Why do the God-haters persist?

Chimpanzees and Bonobos can make and use tools, show grief upon the death of a relative, laugh when they see something funny, and recognize themselves in a mirror, demonstrating that they understand the concept of self.

Yet they don't have the fears of mortality and unknown causing them to create imaginary playmates to make it through life. Even though they have cognizance of self and are saddened by the death of relatives, they don't seem to be having trouble with this pesky fear of their own mortality. Strange, isn't it?
They also aren't bothered by any sense of morality and will happily and without any pause or punishment at all cannibalize their own children. Likewise, they have neither the desire nor the ability to create.

And anti-Christian bigots think this is an admirable trait.
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Chimpanzees and Bonobos can make and use tools, show grief upon the death of a relative, laugh when they see something funny, and recognize themselves in a mirror, demonstrating that they understand the concept of self.

Yet they don't have the fears of mortality and unknown causing them to create imaginary playmates to make it through life. Even though they have cognizance of self and are saddened by the death of relatives, they don't seem to be having trouble with this pesky fear of their own mortality. Strange, isn't it?

Not in the least, unless you think we are exactly the same as the apes.
But I thought your position was quite the opposite.
Because the evolution of man didn't start with homo sapiens.
That was pretty easy.

Well, aside from the fact that you have not proven this... where is the evidence that whatever preceded man was spiritual? Where is the evidence that our "common ancestors" were spiritual? Where is evidence that species we supposedly share common ancestry with are spiritual?

Yes... it IS easy... you have NO EVIDENCE!

Didn't make the argument that the predecessors had it, so you have again created a strawman that you can work with. It is your habit, and we have come to expect this common dodge from you. You are nothing if not predictable.
It took millions of years for species to develop to attain the cognitive abilities we have both recognized are unique to humans.

If ancestors which preceded homo sapiens didn't have it then it couldn't have taken millions of years to develop and humans are only 100~200k years old. The behavior didn't evolve into humans from something else. It is an attribute unique to humans, not found anywhere else in nature, not found in evidence from any other creature in nature ever.

Your theory is total rubbish. You contend that all these millions of years things were developing a secret mystical attribute that none were aware of until humans came along, and then *POOF* out of nowhere, humans had this insatiable need to develop a placebo to deal with fears of mortality that also, curiously, don't exist anywhere else in nature past or present. The most intelligently advanced species ever to evolve into existence, yet they have this pronounced mental handicap of needing something to pacify insecurity.

You are literally Fonzie jumping the shark of logic on this one.
Well, aside from the fact that you have not proven this... where is the evidence that whatever preceded man was spiritual? Where is the evidence that our "common ancestors" were spiritual? Where is evidence that species we supposedly share common ancestry with are spiritual?

Yes... it IS easy... you have NO EVIDENCE!

Didn't make the argument that the predecessors had it, so you have again created a strawman that you can work with. It is your habit, and we have come to expect this common dodge from you. You are nothing if not predictable.
It took millions of years for species to develop to attain the cognitive abilities we have both recognized are unique to humans.

If ancestors which preceded homo sapiens didn't have it then it couldn't have taken millions of years to develop and humans are only 100~200k years old. The behavior didn't evolve into humans from something else. It is an attribute unique to humans, not found anywhere else in nature, not found in evidence from any other creature in nature ever.

Your theory is total rubbish. You contend that all these millions of years things were developing a secret mystical attribute that none were aware of until humans came along, and then *POOF* out of nowhere, humans had this insatiable need to develop a placebo to deal with fears of mortality that also, curiously, don't exist anywhere else in nature past or present. The most intelligently advanced species ever to evolve into existence, yet they have this pronounced mental handicap of needing something to pacify insecurity.

You are literally Fonzie jumping the shark of logic on this one.

Again you make up something, attribute it to me and then try to dismantle it.
So pathetic.
No secret mystical attribute. Fear is as common as oxygen.
Many attributes are unique to humans, but his reasoning power is chief among them. It is this that trips him up in the spiritual fantasy. He sees his mortality, fears it and creates a mythology to save himself from it.
Only the most intelligent species could develop a way of using the mind to overcome its greatest fear.
No, you're a bigot because you keep saying that people who believe in God are necessarily stupid.

That's like saying Muslims and Buddhists are stupid, or Pakistanis, lol. And it's definitely bigoted.
pakistanis are not a religion...
stupid is not a necessity it is however an option lot's o believers choose...

I didn't say Pakistani was a religion, duhs. My point is about the nature of bigotry, which is not confined to RELIGION. You can be bigoted against someone based on their skin color, their point of origin, their height, their accent, their religion, or their nation.

Which was rather my point. Which of course must eternally be dumbed down for you..a point I have also made before. It's remarkable how consistent you are in your inability to comprehend the simplest and most commonly understood concepts. No wonder you seek out alternate methods of fulfillment...it's obvious that you have very limited understanding of anything normal, reasonable, or even factual.
love it when you rationalize ...you were spewing hate ...that all...
and that was and is your point.....the rest is you justifying your madness ...

alternate methods of fulfillment.---a new wrinkle in your delusion....
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They also aren't bothered by any sense of morality and will happily and without any pause or punishment at all cannibalize their own children. Likewise, they have neither the desire nor the ability to create.

And anti-Christian bigots think this is an admirable trait.
no... you're not at all unhinged....not at all....!
melodrama at it's worst...
God doesn't need me to earn him brownie points.

See, like I said, your obvious intellectual deficits undo you. Impaired capability makes me sad.
God doesn't need me to earn him brownie points.

See, like I said, your obvious intellectual deficits undo you. Impaired capability makes me sad.
no god doesn't but you do ..god is your construct and feeding it is a major part of your ongoing delusion...
as are the imagined mental defects you project on others ...
Yes, it's obvious that you do enjoy being held up as an object of ridicule. I have to agree with you there....
Many attributes are unique to humans, but his reasoning power is chief among them. It is this that trips him up in the spiritual fantasy. He sees his mortality, fears it and creates a mythology to save himself from it.

A bunch of other critters have "reasoning power." Crows are especially astute at reasoning, figuring things out, rationalizing and planning then executing their plans. There is nothing unique about this ability in humans. But again, you are claiming the most advanced intellectual creature ever in the history of intelligent life, has this handicap where they need to create an imaginary security blanket so they can cope with fear of their mortality. Do you not realize how absolutely preposterous this sounds?

He sees his mortality because he comprehends potential immortality. Why? Because he has an intrinsic connection he can't ignore with something profound and greater than self, which he recognizes as immortal. And dude, I am sorry, you can sit here and pop off your pretentious and arrogant snorts toward "spiritual fantasy" all you like, the fact that you balk when it comes to defining yourself as an Atheist or completely rejecting the idea of God the Creator of the universe, speaks volumes.

Face it, you are a bitter man with an axe to grind. This is a personal vendetta between you and God. You feel that God somehow let you down and now you're going to make God pay. I hate to tell you this, but long after you have returned to the dust of the Earth, God will still be going strong and mankind will still be connecting with God. In the scope of eternity, you are essentially meaningless.
Many attributes are unique to humans, but his reasoning power is chief among them. It is this that trips him up in the spiritual fantasy. He sees his mortality, fears it and creates a mythology to save himself from it.

A bunch of other critters have "reasoning power." Crows are especially astute at reasoning, figuring things out, rationalizing and planning then executing their plans. There is nothing unique about this ability in humans. But again, you are claiming the most advanced intellectual creature ever in the history of intelligent life, has this handicap where they need to create an imaginary security blanket so they can cope with fear of their mortality. Do you not realize how absolutely preposterous this sounds?

He sees his mortality because he comprehends potential immortality. Why? Because he has an intrinsic connection he can't ignore with something profound and greater than self, which he recognizes as immortal. And dude, I am sorry, you can sit here and pop off your pretentious and arrogant snorts toward "spiritual fantasy" all you like, the fact that you balk when it comes to defining yourself as an Atheist or completely rejecting the idea of God the Creator of the universe, speaks volumes.

Face it, you are a bitter man with an axe to grind. This is a personal vendetta between you and God. You feel that God somehow let you down and now you're going to make God pay. I hate to tell you this, but long after you have returned to the dust of the Earth, God will still be going strong and mankind will still be connecting with God. In the scope of eternity, you are essentially meaningless.
Many attributes are unique to humans, but his reasoning power is chief among them. It is this that trips him up in the spiritual fantasy. He sees his mortality, fears it and creates a mythology to save himself from it.

A bunch of other critters have "reasoning power." Crows are especially astute at reasoning, figuring things out, rationalizing and planning then executing their plans. There is nothing unique about this ability in humans. But again, you are claiming the most advanced intellectual creature ever in the history of intelligent life, has this handicap where they need to create an imaginary security blanket so they can cope with fear of their mortality. Do you not realize how absolutely preposterous this sounds?

He sees his mortality because he comprehends potential immortality. Why? Because he has an intrinsic connection he can't ignore with something profound and greater than self, which he recognizes as immortal. And dude, I am sorry, you can sit here and pop off your pretentious and arrogant snorts toward "spiritual fantasy" all you like, the fact that you balk when it comes to defining yourself as an Atheist or completely rejecting the idea of God the Creator of the universe, speaks volumes.

Face it, you are a bitter man with an axe to grind. This is a personal vendetta between you and God. You feel that God somehow let you down and now you're going to make God pay. I hate to tell you this, but long after you have returned to the dust of the Earth, God will still be going strong and mankind will still be connecting with God. In the scope of eternity, you are essentially meaningless.
You want to make the case that other animals reason, too, and then immediately make the case that man is "the most advanced intellectual creature ever in the history of intelligent life" (though the way that is written puts the issue in great doubt) making my case for me that his reasoning power would give him the unique ability to rationalize, which requires one to make a fiction that one then invests in.
The rest is you getting into your usual personal snit when you know you are getting humiliated.

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