Why do the God-haters persist?

You ARE the guy that made that long post on how we are very different from the animal kingdom in so very many ways, aren't you?
Here you are making the case that without your professed spirituality we are exactly the same.

But my entire basis for the argument on why we are different is BECAUSE of human spirituality. So yes... naturally, without that, we would be no different. There is no basis in understanding of nature and biology to think otherwise. And it's not "my professed" spirituality, it is the intrinsic and inseparable spirituality which has existed in mankind for all of our existence in some form.

You are literally arguing against the entire history of human civilization. It is almost akin to making an argument against human ability to reason and claiming that is an unneeded and superfluous attribute of man and we'd be better off without it. That is the level of 'ridiculous' you are at with this argument.

...man has the cognitive ability to recognize his mortality and the unknown...

Man recognizes mortality because he is aware of immortality through his spirituality. Other animals have just as much ability to be as cognitive as humans, they lack awareness of an immortal spiritual nature. There is certainly not anything special about our cognitive ability that makes us delusionally create imaginary playmates and cling to them for the entirety of our existence. If anything, that would denote a LESSER cognitive ability.

What you once described as a spiritual nature you were connected to and knew it had no personal interest in you and was unlike the Christian god and other details of the specifics of it is now an enigma we can't quite comprehend, that we just "feel", we are aware of or have a sense of, all jello terms that you call "evidence".

Yes, but when I speak to you about my personal spirituality and then later about the generality of human spiritual connection as a whole, they are two completely different things. One is an explanation of MY understanding, the other is explaining how mankind grapples with something it can't comprehend.
You ARE the guy that made that long post on how we are very different from the animal kingdom in so very many ways, aren't you?
Here you are making the case that without your professed spirituality we are exactly the same.
But my entire basis for the argument on why we are different is BECAUSE of human spirituality. So yes... naturally, without that, we would be no different. There is no basis in understanding of nature and biology to think otherwise. And it's not "my professed" spirituality, it is the intrinsic and inseparable spirituality which has existed in mankind for all of our existence in some form.

You are literally arguing against the entire history of human civilization. It is almost akin to making an argument against human ability to reason and claiming that is an unneeded and superfluous attribute of man and we'd be better off without it. That is the level of 'ridiculous' you are at with this argument.

...man has the cognitive ability to recognize his mortality and the unknown...

Man recognizes mortality because he is aware of immortality through his spirituality. Other animals have just as much ability to be as cognitive as humans, they lack awareness of an immortal spiritual nature. There is certainly not anything special about our cognitive ability that makes us delusionally create imaginary playmates and cling to them for the entirety of our existence. If anything, that would denote a LESSER cognitive ability.

What you once described as a spiritual nature you were connected to and knew it had no personal interest in you and was unlike the Christian god and other details of the specifics of it is now an enigma we can't quite comprehend, that we just "feel", we are aware of or have a sense of, all jello terms that you call "evidence".

Yes, but when I speak to you about my personal spirituality and then later about the generality of human spiritual connection as a whole, they are two completely different things. One is an explanation of MY understanding, the other is explaining how mankind grapples with something it can't comprehend.

"We may be human, but we are still animals"

- Steve Vai

By the way, Man recognizes his mortality, not because he sees his own immortality (that is a lot of hogwash), but because he sees death for what it is, including the likelihood of his own - a true finality of life. We as a species kill for food and for much less honorable reasons every single day. We see other species killing or being killed every day as well. It has always been this way, and always will be. In this, we are no different from many other species (perhaps the only real difference is in the scale of our brutality towards other species and towards ourselves). You see yourself as something separate from the rest because you are arrogant and blind to the world around you. Only when you open your circle of compassion to include all of nature and all of mankind will you see the world for what it truly is. Only then can you call yourself a spiritual being.
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Boss thinks that his creator just plopped humans down in their present form. Any dumber than that, and you'd probably die.
I take it that Boss never met an adult that would happily tell a 6 year old that Santa/Easter bunny does not exist

I know a couple of adults that will do just that, and get attacked by other adults that proclaim "you are taking the fun out of Christmas"

Tell me, when an atheist tells you "there is no god" is he/she taking the fun out of religion/cults? Is "hope" another word for fun, by any chance?
I take it that Boss never met an adult that would happily tell a 6 year old that Santa/Easter bunny does not exist

I know a couple of adults that will do just that, and get attacked by other adults that proclaim "you are taking the fun out of Christmas"

Tell me, when an atheist tells you "there is no god" is he/she taking the fun out of religion/cults? Is "hope" another word for fun, by any chance?

Saying you dont believe in a God is not making fun of others that do.....Likening God to Santa and inferring all who have faith have no maturity is insulting us...
Boss thinks that his creator just plopped humans down in their present form. Any dumber than that, and you'd probably die.

Yeah, we should be more like you. You're obviously a genius. And definitely NOT bigoted!
You ARE the guy that made that long post on how we are very different from the animal kingdom in so very many ways, aren't you?
Here you are making the case that without your professed spirituality we are exactly the same.

But my entire basis for the argument on why we are different is BECAUSE of human spirituality. So yes... naturally, without that, we would be no different. There is no basis in understanding of nature and biology to think otherwise. And it's not "my professed" spirituality, it is the intrinsic and inseparable spirituality which has existed in mankind for all of our existence in some form.

You are literally arguing against the entire history of human civilization. It is almost akin to making an argument against human ability to reason and claiming that is an unneeded and superfluous attribute of man and we'd be better off without it. That is the level of 'ridiculous' you are at with this argument.

...man has the cognitive ability to recognize his mortality and the unknown...

Man recognizes mortality because he is aware of immortality through his spirituality. Other animals have just as much ability to be as cognitive as humans, they lack awareness of an immortal spiritual nature. There is certainly not anything special about our cognitive ability that makes us delusionally create imaginary playmates and cling to them for the entirety of our existence. If anything, that would denote a LESSER cognitive ability.

What you once described as a spiritual nature you were connected to and knew it had no personal interest in you and was unlike the Christian god and other details of the specifics of it is now an enigma we can't quite comprehend, that we just "feel", we are aware of or have a sense of, all jello terms that you call "evidence".

Yes, but when I speak to you about my personal spirituality and then later about the generality of human spiritual connection as a whole, they are two completely different things. One is an explanation of MY understanding, the other is explaining how mankind grapples with something it can't comprehend.
"It is almost akin to making an argument against human ability to reason and claiming that is an unneeded and superfluous attribute of man and we'd be better off without it."

"Other animals have just as much ability to be as cognitive as humans, ..."

So is it an attribute of man, or do animals have just as much cognitive ability?
These two in the same post!
You are such a train wreck.
We understand mortality because we recognize our death is inevitable before it comes.
What good is your "understanding" of what you term "incomprehensible"?
I'm not arguing against history in the least. I am pointing out why man has always had the need to fill the void where his knowledge has not completed the task. As it gradually gets filled, the myths morph to adapt to the remainder. The fear remains as long as the void exists, and people either embrace the unknown or make an arbitrary stab at filling the gaps for their own comfort.
Your spirituality is the vestigial tail of cavemen howling at the moon.
So is it an attribute of man, or do animals have just as much cognitive ability?
These two in the same post!

Spirituality is an attribute of man, cognizance is found in all primates.

YOU are the idiot claiming cognizance is the reason for spirituality, so where is the imaginary placebo apes and chimps create to cope with their mortality?

Oh, they don't have that? Well isn't that scientifically curious? Man has this unique attribute of spirituality and also this unique need to cope with mortality. Where did THAT evolve from? Ohhh... some sort of "special" cognizance no other animals in nature have?
So is it an attribute of man, or do animals have just as much cognitive ability?
These two in the same post!

Spirituality is an attribute of man, cognizance is found in all primates.

YOU are the idiot claiming cognizance is the reason for spirituality, so where is the imaginary placebo apes and chimps create to cope with their mortality?

Oh, they don't have that? Well isn't that scientifically curious? Man has this unique attribute of spirituality and also this unique need to cope with mortality. Where did THAT evolve from? Ohhh... some sort of "special" cognizance no other animals in nature have?
Nice edit to try to run from your incompatible nonsense.
Unfortunately the whole thing is right there a couple of posts ago.
You are the one that made the case that human cognitive ability is far beyond the animal kingdom, allowing us all these incredible technological achievements like I'm typing on now. But suddenly that is inconvenient so our cognitive abilities are magically no different than the apes.
Where was your thesis published?
Marvel Comics?
I'm not arguing against history in the least.

It's precisely what you are doing. You and others are trying your best to destroy something that has been present in man since the inception of man. And you laughably think your goofy immature chortles are accomplishing this! We should actually invent a new word beyond "fool" to describe you.
You are the one that made the case that human cognitive ability is far beyond the animal kingdom, allowing us all these incredible technological achievements like I'm typing on now.

You are the one that made the case that human cognitive ability is far beyond the animal kingdom, allowing us all these incredible technological achievements like I'm typing on now.


Did someone pray my computer into existence, or did science have to overcome centuries of dogma and misunderstandings to achieve this from rational application of cognitive ability?
Is it your position that if chimps could pray they would build computers?
I'm not arguing against history in the least.

It's precisely what you are doing. You and others are trying your best to destroy something that has been present in man since the inception of man. And you laughably think your goofy immature chortles are accomplishing this! We should actually invent a new word beyond "fool" to describe you.

Not trying to destroy, but rather illuminate the fear that causes man to create fantasies to sooth himself.
When losing, resort to attack mode.
The thought of an eternity in the presence of perfection and joy soothes that fear just fine, thanks.
You're welcome.

It's there for you too.

Christians need fear nothing or no one. And they don't.
So is it an attribute of man, or do animals have just as much cognitive ability?
These two in the same post!
Spirituality is an attribute of man, cognizance is found in all primates.

YOU are the idiot claiming cognizance is the reason for spirituality, so where is the imaginary placebo apes and chimps create to cope with their mortality?

Oh, they don't have that? Well isn't that scientifically curious? Man has this unique attribute of spirituality and also this unique need to cope with mortality. Where did THAT evolve from? Ohhh... some sort of "special" cognizance no other animals in nature have?

They call them angry alpha males. We call them gods.
You are the one that made the case that human cognitive ability is far beyond the animal kingdom, allowing us all these incredible technological achievements like I'm typing on now.


Did someone pray my computer into existence, or did science have to overcome centuries of dogma and misunderstandings to achieve this from rational application of cognitive ability?
Is it your position that if chimps could pray they would build computers?

Our inspiration to invent science comes from our connection to spirituality. This explains very rationally, why homo sapiens who came along rather recently in the life line of our planet, have been able to accomplish things that no other life in the preceding millions of years were able to. Nature and evolution didn't just suddenly stumble upon the perfect combo of cerebral cortex, cognitive thought and ability to reason to enable all of what we've accomplished. The key to it ALL is our unique attribute of spirituality. Through this spirituality we obtain inspiration, and inspiration has driven every aspect of advancement in technology and discovery. You ignorantly wish to believe the thing that has driven us is the thing that has hindered us.
You call angry alpha males, gods?

That explains so much.

Our God is Love.

Yeah, God so loved his creation that he send a wall of water across the face of the earth to destroy his entire creation - all except 8 "special people", one of which apparently looked a lot like Russell Crowe.

If that isn't the behavior of an angry alpha male, then what is?

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