Why do the God-haters persist?

Just because no space and time existed in the spot you or Mars are in back then doesn't mean there was no time/space anywhere ever.

The spot Mars and I are in did not exist back then. We know for a fact, it has been physically proven, that time and space are created by an expanding universe. Furthermore, Mars and I are not in the same spot as we were just a nanosecond ago. The entire universe, and every atom and molecule in it, is expanding constantly, faster than the speed of light in some places. Every character you type on your keyboard, your body has travelled thousands of miles from where it was. Time = Distance. E=MC2.
false use of e=mc2.

E represents units of energy, m represents units of mass, and c2 is the speed of light squared, or multiplied by itself. (See relativity.)

•Because the speed of light is a very large number and is multiplied by itself, this equation points out how a small amount of matter can release a huge amount of energy, as in a nuclear reaction.

Read more: E = mc2: Definition from Answers.com

bossy again proves his mathematical ignorance .
that formula is a calculation for estimating energy conversion from mass.
it has nothing at all to do with calculation distance in space or anywhere else..
bossy again proves his mathematical ignorance .
that formula is a calculation for estimating energy conversion from mass.
it has nothing at all to do with calculation distance in space or anywhere else..

So the speed of light is not a calculation distance in space? That's peculiar, dawsy.

Time is a dimensional perception created as the universe expands. We humans have several ways of measuring time, all are dependent on distance. Could be the distance Earth travels in a 24 hr. period we define as a day. Could be the distance light travels in a year. But basically, time=distance. Prior to the Big Bang, or whatever event began the universe expanding, there was no time. Without time, there can be no physical reality because there is no place for physical reality to exist. Nothing you perceive as physical means anything without time space for it to exist in. Time created by the ever-expanding universe.
nothing means nothing and since spirituality to exist must have an energy source. Energy is physical

Physical energy IS physical.
bullshit! energy is energy there is NO DISTICTION BETWEEN physical AND SO CALLED SPRITUAL energy.

your answer does not excuse your ignorance of physics....

Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?
Physical energy IS physical.
bullshit! energy is energy there is NO DISTICTION BETWEEN physical AND SO CALLED SPRITUAL energy.

your answer does not excuse your ignorance of physics....

Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?

Typical boss ".... because I say so", argument.

There's no requirement for anyone to disprove something you have never made an affirmative argument for.

How does anyone disprove your silly "spiritual energy" claim when there is no evidence for it and and you offer no argument in support of it other than ".... because I say so".
bullshit! energy is energy there is NO DISTICTION BETWEEN physical AND SO CALLED SPRITUAL energy.

your answer does not excuse your ignorance of physics....

Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?

Typical boss ".... because I say so", argument.

There's no requirement for anyone to disprove something you have never made an affirmative argument for.

How does anyone disprove your silly "spiritual energy" claim when there is no evidence for it and and you offer no argument in support of it other than ".... because I say so".

Well, unless you can believe that something sprang from nothing, then spiritual energy must have created physical nature. So you believe "magic" happened? :dunno:
Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?

Typical boss ".... because I say so", argument.

There's no requirement for anyone to disprove something you have never made an affirmative argument for.

How does anyone disprove your silly "spiritual energy" claim when there is no evidence for it and and you offer no argument in support of it other than ".... because I say so".

Well, unless you can believe that something sprang from nothing, then spiritual energy must have created physical nature. So you believe "magic" happened? :dunno:

Existence as we know it didn't spring from "nothing". This has been explained to you repeatedly so it's concerning that you continually need this to be reinforced.

As you believe the gods created existence, you need to make a case for how your gods magically came into existence - from nothing. Or, can you explain the hierarchy of subordinate gods magically created by super-supernatural gods, magically created by super-super-supernatural gods, and so on.
bossy again proves his mathematical ignorance .
that formula is a calculation for estimating energy conversion from mass.
it has nothing at all to do with calculation distance in space or anywhere else..

So the speed of light is not a calculation distance in space? That's peculiar, dawsy.

Time is a dimensional perception created as the universe expands. We humans have several ways of measuring time, all are dependent on distance. Could be the distance Earth travels in a 24 hr. period we define as a day. Could be the distance light travels in a year. But basically, time=distance. Prior to the Big Bang, or whatever event began the universe expanding, there was no time. Without time, there can be no physical reality because there is no place for physical reality to exist. Nothing you perceive as physical means anything without time space for it to exist in. Time created by the ever-expanding universe.
yes it is but e=mc2 is not used for that purpose,
this is :

The Speed of Light in Minutes
find out the speed of light in one year, you first need to convert the speed of light per second to the speed of light per hour. If the speed of light is 186,282 miles per second, and there are 60 seconds in a minute, you will multiply 186,282 by 60 to get the speed of light per minute.

186,282 X 60 = 11,176,920

The speed of light per minute is 11,176,920. That is, light travels at a speed of 11,176,920 miles every minute.
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Physical energy IS physical.
bullshit! energy is energy there is NO DISTICTION BETWEEN physical AND SO CALLED SPRITUAL energy.

your answer does not excuse your ignorance of physics....

Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?
sorry bossy it's you who has to prove there is a difference.
physics say there is none.
so wow us with your math acumen and re write those laws .
Maybe our expanding universe might one day come across another expanding universe and both of our universes are moving into NO SPACE/TIME. How do we know what is 1 million trillion light years beyond our expanding universe? Just because no space and time existed in the spot you or Mars are in back then doesn't mean there was no time/space anywhere ever. Like a lava rock things are constantly changing. Where there was no lava a minute ago there is lava now but where there was lava now there was water there a minute ago. What happened? And if there was a god he can exist anywhere and no where. He may be sitting over there where there is no time or space while he is creating our universe.

But what proof do I have of this god? What came first the chicken or the egg? Doesn't god have any brothers or sisters? Boring!

How do we know what is 1 million trillion light years beyond our expanding universe?

Again, what the hell are you talking about? TIME is the measure of our universe expanding. When you say "light years" you are speaking in terms of time. The expanding universe is what creates perception of time and reality. Your question simply makes no sense. There are no "light years" beyond our expanding universe, time exists within our expanding universe.

I believe the biggest proof for God we have is time. And no, God doesn't have brothers and sisters, God is not a physical entity.

God can move through time and space even when none exists, remember? He's not physical so he can like, do whatever man. Have another hit from the bong but stop drinking the bong water.
What existed before the universe? Are we the only universe? How do you know all this about god? Are you published?

Nothing could exist physically, there was no time or space for such a thing. Physical existence is something that happens in our universe as a result of time created by the expanding of the universe. Physical reality cannot exist without time.

Theoretical physicists believe we are not the only universe. There could be many. AND... there could be as many as 11 dimensions in our universe alone. Now, what is a "dimension" and what does that mean? Well, let's draw you an analogy so you can try and wrap your retarded brain around this.... Imagine that life and reality as we know it, is a track on a record album. Lift the needle and move it to another place on the spinning album, and you get a completely different song. Eleven dimensions means there are 11 songs on the album... we reside inside one track. (Actually 4... the 3-D spacial awareness and time.) What this essentially means is, there could be alternate realities happening at the same time. While you and I are arguing here on a message board in our reality, there is another reality happening that we're not aware of. If a record player had 11 needles, it could play 11 songs at the same time, but it doesn't.

Perhaps... and this is just my own wild speculation... in another reality happening at this very moment in our same spacetime continuum, on this planet in this universe, the entities in that reality are experiencing euphoria and bliss, while in another separate reality happening also at the same time, the entities are experiencing misery and suffering. Maybe when our physical lives end, our souls either ascend to the 'better' place or descend to the 'awful' place? A reality as we are experiencing here, still happens, we're just not in the same place. Heaven and Hell? Not impossible, according to the theoretical physics which predict multiple dimensions in our own universe.

nothing means nothing and since spirituality to exist must have an energy source. Energy is physical

Maybe that empty space that didn't exist before the big bang, maybe that's what hell is. Because before the big bang, you said it yourself, there was nothing. And for spirituality to exist there has to be an energy source you said. So before the big bang, there was no god either. And don't you mean for spirituality to exist you need a human? Because without human's there is no spirituality. The sun was here billions of years ago before any animals were on earth and there was no spirituality. And when we were apes there was no spirituality. After humans are gone, the earth and all the other animals will go on but spirituality will die with humans. So I guess you are right. Since human's need the sun's energy I guess your comment is a NO SHIT comment that spirituality needs energy.

Oh you said there must be a source to our spirituality? For years it was the sun. Then it was greek gods. And yes we need the energy in our brains to come up with such clever notions. :cuckoo:
bullshit! energy is energy there is NO DISTICTION BETWEEN physical AND SO CALLED SPRITUAL energy.

your answer does not excuse your ignorance of physics....

Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?

Typical boss ".... because I say so", argument.

There's no requirement for anyone to disprove something you have never made an affirmative argument for.

How does anyone disprove your silly "spiritual energy" claim when there is no evidence for it and and you offer no argument in support of it other than ".... because I say so".

Spiritual energy is no less real than any other energy, like electricity for example, but is vastly more important. Spiritual energy is prana (also known as “universal life force” or “qi”) carried by pure love.

Holy Fuck I think Boss is a member of this cult

The Aetherius Society is an international spiritual organization dedicated to spreading, and acting upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences.

I googled spiritual energy and this is what came up. Who knows what he believes.

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Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?

Typical boss ".... because I say so", argument.

There's no requirement for anyone to disprove something you have never made an affirmative argument for.

How does anyone disprove your silly "spiritual energy" claim when there is no evidence for it and and you offer no argument in support of it other than ".... because I say so".

Well, unless you can believe that something sprang from nothing, then spiritual energy must have created physical nature. So you believe "magic" happened? :dunno:

Why didn't you tell us you were a Aetherius? Are you embarrassed about it? And if you are not you should join because they are all about spiritual energy, you fucking jack ass. :lol:

The Aetherius Society is a millenarian, New Age, UFO religion. It was founded by George King in the mid-1950s [6][7][8] as the result of what King claimed were contacts with ‘extraterrestrial intelligences’, whom he referred to as “Cosmic Masters”. Regarded as firmly based in Theosophy,the Aetherius Society combines UFO claims, yoga, and ideas from various world religions, notably Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity.
nothing means nothing and since spirituality to exist must have an energy source. Energy is physical

Physical energy IS physical.

“’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even. :lol:
bullshit! energy is energy there is NO DISTICTION BETWEEN physical AND SO CALLED SPRITUAL energy.

your answer does not excuse your ignorance of physics....

Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?
sorry bossy it's you who has to prove there is a difference.
physics say there is none.
so wow us with your math acumen and re write those laws .

Physics says no such thing. If so, give us the formula which disproves spiritual energy.
Typical boss ".... because I say so", argument.

There's no requirement for anyone to disprove something you have never made an affirmative argument for.

How does anyone disprove your silly "spiritual energy" claim when there is no evidence for it and and you offer no argument in support of it other than ".... because I say so".

Well, unless you can believe that something sprang from nothing, then spiritual energy must have created physical nature. So you believe "magic" happened? :dunno:

Existence as we know it didn't spring from "nothing". This has been explained to you repeatedly so it's concerning that you continually need this to be reinforced.

As you believe the gods created existence, you need to make a case for how your gods magically came into existence - from nothing. Or, can you explain the hierarchy of subordinate gods magically created by super-supernatural gods, magically created by super-super-supernatural gods, and so on.

Well, if existence didn't spring from nothing, and physical nature didn't yet exist, there is only one other possibility.

I do not need to make a case for physical existence of God. If I did so, it would completely contradict the fact that God is spiritual. If God were physical, I would need to explain what created it.
Typical boss ".... because I say so", argument.

There's no requirement for anyone to disprove something you have never made an affirmative argument for.

How does anyone disprove your silly "spiritual energy" claim when there is no evidence for it and and you offer no argument in support of it other than ".... because I say so".

Well, unless you can believe that something sprang from nothing, then spiritual energy must have created physical nature. So you believe "magic" happened? :dunno:

Why didn't you tell us you were a Aetherius? Are you embarrassed about it? And if you are not you should join because they are all about spiritual energy, you fucking jack ass. :lol:

The Aetherius Society is a millenarian, New Age, UFO religion. It was founded by George King in the mid-1950s [6][7][8] as the result of what King claimed were contacts with ‘extraterrestrial intelligences’, whom he referred to as “Cosmic Masters”. Regarded as firmly based in Theosophy,the Aetherius Society combines UFO claims, yoga, and ideas from various world religions, notably Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity.

I have no idea what that is. If you want to call me names, we can end our conversation now. I have no interest in letting you get your rocks off hurling insults at me today.
bossy again proves his mathematical ignorance .
that formula is a calculation for estimating energy conversion from mass.
it has nothing at all to do with calculation distance in space or anywhere else..

So the speed of light is not a calculation distance in space? That's peculiar, dawsy.

Time is a dimensional perception created as the universe expands. We humans have several ways of measuring time, all are dependent on distance. Could be the distance Earth travels in a 24 hr. period we define as a day. Could be the distance light travels in a year. But basically, time=distance. Prior to the Big Bang, or whatever event began the universe expanding, there was no time. Without time, there can be no physical reality because there is no place for physical reality to exist. Nothing you perceive as physical means anything without time space for it to exist in. Time created by the ever-expanding universe.
yes it is but e=mc2 is not used for that purpose,
this is :

The Speed of Light in Minutes
find out the speed of light in one year, you first need to convert the speed of light per second to the speed of light per hour. If the speed of light is 186,282 miles per second, and there are 60 seconds in a minute, you will multiply 186,282 by 60 to get the speed of light per minute.

186,282 X 60 = 11,176,920

The speed of light per minute is 11,176,920. That is, light travels at a speed of 11,176,920 miles every minute.

e=mc2 is used for all kinds of purposes. There is a book by Stephen Hawking you should read. A Breif History of Time

You are obviously somewhere out in left field with your understanding of time, and perhaps Dr. Hawking can get you straightened out? Einstein's Relativity has a great deal to do with time, as well as space, mass and energy. Before Einstein, we believed Time was a static constant. We called it Newtonian Time. What Einstein discovered is Time slows down when you approach the speed of light. So Time is not a static constant. Time is relative to an expanding universe. Time=Distance.
Maybe that empty space that didn't exist before the big bang, maybe that's what hell is. Because before the big bang, you said it yourself, there was nothing. And for spirituality to exist there has to be an energy source you said.

Please start using the 'QUOTE' feature to show where I said things. You have repeatedly attempted to LIE YOUR ASS OFF about things I supposedly said. I'm fed up with this. I have NEVER said that for spirituality to exist there had to be an energy source. Spiritual nature and spiritual energy are NOT physical. They do not require physical creation or physical energy to exist.

So before the big bang, there was no god either.

God created the Big Bang.

And don't you mean for spirituality to exist you need a human? Because without human's there is no spirituality. The sun was here billions of years ago before any animals were on earth and there was no spirituality. And when we were apes there was no spirituality. After humans are gone, the earth and all the other animals will go on but spirituality will die with humans.

Well, spirituality is the human connection to spiritual nature. We can use your formula here, but guess what happens to science, physics, time, and every fucking thing else? Without humans to acknowledge it and realize it, what purpose does it serve?

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