Why do the God-haters persist?

You have empirical evidence that there can be no god?

Well do present it....

Atheism is purely based on faith.
it depends
1. if it ASSUMES there is no god, yes that is a belief and it is faith based
2. if it is just "the lack of faith" then atheism describes that condition;
but technically you are right that if a person has no belief one way or another
they would be neutral and more likely agnostic where it could be either way.

U said:
Atheism in America fights against freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
it depends on the atheist
There are Christians who are tolerant and universally inclusive
vs. those that are fundamentalistic and fight to exclude others.

You cannot say all Christians are like that, and neither so with Atheists

I personally know an Atheist activist who is about as inclusive as you can get.
The only time I've seen him hit a limit and refuse to include something was where it involved fundamentalists who were being exclusive. He couldn't deal with that type.

So it seems clear the "exclusive fundamental types" cannot deal with each other,
and that's what messes things up for everyone else who is trying to be tolerant.

If those types would quit reacting against each other, maybe more groups COULD work together and not freak out over long established religious or political differences but find ways to correct problems DESPITE our different beliefs and approaches. Why not?
Nothing but slogans? I can understand that your slogans and cliches are drenched in melodrama because your silly claims otherwise lack credibility. However, just realize such behavior doesn't lend credibility to your bankrupt arguments.

200 million slaughtered are not "slogans," they are genocide.

A slogan for every occasion. Like a typical zealot, you parrot slogans in the hope that if you repeat it often enough, someone as "less than discriminating" as yourself may buy into it.

Well sorry, but you have failed at every opportunity to connect your slogans with disbelief in the gods you apparently hope to defend.

So, please do make some effort to support your nonsensical claim. To date, you gave offered only slogans and cliches.

Atheism isn't a faith. Here you are, making desperate attempts to salvage another bankrupt claim.

Uncensored2008 said:
You have empirical evidence that there can be no god?

Well do present it....

Atheism is purely based on faith.
That was quite the sidestep on your part. Defending your gods with frantic attacks on those "Evilutionist atheists" makes you just another screaming, hair-on-fire, zealots who has a desperate need to force his beliefs on others.

What rights have I denied anyone? Such pompous behavior does nothing but make you appear quite desperate.

Atheism in America fights against freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
Actually, no. It's simply a defense against zealots such as yourself.
The truth is that German Christians supported the Nazis because they believed that Adolf Hitler was a gift to the German people from God. Hitler frequently referenced God and Christianity both in public and private. The Nazi Party Program explicitly endorsed and promoted Christianity in the party platform. Millions of Christians in Germany not only enthusiastically supported and endorsed Hitler and the Nazis, but did so on the basis of common Christian beliefs and attitudes.

Even if Hitler didn't believe in god, he used god to con the stupid masses, just like the churches do today.

why come here to try to fight against ALMIGHTY GOD?? ALMIGHTY GOD who you say don't believe in,how IGNORANT AND FOOLISH,Why waste your time???? SINPLE ANSWER=YOU know GOD is real but you want to live in your pet sins and hope GOD is not real=HELL BOUND FOOL!!!

I would accuse you of having robotlike responses but that would be an insult to robotics. Who would go to all the trouble to design and build a robot as stupid as you? A Robot released out in public spouting what you spew would cause someone to take a sledge hammer to it to shut it up.

In fact the more I see your posts the more I feel inspired to start an anti-christian-robot religion and build a church..and maybe take over a country and maybe rid the world of christian robots. :lol:

No doubt! It was christians that made me anti religion. It didn't help that muslims jews and mormons were all just as dumb but in slightly different ways telling similar yet just as unbelievable stories.

And don't tell me to not judge god based on humans, because it is those very same human's who want me to believe their fairytales.

You are right, this person is an idiot. What is it he says to me that came from a song? OMG I can't remember but it makes me so sick when he says it. Oh yea, "count the cost". I can imagine the hicks that run the church he grew up in, taking his poor ass families last dollar in church on sunday. But it gave them a sense of community and makes them feel better about their shitty lives because this life is temporary, heaven is eternal.

Even the black group Arrestive Development sang about this. They sang "baptists teach you to cope, not to change the situation you are in for the better, because religion is used to keep the masses in check. So obvious to me.
there's also no such thing as hell.

hell is relative.
war is hell.
some people would say drug addiction sent them through hell.

any suffering caused by unforgiven conflicts or negative karma
collectively can be called hell on a spiritual level of human experience

as there are different levels of heavenly peace
there are different levels or realms of hellish suffering

just because we can overcome hell instead of subjecting or sending people there
does not mean it isn't real. it depends on the context what you are talking about.
You have empirical evidence that there can be no god?

Well do present it....

Atheism is purely based on faith.
it depends
1. if it ASSUMES there is no god, yes that is a belief and it is faith based
2. if it is just "the lack of faith" then atheism describes that condition;
but technically you are right that if a person has no belief one way or another
they would be neutral and more likely agnostic where it could be either way.

U said:
Atheism in America fights against freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
it depends on the atheist
There are Christians who are tolerant and universally inclusive
vs. those that are fundamentalistic and fight to exclude others.

You cannot say all Christians are like that, and neither so with Atheists

I personally know an Atheist activist who is about as inclusive as you can get.
The only time I've seen him hit a limit and refuse to include something was where it involved fundamentalists who were being exclusive. He couldn't deal with that type.

So it seems clear the "exclusive fundamental types" cannot deal with each other,
and that's what messes things up for everyone else who is trying to be tolerant.

If those types would quit reacting against each other, maybe more groups COULD work together and not freak out over long established religious or political differences but find ways to correct problems DESPITE our different beliefs and approaches. Why not?

"" COULD work together and not freak out over long established religious or political differences but find ways to correct problems DESPITE our different beliefs and approaches. Why not?
Silly argument on its face.

Religious liberty is "silly."

Of course.

No one tries to silence little girls praying at gunpoint. What in the world kind of fantasy are you creating?

The fuck they are not.

{ Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000)

In Santa Fe, Texas, students were elected by their classmates to give pre-game prayers at high school football games over the public address system. A number of students sued, arguing that such solemnizing statements or prayers constituted an endorsement of religion, violating the Establishment Clause. The district countered that the pre-game invocations were a long-standing tradition in Texas communities. Moreover, the prayer came from a student, thus making it student speech and not state-sponsored speech. }

First Amendment Schools: The Five Freedoms - Court Case

What non-believers are proactive about is not letting the state become a conduit for religious faith. The girl is free to pray anywhere she likes. She is not free to use the state's infrastructure to promote her prayers to everyone else.

What Atheists demand is that no view may be express except their own.

While I defend your right to say there is no god - Atheists used the implied force of the federal government to prohibit people like GISMYS from saying there is one.

I find GISMYS to be irrational, but then I find sealybobo equally irrational. Why should one be permitted to express their beliefs, but the other prohibited? Because the beliefs of sealybobo are the established religion of the government, is the reason.

Why would the faithful need the state to promote their ideals? Are they not capable of presenting these ideas on their own?

A little girl on a mic at a football game is not the state - she is a little girl. Atheism finds her prayer to be blasphemy against their religion - which is the state religion - so men with guns ensure she is silent.

Using the public address system is an edorsement by the state of a specific religious belief.
You don't see atheists trying to take the mike and starting the game with a diatribe about the absurdity of Christianity, now do you? Why should the little girl have that right?
There is no state religion.
There is a commitment to secularism.
It is the opposite of a state religion.
You have empirical evidence that there can be no god?

Well do present it....

Atheism is purely based on faith.
it depends
1. if it ASSUMES there is no god, yes that is a belief and it is faith based
2. if it is just "the lack of faith" then atheism describes that condition;
but technically you are right that if a person has no belief one way or another
they would be neutral and more likely agnostic where it could be either way.

U said:
Atheism in America fights against freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
it depends on the atheist
There are Christians who are tolerant and universally inclusive
vs. those that are fundamentalistic and fight to exclude others.

You cannot say all Christians are like that, and neither so with Atheists

I personally know an Atheist activist who is about as inclusive as you can get.
The only time I've seen him hit a limit and refuse to include something was where it involved fundamentalists who were being exclusive. He couldn't deal with that type.

So it seems clear the "exclusive fundamental types" cannot deal with each other,
and that's what messes things up for everyone else who is trying to be tolerant.

If those types would quit reacting against each other, maybe more groups COULD work together and not freak out over long established religious or political differences but find ways to correct problems DESPITE our different beliefs and approaches. Why not?

it assumes nothing except that he is obsessed with breathing fire and brimstone and disrespecting everyone else.

his obsession isn't healthy.
A slogan for every occasion. Like a typical zealot, you parrot slogans in the hope that if you repeat it often enough, someone as "less than discriminating" as yourself may buy into it.

If the dead bodies were not piled high, you sophomoric response would be stupid, but at least rational.

The holocaust is no a 'slogan," it's a reality, it happened. The genocide by the Atheist left in the 20th century is not a "slogan,' it's an irrefutable fact.
Well sorry, but you have failed at every opportunity to connect your slogans with disbelief in the gods you apparently hope to defend.

So, please do make some effort to support your nonsensical claim. To date, you gave offered only slogans and cliches.

That you are a fanatic does not alter reality. :dunno:

What gods exactly do I defend?


Bigots tend to be dumb, but funny.

That was quite the sidestep on your part. Defending your gods with frantic attacks on those "Evilutionist atheists" makes you just another screaming, hair-on-fire, zealots who has a desperate need to force his beliefs on others.

Because you are a bigot, you can only respond to the caricature that your fiath creates.

Actually, no. It's simply a defense against zealots such as yourself.

I zealously defend the right of any person to hold any belief - where you seek to force all to accept your belief alone.
No doubt! It was christians that made me anti religion. It didn't help that muslims jews and mormons were all just as dumb but in slightly different ways telling similar yet just as unbelievable stories.

And don't tell me to not judge god based on humans, because it is those very same human's who want me to believe their fairytales.

You are right, this person is an idiot. What is it he says to me that came from a song? OMG I can't remember but it makes me so sick when he says it. Oh yea, "count the cost". I can imagine the hicks that run the church he grew up in, taking his poor ass families last dollar in church on sunday. But it gave them a sense of community and makes them feel better about their shitty lives because this life is temporary, heaven is eternal.

Even the black group Arrestive Development sang about this. They sang "baptists teach you to cope, not to change the situation you are in for the better, because religion is used to keep the masses in check. So obvious to me.

That's how "forgiveness" is ABUSED and not the real meaning or purpose.

The real process of forgiveness is to heal and not suffer emotionally from the wrongs of other people.
it is NOT to condone, tolerate, ENABLE or overlook injustice and "let it happen"

as for "life being temporal and heaven being eternal"
this is NOT the true meaning of focusing on the positive and not depending on material conditions

The point of focusing on the spiritual value is to enjoy life and ALL things in it, not neglect these things, by putting things in holistic perspective. NOT basing happiness and satisfaction on "meeting material conditions" where your security DEPENDS on controlling everything in life.

Just because you let go and enjoy life, does not mean you either neglect responsibilities,
or let bad things happen "because it doesn't matter anyway"

it just means not to become so emotionally and mentally ATTACHED to physical and material conditions that you miss the good in life.

I think you are looking at extreme cases where these teachings are ABUSED
to justify wrongs.

the real meaning is something positive, like natural wisdom in life.
Several different aspects of a problem are being discussed; but the attitude of "I am right so you must be wrong". The assumption that if someone is an atheist they must be bad can never be supported and I know several atheists that are better defined as good people than many claiming to be Christians.
On occasion I have commented that "many will not do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do".
How many of you can honestly say the politicians you support will never lie or bear false whitness. Our Founding Fathers" made sure they be held libal for lying. Most of them lacked honesty and ethics anyway.
Claiming Christianity does not mean a person is good and denying the existance of God does not make a person bad.

GOD says=That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

This isn't true about us and so this is just more proof that your bible is full of lies. We say there is no god because if there were, and he were what you say he was, there would be some evidence. He talked to adam, noah, jesus but since we started recording history he has disappeared? Funny in the bible he proved he existed a lot but won't prove it to us. We have to have blind faith.

This is exactly what a false story would say.

Stop using the bible because we don't believe it to be true. Try using something else to prove the bible is real. You don't get to use the bible to prove the bible is real jackass.

Count the cost. :cuckoo:

How do you explain that: There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimize it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.
Silly argument on its face.

Religious liberty is "silly."

Of course.

The fuck they are not.

{ Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000)

In Santa Fe, Texas, students were elected by their classmates to give pre-game prayers at high school football games over the public address system. A number of students sued, arguing that such solemnizing statements or prayers constituted an endorsement of religion, violating the Establishment Clause. The district countered that the pre-game invocations were a long-standing tradition in Texas communities. Moreover, the prayer came from a student, thus making it student speech and not state-sponsored speech. }

First Amendment Schools: The Five Freedoms - Court Case

What Atheists demand is that no view may be express except their own.

While I defend your right to say there is no god - Atheists used the implied force of the federal government to prohibit people like GISMYS from saying there is one.

I find GISMYS to be irrational, but then I find sealybobo equally irrational. Why should one be permitted to express their beliefs, but the other prohibited? Because the beliefs of sealybobo are the established religion of the government, is the reason.

Why would the faithful need the state to promote their ideals? Are they not capable of presenting these ideas on their own?

A little girl on a mic at a football game is not the state - she is a little girl. Atheism finds her prayer to be blasphemy against their religion - which is the state religion - so men with guns ensure she is silent.

Using the public address system is an edorsement by the state of a specific religious belief.
You don't see atheists trying to take the mike and starting the game with a diatribe about the absurdity of Christianity, now do you? Why should the little girl have that right?
There is no state religion.
There is a commitment to secularism.
It is the opposite of a state religion.

I watch all the crazy religious shows on tv and wonder when atheists are going to get a show. Same way if a city is going to have a christian nativity scene at city hall they have to be open to having an atheist pole and a jewish manora and a muslim whatever they want to display.
Several different aspects of a problem are being discussed; but the attitude of "I am right so you must be wrong". The assumption that if someone is an atheist they must be bad can never be supported and I know several atheists that are better defined as good people than many claiming to be Christians.
On occasion I have commented that "many will not do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do".
How many of you can honestly say the politicians you support will never lie or bear false whitness. Our Founding Fathers" made sure they be held libal for lying. Most of them lacked honesty and ethics anyway.
Claiming Christianity does not mean a person is good and denying the existance of God does not make a person bad.

GOD says=That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???

This isn't true about us and so this is just more proof that your bible is full of lies. We say there is no god because if there were, and he were what you say he was, there would be some evidence. He talked to adam, noah, jesus but since we started recording history he has disappeared? Funny in the bible he proved he existed a lot but won't prove it to us. We have to have blind faith.

This is exactly what a false story would say.

Stop using the bible because we don't believe it to be true. Try using something else to prove the bible is real. You don't get to use the bible to prove the bible is real jackass.

Count the cost. :cuckoo:

How do you explain that: There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those others, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimize it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

YES!!! Satan nis a liar and the father of liars!!!and you????=======
GOD says=That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
How strange that you toss "fact" around and you're unable to support your "fact" with anything but ".... because I say so."

Your "fact" is not fact at all. Either you're too lazy or too fact-less to offer any comparable numbers for review.

200 million dead - not by war, but by genocide - perpetrated by your religion. That you are a fanatic doesn't alter reality - 200 million dead.


If I was going to make a generalization about what kills people historically,
it's retribution and unforgiveness.

There are as many members of any religion or group, whether blamed on atheism or on theism, guilty of unforgiveness, projecting blame outside on another person and group,
and justifying killing, war, genocide, oppression, any number of ways to
kill people
kill people's spirit or will

Anyone can be guilty of murderous anger and rage, out of ignorance, hatred, jealousy.

No one subgroup has a monopoly on that.

If you want to blame "all humanity" for falling to selfish motivations,
that sounds like how Christianity acknowledges all people are prone to sin
and material desire.

P.S. even if you take one case of genocide, like Hitler,
as many people will blame one group or label for what they affiliate with Hitler.
If you watch the footage of the concentration camps, there is a video
of the people running the death camps taking a break to sing hymnals like in church choir.
I've heard people blame the Holocaust equally on religion and lack of religion, when it was clearly politically for control, regardless what religious views were abused to justify it.
All the jihadists attacks are also political for control, independent of whatever religion is abused to foment people in military rebellion.

All selfish and FEAR based.
If FEAR is the common factor, again, no one "label" has a monopoly on exploiting that.
A slogan for every occasion. Like a typical zealot, you parrot slogans in the hope that if you repeat it often enough, someone as "less than discriminating" as yourself may buy into it.

If the dead bodies were not piled high, you sophomoric response would be stupid, but at least rational.

The holocaust is no a 'slogan," it's a reality, it happened. The genocide by the Atheist left in the 20th century is not a "slogan,' it's an irrefutable fact.
Well sorry, but you have failed at every opportunity to connect your slogans with disbelief in the gods you apparently hope to defend.

So, please do make some effort to support your nonsensical claim. To date, you gave offered only slogans and cliches.

That you are a fanatic does not alter reality. :dunno:

What gods exactly do I defend?


Bigots tend to be dumb, but funny.

That was quite the sidestep on your part. Defending your gods with frantic attacks on those "Evilutionist atheists" makes you just another screaming, hair-on-fire, zealots who has a desperate need to force his beliefs on others.

Because you are a bigot, you can only respond to the caricature that your fiath creates.

Actually, no. It's simply a defense against zealots such as yourself.

I zealously defend the right of any person to hold any belief - where you seek to force all to accept your belief alone.

The atheist left as appose to the religious right? Well I'm part of the American Atheist left and I can tell you we don't want to kill you. Do you think Neal Degrass Tyson wants to murder you? No he does not. In fact he gave his position on religion and he said he's just too busy to give it much thought. He clearly doesn't believe in god but he isn't militant like I'm coming off. This is a message board. This is where you are suppose to come and spout off your thoughts, uninhibited. I'll be honest. I don't give a crap if people want to be religious. I don't like it when they try to push it on us. I don't like it when they try to pass laws based on it like anti abortion or anti gay marriage. And I really don't like it that people are so unevolved still that they'd prefer to vote for a pot smoking cheater than an atheist.

I myself for the longest time thought of satin when I heard the word atheist. Not true. It just means we don't believe there is a god. We are still good people. I would say smarter and more open minded than religious people because at least we can grasp the idea that religion was invented by man, not the other way around. God didn't make you, you made up god.
Hi Bruce [MENTION=48205]thebrucebeat[/MENTION]:
I finally got back to your previous msg I wanted to explore more.
Thanks for replying where I can understand and appreciate where you
are coming from. I think if we can communicate using just our natural
language and how we normally perceive and describe things, we
can discuss all the same principles in religion minus any symbolic hocus pocus stuff.

About objectivity:

What people subjectively find that motivates them and forms their paradigm is not what I am referring to. You are describing a subjective reality. I am talking about what is real outside of our perceptions, needs, creations or fantasies that no doubt sustain us. These are the rationalizations I frequently refer Boss to that people are 100% invested in. What is truth is not influenced by any of it.

Aren't all your objections and viewpoints, based on your perceptions, memories and experiences in life, also subjective to you?

So if absolute objective truth by definition does not depend on any of this,
doesn't that also go for all the things you perceive as real that motivate you?
It absolutely applies to me. That is why I have no discernible beliefs to stand on or support. I have no idea of any of the attributes of a god that may or may not exist. I bring no explanations or answers. I find them all equally arbitrary.
Note: I also believe there are both levels. What I am saying is that by aligning our "subjective/relative" realities, by our ways of seeing and saying things, this "reflects"
a microcosm of the greater truth, laws, and relationships that are universal to all people.
And I find you imagining some kind of universality to be just as arbitrary as all the specific theological suppositions that others carry with them, or at least if that universality exists it is unknowable.
This is like working out the math values, and using "variables" to communicate and work out the proof; but understanding the concepts, laws and relationships "do not depend" on those "variables" we are using as tools. We just happen to use or align variables that we agree help us to set things up accurately and communicate clearly how the values or principles relate to each other.

Is this okay?

It's fun, but not really analagous. The math formula has a specific answer that can be ascertained with certainty. What you seek can not be.
A slogan for every occasion. Like a typical zealot, you parrot slogans in the hope that if you repeat it often enough, someone as "less than discriminating" as yourself may buy into it.

If the dead bodies were not piled high, you sophomoric response would be stupid, but at least rational.

The holocaust is no a 'slogan," it's a reality, it happened. The genocide by the Atheist left in the 20th century is not a "slogan,' it's an irrefutable fact.

That you are a fanatic does not alter reality. :dunno:

What gods exactly do I defend?


Bigots tend to be dumb, but funny.

Because you are a bigot, you can only respond to the caricature that your fiath creates.

Actually, no. It's simply a defense against zealots such as yourself.

I zealously defend the right of any person to hold any belief - where you seek to force all to accept your belief alone.

The atheist left as appose to the religious right? Well I'm part of the American Atheist left and I can tell you we don't want to kill you. Do you think Neal Degrass Tyson wants to murder you? No he does not. In fact he gave his position on religion and he said he's just too busy to give it much thought. He clearly doesn't believe in god but he isn't militant like I'm coming off. This is a message board. This is where you are suppose to come and spout off your thoughts, uninhibited. I'll be honest. I don't give a crap if people want to be religious. I don't like it when they try to push it on us. I don't like it when they try to pass laws based on it like anti abortion or anti gay marriage. And I really don't like it that people are so unevolved still that they'd prefer to vote for a pot smoking cheater than an atheist.

I myself for the longest time thought of satin when I heard the word atheist. Not true. It just means we don't believe there is a god. We are still good people. I would say smarter and more open minded than religious people because at least we can grasp the idea that religion was invented by man, not the other way around. God didn't make you, you made up god.

GOD KNOWS YOU!!!!====That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1 and you???
A slogan for every occasion. Like a typical zealot, you parrot slogans in the hope that if you repeat it often enough, someone as "less than discriminating" as yourself may buy into it.

Uncensored2008 said:
If the dead bodies were not piled high, you sophomoric response would be stupid, but at least rational.

The holocaust is no a 'slogan," it's a reality, it happened. The genocide by the Atheist left in the 20th century is not a "slogan,' it's an irrefutable fact.
You're getting quite frantic. You are a bit reality challenged in that you are unable to connect disbelief in gods with the actions of political ideologies and megalomaniacs.

Your "irrefutable fact" is not a fact at all but the ranting of someone who has not studied the facts.

It's tragically comical that you hope to blame the atheist left for the Holocaust. Try learning a bit of history so you don't make yourself the village idiot.

Hitler's SS wore the inscription "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles. Do a web search for what that translation.

Well sorry, but you have failed at every opportunity to connect your slogans with disbelief in the gods you apparently hope to defend.

So, please do make some effort to support your nonsensical claim. To date, you gave offered only slogans and cliches.

Uncensored2008 said:
That you are a fanatic does not alter reality. :dunno:

What gods exactly do I defend?


Bigots tend to be dumb, but funny.
That's a shame. Your tender sensibilities are offended so you launch the "bigot", slogan. It seems that anyone who refutes your specious claims is automatically penned with the "bigot", label.

When you're not emotionally and intellectually prepared to deal with refutations to your pointless charges, you should avoid posting.

That was quite the sidestep on your part. Defending your gods with frantic attacks on those "Evilutionist atheists" makes you just another screaming, hair-on-fire, zealots who has a desperate need to force his beliefs on others.

Uncensored2008 said:
Because you are a bigot, you can only respond to the caricature that your fiath creates.
Ignorance on your part does make being clueless so much easier.

Actually, no. It's simply a defense against zealots such as yourself.

Uncensored2008 said:
zealously defend the right of any person to hold any belief - where you seek to force all to accept your belief alone.
Does that come with a Jingle?

Your application for martyrdom is rejected. You weren't quite pompous enough. I am prepared however, to make you Queen for a Day.
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Why do the God-haters persist? Why don't we ask, "Why do God accepters persist? I can never remember having an atheist banging on my door. I have had many "Christians" bang on my door and ask "Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?" If we have have freedom of religion then we must have freedom from it. The push from non believers that I see has come about because of the birth control and abortion issues which should not be political. Brith control was just having information available and it is up to the people whether to use it or not.
I agree that the universe is billions of years old. I do not believe the earth is 5500 years old. I also believe most people considering themselves Christians agree with me.
If you push don't complain when someone pushes back.
GET REAL!!! YOU JUST WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIFE OF SIN and hope GOD is not real,no matter if the bible said the earth is 15 billion years old you would just move to another fake excuse to try not to believe THUS YOUR TYPE PROVE THAT HELL IS THE ONLY RIGHT PLACE FOR YOU!!!
A slogan for every occasion. Like a typical zealot, you parrot slogans in the hope that if you repeat it often enough, someone as "less than discriminating" as yourself may buy into it.

Uncensored2008 said:
If the dead bodies were not piled high, you sophomoric response would be stupid, but at least rational.

The holocaust is no a 'slogan," it's a reality, it happened. The genocide by the Atheist left in the 20th century is not a "slogan,' it's an irrefutable fact.
You're getting quite frantic. You are a bit reality challenged in that you are unable to connect disbelief in gods with the actions of political ideologies and megalomaniacs.

Your "irrefutable fact" is not a fact at all but the ranting of someone who has not studied the facts.

It's tragically comical that you hope to blame the atheist left for the Holocaust. Try learning a bit of history so you don't make yourself the village idiot.

Hitler's SS wore the inscription "Gott mit uns" on their belt buckles. Do a web search for what that translation.

That's a shame. Your tender sensibilities are offended so you launch the "bigot", slogan. It seems that anyone who refutes your specious claims is automatically penned with the "bigot", label.

When you're not emotionally and intellectually prepared to deal with refutations to your pointless charges, you should avoid posting.

Ignorance on your part does make being clueless so much easier.

Actually, no. It's simply a defense against zealots such as yourself.

Uncensored2008 said:
zealously defend the right of any person to hold any belief - where you seek to force all to accept your belief alone.
Does that come with a Jingle?

Your application for martyrdom is rejected. You weren't quite pompous enough. I am prepared however, to make you Queen for a Day.

So true. I was shocked when he called me a bigot. I keep asking them to take emotion out of the conversation. Fuck telling me I'll go to hell, that's not going to work. And trying to silence me/us for questioning or doubting their fairytales by calling me a bigot is basically just telling me to stop picking on the poor christians who basically choose to believe a story that couldn't possibly be true.

Do these people know how much smarter we are than just 2 generations ago? My grandmother with a 3rd grade education may have swallowed these stories but I seriously doubt the people in the future are going to continue believing this nonsense. This is why they want it taught in school. They know they are losing their grip. Well just like the don't want sex ed taught in school because they as parents will handle that, leave religion out of school too. If you want to brainwash your child and make him as ignorant as your great grandpappy was, go for it. But don't force that uneducation on my children. They will grow up just find without it if not better, because they won't discriminate against muslims and gays.

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