Why do the God-haters persist?

""God can exist without being the manifestation of ANY organized religion."" BUT THINK!!! THE ONE TRUE ALMIGHTY GOD THAT LOVES HIS CREATION would want to reveil himself and have fellowship with them and want the very best for them and want to warn them of the cost of evil and GOD HAS. GOD CAUSED GODLY MEN OF OLD TO RECORD HIS INSPIRED(GOD BREATHED) WORDS TO MANKIND.
""God can exist without being the manifestation of ANY organized religion."" BUT THINK!!! THE ONE TRUE ALMIGHTY GOD THAT LOVES HIS CREATION would want to reveil himself and have fellowship with them and want the very best for them and want to warn them of the cost of evil and GOD HAS. GOD CAUSED GODLY MEN OF OLD TO RECORD HIS INSPIRED(GOD BREATHED) WORDS TO MANKIND.

Do you mean "revile", "reveal", or maybe you think god is the boogy-woogy bugle boy blowing "reveille".
"Reveil" is not a word. I've pointed this out to you twice before. Are you unable to learn?
GOD SAYS TO THE JEWISH NATION ISRAEL==I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” GENESIS 12:2-3
Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh?

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief.

...who fully understand the power of God

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.

Your words not mine. Oh, and what about newly converted atheists? This is why I'm here. Just like someone who just found jesus, it's liberating and I want to share this new insight. Got a problem with that?

And I do see the harm in religion. You don't? Wake up.

And I too heard Neal Degrasse Tyson say he hasn't the time nor the energy to argue with religion. That's his polite way to say no matter how dumb people can believe whatever they want.

You think we fully understand the power of god even though we don't even believe god exists? So what you are saying is you believe the stories that a god is sitting, watching and caring what you do? But he didn't come down and start Christianity or the Muslim faith? All that is made up but the part about a god caring about you and sending you to hell is real? I love it how everyone who's religious has their own definition. Some say non christians will go to hell, some christians disagree. Some muslims think only they go to heaven, some disagree. Forget about what the Jews, mormons and jehovas believe.

Know what I believe? I don't believe any of them or you. I can't put my faith in your logic.

Yes this is like therapy. Once you realize man made up god you want to tell everyone. At least you don't think it's Satan making me do it. Or do you? Please clarify. Your opening comment suggests you believe in hell. What's up with that? Very hard to talk intelligently with someone who believes in fairy tales. You pretend not to be a christian but then talk about hell? Don't deny Jesus 3 times stupid!!! Better to be safe. Why don't you convert to all the religions. Devote your whole life to religion. Waste your time.

Now if you do good things with your time like feed the poor and cure the sick then cool, but that doesn't mean god is real. It just means a lie got you to be good. Just like Santa. He knows who's been naughty and who's been nice, fucking retards. :badgrin:
What existed before the universe? Are we the only universe? How do you know all this about god? Are you published?

Nothing could exist physically, there was no time or space for such a thing. Physical existence is something that happens in our universe as a result of time created by the expanding of the universe. Physical reality cannot exist without time.

Theoretical physicists believe we are not the only universe. There could be many. AND... there could be as many as 11 dimensions in our universe alone. Now, what is a "dimension" and what does that mean? Well, let's draw you an analogy so you can try and wrap your retarded brain around this.... Imagine that life and reality as we know it, is a track on a record album. Lift the needle and move it to another place on the spinning album, and you get a completely different song. Eleven dimensions means there are 11 songs on the album... we reside inside one track. (Actually 4... the 3-D spacial awareness and time.) What this essentially means is, there could be alternate realities happening at the same time. While you and I are arguing here on a message board in our reality, there is another reality happening that we're not aware of. If a record player had 11 needles, it could play 11 songs at the same time, but it doesn't.

Perhaps... and this is just my own wild speculation... in another reality happening at this very moment in our same spacetime continuum, on this planet in this universe, the entities in that reality are experiencing euphoria and bliss, while in another separate reality happening also at the same time, the entities are experiencing misery and suffering. Maybe when our physical lives end, our souls either ascend to the 'better' place or descend to the 'awful' place? A reality as we are experiencing here, still happens, we're just not in the same place. Heaven and Hell? Not impossible, according to the theoretical physics which predict multiple dimensions in our own universe.
Maybe our expanding universe might one day come across another expanding universe and both of our universes are moving into NO SPACE/TIME. How do we know what is 1 million trillion light years beyond our expanding universe? Just because no space and time existed in the spot you or Mars are in back then doesn't mean there was no time/space anywhere ever. Like a lava rock things are constantly changing. Where there was no lava a minute ago there is lava now but where there was lava now there was water there a minute ago. What happened? And if there was a god he can exist anywhere and no where. He may be sitting over there where there is no time or space while he is creating our universe.

But what proof do I have of this god? What came first the chicken or the egg? Doesn't god have any brothers or sisters? Boring!
What existed before the universe? Are we the only universe? How do you know all this about god? Are you published?

Nothing could exist physically, there was no time or space for such a thing. Physical existence is something that happens in our universe as a result of time created by the expanding of the universe. Physical reality cannot exist without time.

Theoretical physicists believe we are not the only universe. There could be many. AND... there could be as many as 11 dimensions in our universe alone. Now, what is a "dimension" and what does that mean? Well, let's draw you an analogy so you can try and wrap your retarded brain around this.... Imagine that life and reality as we know it, is a track on a record album. Lift the needle and move it to another place on the spinning album, and you get a completely different song. Eleven dimensions means there are 11 songs on the album... we reside inside one track. (Actually 4... the 3-D spacial awareness and time.) What this essentially means is, there could be alternate realities happening at the same time. While you and I are arguing here on a message board in our reality, there is another reality happening that we're not aware of. If a record player had 11 needles, it could play 11 songs at the same time, but it doesn't.

Perhaps... and this is just my own wild speculation... in another reality happening at this very moment in our same spacetime continuum, on this planet in this universe, the entities in that reality are experiencing euphoria and bliss, while in another separate reality happening also at the same time, the entities are experiencing misery and suffering. Maybe when our physical lives end, our souls either ascend to the 'better' place or descend to the 'awful' place? A reality as we are experiencing here, still happens, we're just not in the same place. Heaven and Hell? Not impossible, according to the theoretical physics which predict multiple dimensions in our own universe.

Do you believe in hell and the devil yes or no?
Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh?

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief.

...who fully understand the power of God

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.

Your words not mine. Oh, and what about newly converted atheists? This is why I'm here. Just like someone who just found jesus, it's liberating and I want to share this new insight. Got a problem with that?

And I do see the harm in religion. You don't? Wake up.

And I too heard Neal Degrasse Tyson say he hasn't the time nor the energy to argue with religion. That's his polite way to say no matter how dumb people can believe whatever they want.

You think we fully understand the power of god even though we don't even believe god exists? So what you are saying is you believe the stories that a god is sitting, watching and caring what you do? But he didn't come down and start Christianity or the Muslim faith? All that is made up but the part about a god caring about you and sending you to hell is real? I love it how everyone who's religious has their own definition. Some say non christians will go to hell, some christians disagree. Some muslims think only they go to heaven, some disagree. Forget about what the Jews, mormons and jehovas believe.

Know what I believe? I don't believe any of them or you. I can't put my faith in your logic.

Yes this is like therapy. Once you realize man made up god you want to tell everyone. At least you don't think it's Satan making me do it. Or do you? Please clarify. Your opening comment suggests you believe in hell. What's up with that? Very hard to talk intelligently with someone who believes in fairy tales. You pretend not to be a christian but then talk about hell? Don't deny Jesus 3 times stupid!!! Better to be safe. Why don't you convert to all the religions. Devote your whole life to religion. Waste your time.

Now if you do good things with your time like feed the poor and cure the sick then cool, but that doesn't mean god is real. It just means a lie got you to be good. Just like Santa. He knows who's been naughty and who's been nice, fucking retards. :badgrin:

I am well aware of my words, there is nothing in there about burning in hell. So we see that your lack of honesty is directly related to your lack of moral foundation. You don't have a problem with lying about other people, as long as it serves your selfish purpose. We can then juxtapose your failure to uphold a moral standard here with any number of other moral standards you will abandon to suit your own self interests. This is the problem with Atheism. You are ultimately accountable to only yourself, and as 'good' as you believe you can be, you are a fucked up and flawed human being, who will rationalize ANY behavior to satisfy your own self indulgence. And why not? You own the candy store!
Do you believe in hell and the devil yes or no?

In the Christian incarnation? No.

What version of hell do you believe in and what is your justification for that belief? Is it the same argument you have for believing in god? Because human's made it up it must be true on some level?

BELIEVE GOD'S WORD or you will believe satan's lies!!! your choice!
Maybe our expanding universe might one day come across another expanding universe and both of our universes are moving into NO SPACE/TIME. How do we know what is 1 million trillion light years beyond our expanding universe? Just because no space and time existed in the spot you or Mars are in back then doesn't mean there was no time/space anywhere ever. Like a lava rock things are constantly changing. Where there was no lava a minute ago there is lava now but where there was lava now there was water there a minute ago. What happened? And if there was a god he can exist anywhere and no where. He may be sitting over there where there is no time or space while he is creating our universe.

But what proof do I have of this god? What came first the chicken or the egg? Doesn't god have any brothers or sisters? Boring!

How do we know what is 1 million trillion light years beyond our expanding universe?

Again, what the hell are you talking about? TIME is the measure of our universe expanding. When you say "light years" you are speaking in terms of time. The expanding universe is what creates perception of time and reality. Your question simply makes no sense. There are no "light years" beyond our expanding universe, time exists within our expanding universe.

I believe the biggest proof for God we have is time. And no, God doesn't have brothers and sisters, God is not a physical entity.
Do you believe in hell and the devil yes or no?

In the Christian incarnation? No.

What version of hell do you believe in and what is your justification for that belief? Is it the same argument you have for believing in god? Because human's made it up it must be true on some level?

I just explained it to you. If you'll stop rapid-fire posting and try reading the responses, you might learn something about what I believe. I can't talk over you.
Just because no space and time existed in the spot you or Mars are in back then doesn't mean there was no time/space anywhere ever.

The spot Mars and I are in did not exist back then. We know for a fact, it has been physically proven, that time and space are created by an expanding universe. Furthermore, Mars and I are not in the same spot as we were just a nanosecond ago. The entire universe, and every atom and molecule in it, is expanding constantly, faster than the speed of light in some places. Every character you type on your keyboard, your body has travelled thousands of miles from where it was. Time = Distance. E=MC2.
Okay, let me straighten you morons out here... I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN! ....Can you all get that through your thick craniums? I stated that Einstein never said he didn't believe in God. So far, no one has offered a statement of any kind from Einstein, saying he did not believe in any God. Statements that he did not believe in a PERSONAL God are NOT statements that he does not believe in ANY God.

Now, I am VERY familiar with ALL the quotes from Einstein on his religious beliefs. I have read them thousands of times. NONE OF THEM state that he is Atheist or does not believe in ANY God. You are deliberately taking what Einstein actually said out of context to pretend Einstein was an Atheist, and he simply never said that.

BoBo: I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN!

he was Jewish, dumbass - funny how that worked. Hitler did not care for the Bomb yet Einstein was instrumental in its "creation", was he working for your God ?


Most science PHD'S today know GOD is very real but to say so in public would cost them more than most are willing to pay!!! SAD!!
What existed before the universe? Are we the only universe? How do you know all this about god? Are you published?

Nothing could exist physically, there was no time or space for such a thing. Physical existence is something that happens in our universe as a result of time created by the expanding of the universe. Physical reality cannot exist without time.

Theoretical physicists believe we are not the only universe. There could be many. AND... there could be as many as 11 dimensions in our universe alone. Now, what is a "dimension" and what does that mean? Well, let's draw you an analogy so you can try and wrap your retarded brain around this.... Imagine that life and reality as we know it, is a track on a record album. Lift the needle and move it to another place on the spinning album, and you get a completely different song. Eleven dimensions means there are 11 songs on the album... we reside inside one track. (Actually 4... the 3-D spacial awareness and time.) What this essentially means is, there could be alternate realities happening at the same time. While you and I are arguing here on a message board in our reality, there is another reality happening that we're not aware of. If a record player had 11 needles, it could play 11 songs at the same time, but it doesn't.

Perhaps... and this is just my own wild speculation... in another reality happening at this very moment in our same spacetime continuum, on this planet in this universe, the entities in that reality are experiencing euphoria and bliss, while in another separate reality happening also at the same time, the entities are experiencing misery and suffering. Maybe when our physical lives end, our souls either ascend to the 'better' place or descend to the 'awful' place? A reality as we are experiencing here, still happens, we're just not in the same place. Heaven and Hell? Not impossible, according to the theoretical physics which predict multiple dimensions in our own universe.

nothing means nothing and since spirituality to exist must have an energy source. Energy is physical

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