Why do the God-haters persist?

I think my tax dollars should be going towards benefiting humanity not destroying it. Schools,the unfortunate,highways,healthcare and way to defend our way of life. If need be protect others who can't protect themselves.

We are not gonna have a perfect rule by man and that is being proven. man does not have the answers only one does.

Not when they're as one-sided as depicted by the hateful zealot. In that case, they're just chauvinistic and in keeping with attitudes of extremists.

I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.

I think most women who get abortions feel bad about it after but if they had it all to do over again most of them would do it again. Also a lot of the women who picket abortion clinics have themselves had abortions and they are trying to make up for it by busting other people's balls.

Both male and female need to be responsible or abstain.
I think my tax dollars should be going towards benefiting humanity not destroying it. Schools,the unfortunate,highways,healthcare and way to defend our way of life. If need be protect others who can't protect themselves.

We are not gonna have a perfect rule by man and that is being proven. man does not have the answers only one does.


You don't think tax dollars should be going towards benefiting humanity ?
Not when they're as one-sided as depicted by the hateful zealot. In that case, they're just chauvinistic and in keeping with attitudes of extremists.

I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.

You completely avoid the issue of the misogynistic attitude you and your pal are promoting. You think you are a champion of ethics when you support the idea that pregnancy is the result of wanton women needing sexual release and giving men a complete pass on their equal responsibility.

Women keep your legs closed and men keep your zipper up or you will face the consequence of your actions. They should both be forced to face the consequence how is that a misogynistic attitude ? :lol:
I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.

I think most women who get abortions feel bad about it after but if they had it all to do over again most of them would do it again. Also a lot of the women who picket abortion clinics have themselves had abortions and they are trying to make up for it by busting other people's balls.

Both male and female need to be responsible or abstain.

But if they don't and they don't want to have a baby, they should be legally allowed to abort. Sorry but that is our final position and we aren't going to budge one bit.

Abortions unfortunately do benefit society. We don't need more people on this planet we need less. I actually hope for the rapture to come and take all the bible thumpers away. The planet will be much better off. I feel sorry for heaven when all those hypocritical assholes arrive. :evil:
I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.

You completely avoid the issue of the misogynistic attitude you and your pal are promoting. You think you are a champion of ethics when you support the idea that pregnancy is the result of wanton women needing sexual release and giving men a complete pass on their equal responsibility.

Women keep your legs closed and men keep your zipper up or you will face the consequence of your actions. They should both be forced to face the consequence how is that a misogynistic attitude ? :lol:

Yea! Keep your legs crossed and your pecker in your pants or you will have to suffer the consequences, which would be having to get an abortion. At least that's one option/choice.
You completely avoid the issue of the misogynistic attitude you and your pal are promoting. You think you are a champion of ethics when you support the idea that pregnancy is the result of wanton women needing sexual release and giving men a complete pass on their equal responsibility.

Women keep your legs closed and men keep your zipper up or you will face the consequence of your actions. They should both be forced to face the consequence how is that a misogynistic attitude ? :lol:

Yea! Keep your legs crossed and your pecker in your pants or you will have to suffer the consequences, which would be having to get an abortion. At least that's one option/choice.

It's called personal responsibility. We should allow an evil to happen just because two people can't control themselves ? this comes back to ethics. I believe the only time abortion should be allowed if it's life threatening to the mother,rape or incest.
I think most women who get abortions feel bad about it after but if they had it all to do over again most of them would do it again. Also a lot of the women who picket abortion clinics have themselves had abortions and they are trying to make up for it by busting other people's balls.

Both male and female need to be responsible or abstain.

But if they don't and they don't want to have a baby, they should be legally allowed to abort. Sorry but that is our final position and we aren't going to budge one bit.

Abortions unfortunately do benefit society. We don't need more people on this planet we need less. I actually hope for the rapture to come and take all the bible thumpers away. The planet will be much better off. I feel sorry for heaven when all those hypocritical assholes arrive. :evil:

Do you know the total population this planet can safely support ? people like you are dangerous to humanity. You sound like a little communist.

You have problems with people that disagree with your views,Got it.
I think most women who get abortions feel bad about it after but if they had it all to do over again most of them would do it again. Also a lot of the women who picket abortion clinics have themselves had abortions and they are trying to make up for it by busting other people's balls.

Both male and female need to be responsible or abstain.

But if they don't and they don't want to have a baby, they should be legally allowed to abort. Sorry but that is our final position and we aren't going to budge one bit.

Abortions unfortunately do benefit society. We don't need more people on this planet we need less. I actually hope for the rapture to come and take all the bible thumpers away. The planet will be much better off. I feel sorry for heaven when all those hypocritical assholes arrive. :evil:

If you don't want a child what should you do ?
The state and the community should educate you regarding birth control and safe sex.

You should take all possible precautions.

If you became pregnant against your desires, you should be able to consider abortion as one of several alternatives. Keep in mind that better options regarding child care for working parents, generous maternity and paternity leave and requirements for employers to give greater consideration to parenting needs could go a long ways towards making child rearing a more acceptable alternative.
I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.

You completely avoid the issue of the misogynistic attitude you and your pal are promoting. You think you are a champion of ethics when you support the idea that pregnancy is the result of wanton women needing sexual release and giving men a complete pass on their equal responsibility.

Women keep your legs closed and men keep your zipper up or you will face the consequence of your actions. They should both be forced to face the consequence how is that a misogynistic attitude ? :lol:

Because the post you were supporting only blamed the woman.
If you didn't know that then you should be more careful of the positions you promote.
Both male and female need to be responsible or abstain.

But if they don't and they don't want to have a baby, they should be legally allowed to abort. Sorry but that is our final position and we aren't going to budge one bit.

Abortions unfortunately do benefit society. We don't need more people on this planet we need less. I actually hope for the rapture to come and take all the bible thumpers away. The planet will be much better off. I feel sorry for heaven when all those hypocritical assholes arrive. :evil:

Do you know the total population this planet can safely support ? people like you are dangerous to humanity. You sound like a little communist.

You have problems with people that disagree with your views,Got it.

All you need to know is look at all the cars in Europe, India, China, Mexico, Russia and America. We are like rats or rabbits multiplying. How many people were on this planet 20 years ago compared to today? Not overpopulated yet? Just give it another 20 or 60 or 100 years and see.

This planet would be better off with less humans not more. Just look at all the plastic in the oceans. Yea, we need to double the populations. That'll be real good:eusa_liar:
Both male and female need to be responsible or abstain.

But if they don't and they don't want to have a baby, they should be legally allowed to abort. Sorry but that is our final position and we aren't going to budge one bit.

Abortions unfortunately do benefit society. We don't need more people on this planet we need less. I actually hope for the rapture to come and take all the bible thumpers away. The planet will be much better off. I feel sorry for heaven when all those hypocritical assholes arrive. :evil:

If you don't want a child what should you do ?

Don't fuck is not an option.

1. Put a condom on.
2. Take birth control
3. Have an abortion
4. Have the child and give it up for adoption

In that order too. If I didn't want to have the child I'd have an abortion before I would have the child and put it up for adoption.

I don't human life as being so precious that you can't abort when the baby is still a seed.

I was in high school and the first girl I ever had sex with said she was pregnant. I told her to have an abortion. I'm 43 now. If I got a woman pregnant today I'd want the kid. But if I was back in high school or college and got a girl pregnant I would give her the same advice I did back in the 80's, abort it.
Well if you asked them like that sure they'd say no. But if you asked them if they'd rather pay $500 for a crack heads abortion or $20K in welfare for the next 18 years I'm sure even the pro lifers would say abort it. If they were being honest that is. Yea I'm sure the pro lifers want inner city mothers having more not less kids. Or their position is they want the kid to be born but once he or she is born fuck them they are on their own. Survival of the richest I mean fittest.

At least you were honest enough to admit they'd say no. And, that's all the Republican bill said, that tax money would not go to paying for abortions. No one said people couldn't pay for their own abortions, just that tax money wouldn't be used. Abortions cost an average of $451 in the first trimester...people can afford that.

No they can't afford it. So they will have the kids and then we will have to pay for it for 18 years. This is why we pay for abortions. Saves us money in the long run.

So we pay $451 now so we don't have to pay for it the next 18 years.

And since you can't cut off hungry innocent babies, you have no choice but to at least pay food stamps. Unless you are suggesting cutting that off too? I'd love to see the party of jesus do away with food stamps. They already say fuck no to healing the sick if they are poor. Next they will show us they don't really follow anything Jesus said. Why? Because you don't have to be a good person to get into heaven. All you have to do is believe the mythical story about jesus and christians think they are in. :cuckoo:

If you truly believe that, you ARE :cuckoo: and it's a waste of time to read your drivel.
At least you were honest enough to admit they'd say no. And, that's all the Republican bill said, that tax money would not go to paying for abortions. No one said people couldn't pay for their own abortions, just that tax money wouldn't be used. Abortions cost an average of $451 in the first trimester...people can afford that.

No they can't afford it. So they will have the kids and then we will have to pay for it for 18 years. This is why we pay for abortions. Saves us money in the long run.

So we pay $451 now so we don't have to pay for it the next 18 years.

And since you can't cut off hungry innocent babies, you have no choice but to at least pay food stamps. Unless you are suggesting cutting that off too? I'd love to see the party of jesus do away with food stamps. They already say fuck no to healing the sick if they are poor. Next they will show us they don't really follow anything Jesus said. Why? Because you don't have to be a good person to get into heaven. All you have to do is believe the mythical story about jesus and christians think they are in. :cuckoo:

If you truly believe that, you ARE :cuckoo: and it's a waste of time to read your drivel.

Many people believe that and more. I believe unwanted children fall victim to emotional problems and are more likely than children that are wanted and planned to acting out and ending up in trouble with the law. I believe unwanted children are more likely to be abused. I believe women that are not forced to have an unwanted child will have a better opportunity to get educated and succeed in creating an environment where someday she will be more desireable to end up in a stable marraige or relationship and eventually be a better parent.
I for one am against abortion and many other things our society allows, but that said,I also believe people should be allowed to make their own choices. God gave us in my view freewill. But you sleep in the bed you made for yourself. Your conscience is there to guide you if you ignore that conscience it's no ones blame but your own if you make bad choices.

I am hardly a zealot or extremist.

You completely avoid the issue of the misogynistic attitude you and your pal are promoting. You think you are a champion of ethics when you support the idea that pregnancy is the result of wanton women needing sexual release and giving men a complete pass on their equal responsibility.

Women keep your legs closed and men keep your zipper up or you will face the consequence of your actions. They should both be forced to face the consequence how is that a misogynistic attitude ? :lol:

Maybe you should face up to the notion that some things are just none of your business.
You completely avoid the issue of the misogynistic attitude you and your pal are promoting. You think you are a champion of ethics when you support the idea that pregnancy is the result of wanton women needing sexual release and giving men a complete pass on their equal responsibility.

Women keep your legs closed and men keep your zipper up or you will face the consequence of your actions. They should both be forced to face the consequence how is that a misogynistic attitude ? :lol:

Maybe you should face up to the notion that some things are just none of your business.

When you demand that tax money be used to pay for abortions, you make it his business.
Women keep your legs closed and men keep your zipper up or you will face the consequence of your actions. They should both be forced to face the consequence how is that a misogynistic attitude ? :lol:

Maybe you should face up to the notion that some things are just none of your business.

When you demand that tax money be used to pay for abortions, you make it his business.

You don't get to pick and choose what taxes are spent on. If you are holding up congress's state and federal because as a minority you are not getting your religist agenda passed into law then your are just political terrorists.

Face THIS fact. Society does not have to bend to your religion.
If you FORCE women to carry to the birth of a child then YOU are responsible for the maintenance of the child.

On a purely economic basis early abortions or better yet comprehensive birth control education costs by far the least.

You cannot FORCE women into grinding poverty by giving birth.

The solution is simple. Stop impeding birth control. Stop impeding early abortions. Mind YOUR OWN BUSINESS ... OR take full responsibility for the raising of unwanted children.

Me personally religists ... I vote that you mind YOUR OWN BUSINESS.

Mind your own business... that's what thugs say when you pass the alley where they are beating up some poor victim. No, we have a civic duty to NOT mind our own business here, because the innocent victims in this case are the unborn children. Your sob stories about their inevitable lives of poverty are sickening to me. It's "better" in your mind that they are terminated rather than to live poor. This conscious value of materialism over life is often seen in people who lack belief in anything greater than self.

I grew up poor. I can tell you stories about it you wouldn't believe, but in my adulthood, where I am at today, I would not trade that upbringing for anything in this world. It taught me a LOT of lessons and made me who I am. In fact, you will find this is the story for many great achievers, they started with humble beginnings. Sometimes their condition was so bad that it became the driving force behind their motivations to succeed. From every field, business, entertainment, sports, science... there is a superstar who emerged from "grinding" poverty to become exceptional.

As for a "woman's choice" ...I am ALL for that! But you see, this all begins with their choices, so we need to address that. Not to get too technical for you, but when two humans engage in sexual intercourse it can produce a fetus. If you are mature enough to understand this, you should also be mature enough to accept responsibility for what might happen. There has been legal birth control in all 50 states for as long as my old ass can remember, and despite whatever outrageous hyperbolic claims you may overhear at liberal kook blogosphere, this is not going to change. So the woman has many options here and can choose many ways to go.

Now I understand having sex with other humans is fun, I get that part. But if you are mature enough to understand babies come from having sex with other humans, you should be able to see how any baby produced would be your responsibility. Are you following so far?

So if you took the chance, as a mature, thinking adult, and made the choice to have sex with another human, you knew this was a possibility. If you lack the maturity to grasp this, you should stick to having sex with yourself.

Now we're getting into the "second choices" of women. After the first possibly bad choice, how many OTHER choices do women get? Because we may need to think about this "woman's right to choose" thing a little more. I mean, maybe she gets the right to choose taking a ball-peen hammer to my head while I sleep because I came home drunk?

Okay, so there are numerous ways a woman could potentially find herself pregnant without having the real opportunity to choice in the matter. Rape, incest, drunk/drugged... etc. So here is where I part with many on the 'religious right' on abortion, but I am willing to give the woman a mulligan on the first choice, you get to have that choice regardless of your judgement because I can't put myself in your shoes, I don't know what went down. And now you're pregnant.

As someone mature enough to have sex and make a baby, you have to understand within a few weeks, that thing inside you is another living human being. It is going to me morally and ethically wrong to kill it and you know it will be. No amount of word gymnastics is going to change what you know is the truth here. And the longer you wait to kill it, the worse and more wrong it becomes. So the responsible and mature thing to do is own this and deal with it. If you're not ready for a child, there is always adoption. Many choices for women!

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