Why do the God-haters persist?

God doesn't need me to earn him brownie points.

See, like I said, your obvious intellectual deficits undo you. Impaired capability makes me sad.
no god doesn't but you do ..god is your construct and feeding it is a major part of your ongoing delusion...
as are the imagined mental defects you project on others ...

the great tolerance of the atheist religion.
Chimpanzees and Bonobos can make and use tools, show grief upon the death of a relative, laugh when they see something funny, and recognize themselves in a mirror, demonstrating that they understand the concept of self.
Yet they don't have the fears of mortality and unknown causing them to create imaginary playmates to make it through life. Even though they have cognizance of self and are saddened by the death of relatives, they don't seem to be having trouble with this pesky fear of their own mortality. Strange, isn't it?

Most animals have a fear of death, Booseyman. Gazelles, for instance, understand that if they get caught by a lion, they will be eaten. That is why they run away! This is well documented. But you may be right about one thing. Most other animals aren't as deluded as we are into making shit up, like you have been doing right here. Isn't that strange?
They also aren't bothered by any sense of morality and will happily and without any pause or punishment at all cannibalize their own children. Likewise, they have neither the desire nor the ability to create.

And anti-Christian bigots think this is an admirable trait.

You don't get out much, do you?
Well, aside from the fact that you have not proven this... where is the evidence that whatever preceded man was spiritual? Where is the evidence that our "common ancestors" were spiritual? Where is evidence that species we supposedly share common ancestry with are spiritual?

Yes... it IS easy... you have NO EVIDENCE!

Didn't make the argument that the predecessors had it, so you have again created a strawman that you can work with. It is your habit, and we have come to expect this common dodge from you. You are nothing if not predictable.
It took millions of years for species to develop to attain the cognitive abilities we have both recognized are unique to humans.

If ancestors which preceded homo sapiens didn't have it then it couldn't have taken millions of years to develop and humans are only 100~200k years old. The behavior didn't evolve into humans from something else. It is an attribute unique to humans, not found anywhere else in nature, not found in evidence from any other creature in nature ever.

Your theory is total rubbish. You contend that all these millions of years things were developing a secret mystical attribute that none were aware of until humans came along, and then *POOF* out of nowhere, humans had this insatiable need to develop a placebo to deal with fears of mortality that also, curiously, don't exist anywhere else in nature past or present. The most intelligently advanced species ever to evolve into existence, yet they have this pronounced mental handicap of needing something to pacify insecurity.

You are literally Fonzie jumping the shark of logic on this one.

Explain to me why humans lived in caves and lean tos and out in the open for much of his existence until about 10,000 years ago? What changed?
Many attributes are unique to humans, but his reasoning power is chief among them. It is this that trips him up in the spiritual fantasy. He sees his mortality, fears it and creates a mythology to save himself from it.
A bunch of other critters have "reasoning power." Crows are especially astute at reasoning, figuring things out, rationalizing and planning then executing their plans. There is nothing unique about this ability in humans. But again, you are claiming the most advanced intellectual creature ever in the history of intelligent life, has this handicap where they need to create an imaginary security blanket so they can cope with fear of their mortality. Do you not realize how absolutely preposterous this sounds?

You're right. It is preposterous. So why do we do it? I think we do it because we have an innate need to fear angry alpha males. It is a left over from our earlier primate youth. Is it a coincidence that your God is depicted as a grizzled gray haired old man? I don't think it is. Here is the original archetype for your god:


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Boss: It is also a possibility that physical science will one day discover a physical aspect to God ...

so, your God is inanimate ?

Boss: What humans are connecting to, the spiritual, is not physical and not detectable or traceable by physical science at this time.

there is no reason to believe the "Creator" of the universe would not be physical by only its imperception ... by humanity.

Boss: ... where is the evidence that whatever preceded man was spiritual? Where is the evidence that our "common ancestors" were spiritual? Where is evidence that species we supposedly share common ancestry with are spiritual?

happily, not everyone is a Scripturalist - it is readily apparent simply by observation whatever is alive is Spiritual ...


the physiology of a plant is not attributable to a brain and yet it has the same reasoning ability displayed by animals.

...making my case for me that his reasoning power would give him the unique ability to rationalize, which requires one to make a fiction that one then invests in.

And your premise is preposterous. Other things rationalize! They don't rationalize fictions to invest in! You are literally arguing that our extremely advanced intelligence gives us the ability to be total imbeciles and do something completely illogical for the entirety of our existence.

Look, I know that you probably look up to some moronic geek who told you all this crap on one of his 'blogs-o-wisdom' somewhere, but it hasn't been thought through properly. It's completely nosediving as a theory because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. It fits your narrative, and that's about all it does.
...making my case for me that his reasoning power would give him the unique ability to rationalize, which requires one to make a fiction that one then invests in.
And your premise is preposterous. Other things rationalize! They don't rationalize fictions to invest in! You are literally arguing that our extremely advanced intelligence gives us the ability to be total imbeciles and do something completely illogical for the entirety of our existence.

Look, I know that you probably look up to some moronic geek who told you all this crap on one of his 'blogs-o-wisdom' somewhere, but it hasn't been thought through properly. It's completely nosediving as a theory because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. It fits your narrative, and that's about all it does.

Being an intelligent species is no guarantee that we won't do stupid things.
...making my case for me that his reasoning power would give him the unique ability to rationalize, which requires one to make a fiction that one then invests in.

And your premise is preposterous. Other things rationalize! They don't rationalize fictions to invest in! You are literally arguing that our extremely advanced intelligence gives us the ability to be total imbeciles and do something completely illogical for the entirety of our existence.

Look, I know that you probably look up to some moronic geek who told you all this crap on one of his 'blogs-o-wisdom' somewhere, but it hasn't been thought through properly. It's completely nosediving as a theory because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. It fits your narrative, and that's about all it does.

You have done nothing to undermine it, that is certain.
All of my words are mine, not regurgitated from anywhere unless cited as such.
In the movie "The Big Chill" Jeff Goldblum says rationalizations are more important than sex. When challenged, he asks "Have you ever gone a week without a good rationalization?"
People continuously rationalize all kinds of things. All the time. Constantly.
Name a rationalization from the animal kingdom.
...making my case for me that his reasoning power would give him the unique ability to rationalize, which requires one to make a fiction that one then invests in.

And your premise is preposterous. Other things rationalize! They don't rationalize fictions to invest in! You are literally arguing that our extremely advanced intelligence gives us the ability to be total imbeciles and do something completely illogical for the entirety of our existence.

Look, I know that you probably look up to some moronic geek who told you all this crap on one of his 'blogs-o-wisdom' somewhere, but it hasn't been thought through properly. It's completely nosediving as a theory because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. It fits your narrative, and that's about all it does.

You have done nothing to undermine it, that is certain.
All of my words are mine, not regurgitated from anywhere unless cited as such.
In the movie "The Big Chill" Jeff Goldblum says rationalizations are more important than sex. When challenged, he asks "Have you ever gone a week without a good rationalization?"
People continuously rationalize all kinds of things. All the time. Constantly.
Name a rationalization from the animal kingdom.

Well, I gave you one example already. Crows rationalize all the time. They rationalize, they reason, they plan and implement ideas. Other than being able to marginally read and write, they are probably as intelligent as you. They are not alone, I could give you countless examples of animals who rationalize. What they don't seem to do is spiritually connect to something greater than self and become inspired. God knows creatures such as yourself would be in very big trouble if they did.

I think your theory was totally destroyed. The most intelligent species ever to exist, certainly didn't create some imaginary meme and cling to it for all it's existence so it could get through life. If you're so fucking stupid you want to believe that, it's your business. You best just hope the fucking crows don't learn how to read and operate a computer, or you're toast.
...making my case for me that his reasoning power would give him the unique ability to rationalize, which requires one to make a fiction that one then invests in.

And your premise is preposterous. Other things rationalize! They don't rationalize fictions to invest in! You are literally arguing that our extremely advanced intelligence gives us the ability to be total imbeciles and do something completely illogical for the entirety of our existence.

Look, I know that you probably look up to some moronic geek who told you all this crap on one of his 'blogs-o-wisdom' somewhere, but it hasn't been thought through properly. It's completely nosediving as a theory because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. It fits your narrative, and that's about all it does.

I would appreciate an example of something not human rationalizing. A single example would be nice.
And your premise is preposterous. Other things rationalize! They don't rationalize fictions to invest in! You are literally arguing that our extremely advanced intelligence gives us the ability to be total imbeciles and do something completely illogical for the entirety of our existence.

Look, I know that you probably look up to some moronic geek who told you all this crap on one of his 'blogs-o-wisdom' somewhere, but it hasn't been thought through properly. It's completely nosediving as a theory because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. It fits your narrative, and that's about all it does.

You have done nothing to undermine it, that is certain.
All of my words are mine, not regurgitated from anywhere unless cited as such.
In the movie "The Big Chill" Jeff Goldblum says rationalizations are more important than sex. When challenged, he asks "Have you ever gone a week without a good rationalization?"
People continuously rationalize all kinds of things. All the time. Constantly.
Name a rationalization from the animal kingdom.

Well, I gave you one example already. Crows rationalize all the time. They rationalize, they reason, they plan and implement ideas. Other than being able to marginally read and write, they are probably as intelligent as you. They are not alone, I could give you countless examples of animals who rationalize. What they don't seem to do is spiritually connect to something greater than self and become inspired. God knows creatures such as yourself would be in very big trouble if they did.

I think your theory was totally destroyed. The most intelligent species ever to exist, certainly didn't create some imaginary meme and cling to it for all it's existence so it could get through life. If you're so fucking stupid you want to believe that, it's your business. You best just hope the fucking crows don't learn how to read and operate a computer, or you're toast.

Of course, it's your contention that all of the various beliefs people have had are drawn from the same source. I'm pretty sure that all of those people who believed the various religions and other forms of supernatural or spiritual concepts don't agree with that.

It could also be that the most intelligent species ever to exist (on this planet) created many different imaginary memes.

And you saying crows rationalize isn't exactly a good example without some sort of evidence. Considering crows do not have a language I'm curious how you think you know that they rationalize. I do, in fact, wonder just what definition of rationalize you are operating under to reach such a conclusion.
And your premise is preposterous. Other things rationalize! They don't rationalize fictions to invest in! You are literally arguing that our extremely advanced intelligence gives us the ability to be total imbeciles and do something completely illogical for the entirety of our existence.

Look, I know that you probably look up to some moronic geek who told you all this crap on one of his 'blogs-o-wisdom' somewhere, but it hasn't been thought through properly. It's completely nosediving as a theory because it just doesn't make a lot of sense. It fits your narrative, and that's about all it does.

You have done nothing to undermine it, that is certain.
All of my words are mine, not regurgitated from anywhere unless cited as such.
In the movie "The Big Chill" Jeff Goldblum says rationalizations are more important than sex. When challenged, he asks "Have you ever gone a week without a good rationalization?"
People continuously rationalize all kinds of things. All the time. Constantly.
Name a rationalization from the animal kingdom.

Well, I gave you one example already. Crows rationalize all the time. They rationalize, they reason, they plan and implement ideas. Other than being able to marginally read and write, they are probably as intelligent as you. They are not alone, I could give you countless examples of animals who rationalize. What they don't seem to do is spiritually connect to something greater than self and become inspired. God knows creatures such as yourself would be in very big trouble if they did.

I think your theory was totally destroyed. The most intelligent species ever to exist, certainly didn't create some imaginary meme and cling to it for all it's existence so it could get through life. If you're so fucking stupid you want to believe that, it's your business. You best just hope the fucking crows don't learn how to read and operate a computer, or you're toast.

You don't know what rationalization is, do you?
It's a psychological term.

"In psychology and logic, rationalization (also known as making excuses[1]) is a defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are logically justified and explained in a rational or logical manner in order to avoid any true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means.[2] Rationalization encourages irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings and often involves ad hoc hypothesizing. This process ranges from fully conscious (e.g. to present an external defense against ridicule from others) to mostly unconscious (e.g. to create a block against internal feelings of guilt)."

A PhD. in psychology might have exposed you to this concept.
Point out how a crow enlists rationalizations, or any animal for that matter.
They don't, and there is the key to your spirituality. Man does.
It isn't a meme man clings to, it is a behavior that is performed in psychic self-defense.
The rest is your usual childish name calling.
You have done nothing to undermine it, that is certain.
All of my words are mine, not regurgitated from anywhere unless cited as such.
In the movie "The Big Chill" Jeff Goldblum says rationalizations are more important than sex. When challenged, he asks "Have you ever gone a week without a good rationalization?"
People continuously rationalize all kinds of things. All the time. Constantly.
Name a rationalization from the animal kingdom.

Well, I gave you one example already. Crows rationalize all the time. They rationalize, they reason, they plan and implement ideas. Other than being able to marginally read and write, they are probably as intelligent as you. They are not alone, I could give you countless examples of animals who rationalize. What they don't seem to do is spiritually connect to something greater than self and become inspired. God knows creatures such as yourself would be in very big trouble if they did.

I think your theory was totally destroyed. The most intelligent species ever to exist, certainly didn't create some imaginary meme and cling to it for all it's existence so it could get through life. If you're so fucking stupid you want to believe that, it's your business. You best just hope the fucking crows don't learn how to read and operate a computer, or you're toast.

Of course, it's your contention that all of the various beliefs people have had are drawn from the same source. I'm pretty sure that all of those people who believed the various religions and other forms of supernatural or spiritual concepts don't agree with that.

It could also be that the most intelligent species ever to exist (on this planet) created many different imaginary memes.

And you saying crows rationalize isn't exactly a good example without some sort of evidence. Considering crows do not have a language I'm curious how you think you know that they rationalize. I do, in fact, wonder just what definition of rationalize you are operating under to reach such a conclusion.

Yes, all religions are essentially manifestations of human spiritual connection. Doesn't matter if they all agree with my understanding of spiritual nature. You can believe that the most intelligent living things have suffered from mass delusion the entirety of their existence if that helps you sleep at night, I don't believe that. Sorry!

What kind of evidence do you want that crows rationalize things?

Crows are incredible. [VIDEO]

Is It Possible: Super Smart Crows : Video : Discovery Channel

Intelligent Crows: The Brainiacs Of the Animal World - TIME

6 Terrifying Ways Crows Are Way Smarter Than You Think | Cracked.com

Crows are as intelligent as CHILDREN: Study reveals birds have same intelligence as a seven-year-old | Mail Online

....Convinced yet?
Well, I gave you one example already. Crows rationalize all the time. They rationalize, they reason, they plan and implement ideas. Other than being able to marginally read and write, they are probably as intelligent as you. They are not alone, I could give you countless examples of animals who rationalize. What they don't seem to do is spiritually connect to something greater than self and become inspired. God knows creatures such as yourself would be in very big trouble if they did.

I think your theory was totally destroyed. The most intelligent species ever to exist, certainly didn't create some imaginary meme and cling to it for all it's existence so it could get through life. If you're so fucking stupid you want to believe that, it's your business. You best just hope the fucking crows don't learn how to read and operate a computer, or you're toast.

Of course, it's your contention that all of the various beliefs people have had are drawn from the same source. I'm pretty sure that all of those people who believed the various religions and other forms of supernatural or spiritual concepts don't agree with that.

It could also be that the most intelligent species ever to exist (on this planet) created many different imaginary memes.

And you saying crows rationalize isn't exactly a good example without some sort of evidence. Considering crows do not have a language I'm curious how you think you know that they rationalize. I do, in fact, wonder just what definition of rationalize you are operating under to reach such a conclusion.

Yes, all religions are essentially manifestations of human spiritual connection. Doesn't matter if they all agree with my understanding of spiritual nature. You can believe that the most intelligent living things have suffered from mass delusion the entirety of their existence if that helps you sleep at night, I don't believe that. Sorry!

What kind of evidence do you want that crows rationalize things?

Crows are incredible. [VIDEO]

Is It Possible: Super Smart Crows : Video : Discovery Channel

Intelligent Crows: The Brainiacs Of the Animal World - TIME

6 Terrifying Ways Crows Are Way Smarter Than You Think | Cracked.com

Crows are as intelligent as CHILDREN: Study reveals birds have same intelligence as a seven-year-old | Mail Online

....Convinced yet?

I'll watch the videos later, but again, I have to wonder what definition of rationalize you are using. None of the articles in any way showed crows rationalizing. They showed an ability to understand causal relationships, but not an attempt to make the irrational or illogical seem rational.

Crows are pretty smart as animals go. OK. That is not the same as rationalizing, sorry.

As to the mass delusions, again, it's not been the same mass delusion throughout human history. Human spiritual beliefs have been very varied over our history, and they are and have been varied at any given time as well. And there have probably always been those who do not believe in any supernatural or spiritual things. Even many believers likely think that those who do not agree with their beliefs are suffering delusion, as you like to put it.

I wonder what makes you think you have a rare ability to see the truth of spirituality that most others do not seem to? Certainly you've argued that atheists are incorrect because of the volume of believers in this thread.
You have done nothing to undermine it, that is certain.
All of my words are mine, not regurgitated from anywhere unless cited as such.
In the movie "The Big Chill" Jeff Goldblum says rationalizations are more important than sex. When challenged, he asks "Have you ever gone a week without a good rationalization?"
People continuously rationalize all kinds of things. All the time. Constantly.
Name a rationalization from the animal kingdom.

Well, I gave you one example already. Crows rationalize all the time. They rationalize, they reason, they plan and implement ideas. Other than being able to marginally read and write, they are probably as intelligent as you. They are not alone, I could give you countless examples of animals who rationalize. What they don't seem to do is spiritually connect to something greater than self and become inspired. God knows creatures such as yourself would be in very big trouble if they did.

I think your theory was totally destroyed. The most intelligent species ever to exist, certainly didn't create some imaginary meme and cling to it for all it's existence so it could get through life. If you're so fucking stupid you want to believe that, it's your business. You best just hope the fucking crows don't learn how to read and operate a computer, or you're toast.

You don't know what rationalization is, do you?
It's a psychological term.

"In psychology and logic, rationalization (also known as making excuses[1]) is a defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are logically justified and explained in a rational or logical manner in order to avoid any true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means.[2] Rationalization encourages irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings and often involves ad hoc hypothesizing. This process ranges from fully conscious (e.g. to present an external defense against ridicule from others) to mostly unconscious (e.g. to create a block against internal feelings of guilt)."

A PhD. in psychology might have exposed you to this concept.
Point out how a crow enlists rationalizations, or any animal for that matter.
They don't, and there is the key to your spirituality. Man does.
It isn't a meme man clings to, it is a behavior that is performed in psychic self-defense.
The rest is your usual childish name calling.

Point out how a crow enlists rationalizations

Watch the videos posted above, read the articles.

Do you think ignoring my post will prevent you from being exposed as a fraud regarding your expertise in psychology?
Too late.
The cat is out of the bag.

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