then perhaps teenage girls wouldn't be getting pregnant in the first place.

If inner city crack heads as well as boozed up/coked up female, corporate heads would keep their promiscuous legs closed then there wouldn't be any "unwanted" babies to begin with. Personal responsibility trumps abortion. But if these women just HAVE to do it with the first dude that gives them a wink and a smile and they get pregnant as a result then they need to step up to the plate and take on their new responsibility -- a baby. Again -- personal responsibility.

Be careful.
Your misogyny is showing.

Truly ethics scare the heck out of some. :D

And others think only women are responsible when two people have sex.
The women are "promiscuous", while the guys never get a mention.
You folks don't even realize how programmed you are to a paternal mindset.
Very sad.
Be careful.
Your misogyny is showing.

Truly ethics scare the heck out of some. :D
Not when they're as one-sided as depicted by the hateful zealot. In that case, they're just chauvinistic and in keeping with attitudes of extremists.

I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.
If you FORCE women to carry to the birth of a child then YOU are responsible for the maintenance of the child.

On a purely economic basis early abortions or better yet comprehensive birth control education costs by far the least.

You cannot FORCE women into grinding poverty by giving birth.

The solution is simple. Stop impeding birth control. Stop impeding early abortions. Mind YOUR OWN BUSINESS ... OR take full responsibility for the raising of unwanted children.

Me personally religists ... I vote that you mind YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

And that is why abortion is now legal and safe.
Be careful.
Your misogyny is showing.

Truly ethics scare the heck out of some. :D

And others think only women are responsible when two people have sex.
The women are "promiscuous", while the guys never get a mention.
You folks don't even realize how programmed you are to a paternal mindset.
Very sad.

Because someone does not live up to their responsibility just shows what kind of person that is. Some of these dead beats should pay for their fun if not financially they lose their freedom. Sorry I just feel a code of ethics is the answer. The thing is we already have that code of ethics in place we just don't enforce it. We have that conscience constantly speaking to us to help us with what is right and wrong.
I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility.

can you explain how a person can be "Pro", "regardless of the situation or set of circumstances" ???? - glad also you are "pro" personal-responsibility.

... no thought in that soul.

Truly ethics scare the heck out of some. :D
Not when they're as one-sided as depicted by the hateful zealot. In that case, they're just chauvinistic and in keeping with attitudes of extremists.

I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.

I think most women who get abortions feel bad about it after but if they had it all to do over again most of them would do it again. Also a lot of the women who picket abortion clinics have themselves had abortions and they are trying to make up for it by busting other people's balls.
Truly ethics scare the heck out of some. :D
Not when they're as one-sided as depicted by the hateful zealot. In that case, they're just chauvinistic and in keeping with attitudes of extremists.

I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.

You completely avoid the issue of the misogynistic attitude you and your pal are promoting. You think you are a champion of ethics when you support the idea that pregnancy is the result of wanton women needing sexual release and giving men a complete pass on their equal responsibility.
I'm personally pro-life regardless of the situation or set of circumstances but more than being pro-life I'm pro-personal-responsibility.

can you explain how a person can be "Pro", "regardless of the situation or set of circumstances" ???? - glad also you are "pro" personal-responsibility.

... no thought in that soul.


If she was raped by her father a priest and they found out the baby would be severely retarded she would keep the baby?
I think my tax dollars should be going towards benefiting humanity not destroying it. Schools,the unfortunate,highways,healthcare and way to defend our way of life. If need be protect others who can't protect themselves.

We are not gonna have a perfect rule by man and that is being proven. man does not have the answers only one does.
Truly ethics scare the heck out of some. :D

And others think only women are responsible when two people have sex.
The women are "promiscuous", while the guys never get a mention.
You folks don't even realize how programmed you are to a paternal mindset.
Very sad.

Because someone does not live up to their responsibility just shows what kind of person that is. Some of these dead beats should pay for their fun if not financially they lose their freedom. Sorry I just feel a code of ethics is the answer. The thing is we already have that code of ethics in place we just don't enforce it. We have that conscience constantly speaking to us to help us with what is right and wrong.

And still you don't reject the misogynistic mindset you are promoting.
Your conscience is broken.

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