Why do the God-haters persist?

Throw the Jew down the well...!
So my country can be free...!
You must grab him by the horns
And we'll have a big party :-D
Grossly misquoting Einstein. First of all, he NEVER stated belief in God was childlike. He said his personal belief was like that of a child. A child is curious, naive, unknowing in their understanding of things. You've taken his words completely out of their context to make your erroneous point. The idea of an "anthropological" God is the idea of a human-like God. I respect that because it's also MY view of God. I can't take seriously the idea of a human-like invisible man sitting on a cloud with a Charleton Heston voice and long white beard. He NEVER said that he did not believe in God.
false! you ignorant fuck ..

Albert Einstein: God, Religion & Theology
Explaining Einstein's understanding of God as the Universe / Reality

Albert Einstein: Theology, Philosophy of Religion Quotations knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, of the manifestations of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute the truly religious attitude; in this sense, and in this alone, I am a deeply religious man. (Albert Einstein)

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954)

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)
thanks for once again proving you total ignorance...

Thanks for the confirmation Einstein wasn't an atheist and what I said was correct.
he never said so but....."I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the kind that we experience in ourselves. Neither can I nor would I want to conceive of an individual that survives his physical death; let feeble souls, from fear or absurd egoism, cherish such thoughts. I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and with the awareness and a glimpse of the marvelous structure of the existing world, together with the devoted striving to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the Reason that manifests itself in nature. (Albert Einstein, The World as I See It)

It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954, The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press)"

odd that if he wasn't, he sure talked like an atheist.....someone is full of shit and it's not me or Einstein.
boss said:
You're absolutely correct, existence can also be spiritual or metaphysical.

".... because I say so".

So then, you can give us a testable example of spiritual or metaphysical existence, no?
Einstein expressed his skepticism regarding an anthropomorphic deity, often describing it as "naïve" and "childlike". He stated, "It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously.

Grossly misquoting Einstein. First of all, he NEVER stated belief in God was childlike. He said his personal belief was like that of a child. A child is curious, naive, unknowing in their understanding of things. You've taken his words completely out of their context to make your erroneous point. The idea of an "anthropological" God is the idea of a human-like God. I respect that because it's also MY view of God. I can't take seriously the idea of a human-like invisible man sitting on a cloud with a Charleton Heston voice and long white beard. He NEVER said that he did not believe in God.
Wrong! This is from Einstein himself
" It was of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this and have expressed it clearly."

-from Albert Einstein, the Human Side, New Glimpses from His Archives, 1979 Page 43.
Chain Reaction: From Einstein to the Atomic Bomb | DiscoverMagazine.com

From Einstein to the Atomic Bomb

In the popular imagination, Albert Einstein is intimately associated with the atom bomb. A few months after the weapon was used against Japan in 1945, Time put him on its cover with an explosion mushrooming behind him that had E = mc2 emblazoned on it.


Newsweek, likewise, did a cover on him, with the headline “The Man Who Started It All.” This was a perception fostered by the U.S. government. It had released an official history of the atom bomb project that assigned great weight to a letter Einstein had written to President Franklin Roosevelt warning of the destructive potential of an atomic chain reaction.

All of this troubled Einstein. “Had I known that the Germans would not succeed in producing an atomic bomb,” he told Newsweek, “I never would have lifted a finger.” He pointed out, correctly, that he had never actually worked on the bomb project. And he claimed to a Japanese publication, “My participation in the production of the atom bomb consisted in a single act: I signed a letter to President Roosevelt.”

Neither the public image nor the personal protests capture the true, complex story of Einstein and the bomb. Contrary to common belief, Einstein knew little about the nuclear particle physics underlying the bomb. On the other hand, as the archives show, Einstein did not merely sign the letter to Roosevelt. He was deeply involved in writing it, revising it, and deciding how to get it to the president.

On the other hand, as the archives show, Einstein did not merely sign the letter to Roosevelt. He was deeply involved in writing it, revising it, and deciding how to get it to the president.

in the midst of a World War, the (that) scientist introduces an Atomic Bomb - philosophy enough for such a person, obviously scriptural by nature. :eusa_hand:

Einstein expressed his skepticism regarding an anthropomorphic deity, often describing it as "naïve" and "childlike". He stated, "It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously.

Grossly misquoting Einstein. First of all, he NEVER stated belief in God was childlike. He said his personal belief was like that of a child. A child is curious, naive, unknowing in their understanding of things. You've taken his words completely out of their context to make your erroneous point. The idea of an "anthropological" God is the idea of a human-like God. I respect that because it's also MY view of God. I can't take seriously the idea of a human-like invisible man sitting on a cloud with a Charleton Heston voice and long white beard. He NEVER said that he did not believe in God.
Wrong! This is from Einstein himself
" It was of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this and have expressed it clearly."

-from Albert Einstein, the Human Side, New Glimpses from His Archives, 1979 Page 43.

Okay, let me straighten you morons out here... I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN! ....Can you all get that through your thick craniums? I stated that Einstein never said he didn't believe in God. So far, no one has offered a statement of any kind from Einstein, saying he did not believe in any God. Statements that he did not believe in a PERSONAL God are NOT statements that he does not believe in ANY God.

Now, I am VERY familiar with ALL the quotes from Einstein on his religious beliefs. I have read them thousands of times. NONE OF THEM state that he is Atheist or does not believe in ANY God. You are deliberately taking what Einstein actually said out of context to pretend Einstein was an Atheist, and he simply never said that.
Grossly misquoting Einstein. First of all, he NEVER stated belief in God was childlike. He said his personal belief was like that of a child. A child is curious, naive, unknowing in their understanding of things. You've taken his words completely out of their context to make your erroneous point. The idea of an "anthropological" God is the idea of a human-like God. I respect that because it's also MY view of God. I can't take seriously the idea of a human-like invisible man sitting on a cloud with a Charleton Heston voice and long white beard. He NEVER said that he did not believe in God.
Wrong! This is from Einstein himself
" It was of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this and have expressed it clearly."

-from Albert Einstein, the Human Side, New Glimpses from His Archives, 1979 Page 43.

Okay, let me straighten you morons out here... I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN! ....Can you all get that through your thick craniums? I stated that Einstein never said he didn't believe in God. So far, no one has offered a statement of any kind from Einstein, saying he did not believe in any God. Statements that he did not believe in a PERSONAL God are NOT statements that he does not believe in ANY God.

Now, I am VERY familiar with ALL the quotes from Einstein on his religious beliefs. I have read them thousands of times. NONE OF THEM state that he is Atheist or does not believe in ANY God. You are deliberately taking what Einstein actually said out of context to pretend Einstein was an Atheist, and he simply never said that.

BoBo: I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN!

he was Jewish, dumbass - funny how that worked. Hitler did not care for the Bomb yet Einstein was instrumental in its "creation", was he working for your God ?

Wrong! This is from Einstein himself
" It was of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal god and I have never denied this and have expressed it clearly."

-from Albert Einstein, the Human Side, New Glimpses from His Archives, 1979 Page 43.

Okay, let me straighten you morons out here... I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN! ....Can you all get that through your thick craniums? I stated that Einstein never said he didn't believe in God. So far, no one has offered a statement of any kind from Einstein, saying he did not believe in any God. Statements that he did not believe in a PERSONAL God are NOT statements that he does not believe in ANY God.

Now, I am VERY familiar with ALL the quotes from Einstein on his religious beliefs. I have read them thousands of times. NONE OF THEM state that he is Atheist or does not believe in ANY God. You are deliberately taking what Einstein actually said out of context to pretend Einstein was an Atheist, and he simply never said that.

BoBo: I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN!

he was Jewish, dumbass - funny how that worked. Hitler did not care for the Bomb yet Einstein was instrumental in its "creation", was he working for your God ?


Most science PHD'S today know GOD is very real but to say so in public would cost them more than most are willing to pay!!! SAD!!
Okay, let me straighten you morons out here... I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN! ....Can you all get that through your thick craniums? I stated that Einstein never said he didn't believe in God. So far, no one has offered a statement of any kind from Einstein, saying he did not believe in any God. Statements that he did not believe in a PERSONAL God are NOT statements that he does not believe in ANY God.

Now, I am VERY familiar with ALL the quotes from Einstein on his religious beliefs. I have read them thousands of times. NONE OF THEM state that he is Atheist or does not believe in ANY God. You are deliberately taking what Einstein actually said out of context to pretend Einstein was an Atheist, and he simply never said that.

BoBo: I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN!

he was Jewish, dumbass - funny how that worked. Hitler did not care for the Bomb yet Einstein was instrumental in its "creation", was he working for your God ?


Most science PHD'S today know GOD is very real but to say so in public would cost them more than most are willing to pay!!! SAD!!

Somehow, I don't see most PhD's seeking you out as their spokesman.
BoBo: I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN!

he was Jewish, dumbass - funny how that worked. Hitler did not care for the Bomb yet Einstein was instrumental in its "creation", was he working for your God ?


Most science PHD'S today know GOD is very real but to say so in public would cost them more than most are willing to pay!!! SAD!!

Somehow, I don't see most PhD's seeking you out as their spokesman.

Satan is a defeated enemy. He's headed for hell, a place created specifically for him and his cohorts. It is Satan's destiny to bow down before Jesus Christ, and to confess that Jesus is Lord.===JESUS=KING OF KINGS,LORD OF LORDS WILL VERY SOON DESTROY ALL EVIL!!!In the Old Testament, when the people had turned fully from God, they came to the point of sacrificing their own children to their new demon gods. (Jeremiah 7:30-31) It's hard to imagine such a thing happening in America. But in those same forty-odd years since my book came out, Americans have sacrificed more than 54 million children on the altar of promiscuity and convenience. =ABORTION.
all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time.

Do you know what this tell us stupid?

That you are likely to fail any high school science class when you get there? That you are a totally incompetent and silly boob who should avoid topics on science? That you must believe in magical fairies who created things that matter for evolution and life? :dunno:

Matter doesn't create matter. Every element for evolution and life has always been in the universe.

That god didn't cause the big bang to invent people. Because billions of years went by after the big bang and no human's. If we took the start of the universe to today and put it all on a 1 year calendar human's would only be on the calendar for 1 day of that entire year. December 31st. Where were we the rest of the year? What the fuck was god doing all that time? Didn't he have anything better to do? Are you insane? :eusa_pray:...Hell, human's may only account for the last hour on December 31st. We probably don't even account for a whole day. What took god so long? Were we the first toy he ever invented? What did he do for the infinite amount of time that took place before the big bang? If you believe in god you probably aren't smart enough to grasp this so....

You seem to be hung up on time, and time is something that simply makes no difference to God. Millions of years or billions of years, is just our measurement of the effects caused by an expanding universe. Every second of reality you experience is caused by the expanding of the universe, creating a spacetime continuum in which physical reality exists. The entire lifespan of our universe, as well as a million more like it, have no bearing on God in terms of time. While billions of years have passed for us, no time has passed for God.

What did he do for the infinite amount of time that took place before the big bang?

First of all, time is not infinite. It is very much finite. We believe the universe began billions of years ago and will eventually end, and so will time. Before the Big Bang there was no time. The perception of time is created by the expanding universe. So there is no "infinite amount of time before the Big Bang" since time did not yet exist.

What took god so long?

Again, your mind is having a problem grasping what time is. You have some kind of concept that time exited before the universe, and God somehow is confined to a human's perception of time. Go read some books on time and what it is. You'll find it is a dimension which exists in our universe, and simply put, is a measurement of the expansion of said universe. God is outside of the universe even though God is a part of the universe. Time was created by God with the creation of an expanding universe. The only significance time has is in respect to the material physical reality we experience.

What existed before the universe? Are we the only universe? How do you know all this about god? Are you published?

And originally you said if we don't believe in God we'd burn in hell. Is that still your belief? What proof of that do you have? The fact that god is a dick and sends people to hell. Because we made that up it must be true? Satin is real? The Devil is real Boss? You seem to be on the fence about this but you claim not to be a Christian? So are Christians right that you'll go to hell for doubting the jesus story or do you believe you just have to believe in generic god and you're safe? Well what makes you think that? Because people made up the jesus story, it has to be true, right? But that means so is the Mormon, Jehova, Jew and Muslim stories. They must be true. At least the main premise is true that a god exists. So what else is all bullshit, the rest of it? No, because you believe in hell. Maybe you aren't doing enough to go to heaven. Maybe you need to be a mormon or Jehova or born again.
Satan is a defeated enemy. He's headed for hell, a place created specifically for him and his cohorts. It is Satan's destiny to bow down before Jesus Christ, and to confess that Jesus is Lord.===JESUS=KING OF KINGS,LORD OF LORDS WILL VERY SOON DESTROY ALL EVIL!!!In the Old Testament, when the people had turned fully from God, they came to the point of sacrificing their own children to their new demon gods. (Jeremiah 7:30-31) It's hard to imagine such a thing happening in America. But in those same forty-odd years since my book came out, Americans have sacrificed more than 54 million children on the altar of promiscuity and convenience. =ABORTION.

I blow a wad of kids away every night on my girlfriends back and in her hair.

Maybe if the inventors of your religion didn't have it end with a human sacrifice we all wouldn't be such monsters. Forget the ending. Throw it out. Just say God fucked Mary and she had Jesus and he grew up to teach people to be good.

And if god is so powerful and good, why did he tempt/fuck with Adam and Eve and then flood the planet instead of just making everyone good and then later send himself the all mighty all powerful god in the form of jesus to suffer on the cross? Why didn't he instead reveal himself as god and tell them to stop and write this down and tell them all in person what rules he wants us to follow. Instead he told Mosus when Mosus was alone on a mountain doing payote. Instead he only talked to Noah. Instead he only talked to Jesus' 11 deciples. Why did he only talk to Joseph Smith?

Why doesn't he come talk to a whole fucking city of people now that we have video tapes and cameras? Dumb fucking people!!!
all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time.

Do you know what this tell us stupid?

That you are likely to fail any high school science class when you get there? That you are a totally incompetent and silly boob who should avoid topics on science? That you must believe in magical fairies who created things that matter for evolution and life? :dunno:

Matter doesn't create matter. Every element for evolution and life has always been in the universe.

That god didn't cause the big bang to invent people. Because billions of years went by after the big bang and no human's. If we took the start of the universe to today and put it all on a 1 year calendar human's would only be on the calendar for 1 day of that entire year. December 31st. Where were we the rest of the year? What the fuck was god doing all that time? Didn't he have anything better to do? Are you insane? :eusa_pray:...Hell, human's may only account for the last hour on December 31st. We probably don't even account for a whole day. What took god so long? Were we the first toy he ever invented? What did he do for the infinite amount of time that took place before the big bang? If you believe in god you probably aren't smart enough to grasp this so....

You seem to be hung up on time, and time is something that simply makes no difference to God. Millions of years or billions of years, is just our measurement of the effects caused by an expanding universe. Every second of reality you experience is caused by the expanding of the universe, creating a spacetime continuum in which physical reality exists. The entire lifespan of our universe, as well as a million more like it, have no bearing on God in terms of time. While billions of years have passed for us, no time has passed for God.

What did he do for the infinite amount of time that took place before the big bang?

First of all, time is not infinite. It is very much finite. We believe the universe began billions of years ago and will eventually end, and so will time. Before the Big Bang there was no time. The perception of time is created by the expanding universe. So there is no "infinite amount of time before the Big Bang" since time did not yet exist.

What took god so long?

Again, your mind is having a problem grasping what time is. You have some kind of concept that time exited before the universe, and God somehow is confined to a human's perception of time. Go read some books on time and what it is. You'll find it is a dimension which exists in our universe, and simply put, is a measurement of the expansion of said universe. God is outside of the universe even though God is a part of the universe. Time was created by God with the creation of an expanding universe. The only significance time has is in respect to the material physical reality we experience.

What existed before the universe? Are we the only universe? How do you know all this about god? Are you published?

And originally you said if we don't believe in God we'd burn in hell. Is that still your belief? What proof of that do you have? The fact that god is a dick and sends people to hell. Because we made that up it must be true? Satin is real? The Devil is real Boss? You seem to be on the fence about this but you claim not to be a Christian? So are Christians right that you'll go to hell for doubting the jesus story or do you believe you just have to believe in generic god and you're safe? Well what makes you think that? Because people made up the jesus story, it has to be true, right? But that means so is the Mormon, Jehova, Jew and Muslim stories. They must be true. At least the main premise is true that a god exists. So what else is all bullshit, the rest of it? No, because you believe in hell. Maybe you aren't doing enough to go to heaven. Maybe you need to be a mormon or Jehova or born again.

Okay, let me straighten you morons out here... I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN! ....Can you all get that through your thick craniums? I stated that Einstein never said he didn't believe in God. So far, no one has offered a statement of any kind from Einstein, saying he did not believe in any God. Statements that he did not believe in a PERSONAL God are NOT statements that he does not believe in ANY God.

Now, I am VERY familiar with ALL the quotes from Einstein on his religious beliefs. I have read them thousands of times. NONE OF THEM state that he is Atheist or does not believe in ANY God. You are deliberately taking what Einstein actually said out of context to pretend Einstein was an Atheist, and he simply never said that.

BoBo: I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN!

he was Jewish, dumbass - funny how that worked. Hitler did not care for the Bomb yet Einstein was instrumental in its "creation", was he working for your God ?


Most science PHD'S today know GOD is very real but to say so in public would cost them more than most are willing to pay!!! SAD!!

Show me anything that explains how belief in god costs PHD's.
BoBo: I never claimed that Einstein was a CHRISTIAN!

he was Jewish, dumbass - funny how that worked. Hitler did not care for the Bomb yet Einstein was instrumental in its "creation", was he working for your God ?


Most science PHD'S today know GOD is very real but to say so in public would cost them more than most are willing to pay!!! SAD!!

Show me anything that explains how belief in god costs PHD's.

all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time.

Do you know what this tell us stupid?

That you are likely to fail any high school science class when you get there? That you are a totally incompetent and silly boob who should avoid topics on science? That you must believe in magical fairies who created things that matter for evolution and life? :dunno:

Matter doesn't create matter. Every element for evolution and life has always been in the universe.

That god didn't cause the big bang to invent people. Because billions of years went by after the big bang and no human's. If we took the start of the universe to today and put it all on a 1 year calendar human's would only be on the calendar for 1 day of that entire year. December 31st. Where were we the rest of the year? What the fuck was god doing all that time? Didn't he have anything better to do? Are you insane? :eusa_pray:...Hell, human's may only account for the last hour on December 31st. We probably don't even account for a whole day. What took god so long? Were we the first toy he ever invented? What did he do for the infinite amount of time that took place before the big bang? If you believe in god you probably aren't smart enough to grasp this so....

You seem to be hung up on time, and time is something that simply makes no difference to God. Millions of years or billions of years, is just our measurement of the effects caused by an expanding universe. Every second of reality you experience is caused by the expanding of the universe, creating a spacetime continuum in which physical reality exists. The entire lifespan of our universe, as well as a million more like it, have no bearing on God in terms of time. While billions of years have passed for us, no time has passed for God.

What did he do for the infinite amount of time that took place before the big bang?

First of all, time is not infinite. It is very much finite. We believe the universe began billions of years ago and will eventually end, and so will time. Before the Big Bang there was no time. The perception of time is created by the expanding universe. So there is no "infinite amount of time before the Big Bang" since time did not yet exist.

What took god so long?

Again, your mind is having a problem grasping what time is. You have some kind of concept that time exited before the universe, and God somehow is confined to a human's perception of time. Go read some books on time and what it is. You'll find it is a dimension which exists in our universe, and simply put, is a measurement of the expansion of said universe. God is outside of the universe even though God is a part of the universe. Time was created by God with the creation of an expanding universe. The only significance time has is in respect to the material physical reality we experience.

What existed before the universe? Are we the only universe? How do you know all this about god? Are you published?

And originally you said if we don't believe in God we'd burn in hell. Is that still your belief? What proof of that do you have? The fact that god is a dick and sends people to hell. Because we made that up it must be true? Satin is real? The Devil is real Boss? You seem to be on the fence about this but you claim not to be a Christian? So are Christians right that you'll go to hell for doubting the jesus story or do you believe you just have to believe in generic god and you're safe? Well what makes you think that? Because people made up the jesus story, it has to be true, right? But that means so is the Mormon, Jehova, Jew and Muslim stories. They must be true. At least the main premise is true that a god exists. So what else is all bullshit, the rest of it? No, because you believe in hell. Maybe you aren't doing enough to go to heaven. Maybe you need to be a mormon or Jehova or born again.

I have NEVER said that anyone was going to "burn in hell" and I would appreciate it if you'd STOP the goddamn lying about what I've said. It's getting old. You continue to try and twist this into a RELIGIOUS debate, even though I have REPEATEDLY stated that I am non-religious. Why are you doing that? Do you really believe I am not going to call you out on this?

God existing, does not mean that heaven or hell also must exist, or that God has to conform to Christian belief, or Mormon belief, or Muslim belief. What part of that are you having trouble comprehending? God can exist without being the manifestation of ANY organized religion. Certainly God can exist without being the manifestation from your fucked up head.
That you are likely to fail any high school science class when you get there? That you are a totally incompetent and silly boob who should avoid topics on science? That you must believe in magical fairies who created things that matter for evolution and life? :dunno:

Matter doesn't create matter. Every element for evolution and life has always been in the universe.

You seem to be hung up on time, and time is something that simply makes no difference to God. Millions of years or billions of years, is just our measurement of the effects caused by an expanding universe. Every second of reality you experience is caused by the expanding of the universe, creating a spacetime continuum in which physical reality exists. The entire lifespan of our universe, as well as a million more like it, have no bearing on God in terms of time. While billions of years have passed for us, no time has passed for God.

What did he do for the infinite amount of time that took place before the big bang?

First of all, time is not infinite. It is very much finite. We believe the universe began billions of years ago and will eventually end, and so will time. Before the Big Bang there was no time. The perception of time is created by the expanding universe. So there is no "infinite amount of time before the Big Bang" since time did not yet exist.

What took god so long?

Again, your mind is having a problem grasping what time is. You have some kind of concept that time exited before the universe, and God somehow is confined to a human's perception of time. Go read some books on time and what it is. You'll find it is a dimension which exists in our universe, and simply put, is a measurement of the expansion of said universe. God is outside of the universe even though God is a part of the universe. Time was created by God with the creation of an expanding universe. The only significance time has is in respect to the material physical reality we experience.

What existed before the universe? Are we the only universe? How do you know all this about god? Are you published?

And originally you said if we don't believe in God we'd burn in hell. Is that still your belief? What proof of that do you have? The fact that god is a dick and sends people to hell. Because we made that up it must be true? Satin is real? The Devil is real Boss? You seem to be on the fence about this but you claim not to be a Christian? So are Christians right that you'll go to hell for doubting the jesus story or do you believe you just have to believe in generic god and you're safe? Well what makes you think that? Because people made up the jesus story, it has to be true, right? But that means so is the Mormon, Jehova, Jew and Muslim stories. They must be true. At least the main premise is true that a god exists. So what else is all bullshit, the rest of it? No, because you believe in hell. Maybe you aren't doing enough to go to heaven. Maybe you need to be a mormon or Jehova or born again.


I would never reject love. I am grateful for my life and the people that love me. If that is god doing that, thanks god. I thought it was the people in my life and the choices I made that gave me what I consider heaven on earth.

I don't feel guilty like you guys about anything. I notice most over the top religious people are/were usually the biggest sinners and they feel guilty and they assume everyone else must feel the same way well they are wrong.

Do you know what? None of the people I respect in life ever tried to talk to me about god? The ones that did never turned out to be good, fun, smart, worthwhile people. How can they be when they are focused on fairy tales, right? Any of the hard core born agans or hard core catholics in my life that tried to tell me they knew that they were going to heaven but for some reason were not happy here and now. They certainly can't be too smart if they believe a story that was made up 2000 years ago by 11 guys in robes and long hair.

So anyways,

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