Why do the God-haters persist?

\We may not know how it started but we know how life here on earth started and when. Science figured it out. Until science we thought god waved his hand and built the earth first and the sun revolved around the earth and the earth was flat and...

Basically we came up with god when we didn't know shit.

What we do know is the adam and eve, noah, mosus and Jesus stories are not to be taken literally but that's exactly what people do. Silly don't you think?

SillyBonobo, you have less grasp of biology than the average 4th grader, and you have zero grasp of the scientific method. You think the mindless shit you read on the hate sites is a substitute for actual knowledge - it isn't.

No, we don't know how life on Earth started. There are dozens of competing hypotheses regarding it, ranging from the ever popular primordial soup, to the also popular hitch hiking microbes (where microbes on an asteroid that crashed into the planet are the basis of life) and every point in between. We have a solid gauge of age or the Earth due to radio decay, but life is far more tricky, we are at best in a range of a hundred million years for when life started.

In short, you are as ever, ignorant, uneducated, and talking shit you don't know anything about.

Wow that's a great point. We don't know what started the big bang and we don't know for sure how life started here on earth. Scientists thank god have a few good theories. It certainly wasn't a god and wasn't done in 7 days, right?

How do you know it was not God ?
false! I and many others have explained it to you.

Atheists don't define themselves by having answers to this question, so why ask.
Mainstream science is the body of knowledge that addresses such questions, however there are no conclusive answers to this question currently.

Mainstream science makes NO CLAIMS about where life originated, indeed it makes no claims about anything, as it only describes the natural world. However what it does describe is VERIFIABLE..

Offering a "god of the gaps" argument where the scientific knowledge is as yet undiscovered is the argument of an infantile intellect and wilful scientific illiteracy, however these gaps are shrinking daily as science marches ever forward, leaving behind your stagnant bronze age religious dogmas where they belong, in ancient history..

Only you thumpers have an explanation and it's false....

Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest.

But daws you say my views are based on self imposed ignorance. I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence but you on the other hand, want to think no designer was needed defying known laws and have no clue as how we came in to existence,ignoring the mathematical impossibility that a non-directed natural process produced all we see and giving us everything from protection mechanisms,a brain to reason,the organs and everything else required for life.

YWC: I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence ...

not everything, only nature demonstrates design and besides nature what else on any heavenly body displays evidence of design - nothing. most planets are lifeless with vast expanses without even simple shapes.

if it were not the forces of the Everlasting responsible for biological life why hasn't the Deity built any other structures to demonstrate the same design capabilities if for no other reason than to show variety in workmanship ?

show us what else (your) Biblical God has designed on any heavenly body to demonstrate his capabilities or presence.


You will have to take that up with the creator. The planets and their orbit and alignments plays an important role for life on this unique planet,This cannot be denied.
But daws you say my views are based on self imposed ignorance. I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence but you on the other hand, want to think no designer was needed defying known laws and have no clue as how we came in to existence,ignoring the mathematical impossibility that a non-directed natural process produced all we see and giving us everything from protection mechanisms,a brain to reason,the organs and everything else required for life.

Just plain ignorance at its worst.

1. There is no evidence that shows design in nature.

2. There no such thing as a "mathematical impossibility that a non-directed natural process ..."

Posting these absurdities you steal from Harun Yahya is a waste of bandwidth.

Anyone who denies the overwhelming evidence of design is just simply in denial. Of course there are mathematical impossibilities just as there are mathematical possibilities you dimwit.

So what is the purpose of mathematics :lol:

Where is this "overwhelming evidence of design"?

You make nonsensical claims which you refuse to support.
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I showed you evidence we'd be better off without god: Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates.

Uhm... no, you showed me some stats from countries with a supposedly high number of Atheists among the population. They were still predominately spiritual nations. You can't claim a nation is "Atheist" because 20% of the people claim to be atheist. Until you have a majority Atheist nation to cite, you should just keep your mouth closed and not make such bold claims.

I'll type slow so I don't lose you. Societies with higher number of atheists are better than societies where the masses are all religious. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Sudan, India, Mexico all shit holes with the masses being very religious. Places like Europe or in cities in the USA where liberals, scientists and atheists collect great things happen. Cures for sicknesses praying won't help, equal rights, civil rights, labor laws, higher wages, etc all where we hang out. We don't believe we should just cope and take it and wait for the after life and heaven. That's a joke.

Think of the deep red neck hick stupid south. Very religious. No smart scientific math philosophical thinkers coming out of the south but you do have a lot of religious poor people who go to church at churches that were built by slave plantation owners who used religion to keep the blacks in line. Poor inner city blacks in America are very religious. What is it they know that I don't know? They don't know shit. They are brainwashed dumb sheep. The masses. Yea, that's what I think about the masses. Please jesus come and take them away!!!:eusa_pray:

This is the most ignorant and biased comment, I think I have ever wasted my time reading in all my visits to this forum.
false! I and many others have explained it to you.

Atheists don't define themselves by having answers to this question, so why ask.
Mainstream science is the body of knowledge that addresses such questions, however there are no conclusive answers to this question currently.

Mainstream science makes NO CLAIMS about where life originated, indeed it makes no claims about anything, as it only describes the natural world. However what it does describe is VERIFIABLE..

Offering a "god of the gaps" argument where the scientific knowledge is as yet undiscovered is the argument of an infantile intellect and wilful scientific illiteracy, however these gaps are shrinking daily as science marches ever forward, leaving behind your stagnant bronze age religious dogmas where they belong, in ancient history..

Only you thumpers have an explanation and it's false....

Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest.

But daws you say my views are based on self imposed ignorance. I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence but you on the other hand, want to think no designer was needed defying known laws and have no clue as how we came in to existence,ignoring the mathematical impossibility that a non-directed natural process produced all we see and giving us everything from protection mechanisms,a brain to reason,the organs and everything else required for life.
this post just highlights that ignorance....
your assumptions are just that, assumptions.
so again : Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest

So now you are saying assumptions are just that, assumptions. That is what theories begin with opinions and assumptions,derived from the observation of evidence.
Yea but countries with less religion do better than countries with more religion. That's the only point I tried to make here.

You failed to make any point. Perhaps it's the other way around? Countries which do better have less religion because people don't feel the need for religious beliefs, life is good.

I haven't made a religious argument. You people continue to try and conflate religion with spirituality and I keep on trying to get you back on track, but you just keep derailing. You want desperately for me to be espousing religious philosophy here so you can attack it, and I get that, but you're being completely dishonest about the conversation. I believe all organized man-made religions are flawed, but they are evidence that man does spiritually connect to something greater than self and always has.

What is Karma? Do you have any physical evidence it exists? Can it be tested and falsified? I believe in Karma too, but you must realize this is a spiritual concept, not a physical one. Most people don't believe they do bad things or are bad people. Even someone like Hitler believed he was doing good and was a good person. I've never met another human who admitted, I am a bad person who does bad terrible things! What we do is rationalize our behavior whether others see it as good or bad.

Know why we stopped believing in gods? First of all, we grew up.

So nearly 90% of the human race is not grown up? Only roughly 10% of us are grown ups? That's odd. What you're doing here is rationalizing your disbelief by viewing your disbelief as a sign of maturity. You have absolutely nothing to base this on, it's mere speculative opinion or rationalization of your disbelief.
really? so the tooth fairy the Easter bunny and saint nick are all real?

None of these are mentioned in the bible your point ?
SillyBonobo, you have less grasp of biology than the average 4th grader, and you have zero grasp of the scientific method. You think the mindless shit you read on the hate sites is a substitute for actual knowledge - it isn't.

No, we don't know how life on Earth started. There are dozens of competing hypotheses regarding it, ranging from the ever popular primordial soup, to the also popular hitch hiking microbes (where microbes on an asteroid that crashed into the planet are the basis of life) and every point in between. We have a solid gauge of age or the Earth due to radio decay, but life is far more tricky, we are at best in a range of a hundred million years for when life started.

In short, you are as ever, ignorant, uneducated, and talking shit you don't know anything about.

Wow that's a great point. We don't know what started the big bang and we don't know for sure how life started here on earth. Scientists thank god have a few good theories. It certainly wasn't a god and wasn't done in 7 days, right?

How do you know it was not God ?

Because it was Zeus.
You failed to make any point. Perhaps it's the other way around? Countries which do better have less religion because people don't feel the need for religious beliefs, life is good.

I haven't made a religious argument. You people continue to try and conflate religion with spirituality and I keep on trying to get you back on track, but you just keep derailing. You want desperately for me to be espousing religious philosophy here so you can attack it, and I get that, but you're being completely dishonest about the conversation. I believe all organized man-made religions are flawed, but they are evidence that man does spiritually connect to something greater than self and always has.

What is Karma? Do you have any physical evidence it exists? Can it be tested and falsified? I believe in Karma too, but you must realize this is a spiritual concept, not a physical one. Most people don't believe they do bad things or are bad people. Even someone like Hitler believed he was doing good and was a good person. I've never met another human who admitted, I am a bad person who does bad terrible things! What we do is rationalize our behavior whether others see it as good or bad.

So nearly 90% of the human race is not grown up? Only roughly 10% of us are grown ups? That's odd. What you're doing here is rationalizing your disbelief by viewing your disbelief as a sign of maturity. You have absolutely nothing to base this on, it's mere speculative opinion or rationalization of your disbelief.
really? so the tooth fairy the Easter bunny and saint nick are all real?

None of these are mentioned in the bible your point ?

None of the individual species of dinosaurs herded onto Noah's Ark are mentioned in the bibles.
Just plain ignorance at its worst.

1. There is no evidence that shows design in nature.

2. There no such thing as a "mathematical impossibility that a non-directed natural process ..."

Posting these absurdities you steal from Harun Yahya is a waste of bandwidth.

Anyone who denies the overwhelming evidence of design is just simply in denial. Of course there are mathematical impossibilities just as there are mathematical possibilities you dimwit.

So what is the purpose of mathematics :lol:

Where is this "overwhelming evidence of design"?

You make nonsensical claims which you refuse to support.

Then you have responded to many of my posts without reading the entire post. :lol:
Anyone who denies the overwhelming evidence of design is just simply in denial. Of course there are mathematical impossibilities just as there are mathematical possibilities you dimwit.

So what is the purpose of mathematics :lol:

Where is this "overwhelming evidence of design"?

You make nonsensical claims which you refuse to support.

Then you have responded to many of my posts without reading the entire post. :lol:

I've read your posts. They're nonsensical.
Wow that's a great point. We don't know what started the big bang and we don't know for sure how life started here on earth. Scientists thank god have a few good theories. It certainly wasn't a god and wasn't done in 7 days, right?

So, you think the big bang started life on Earth? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You have no fucking idea what scientists think, you are an uneducated chimp.

Oh, and stupid, we DO know what triggered the big bang - gravity. The forces compacted mass/energy so tightly that it reacted with explosive force.

Morning, respectfully uncensored. We are back to square one, origins. Where did gravity come from ? are you suggesting all elements Involved in the big bang were eternal ?

I am not denying the big bang.
None of the individual species of dinosaurs herded onto Noah's Ark are mentioned in the bibles.

Wrong,it states all land living kinds were represented on the Ark.

There were many species of land living dinosaurs. All of them co-existed with humans just a few thousand years ago. Why did none survive the cruise?

They must have survived the cruise because they were mentioned not just by the bible but by many cultures. They went extinct because of the most famous mechanism of species going extinct,natural selection.
Wrong,it states all land living kinds were represented on the Ark.

There were many species of land living dinosaurs. All of them co-existed with humans just a few thousand years ago. Why did none survive the cruise?

They must have survived the cruise because they were mentioned not just by the bible but by many cultures. They went extinct because of the most famous mechanism of species going extinct,natural selection.

They all went extinct in just the last few thousand years?

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