Why do the God-haters persist?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

The physical may have always existed, just as you claim of the spiritual.

Perhaps there is some way for something to come from nothing, assuming nothing is what existed prior to the Big Bang. You continue to assert knowledge of the beginning of the universe as though it is indisputable fact.

You have said, many times, you can offer spiritual evidence of spiritual nature, but as always do a poor job defining those terms. 'Not of the physical world' is vague, could potentially encompass an infinite variety of things, doesn't really describe the nature of this spiritual nature, etc.

We've been through this before. It's easy enough to make claims about something that one must believe in before one can experience any evidence for it. :lol:

Well no... We've already determined where physical reality comes from. It didn't exist until a physical universe existed and time and space for physical things to exist in existed. If you have some other theory, you need to explain it and support it with science.

I don't understand how it's vague to say something is not of the physical world. You can comprehend that something physical can't exist if there is no time space for it to exist. If it's not physical, it's non-physical... seems pretty logical to me.

And I have told you before, I don't really give two good shits what you believe in. That doesn't change evidence. I could just argue that I don't accept physical evidence for things and then how would you explain anything physical to me? See how that works? The fact that you refuse to accept the evidence doesn't mean it's not there.

Neither you nor I knows for sure what the beginning of our universe entailed, nor what may or may not have come before. So there may well have been physical reality before our universe. I've already pointed out that I have never seen the singularity which is believed to have contained all of what is in our universe described as other than physical, and that the usual rules of physics are thought to have not applied within it. As such, neither time nor space may have existed, yet contained all the matter of the universe.

I've already mentioned one idea, although it's fallen out of favor, which hypothesized a physical universe which could have existed before ours : the Big Crunch/Big Bang.

Saying something is not of the physical world doesn't say what that thing is, only what it is not. Your descriptions of spiritual nature do not truly define it, merely point out what it is not and that it cannot be sensed with the physical senses humanity knows. Saying that an ill-defined something exists, but can only be sensed through something non-physical and therefore not observable, is an argument that cannot be refuted, because there's nothing substantive or objective to refute. Nor does it explain how you come by such knowledge about this spiritual nature, especially considering almost no one else has this knowledge.

You could argue that you don't accept physical evidence, sure. But unless you are blind, deaf, and cannot taste, smell or feel through touch, you will experience such things. What sense is it that I and others who have not experienced spiritual nature are missing? Is it a physical sense that you can point to the organ responsible, or is it a spiritual sense, therefore you cannot point to anything responsible yet can claim that it's there and I simply can't know it until I believe in spiritual evidence? :lol:
Neither you nor I knows for sure what the beginning of our universe entailed, nor what may or may not have come before. So there may well have been physical reality before our universe.

If there was an expanding universe somewhere, there could have been physical reality. Or maybe in that universe there was spiritual reality and spirit morons argued on message boards about the impossibility of physical nature? :dunno:

I've already pointed out that I have never seen the singularity which is believed to have contained all of what is in our universe described as other than physical, and that the usual rules of physics are thought to have not applied within it. As such, neither time nor space may have existed, yet contained all the matter of the universe.

Well if time and space didn't exist, neither did physical reality. Perhaps you are correct and singularity is metaphysical rather than physical? I won't argue that, I don't know.

I've already mentioned one idea, although it's fallen out of favor, which hypothesized a physical universe which could have existed before ours : the Big Crunch/Big Bang.

Great... so you have a debunked theory? lol :D

Saying something is not of the physical world doesn't say what that thing is, only what it is not. Your descriptions of spiritual nature do not truly define it, merely point out what it is not and that it cannot be sensed with the physical senses humanity knows. Saying that an ill-defined something exists, but can only be sensed through something non-physical and therefore not observable, is an argument that cannot be refuted, because there's nothing substantive or objective to refute. Nor does it explain how you come by such knowledge about this spiritual nature, especially considering almost no one else has this knowledge.

Well humans define things so we can have conversations. Something that is not physical is defined as metaphysical, spiritual or non-physical. It can't be both physical and not physical at the same time. Lots of things are not observable, even in physics. For instance, you can't observe my thoughts. You can maybe tell if I am having a thought by observing brain wave data, but you can't observe the thought itself. Gravity is another thing you can't observe. You can observe the effects of gravity so you know it exists.

I've explained numerous times how I come by my knowledge. I spiritually connect. I suspect other humans do this as well, since it has been happening since the advent of man. You're just completely wrong here, billions upon billions have this awareness.

You could argue that you don't accept physical evidence, sure. But unless you are blind, deaf, and cannot taste, smell or feel through touch, you will experience such things.

Maybe I believe my experience is spiritual and that's all there is?

What sense is it that I and others who have not experienced spiritual nature are missing? Is it a physical sense that you can point to the organ responsible, or is it a spiritual sense, therefore you cannot point to anything responsible yet can claim that it's there and I simply can't know it until I believe in spiritual evidence? :lol:

I don't know what sense you're missing. As I've said, man has been spiritually connecting for all our existence. The evidence is all around you, time and reality are the biggest clues. Of course, if you've convinced yourself that spiritual nature cannot exist, it's no different than if I convinced myself physical nature doesn't exist. You can explain physical things to me all day long, if I don't accept physical nature you're pissing in the wind. It doesn't change physical evidence, but to accept that I have to believe it can exist.
The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

Ahh. I see. Physical nature and the universe provide evidence for something that exists only in your alleged spirit realms, the spirit realms that you can't provide evidence for because spiritual energy is not physical energy and does not physically exist.

Have you yet realized that your explanations for these spirit realms you dwell in are a total train wreck?

Don't understand what you think is a train wreck. It's really very simple. Spiritual nature created physical reality and physical nature. I can provide spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, or you can evaluate it yourself if you accept that spiritual nature exists. I've never said that I couldn't provide evidence, just that it's not physical evidence because spiritual nature isn't physical.

That's so silly. I must accept your "because I say so " claim is true in order to be able to evaluate your "because I say so " claim.

Clearly, there are no methods external or independent of the Cult of Spiritual Nature through which your cult's claims can be assessed. That is, the "grounds" for belief in the Cult of Spiritual Nature are dependent upon acceptance of supernatural processes that are not physically demonstrable but somehow "revealed" once one joins the cult.
Don't understand what you think is a train wreck. It's really very simple. Spiritual nature created physical reality and physical nature. I can provide spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, or you can evaluate it yourself if you accept that spiritual nature exists. I've never said that I couldn't provide evidence, just that it's not physical evidence because spiritual nature isn't physical.
Translation : I can provide zero evidence because I just made up the term Spiritual Nature.

May have merit if history didn't show man has been spiritual since man walked upright.
History doesn't show that "man has been spiritual since man walked upright."
You can "suppose" whatever you like. It's still a free country.

You're the only one who believes in "magic" here.

Reality doesn't require magical inventions of "spirit realms" or things not existing, such as your invention of "spiritual energy".

No, but reality does require an expanding universe which provides space and time for reality to exist. There is nothing "magical" about spiritual nature. It may seem that way to you because you don't understand it, but it's a part of nature just like physical nature. It created the physical universe, physical existence, and physical reality.

".... because I say so".

As usual, we're left with you insisting that something you call "spiritual nature" exists, yet you offer no evidence to support your claim.

Sorry, but "by magic" is not an answer.
Physics says no such thing. If so, give us the formula which disproves spiritual energy.

You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

How come when I watch these religious shows on this creepy christian tv channel tct I think it's called, why don't they explain this to us? How come all they ever say is jesus said this and jesus said that? So none of the billions of people that are christians, muslims or jews are teaching what you are saying. This is only your theory/concept, no? Or did you hear this from someone else? Did a preacher or minister or shaman teach learn you this?
Reality doesn't require magical inventions of "spirit realms" or things not existing, such as your invention of "spiritual energy".

No, but reality does require an expanding universe which provides space and time for reality to exist. There is nothing "magical" about spiritual nature. It may seem that way to you because you don't understand it, but it's a part of nature just like physical nature. It created the physical universe, physical existence, and physical reality.

".... because I say so".

As usual, we're left with you insisting that something you call "spiritual nature" exists, yet you offer no evidence to support your claim.

Sorry, but "by magic" is not an answer.

Good morning Hollie. Have you ever seen this channel or one like it? TCT Network

And I don't think it's the only one. And they have white serious catholic shows with mass or sometimes nuns talking. Sometimes it's black's screaming jesus and speaking in tongues. Sometimes its very white, lame and for kids. You should have seen the show today. Teaching about Mr. Doubter, the nasty old man who doesn't believe. They said "all you have to do is open your heart to jesus and he will come".

Well I opened my heart and my mind and I honestly see no god. I'm not sad or mean or bad because of it. I still do good things and love and hope and think and honest to (no) god Hollie I think we are better people than they are. A stupid lie isn't necessary to make people good. Telling them a lie makes them stupid. I can think of a million reasons not to lie, cheat, steal, rape or pollute even without god. What about my family and friends? My legacy. Karma. I do believe in Karma. Don't pretend to know but I do believe if you bad bad eventually gonna get you. Ju Ju. :cuckoo: Ok we're all a little nuts. But at least I know it. These people believe gods watching and talking to them and he can't wait for them to come to heaven. Oh boy:cuckoo:

The brainwashing that I saw on tv today made me sick. We need an atheist channel. Its only fair. And a muslim channel. The religious channels I'm seeing are on free tv. Instead of channel 20 they are on channels like 18.2 or 20.2. Give us atheists 20.3 god damn it! We need to wake people up in the middle of the night like religion is brainwashing people. Lets have a public debate about it too. That will get people thinking. When leading atheists go to Washington and testify for why its only fair we get a channel too. Push the issue. Make people realize there is no proof of this jesus story so keep it out of our government and if you are going to give them that much time on free tv, atheists want a channel too. We need to explain how/why religious is unnecessary and how they use it to divide the masses/stupid with bullshit wedge issues like gays and abortion.

And look at how they don't believe in global warming or care that pollution is destroying this planet because it's all been proficized. :eusa_pray: It's a sign of the end times. Nothing we can do about it.

The fact that we are overpopulating this planet to a dangerous level and they are anti abortion is all I need to know they are fucking nuts. We should be encouraging less people not more. Instead of 2 kids have 1 for fuck sakes.

Sorry I'm off on a tangent. That tv show I saw this morning really pissed me off. They say, "just open your heart". They never say think. And if they don't feel jesus that would be sad, right? So I bet a lot of people don't feel shit but it's hard to deny jesus when they just told you if you do you'll go to hell. And they are telling this to kids? This is what the FCC should be closing down not Howard Stern. They are breeding a nation of idiots!
You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

How come when I watch these religious shows on this creepy christian tv channel

I hope you just watch for laughs when your drunk or stoned or something... If not and you are just bored you should BEWARE and find another hobby otherwise you might lose your mind too, turn into a GISM, act like a jackass as an expression of faith, and babble incoherently for the rest of your life...

Don't understand what you think is a train wreck. It's really very simple. Spiritual nature created physical reality and physical nature. I can provide spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, or you can evaluate it yourself if you accept that spiritual nature exists. I've never said that I couldn't provide evidence, just that it's not physical evidence because spiritual nature isn't physical.
Translation : I can provide zero evidence because I just made up the term Spiritual Nature.

May have merit if history didn't show man has been spiritual since man walked upright.

You do know that at one time this planet was covered with trees so our ancestors were still monkeys and then the trees thinned out so they were forced to walk on the ground from tree to tree, where the lions and crocs were. We were scared running from tree to tree. When Jane got eaten by a tiger tarzan told boy that she in better place in the sky. One day we join her. Until then eat. And son, if elephant kill tarzan don't worry god look over you. Who? From there they made up all kinds of stories from Eqyptian religion to Zeus, Mohammad, the Mormons, Christians, Jews.

The stories just keeps getting better and better, even though today god never shows up. And this is why you believe. Because primitive man made it up? Even though none of the modern or former religions are right about any of their impossible claims? I can't call them unbelievable anymore because someone pointed out that many people do believe. Yes, you all believe the unbelievable. Sad really. Says something about humans. Not good. Not smart. Truly makes me sad that people are so stupid and blind. No wonder the rich so easily control us all. This is why god haters persist. Wake up people.

I can't believe we care more about profit than curing the sick.

I can't believe we pollute this planet so much

I can't believe many Americans have to work for under poverty rates.

I can't believe we still go to war.

I can't believe we have such a sick gun culture.

I can't believe we don't do more to help the inner city kids.

I can't believe the system isn't set up to help an ex con go straight.

I can't believe we let corporations buy our elections.

This is all shit that is done by a nation of people who believe in god?
The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

How come when I watch these religious shows on this creepy christian tv channel

I hope you just watch for laughs when your drunk or stoned or something... If not and you are just bored you should BEWARE and find another hobby otherwise you might lose your mind too, turn into a GISM, act like a jackass as an expression of faith, and babble incoherently for the rest of your life...


Not a chance. I've had friends and relatives find jesus or be born again and they tried pushing that crap on me. I always said, "listen dude, I'm Greek Orthodox, we translated the bible so your english hick white trash red neck ass could read it so please don't tell me what it means". Just like every other person I thought my church was the one true church. I didn't give much thought to other religions but I knew we split from the Catholic church because they worship a pope we worship Jesus. Then I started getting interested in religion in general and the differences and how can they all be right then I realized what if they are all wrong. Then I ran into other people who knew more than me, had seen all the atheists on the web and turned me onto them and now I see clearly the scam that is religion. No guilt. If there is a god, he cares about us as much as Gismys cares about a Tardigrade.

My evolution started very young. I remember my grandmother or aunt telling me the stupid stories of noah and moses and jesus and I think even from a very young age I was skeptical. Does that mean the devil is/was in me? Hell no. I was adorable. :lol: But over time I came to realize its all made up. I didn't lose my wife in a car accident. I don't lead a bad/mean/evil life.

You know what? All the overly religious people I ever met had one thing in common. Extreme guilt about their past. And just like an ex smoker is the worst, so is someone who had an abortion and feels really guilty about it. So is someone who is bi sexual and has been taught to hate the thoughts that god put in their head in the first place.

God says put your money in the collection plate. That's all I need to know about organized religion. :eusa_hand:
You know what pushed me over the top? It was that all the people I knew that were/are overly religious had one thing in common. They all watch/love Fox News. That's when I realized how much the people who own America use religion to control the masses. Then I dug deeper and saw how the slave masters used it on their slaves. The Pharaoh's used it to control their slaves too. Weren't the jews slaves? Yea, I see a pattern here. And so why would I believe the modern day churches?

Religious people want to blow off the fact that the modern day churches may not be perfect, but they just blow that off and say that's human's not god. Well what were our ancestors? They were humans. They were not perfect. Do you not think they had corrupt rulers back then? Not possible religion was made up? I think it is obvious. It keeps the masses down. Imagine where we'd be without it. Maybe no one would be homeless or no one would ever go hungry. Capitalism uses religion to keep us ignorant. Corporations. The rich. The churches are all corrupt business'. They must know they are making it up as they go along. They have to. I wonder how many preachers/reverands/televangelists/rabbi's know its made up but make money doing it?
You know what pushed me over the top? It was that all the people I knew that were/are overly religious had one thing in common. They all watch/love Fox News. That's when I realized how much the people who own America use religion to control the masses. Then I dug deeper and saw how the slave masters used it on their slaves. The Pharaoh's used it to control their slaves too. Weren't the jews slaves? Yea, I see a pattern here. And so why would I believe the modern day churches?

Religious people want to blow off the fact that the modern day churches may not be perfect, but they just blow that off and say that's human's not god. Well what were our ancestors? They were humans. They were not perfect. Do you not think they had corrupt rulers back then? Not possible religion was made up? I think it is obvious. It keeps the masses down. Imagine where we'd be without it. Maybe no one would be homeless or no one would ever go hungry. Capitalism uses religion to keep us ignorant. Corporations. The rich. The churches are all corrupt business'. They must know they are making it up as they go along. They have to. I wonder how many preachers/reverands/televangelists/rabbi's know its made up but make money doing it?

Yes, and that is why Boss's claim that spiritual beliefs are proof of spiritual reality is absurd.. In the past if a person refused to worship one god or another they and their entire families were killed which would result in a population of people either too feeble minded or too afraid to not worship one god or another which is not proof of anything except that some people will do anything to survive....
Ahh. I see. Physical nature and the universe provide evidence for something that exists only in your alleged spirit realms, the spirit realms that you can't provide evidence for because spiritual energy is not physical energy and does not physically exist.

Have you yet realized that your explanations for these spirit realms you dwell in are a total train wreck?

Don't understand what you think is a train wreck. It's really very simple. Spiritual nature created physical reality and physical nature. I can provide spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, or you can evaluate it yourself if you accept that spiritual nature exists. I've never said that I couldn't provide evidence, just that it's not physical evidence because spiritual nature isn't physical.

That's so silly. I must accept your "because I say so " claim is true in order to be able to evaluate your "because I say so " claim.

Clearly, there are no methods external or independent of the Cult of Spiritual Nature through which your cult's claims can be assessed. That is, the "grounds" for belief in the Cult of Spiritual Nature are dependent upon acceptance of supernatural processes that are not physically demonstrable but somehow "revealed" once one joins the cult.

You don't have to accept anything and it's not "because I say so" at all. You're clearly the cultist here. 88% of humans are spiritual and always have been. Spiritual nature isn't proved with physical nature just as physical nature isn't proved with spiritual. And it doesn't matter what we're talking about, it can't be proven to you if you don't believe it's real.

All I've tried to do is rationally show you that there has to be something more than physical nature because something caused physical nature to exist. You agree that something cannot come from nothing, and the physical didn't create itself. The only other possibilities remaining are metaphysical/spiritual or "magic" and apparently you believe in the later.
You have never made an effort to support your silly claims to something you call "spiritual energy".

How does anyone disprove something you can't define, defend or offer any evidence for?

The "evidence" is physical nature and the universe. These exist. They didn't create themselves. You admit that something can't come from nothing. If physical nature can't create itself, and it does exist, and it did come to exist at some point, then the only thing that can explain it's coming to exist is spiritual nature.

No, I can't offer physical evidence of spiritual nature. I can give you plenty of spiritual evidence for spiritual nature, but you seem to want to reject that. What if I were demanding you present some spiritual evidence for physical nature? Could you provide that?

How come when I watch these religious shows on this creepy christian tv channel tct I think it's called, why don't they explain this to us? How come all they ever say is jesus said this and jesus said that? So none of the billions of people that are christians, muslims or jews are teaching what you are saying. This is only your theory/concept, no? Or did you hear this from someone else? Did a preacher or minister or shaman teach learn you this?

You're conflating religion with spirituality. Religions were created to try and comprehend the spiritual connection man makes. They are proof that man does make a real connection with something greater than self, not of the physical world. But man is flawed, thus any religions he creates are also flawed.

You can certainly be spiritual and not be religious. For tens of thousands of years, humans were spiritual without religion. Your problem is, you've thrown the baby out with the bathwater. However, in speaking with you, I get the feeling you do believe there is something greater than self. You said you believed in Karma. Well, Karma is a spiritual concept, not physical.

It is very difficult for a human to completely reject all spirituality. We are intrinsically hard-wired to spiritually connect to something greater than self. This is why only about 12% of the population is able to make their claims of Atheism. I found it interesting, the survey they did in Denmark a while back. It's one of the most Atheistic countries on the planet with nearly 34% claiming Atheism. However, when asked specifically if they believed in absolutely no possibility of any kind of spiritual existence, only 13% would go that far.
Wow that's a great point. We don't know what started the big bang and we don't know for sure how life started here on earth. Scientists thank god have a few good theories. It certainly wasn't a god and wasn't done in 7 days, right?

How do you know it was not God ?
how do you know it was ? were you there?
(that one I took from your playbook)

I can easily assume that everything in existence, didn't simply happen by chance and can see the deliberate design in nature.

What do you think when you look at nature and wonder how it could have possibly happened absent of a designer ?
YWC: I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence ...

not everything, only nature demonstrates design and besides nature what else on any heavenly body displays evidence of design - nothing. most planets are lifeless with vast expanses without even simple shapes.

if it were not the forces of the Everlasting responsible for biological life why hasn't the Deity built any other structures to demonstrate the same design capabilities if for no other reason than to show variety in workmanship ?

show us what else (your) Biblical God has designed on any heavenly body to demonstrate his capabilities or presence.


You will have to take that up with the creator. The planets and their orbit and alignments plays an important role for life on this unique planet,This cannot be denied.
Einstein expressed his skepticism regarding an anthropomorphic deity, often describing it as "naïve" and "childlike". He stated, "It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously.

And you cling to that as support for your views ? Look what he said about your side using him as your argument against the existence of God. Not a glowing endorsement for your views.
this post just highlights that ignorance....
your assumptions are just that, assumptions.
so again : Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest

So now you are saying assumptions are just that, assumptions. That is what theories begin with opinions and assumptions,derived from the observation of evidence.
false! slappy o slapdick.
I did not say all assumptions, I said "your" (you personally) make assumptions constantly that are false...

Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest

Oh dawsy, what do you know concerning science other then what you regurgitate from wiki or talk origins.

Looks like you are well on your way to being banned again. You are not capable of a reasonable discussion.

Just go away you bitter child.
Einstein expressed his skepticism regarding an anthropomorphic deity, often describing it as "naïve" and "childlike". He stated, "It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously.

Grossly misquoting Einstein. First of all, he NEVER stated belief in God was childlike. He said his personal belief was like that of a child. A child is curious, naive, unknowing in their understanding of things. You've taken his words completely out of their context to make your erroneous point. The idea of an "anthropological" God is the idea of a human-like God. I respect that because it's also MY view of God. I can't take seriously the idea of a human-like invisible man sitting on a cloud with a Charleton Heston voice and long white beard. He NEVER said that he did not believe in God.

Yes, he categorically DID say that belief was childlike.
See my signature.
Stop making an ass of yourself.

People like you Einstein was angry with. Look at my signature.

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