Why do the God-haters persist?


Did someone pray my computer into existence, or did science have to overcome centuries of dogma and misunderstandings to achieve this from rational application of cognitive ability?
Is it your position that if chimps could pray they would build computers?

Our inspiration to invent science comes from our connection to spirituality. This explains very rationally, why homo sapiens who came along rather recently in the life line of our planet, have been able to accomplish things that no other life in the preceding millions of years were able to. Nature and evolution didn't just suddenly stumble upon the perfect combo of cerebral cortex, cognitive thought and ability to reason to enable all of what we've accomplished. The key to it ALL is our unique attribute of spirituality. Through this spirituality we obtain inspiration, and inspiration has driven every aspect of advancement in technology and discovery. You ignorantly wish to believe the thing that has driven us is the thing that has hindered us.

Not suddenly.
It took millions of years.
Silly man.
You are still making the case that if chimps had spirituality they have all the other cognitive abilities to allow them to invent the computer. That is all they lack.
That is your position.
You call angry alpha males, gods?

That explains so much.

Our God is Love.

Yeah, God so loved his creation that he send a wall of water across the face of the earth to destroy his entire creation - all except 8 "special people", one of which apparently looked a lot like Russell Crowe.

If that isn't the behavior of an angry alpha male, then what is?

You..except the male and alpha part.
There is direct physical evidence that shows the existence of black holes, dark matter, and dark energy. We may not understand what is going on, but we can see there is something there.

The existence of the spiritual world? Not so much.

Do you see the difference?

Nope, because there is "direct physical evidence" that humans connect to something greater than self and have always had this attribute. No difference, we don't understand what is going on but we can see something is happening there.
false! you've contradicted your own edict ..
spirituality /god has no physical component(paraphrased boosy claim)
now you claim, "direct physical evidence".
if that's fact
then god and spirituality can be traced measured etc...making it part of the physical universe.
something you proclaim is impossible..
Jesus Christ is the physical component of Christianity.
You fail, duhs. Yet again.
I'm not arguing against history in the least.

It's precisely what you are doing. You and others are trying your best to destroy something that has been present in man since the inception of man. And you laughably think your goofy immature chortles are accomplishing this! We should actually invent a new word beyond "fool" to describe you.

Not trying to destroy, but rather illuminate the fear that causes man to create fantasies to sooth himself.
When losing, resort to attack mode.

Well, yes... I think "destroy" is the apt word to apply here. I find it very interesting how you dance around what you are doing. You denounce spiritual belief in God but when it comes to the universe you don't quite want to say there isn't a God who created it. You think God is a man-created fantasy, but you stop short of proclaiming your Atheism, preferring to call yourself "agnostic" instead. When asked if man would be better off without any spirituality, you hem-haw around an answer then throw out some emotional vomit about your hopes in what man might become without it. When confronted with the actuality that human spirituality is where we get the uniqueness of humanity, you balk and run to some idiotic notion that our uniqueness caused the spirituality.

You're not trying to "illuminate" anything. You are trying to destroy something which has been ingrained in mankind for all of his history. And you are doing a really piss-poor job of it at that.
You reject love outright, so it's to be expected that you don't recognize it when you see it.
false! you've contradicted your own edict ..
spirituality /god has no physical component(paraphrased boosy claim)
now you claim, "direct physical evidence".
if that's fact
then god and spirituality can be traced measured etc...making it part of the physical universe.
something you proclaim is impossible..

Spirituality is certainly physically measurable, the SPIRITUAL is not.

I've not said that it's impossible for God and the spiritual to be traced or measured. Many people do this through faith in spiritual nature. It is also a possibility that physical science will one day discover a physical aspect to God or the spiritual, but whenever that happens it will cease to be something "spiritual" by definition.

YOU are the one who dismisses possibility, not ME!
Boss thinks that his creator just plopped humans down in their present form. Any dumber than that, and you'd probably die.

Yeah, we should be more like you. You're obviously a genius. And definitely NOT bigoted!

I'm a bigot because I think it's funny that you and Boss think that god just plopped humans down on earth as we are now? :confused:
No, you're a bigot because you keep saying that people who believe in God are necessarily stupid.

That's like saying Muslims and Buddhists are stupid, or Pakistanis, lol. And it's definitely bigoted.
false! you've contradicted your own edict ..
spirituality /god has no physical component(paraphrased boosy claim)
now you claim, "direct physical evidence".
if that's fact
then god and spirituality can be traced measured etc...making it part of the physical universe.
something you proclaim is impossible..

Spirituality is certainly physically measurable, the SPIRITUAL is not.

I've not said that it's impossible for God and the spiritual to be traced or measured. Many people do this through faith in spiritual nature. It is also a possibility that physical science will one day discover a physical aspect to God or the spiritual, but whenever that happens it will cease to be something "spiritual" by definition.

YOU are the one who dismisses possibility, not ME!
bullshit if spirituality is then logically the spiritual must be too....don't backpedal now boosy...
It's precisely what you are doing. You and others are trying your best to destroy something that has been present in man since the inception of man. And you laughably think your goofy immature chortles are accomplishing this! We should actually invent a new word beyond "fool" to describe you.

Not trying to destroy, but rather illuminate the fear that causes man to create fantasies to sooth himself.
When losing, resort to attack mode.

Well, yes... I think "destroy" is the apt word to apply here. I find it very interesting how you dance around what you are doing. You denounce spiritual belief in God but when it comes to the universe you don't quite want to say there isn't a God who created it. You think God is a man-created fantasy, but you stop short of proclaiming your Atheism, preferring to call yourself "agnostic" instead. When asked if man would be better off without any spirituality, you hem-haw around an answer then throw out some emotional vomit about your hopes in what man might become without it. When confronted with the actuality that human spirituality is where we get the uniqueness of humanity, you balk and run to some idiotic notion that our uniqueness caused the spirituality.

You're not trying to "illuminate" anything. You are trying to destroy something which has been ingrained in mankind for all of his history. And you are doing a really piss-poor job of it at that.

Why is the notion that spirituality caused our ability to think in ways no other animal can completely reasonable, but the notion that our ability to think in ways no other animal can caused our spiritual beliefs idiotic?

And if spirituality is what has made humanity unique and allowed us to create the technology and art and moral codes that we have, how can you say that you think it's possible animals could have a spiritual nature like humans do? Would they, if they had the same spiritual nature, also be able to do many of the things humans do that you attribute to our spirituality? By your reasoning, isn't spirituality in animals pretty much impossible?

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