Why do the God-haters persist?

\We may not know how it started but we know how life here on earth started and when. Science figured it out. Until science we thought god waved his hand and built the earth first and the sun revolved around the earth and the earth was flat and...

Basically we came up with god when we didn't know shit.

What we do know is the adam and eve, noah, mosus and Jesus stories are not to be taken literally but that's exactly what people do. Silly don't you think?

SillyBonobo, you have less grasp of biology than the average 4th grader, and you have zero grasp of the scientific method. You think the mindless shit you read on the hate sites is a substitute for actual knowledge - it isn't.

No, we don't know how life on Earth started. There are dozens of competing hypotheses regarding it, ranging from the ever popular primordial soup, to the also popular hitch hiking microbes (where microbes on an asteroid that crashed into the planet are the basis of life) and every point in between. We have a solid gauge of age or the Earth due to radio decay, but life is far more tricky, we are at best in a range of a hundred million years for when life started.

In short, you are as ever, ignorant, uneducated, and talking shit you don't know anything about.
\We may not know how it started but we know how life here on earth started and when. Science figured it out. Until science we thought god waved his hand and built the earth first and the sun revolved around the earth and the earth was flat and...

Basically we came up with god when we didn't know shit.

What we do know is the adam and eve, noah, mosus and Jesus stories are not to be taken literally but that's exactly what people do. Silly don't you think?

SillyBonobo, you have less grasp of biology than the average 4th grader, and you have zero grasp of the scientific method. You think the mindless shit you read on the hate sites is a substitute for actual knowledge - it isn't.

No, we don't know how life on Earth started. There are dozens of competing hypotheses regarding it, ranging from the ever popular primordial soup, to the also popular hitch hiking microbes (where microbes on an asteroid that crashed into the planet are the basis of life) and every point in between. We have a solid gauge of age or the Earth due to radio decay, but life is far more tricky, we are at best in a range of a hundred million years for when life started.

In short, you are as ever, ignorant, uneducated, and talking shit you don't know anything about.

Wow that's a great point. We don't know what started the big bang and we don't know for sure how life started here on earth. Scientists thank god have a few good theories. It certainly wasn't a god and wasn't done in 7 days, right?
You say self imposed ignorance when you have no explanation as to how life came in to existence. :lol:
false! I and many others have explained it to you.

Atheists don't define themselves by having answers to this question, so why ask.
Mainstream science is the body of knowledge that addresses such questions, however there are no conclusive answers to this question currently.

Mainstream science makes NO CLAIMS about where life originated, indeed it makes no claims about anything, as it only describes the natural world. However what it does describe is VERIFIABLE..

Offering a "god of the gaps" argument where the scientific knowledge is as yet undiscovered is the argument of an infantile intellect and wilful scientific illiteracy, however these gaps are shrinking daily as science marches ever forward, leaving behind your stagnant bronze age religious dogmas where they belong, in ancient history..

Only you thumpers have an explanation and it's false....

Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest.

But daws you say my views are based on self imposed ignorance. I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence but you on the other hand, want to think no designer was needed defying known laws and have no clue as how we came in to existence,ignoring the mathematical impossibility that a non-directed natural process produced all we see and giving us everything from protection mechanisms,a brain to reason,the organs and everything else required for life.

YWC: I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence ...

not everything, only nature demonstrates design and besides nature what else on any heavenly body displays evidence of design - nothing. most planets are lifeless with vast expanses without even simple shapes.

if it were not the forces of the Everlasting responsible for biological life why hasn't the Deity built any other structures to demonstrate the same design capabilities if for no other reason than to show variety in workmanship ?

show us what else (your) Biblical God has designed on any heavenly body to demonstrate his capabilities or presence.

\We may not know how it started but we know how life here on earth started and when. Science figured it out. Until science we thought god waved his hand and built the earth first and the sun revolved around the earth and the earth was flat and...

Basically we came up with god when we didn't know shit.

What we do know is the adam and eve, noah, mosus and Jesus stories are not to be taken literally but that's exactly what people do. Silly don't you think?

SillyBonobo, you have less grasp of biology than the average 4th grader, and you have zero grasp of the scientific method. You think the mindless shit you read on the hate sites is a substitute for actual knowledge - it isn't.

No, we don't know how life on Earth started. There are dozens of competing hypotheses regarding it, ranging from the ever popular primordial soup, to the also popular hitch hiking microbes (where microbes on an asteroid that crashed into the planet are the basis of life) and every point in between. We have a solid gauge of age or the Earth due to radio decay, but life is far more tricky, we are at best in a range of a hundred million years for when life started.

In short, you are as ever, ignorant, uneducated, and talking shit you don't know anything about.

This is what I meant: “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
\We may not know how it started but we know how life here on earth started and when. Science figured it out. Until science we thought god waved his hand and built the earth first and the sun revolved around the earth and the earth was flat and...

Basically we came up with god when we didn't know shit.

What we do know is the adam and eve, noah, mosus and Jesus stories are not to be taken literally but that's exactly what people do. Silly don't you think?

SillyBonobo, you have less grasp of biology than the average 4th grader, and you have zero grasp of the scientific method. You think the mindless shit you read on the hate sites is a substitute for actual knowledge - it isn't.

No, we don't know how life on Earth started. There are dozens of competing hypotheses regarding it, ranging from the ever popular primordial soup, to the also popular hitch hiking microbes (where microbes on an asteroid that crashed into the planet are the basis of life) and every point in between. We have a solid gauge of age or the Earth due to radio decay, but life is far more tricky, we are at best in a range of a hundred million years for when life started.

In short, you are as ever, ignorant, uneducated, and talking shit you don't know anything about.

“The knowledge that the atoms that comprise life on earth - the atoms that make up the human body, are traceable to the crucibles that cooked light elements into heavy elements in their core under extreme temperatures and pressures. These stars- the high mass ones among them- went unstable in their later years- they collapsed and then exploded- scattering their enriched guts across the galaxy- guts made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself. These ingredients become part of gas clouds that condense, collapse, form the next generation of solar systems- stars with orbiting planets. And those planets now have the ingredients for life itself. So that when I look up at the night sky, and I know that yes we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up- many people feel small, cause their small and the universe is big. But I feel big because my atoms came from those stars.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why is it you insist "something existed that wasn't physical because physical things did not have a universe in which to exist or a time space."

I understand you want to posit your gawds were the "something existed that wasn't physical", but you've made no case for that.

Well because we know what creates physical reality is time and space for physical reality to exist, and we know this is created by the universe expanding because of e=mc2. Before the universe began expanding, there was no physical existence of any kind, it's impossible. If there was no physical nature, the only force which could have created the universe is spiritual. Unless there is some force even greater than spiritual nature that we don't know about yet.... that's also a possibility. What is not possible is for physical nature to create itself.

My understanding is that the Big Bang theory posits the universe coming from a singularity, something with infinite density but zero volume. I don't recall seeing that the singularity is not supposed to be physical; all the laws of physics, particularly relativity, may not apply, but that doesn't necessarily equate to a non-physical existence.

You've read the universe came from a Big Bang which began with singularity. What was before the Big Bang is not known. If the laws of physics do not exist, then "physical" does not exist. That's what "physical" means, in essence. For "physical" to exist, you must have time created by the expanding universe, which obviously didn't exist before the Big Bang. So, no time or physical reality for physical to exist. What does that leave?

Now there can be all kinds of theories and opinions, we don't really know for certain.... but we do know it couldn't have been something physical because physical didn't exist. Those who completely reject spiritual nature have no answer to the question and never will. Those who believe in only physical nature, can't wrap their minds around the question and never will. Something non-physical caused the universe to happen, there is no other explanation.
I showed you evidence we'd be better off without god: Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates.

Uhm... no, you showed me some stats from countries with a supposedly high number of Atheists among the population. They were still predominately spiritual nations. You can't claim a nation is "Atheist" because 20% of the people claim to be atheist. Until you have a majority Atheist nation to cite, you should just keep your mouth closed and not make such bold claims.

I'll type slow so I don't lose you. Societies with higher number of atheists are better than societies where the masses are all religious. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Sudan, India, Mexico all shit holes with the masses being very religious. Places like Europe or in cities in the USA where liberals, scientists and atheists collect great things happen. Cures for sicknesses praying won't help, equal rights, civil rights, labor laws, higher wages, etc all where we hang out. We don't believe we should just cope and take it and wait for the after life and heaven. That's a joke.

Think of the deep red neck hick stupid south. Very religious. No smart scientific math philosophical thinkers coming out of the south but you do have a lot of religious poor people who go to church at churches that were built by slave plantation owners who used religion to keep the blacks in line. Poor inner city blacks in America are very religious. What is it they know that I don't know? They don't know shit. They are brainwashed dumb sheep. The masses. Yea, that's what I think about the masses. Please jesus come and take them away!!!:eusa_pray:
false! I and many others have explained it to you.

Atheists don't define themselves by having answers to this question, so why ask.
Mainstream science is the body of knowledge that addresses such questions, however there are no conclusive answers to this question currently.

Mainstream science makes NO CLAIMS about where life originated, indeed it makes no claims about anything, as it only describes the natural world. However what it does describe is VERIFIABLE..

Offering a "god of the gaps" argument where the scientific knowledge is as yet undiscovered is the argument of an infantile intellect and wilful scientific illiteracy, however these gaps are shrinking daily as science marches ever forward, leaving behind your stagnant bronze age religious dogmas where they belong, in ancient history..

Only you thumpers have an explanation and it's false....

Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest.

But daws you say my views are based on self imposed ignorance. I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence but you on the other hand, want to think no designer was needed defying known laws and have no clue as how we came in to existence,ignoring the mathematical impossibility that a non-directed natural process produced all we see and giving us everything from protection mechanisms,a brain to reason,the organs and everything else required for life.

YWC: I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence ...

not everything, only nature demonstrates design and besides nature what else on any heavenly body displays evidence of design - nothing. most planets are lifeless with vast expanses without even simple shapes.

if it were not the forces of the Everlasting responsible for biological life why hasn't the Deity built any other structures to demonstrate the same design capabilities if for no other reason than to show variety in workmanship ?

show us what else (your) Biblical God has designed on any heavenly body to demonstrate his capabilities or presence.


Yea :eusa_clap:
You say self imposed ignorance when you have no explanation as to how life came in to existence. :lol:
false! I and many others have explained it to you.

Atheists don't define themselves by having answers to this question, so why ask.
Mainstream science is the body of knowledge that addresses such questions, however there are no conclusive answers to this question currently.

Mainstream science makes NO CLAIMS about where life originated, indeed it makes no claims about anything, as it only describes the natural world. However what it does describe is VERIFIABLE..

Offering a "god of the gaps" argument where the scientific knowledge is as yet undiscovered is the argument of an infantile intellect and wilful scientific illiteracy, however these gaps are shrinking daily as science marches ever forward, leaving behind your stagnant bronze age religious dogmas where they belong, in ancient history..

Only you thumpers have an explanation and it's false....

Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest.

But daws you say my views are based on self imposed ignorance. I can assume because looking at nature that the evidence shows deliberate design to everything's existence but you on the other hand, want to think no designer was needed defying known laws and have no clue as how we came in to existence,ignoring the mathematical impossibility that a non-directed natural process produced all we see and giving us everything from protection mechanisms,a brain to reason,the organs and everything else required for life.
this post just highlights that ignorance....
your assumptions are just that, assumptions.
so again : Your argument is scientifically illiterate, ill informed, infantile and dishonest
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Yea but countries with less religion do better than countries with more religion. That's the only point I tried to make here.

You failed to make any point. Perhaps it's the other way around? Countries which do better have less religion because people don't feel the need for religious beliefs, life is good.

PS. I want to add to my comment on your insane original post. First off let me say based on the original post, you think no different than Gismys. The only difference is she doesn't deny jesus like you. You seem to think that is ok but denying any god will send you to hell. So to you Muslims and Jews are Mormons are all safe. Got it. Retard.

I haven't made a religious argument. You people continue to try and conflate religion with spirituality and I keep on trying to get you back on track, but you just keep derailing. You want desperately for me to be espousing religious philosophy here so you can attack it, and I get that, but you're being completely dishonest about the conversation. I believe all organized man-made religions are flawed, but they are evidence that man does spiritually connect to something greater than self and always has.

You said "Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices." So not true. I'm a good guy, don't steal, cheat, lie any more or less than any christian or muslim. And I certainly don't do bad things and just want to believe that there are no consequences because I believe in Karma. I don't worry about being punished in the afterlife. I worry about being paid back now in this life. I don't need a god or big brother watching over me 24/7. Do you?

What is Karma? Do you have any physical evidence it exists? Can it be tested and falsified? I believe in Karma too, but you must realize this is a spiritual concept, not a physical one. Most people don't believe they do bad things or are bad people. Even someone like Hitler believed he was doing good and was a good person. I've never met another human who admitted, I am a bad person who does bad terrible things! What we do is rationalize our behavior whether others see it as good or bad.

Know why we stopped believing in gods? First of all, we grew up.

So nearly 90% of the human race is not grown up? Only roughly 10% of us are grown ups? That's odd. What you're doing here is rationalizing your disbelief by viewing your disbelief as a sign of maturity. You have absolutely nothing to base this on, it's mere speculative opinion or rationalization of your disbelief.
Yea but countries with less religion do better than countries with more religion. That's the only point I tried to make here.

You failed to make any point. Perhaps it's the other way around? Countries which do better have less religion because people don't feel the need for religious beliefs, life is good.

PS. I want to add to my comment on your insane original post. First off let me say based on the original post, you think no different than Gismys. The only difference is she doesn't deny jesus like you. You seem to think that is ok but denying any god will send you to hell. So to you Muslims and Jews are Mormons are all safe. Got it. Retard.

I haven't made a religious argument. You people continue to try and conflate religion with spirituality and I keep on trying to get you back on track, but you just keep derailing. You want desperately for me to be espousing religious philosophy here so you can attack it, and I get that, but you're being completely dishonest about the conversation. I believe all organized man-made religions are flawed, but they are evidence that man does spiritually connect to something greater than self and always has.

You said "Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices." So not true. I'm a good guy, don't steal, cheat, lie any more or less than any christian or muslim. And I certainly don't do bad things and just want to believe that there are no consequences because I believe in Karma. I don't worry about being punished in the afterlife. I worry about being paid back now in this life. I don't need a god or big brother watching over me 24/7. Do you?

What is Karma? Do you have any physical evidence it exists? Can it be tested and falsified? I believe in Karma too, but you must realize this is a spiritual concept, not a physical one. Most people don't believe they do bad things or are bad people. Even someone like Hitler believed he was doing good and was a good person. I've never met another human who admitted, I am a bad person who does bad terrible things! What we do is rationalize our behavior whether others see it as good or bad.

Know why we stopped believing in gods? First of all, we grew up.

So nearly 90% of the human race is not grown up? Only roughly 10% of us are grown ups? That's odd. What you're doing here is rationalizing your disbelief by viewing your disbelief as a sign of maturity. You have absolutely nothing to base this on, it's mere speculative opinion or rationalization of your disbelief.
really? so the tooth fairy the Easter bunny and saint nick are all real?
I showed you evidence we'd be better off without god: Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy, lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates.

Uhm... no, you showed me some stats from countries with a supposedly high number of Atheists among the population. They were still predominately spiritual nations. You can't claim a nation is "Atheist" because 20% of the people claim to be atheist. Until you have a majority Atheist nation to cite, you should just keep your mouth closed and not make such bold claims.

I'll type slow so I don't lose you. Societies with higher number of atheists are better than societies where the masses are all religious. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Sudan, India, Mexico all shit holes with the masses being very religious. Places like Europe or in cities in the USA where liberals, scientists and atheists collect great things happen. Cures for sicknesses praying won't help, equal rights, civil rights, labor laws, higher wages, etc all where we hang out. We don't believe we should just cope and take it and wait for the after life and heaven. That's a joke.

Think of the deep red neck hick stupid south. Very religious. No smart scientific math philosophical thinkers coming out of the south but you do have a lot of religious poor people who go to church at churches that were built by slave plantation owners who used religion to keep the blacks in line. Poor inner city blacks in America are very religious. What is it they know that I don't know? They don't know shit. They are brainwashed dumb sheep. The masses. Yea, that's what I think about the masses. Please jesus come and take them away!!!:eusa_pray:

All you are doing is spewing a bunch of stereotypes and showing your complete and total bigotry and prejudice. This is common among those who don't believe in anything greater than themselves. It's what makes Atheists so dangerous to civilization.

Again, anywhere you find that humanity needs hope you will find strong spirituality. The better off a country is, the less the people feel a need for religion or spirituality. You've twisted that around into another rationalization for disbelief.

All I can say for your interjection of politics, liberals and atheists doing all these great and wonderful things, is that you are obviously delusional. Almost every great scientist you can name past or present, has/had some degree of spiritual belief. The institution of slavery would have never been ended if it were not for Quaker ministers who founded the abolitionist movement. Civil Rights was LED by a Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. He wasn't a fucking atheist!
really? so the tooth fairy the Easter bunny and saint nick are all real?

I realize you were banned for a while and probably haven't kept up with this thread, but all of those things were addressed a few pages back and I don't feel the need to go through it all again. You can navigate back and read what was posted re: Easter bunny and Santa. Bottom line, these are things humans created that never were believed to be real, never worshiped spiritually, and do not fall into the same category.
Uhm... no, you showed me some stats from countries with a supposedly high number of Atheists among the population. They were still predominately spiritual nations. You can't claim a nation is "Atheist" because 20% of the people claim to be atheist. Until you have a majority Atheist nation to cite, you should just keep your mouth closed and not make such bold claims.

I'll type slow so I don't lose you. Societies with higher number of atheists are better than societies where the masses are all religious. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Sudan, India, Mexico all shit holes with the masses being very religious. Places like Europe or in cities in the USA where liberals, scientists and atheists collect great things happen. Cures for sicknesses praying won't help, equal rights, civil rights, labor laws, higher wages, etc all where we hang out. We don't believe we should just cope and take it and wait for the after life and heaven. That's a joke.

Think of the deep red neck hick stupid south. Very religious. No smart scientific math philosophical thinkers coming out of the south but you do have a lot of religious poor people who go to church at churches that were built by slave plantation owners who used religion to keep the blacks in line. Poor inner city blacks in America are very religious. What is it they know that I don't know? They don't know shit. They are brainwashed dumb sheep. The masses. Yea, that's what I think about the masses. Please jesus come and take them away!!!:eusa_pray:

All you are doing is spewing a bunch of stereotypes and showing your complete and total bigotry and prejudice. This is common among those who don't believe in anything greater than themselves. It's what makes Atheists so dangerous to civilization.

Again, anywhere you find that humanity needs hope you will find strong spirituality. The better off a country is, the less the people feel a need for religion or spirituality. You've twisted that around into another rationalization for disbelief.

All I can say for your interjection of politics, liberals and atheists doing all these great and wonderful things, is that you are obviously delusional. Almost every great scientist you can name past or present, has/had some degree of spiritual belief. The institution of slavery would have never been ended if it were not for Quaker ministers who founded the abolitionist movement. Civil Rights was LED by a Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. He wasn't a fucking atheist!

Atheists want to fund stem cell research so we can cure cancer and alzheimers. We like abortion because the planet is already over populated. We like euthenasia because we don't think terminal people should suffer. Tell me what beliefs atheists have that are "dangerous to civilization"? Don't say abortion because abortion is a necessary evil. When will the oceans be out of fish? 2050? Too many humans.

I believe in things that are greater than myself. The sun, the universe, the earth, black holes. Amazing stuff.

The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalize world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
really? so the tooth fairy the Easter bunny and saint nick are all real?

I realize you were banned for a while and probably haven't kept up with this thread, but all of those things were addressed a few pages back and I don't feel the need to go through it all again. You can navigate back and read what was posted re: Easter bunny and Santa. Bottom line, these are things humans created that never were believed to be real, never worshiped spiritually, and do not fall into the same category.

By the way Peter, basically I assess from your original post that the only difference between you and Gismys is you have denied jesus Gismys has not. Luke 22:13 bitch!
really? so the tooth fairy the Easter bunny and saint nick are all real?

I realize you were banned for a while and probably haven't kept up with this thread, but all of those things were addressed a few pages back and I don't feel the need to go through it all again. You can navigate back and read what was posted re: Easter bunny and Santa. Bottom line, these are things humans created that never were believed to be real, never worshiped spiritually, and do not fall into the same category.

Confidently asserting that a theory or hypothesis is true even though the theory cannot possibly be contradicted by an observation or the outcome of any physical experiment, usually without strong evidence or good reasons.

Making unfalsifiable claims is a way to leave the realm of rational discourse, since unfalsifiable claims are often faith-based, and not founded on evidence and reason.

All unfalsifiable claims are not fallacious; they are just unfalsifiable. As long as proper skepticism is retained and proper evidence is given, it could be a legitimate form of reasoning.

Tip: Never assume you must be right simply because you can’t be proven wrong.
Well because we know what creates physical reality is time and space for physical reality to exist, and we know this is created by the universe expanding because of e=mc2. Before the universe began expanding, there was no physical existence of any kind, it's impossible. If there was no physical nature, the only force which could have created the universe is spiritual. Unless there is some force even greater than spiritual nature that we don't know about yet.... that's also a possibility. What is not possible is for physical nature to create itself.

My understanding is that the Big Bang theory posits the universe coming from a singularity, something with infinite density but zero volume. I don't recall seeing that the singularity is not supposed to be physical; all the laws of physics, particularly relativity, may not apply, but that doesn't necessarily equate to a non-physical existence.

You've read the universe came from a Big Bang which began with singularity. What was before the Big Bang is not known. If the laws of physics do not exist, then "physical" does not exist. That's what "physical" means, in essence. For "physical" to exist, you must have time created by the expanding universe, which obviously didn't exist before the Big Bang. So, no time or physical reality for physical to exist. What does that leave?

Now there can be all kinds of theories and opinions, we don't really know for certain.... but we do know it couldn't have been something physical because physical didn't exist. Those who completely reject spiritual nature have no answer to the question and never will. Those who believe in only physical nature, can't wrap their minds around the question and never will. Something non-physical caused the universe to happen, there is no other explanation.

Not all the laws of physics are necessarily abandoned in a singularity. Apparently this is an example of where quantum physics come into play. The important point, from what I gather, is that general relativity does not apply in the singularity.

It's funny that you say there can be all kinds of theories and opinions, we really don't know....then immediately claim we do know there couldn't have been anything physical before the Big Bang.

That you or I have no explanation for how something physical could have existed prior to the BB does not mean it couldn't have. From what little I've read, those with much more education in this area and likely more intelligence than both of us believe it very well may have been some sort of physical existence before the BB occurred. Again, this may be explained through quantum physics.

You may be right that something non-physical created the physical universe. It leaves the question of what created that non-physical thing, or how it created the physical universe, but that's not really important here. Even if you are correct, however, stating or implying that the math or science behind the Big Bang theory conclusively proves there was nothing physical before the BB occurred seems to be either disingenuous or an outright lie.

Perhaps my limited understanding is the problem, but at this point I don't believe so.
Wow that's a great point. We don't know what started the big bang and we don't know for sure how life started here on earth. Scientists thank god have a few good theories. It certainly wasn't a god and wasn't done in 7 days, right?

So, you think the big bang started life on Earth? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You have no fucking idea what scientists think, you are an uneducated chimp.

Oh, and stupid, we DO know what triggered the big bang - gravity. The forces compacted mass/energy so tightly that it reacted with explosive force.
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It leaves the question of what created that non-physical thing..

No, it really doesn't, because what do you mean when you say "created"? A creation is something that happens in the physical realm of existence or reality. It's actually short for "physical creation" and only applies to physical things. Non-physical things do not require creation, they aren't physical.

It's funny that you say there can be all kinds of theories and opinions, we really don't know....then immediately claim we do know there couldn't have been anything physical before the Big Bang.

It's because we know what creates physical reality and existence. It is the expanding of our universe and time which is caused by it. If you don't have an expanding universe, you don't have time, and there is no place for anything physical to exist. So this is the one thing we know did not create the universe.

Now... there may have been another universe, there may be many universes now, we don't know. However, since we know that physics operate under established principles and properties of elements in this universe, we can presume they probably would in other universes as well, but what makes the physics and elements behave as they do in our physical reality? Time and space, created by an expanding universe. We have no way of knowing if another universe would have the same rate of expansion, the same physics parameters or even the same behavior of elements. Reality in another universe could be dramatically different than our own. Even things like the rules of logic may not apply. (Sorry, Spock!)
This is what I meant: “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

I'm glad you watch Cosmos, it's a fairly good show. Bummer you lack the intellect grasp what is presented. But then, it IS on a 6th grade level, so well beyond your education.

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