Why do the God-haters persist?

Well, unless you can believe that something sprang from nothing, then spiritual energy must have created physical nature. So you believe "magic" happened? :dunno:

Existence as we know it didn't spring from "nothing". This has been explained to you repeatedly so it's concerning that you continually need this to be reinforced.

As you believe the gods created existence, you need to make a case for how your gods magically came into existence - from nothing. Or, can you explain the hierarchy of subordinate gods magically created by super-supernatural gods, magically created by super-super-supernatural gods, and so on.

Well, if existence didn't spring from nothing, and physical nature didn't yet exist, there is only one other possibility.

I do not need to make a case for physical existence of God. If I did so, it would completely contradict the fact that God is spiritual. If God were physical, I would need to explain what created it.

That's convenient. Make your argument utterly pointless and then claim you don't need to explain your pointless claims.

Nicely done.
Maybe that empty space that didn't exist before the big bang, maybe that's what hell is. Because before the big bang, you said it yourself, there was nothing. And for spirituality to exist there has to be an energy source you said.

Please start using the 'QUOTE' feature to show where I said things. You have repeatedly attempted to LIE YOUR ASS OFF about things I supposedly said. I'm fed up with this. I have NEVER said that for spirituality to exist there had to be an energy source. Spiritual nature and spiritual energy are NOT physical. They do not require physical creation or physical energy to exist.

So before the big bang, there was no god either.

God created the Big Bang.

And don't you mean for spirituality to exist you need a human? Because without human's there is no spirituality. The sun was here billions of years ago before any animals were on earth and there was no spirituality. And when we were apes there was no spirituality. After humans are gone, the earth and all the other animals will go on but spirituality will die with humans.

Well, spirituality is the human connection to spiritual nature. We can use your formula here, but guess what happens to science, physics, time, and every fucking thing else? Without humans to acknowledge it and realize it, what purpose does it serve?

It's all explained by magic, "... because I say so."
Maybe that empty space that didn't exist before the big bang, maybe that's what hell is. Because before the big bang, you said it yourself, there was nothing. And for spirituality to exist there has to be an energy source you said.

Please start using the 'QUOTE' feature to show where I said things. You have repeatedly attempted to LIE YOUR ASS OFF about things I supposedly said. I'm fed up with this. I have NEVER said that for spirituality to exist there had to be an energy source. Spiritual nature and spiritual energy are NOT physical. They do not require physical creation or physical energy to exist.

So before the big bang, there was no god either.

God created the Big Bang.

And don't you mean for spirituality to exist you need a human? Because without human's there is no spirituality. The sun was here billions of years ago before any animals were on earth and there was no spirituality. And when we were apes there was no spirituality. After humans are gone, the earth and all the other animals will go on but spirituality will die with humans.

Well, spirituality is the human connection to spiritual nature. We can use your formula here, but guess what happens to science, physics, time, and every fucking thing else? Without humans to acknowledge it and realize it, what purpose does it serve?

Didn't you say this in an earlier post? "for spirituality to exist must have an energy source. Energy is physical"

But you are saying god isn't physical. But then you say god is spirituality. Which is it? Not being a smart ass. I think you contradicted yourself. One time you say for spirituality to exist we must have an energy source but god is non physical and he is the energy source?

And you should look into the Aetherius. They agree with a lot of your thoughts.
Well, certainly there is. Where did you disprove this?
sorry bossy it's you who has to prove there is a difference.
physics say there is none.
so wow us with your math acumen and re write those laws .

Physics says no such thing. If so, give us the formula which disproves spiritual energy.

You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?
Maybe that empty space that didn't exist before the big bang, maybe that's what hell is. Because before the big bang, you said it yourself, there was nothing. And for spirituality to exist there has to be an energy source you said.

Please start using the 'QUOTE' feature to show where I said things. You have repeatedly attempted to LIE YOUR ASS OFF about things I supposedly said. I'm fed up with this. I have NEVER said that for spirituality to exist there had to be an energy source. Spiritual nature and spiritual energy are NOT physical. They do not require physical creation or physical energy to exist.

God created the Big Bang.

And don't you mean for spirituality to exist you need a human? Because without human's there is no spirituality. The sun was here billions of years ago before any animals were on earth and there was no spirituality. And when we were apes there was no spirituality. After humans are gone, the earth and all the other animals will go on but spirituality will die with humans.

Well, spirituality is the human connection to spiritual nature. We can use your formula here, but guess what happens to science, physics, time, and every fucking thing else? Without humans to acknowledge it and realize it, what purpose does it serve?

Didn't you say this in an earlier post? "for spirituality to exist must have an energy source. Energy is physical"

But you are saying god isn't physical. But then you say god is spirituality. Which is it? Not being a smart ass. I think you contradicted yourself. One time you say for spirituality to exist we must have an energy source but god is non physical and he is the energy source?

And you should look into the Aetherius. They agree with a lot of your thoughts.

I suspect boss is a card carrying member of Aetherius. He splits his time there and as the High Mucky Muck at the Flat Earth Society
Please start using the 'QUOTE' feature to show where I said things. You have repeatedly attempted to LIE YOUR ASS OFF about things I supposedly said. I'm fed up with this. I have NEVER said that for spirituality to exist there had to be an energy source. Spiritual nature and spiritual energy are NOT physical. They do not require physical creation or physical energy to exist.

God created the Big Bang.

Well, spirituality is the human connection to spiritual nature. We can use your formula here, but guess what happens to science, physics, time, and every fucking thing else? Without humans to acknowledge it and realize it, what purpose does it serve?

Didn't you say this in an earlier post? "for spirituality to exist must have an energy source. Energy is physical"

But you are saying god isn't physical. But then you say god is spirituality. Which is it? Not being a smart ass. I think you contradicted yourself. One time you say for spirituality to exist we must have an energy source but god is non physical and he is the energy source?

And you should look into the Aetherius. They agree with a lot of your thoughts.

I suspect boss is a card carrying member of Aetherius. He splits his time there and as the High Mucky Muck at the Flat Earth Society

One thing is for sure he's a right wing tool. That's ok though because Gismys says if he doesn't believe in Jesus, and I don't think he does, then he's going to hell too so I guess when you and I see him in hell we can say sup. :eusa_shifty:
Maybe that empty space that didn't exist before the big bang, maybe that's what hell is. Because before the big bang, you said it yourself, there was nothing. And for spirituality to exist there has to be an energy source you said.

Please start using the 'QUOTE' feature to show where I said things. You have repeatedly attempted to LIE YOUR ASS OFF about things I supposedly said. I'm fed up with this. I have NEVER said that for spirituality to exist there had to be an energy source. Spiritual nature and spiritual energy are NOT physical. They do not require physical creation or physical energy to exist.

God created the Big Bang.

And don't you mean for spirituality to exist you need a human? Because without human's there is no spirituality. The sun was here billions of years ago before any animals were on earth and there was no spirituality. And when we were apes there was no spirituality. After humans are gone, the earth and all the other animals will go on but spirituality will die with humans.

Well, spirituality is the human connection to spiritual nature. We can use your formula here, but guess what happens to science, physics, time, and every fucking thing else? Without humans to acknowledge it and realize it, what purpose does it serve?

Didn't you say this in an earlier post? "for spirituality to exist must have an energy source. Energy is physical"

No. I never said anything remotely close to that. I said physical energy is physical.

But you are saying god isn't physical.

God is spiritual.

But then you say god is spirituality.

No. Spirituality is something humans possess. God is spiritual. Human's ability to connect to spiritual nature is called "spirituality."

Which is it? Not being a smart ass. I think you contradicted yourself. One time you say for spirituality to exist we must have an energy source but god is non physical and he is the energy source?

Well, I've never said what you've claimed I said. God is spiritual, or spiritual energy, but spiritual energy is not physical energy and does not physically exist.

There has been no contradiction on my part. If you've misunderstood something, that is YOU, not ME. From now on, you need to use the 'QUOTE' feature when referencing something you believe I have said. I don't have the time or patience to sit here and correct every post you make where you misquote me. That is all you seem to want to do, whether it's sheer dishonesty or just stupidity, I have no way of knowing, but it's getting real old.
boss said:
Well, I've never said what you've claimed I said. God is spiritual, or spiritual energy, but spiritual energy is not physical energy and does not physically exist.

I suppose "spiritual energy" is magical energy existing only in your mind.

Can you disprove it?
sorry bossy it's you who has to prove there is a difference.
physics say there is none.
so wow us with your math acumen and re write those laws .

Physics says no such thing. If so, give us the formula which disproves spiritual energy.

You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?
boss said:
Well, I've never said what you've claimed I said. God is spiritual, or spiritual energy, but spiritual energy is not physical energy and does not physically exist.

I suppose "spiritual energy" is magical energy existing only in your mind.

Can you disprove it?

You can "suppose" whatever you like. It's still a free country.

You're the only one who believes in "magic" here.
Physics says no such thing. If so, give us the formula which disproves spiritual energy.

You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

Ahh. I see. Physical nature and the universe provide evidence for something that exists only in your alleged spirit realms, the spirit realms that you can't provide evidence for because spiritual energy is not physical energy and does not physically exist.

Have you yet realized that your explanations for these spirit realms you dwell in are a total train wreck?
boss said:
Well, I've never said what you've claimed I said. God is spiritual, or spiritual energy, but spiritual energy is not physical energy and does not physically exist.

I suppose "spiritual energy" is magical energy existing only in your mind.

Can you disprove it?

You can "suppose" whatever you like. It's still a free country.

You're the only one who believes in "magic" here.

Reality doesn't require magical inventions of "spirit realms" or things not existing, such as your invention of "spiritual energy".
Physics says no such thing. If so, give us the formula which disproves spiritual energy.

You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

Why do you keep insisting that the universe was "created" from nothing? You do not know that. Based on this juvenile assumption you think you can claim the universe for your god or some spirit?

Physics says no such thing. If so, give us the formula which disproves spiritual energy.

You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

The physical may have always existed, just as you claim of the spiritual.

Perhaps there is some way for something to come from nothing, assuming nothing is what existed prior to the Big Bang. You continue to assert knowledge of the beginning of the universe as though it is indisputable fact.

You have said, many times, you can offer spiritual evidence of spiritual nature, but as always do a poor job defining those terms. 'Not of the physical world' is vague, could potentially encompass an infinite variety of things, doesn't really describe the nature of this spiritual nature, etc.

We've been through this before. It's easy enough to make claims about something that one must believe in before one can experience any evidence for it. :lol:
You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

Why do you keep insisting that the universe was "created" from nothing? You do not know that. Based on this juvenile assumption you think you can claim the universe for your god or some spirit?


Where did I make such a claim? :dunno:

I think the universe was created from spiritual nature.
You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

The physical may have always existed, just as you claim of the spiritual.

Perhaps there is some way for something to come from nothing, assuming nothing is what existed prior to the Big Bang. You continue to assert knowledge of the beginning of the universe as though it is indisputable fact.

You have said, many times, you can offer spiritual evidence of spiritual nature, but as always do a poor job defining those terms. 'Not of the physical world' is vague, could potentially encompass an infinite variety of things, doesn't really describe the nature of this spiritual nature, etc.

We've been through this before. It's easy enough to make claims about something that one must believe in before one can experience any evidence for it. :lol:

Well no... We've already determined where physical reality comes from. It didn't exist until a physical universe existed and time and space for physical things to exist in existed. If you have some other theory, you need to explain it and support it with science.

I don't understand how it's vague to say something is not of the physical world. You can comprehend that something physical can't exist if there is no time space for it to exist. If it's not physical, it's non-physical... seems pretty logical to me.

And I have told you before, I don't really give two good shits what you believe in. That doesn't change evidence. I could just argue that I don't accept physical evidence for things and then how would you explain anything physical to me? See how that works? The fact that you refuse to accept the evidence doesn't mean it's not there.
I suppose "spiritual energy" is magical energy existing only in your mind.

Can you disprove it?

You can "suppose" whatever you like. It's still a free country.

You're the only one who believes in "magic" here.

Reality doesn't require magical inventions of "spirit realms" or things not existing, such as your invention of "spiritual energy".

No, but reality does require an expanding universe which provides space and time for reality to exist. There is nothing "magical" about spiritual nature. It may seem that way to you because you don't understand it, but it's a part of nature just like physical nature. It created the physical universe, physical existence, and physical reality.
You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

Ahh. I see. Physical nature and the universe provide evidence for something that exists only in your alleged spirit realms, the spirit realms that you can't provide evidence for because spiritual energy is not physical energy and does not physically exist.

Have you yet realized that your explanations for these spirit realms you dwell in are a total train wreck?

Don't understand what you think is a train wreck. It's really very simple. Spiritual nature created physical reality and physical nature. I can provide spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, or you can evaluate it yourself if you accept that spiritual nature exists. I've never said that I couldn't provide evidence, just that it's not physical evidence because spiritual nature isn't physical.
Don't understand what you think is a train wreck. It's really very simple. Spiritual nature created physical reality and physical nature. I can provide spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, or you can evaluate it yourself if you accept that spiritual nature exists. I've never said that I couldn't provide evidence, just that it's not physical evidence because spiritual nature isn't physical.
Translation : I can provide zero evidence because I just made up the term Spiritual Nature.
Don't understand what you think is a train wreck. It's really very simple. Spiritual nature created physical reality and physical nature. I can provide spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, or you can evaluate it yourself if you accept that spiritual nature exists. I've never said that I couldn't provide evidence, just that it's not physical evidence because spiritual nature isn't physical.
Translation : I can provide zero evidence because I just made up the term Spiritual Nature.

May have merit if history didn't show man has been spiritual since man walked upright.

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