Why do the God-haters persist?

Look at all the hate from the atheists.....Does your religion of nothing leave you guys empty????? Is that why you need to lash out at those who have found God?
since it's not a religion how could it?
how could god be lost since god never existed except in the minds of his creators?

Of course it is a religion! You are one of the most devout of them. A bunch of people who find solace in worshiping hedonism together ! LOL How is that different then people worshiping God together?
No, actually, once you realize that belief in god is no different than belief in the tooth fairy, and you can satisfy yourself that no harm will come to you from some imaginary critter simply because you dropped such childish beliefs, and then you can get on with your life and worry about the important things, like family, food on the table, a roof over their heads, and helping one's fellow man. And we do those things because WE believe that helping others is an important part of obtaining inner peace in this life, not because we believe we will reap rewards in some imaginary after life or because some magic sky daddy wants or demands us to. So to answer your question, no it does not leave us empty. You should try it sometime.
And yet here you are taking time out of your schedule of putting food on the table to tell me that since I believe in God I am little more then a child.... Whats the saying? Thou dost protests to much?
hey dumb ass it's " thou protest too much"
do use a favor and don't disrespect shakespeare with your ignorance....
my guess is you don't have a clue to what that phrase means or what play it came from with out googling it..

If you want to act smart you need to use something more then a missing o.
No, actually, once you realize that belief in god is no different than belief in the tooth fairy, and you can satisfy yourself that no harm will come to you from some imaginary critter simply because you dropped such childish beliefs, and then you can get on with your life and worry about the important things, like family, food on the table, a roof over their heads, and helping one's fellow man. And we do those things because WE believe that helping others is an important part of obtaining inner peace in this life, not because we believe we will reap rewards in some imaginary after life or because some magic sky daddy wants or demands us to. So to answer your question, no it does not leave us empty. You should try it sometime.
And yet here you are taking time out of your schedule of putting food on the table to tell me that since I believe in God I am little more then a child.... Whats the saying? Thou dost protests to much?

My children are all grown. So yes, I have time to post, so here I am sharing myself with others. Enjoy,
You're point is what?
LOL of course you are. Your sins have not been washed clean by the lord.... Logic young man.

That's not logic. That is using your religion to justify your bigotry.

LOL that's rich.... The bigot is projecting LOL. You asked so I answered . I dont care if you're butthurt over the truth.

Excuse me but I am not the one telling people how to live their lives, and what the consequences are if they don't heed my advice. If you want to believe in magic sky daddies, go for it. But don't you dare try to tell me how or what to believe in or make up lame guilt trips about what happens if I don't believe as you do. You don't have that right.
That's not logic. That is using your religion to justify your bigotry.

LOL that's rich.... The bigot is projecting LOL. You asked so I answered . I dont care if you're butthurt over the truth.

Excuse me but I am not the one telling people how to live their lives, and what the consequences are if they don't heed my advice. If you want to believe in magic sky daddies, go for it. But don't you dare try to tell me how or what to believe in or make up lame guilt trips about what happens if I don't believe as you do. You don't have that right.
Do you think your pathetic attempts are personally insulting the Lord will make me angry? I do pray someday you see the truth about the Lord. Yet that is between him and you. I dont push faith. I defend my own. You see the one being intolerant and hateful here right now is you.
Look at all the hate from the atheists.....Does your religion of nothing leave you guys empty????? Is that why you need to lash out at those who have found God?
since it's not a religion how could it?
how could god be lost since god never existed except in the minds of his creators?

Of course it is a religion! You are one of the most devout of them. A bunch of people who find solace in worshiping hedonism together ! LOL How is that different then people worshiping God together?
i'd say you're fucking ignorant but that would be stating the obvious...

Many Christians seem to believe that atheism is a religion, but no one with a fair understanding of both concepts would make such a mistake. Because it's such a common claim, though, it's worth demonstrating the depth and breadth of the errors being made. Presented here are the characteristics which best define religions, distinguishing them from other types of belief systems, and how atheism utterly fails to even remotely match any of them.

Belief in Supernatural Beings:

Perhaps the most common and fundamental characteristic of religion is a belief in supernatural beings - usually, but not always, including gods. Few religions lack this characteristic and most religions are founded upon it. Atheism is the absence of belief in gods and thus excludes belief in gods, but it does not exclude belief in other supernatural beings. More important, however, is that atheism does not teach the existence of such beings and most atheists in the West do not believe in them.

Sacred vs Profane Objects, Places, Times:

Differentiating between sacred and profane objects, places, and times helps religious believers focus on transcendental values and/or the existence of a supernatural realm. Atheism excludes believing in things that are "sacred" for the purpose of worshiping gods, but otherwise has nothing to say on the matter - neither promoting nor rejecting the distinction. Many atheists probably have things, places, or times which they consider "sacred" in that they are venerated or esteemed highly.

Ritual Acts Focused on Sacred Objects, Places, Times:

If people believe in something sacred, they probably have associated rituals. As with the very existence of a category of "sacred" things, however, there is nothing about atheism which either mandates such a belief or necessarily excludes it - it's simply an irrelevant issue. An atheist who holds something as "sacred" may engage in some sort of associated ritual or ceremony, but there is no such thing as an "atheist ritual."

Moral Code With Supernatural Origins:

Most religions preach some sort of moral code which is typically based upon its transcendental and supernatural beliefs. Thus, for example, theistic religions typically claim that morality is derived from the commands of their gods. Atheists have moral codes, but they don't believe that those codes are derived from any gods and it would be unusual for them to believe that their morals have a supernatural origin. More importantly, atheism doesn't teach any particular moral code.

Is Atheism a Religion? Defining Atheism and Religion

since it's not a religion how could it?
how could god be lost since god never existed except in the minds of his creators?

Of course it is a religion! You are one of the most devout of them. A bunch of people who find solace in worshiping hedonism together ! LOL How is that different then people worshiping God together?
i'd say you're fucking ignorant but that would be stating the obvious...

Many Christians seem to believe that atheism is a religion, but no one with a fair understanding of both concepts would make such a mistake. Because it's such a common claim, though, it's worth demonstrating the depth and breadth of the errors being made. Presented here are the characteristics which best define religions, distinguishing them from other types of belief systems, and how atheism utterly fails to even remotely match any of them.

Belief in Supernatural Beings:

Perhaps the most common and fundamental characteristic of religion is a belief in supernatural beings - usually, but not always, including gods. Few religions lack this characteristic and most religions are founded upon it. Atheism is the absence of belief in gods and thus excludes belief in gods, but it does not exclude belief in other supernatural beings. More important, however, is that atheism does not teach the existence of such beings and most atheists in the West do not believe in them.

Sacred vs Profane Objects, Places, Times:

Differentiating between sacred and profane objects, places, and times helps religious believers focus on transcendental values and/or the existence of a supernatural realm. Atheism excludes believing in things that are "sacred" for the purpose of worshiping gods, but otherwise has nothing to say on the matter - neither promoting nor rejecting the distinction. Many atheists probably have things, places, or times which they consider "sacred" in that they are venerated or esteemed highly.

Ritual Acts Focused on Sacred Objects, Places, Times:

If people believe in something sacred, they probably have associated rituals. As with the very existence of a category of "sacred" things, however, there is nothing about atheism which either mandates such a belief or necessarily excludes it - it's simply an irrelevant issue. An atheist who holds something as "sacred" may engage in some sort of associated ritual or ceremony, but there is no such thing as an "atheist ritual."

Moral Code With Supernatural Origins:

Most religions preach some sort of moral code which is typically based upon its transcendental and supernatural beliefs. Thus, for example, theistic religions typically claim that morality is derived from the commands of their gods. Atheists have moral codes, but they don't believe that those codes are derived from any gods and it would be unusual for them to believe that their morals have a supernatural origin. More importantly, atheism doesn't teach any particular moral code.

Is Atheism a Religion? Defining Atheism and Religion

Yet just saying it doesn't make it true does it? Face it. Atheism is a religion.
And yet here you are taking time out of your schedule of putting food on the table to tell me that since I believe in God I am little more then a child.... Whats the saying? Thou dost protests to much?
hey dumb ass it's " thou protest too much"
do use a favor and don't disrespect shakespeare with your ignorance....
my guess is you don't have a clue to what that phrase means or what play it came from with out googling it..

If you want to act smart you need to use something more then a missing o.
i'm not acting, you also fucked up on which is correct, then or than
two times...but that an aside to your real stupidity...
LOL that's rich.... The bigot is projecting LOL. You asked so I answered . I dont care if you're butthurt over the truth.

Excuse me but I am not the one telling people how to live their lives, and what the consequences are if they don't heed my advice. If you want to believe in magic sky daddies, go for it. But don't you dare try to tell me how or what to believe in or make up lame guilt trips about what happens if I don't believe as you do. You don't have that right.
Do you think your pathetic attempts are personally insulting the Lord will make me angry? I do pray someday you see the truth about the Lord. Yet that is between him and you. I dont push faith. I defend my own. You see the one being intolerant and hateful here right now is you.

If it is between me and your imaginary god, why are you trying to intervene with your prayers? If you don't push faith, then why are you telling me that you will pray for me? Don't be a hypocrite.
Excuse me but I am not the one telling people how to live their lives, and what the consequences are if they don't heed my advice. If you want to believe in magic sky daddies, go for it. But don't you dare try to tell me how or what to believe in or make up lame guilt trips about what happens if I don't believe as you do. You don't have that right.
Do you think your pathetic attempts are personally insulting the Lord will make me angry? I do pray someday you see the truth about the Lord. Yet that is between him and you. I dont push faith. I defend my own. You see the one being intolerant and hateful here right now is you.

If it is between me and your imaginary god, why are you trying to intervene with your prayers? If you don't push faith, then why are you telling me that you will pray for me? Don't be a hypocrite.
My prayer that you find God is distressful???? How can that be if you dont believe in God?
That's not logic. That is using your religion to justify your bigotry.

LOL that's rich.... The bigot is projecting LOL. You asked so I answered . I dont care if you're butthurt over the truth.

Excuse me but I am not the one telling people how to live their lives, and what the consequences are if they don't heed my advice. If you want to believe in magic sky daddies, go for it. But don't you dare try to tell me how or what to believe in or make up lame guilt trips about what happens if I don't believe as you do. You don't have that right.
major bump!
Of course it is a religion! You are one of the most devout of them. A bunch of people who find solace in worshiping hedonism together ! LOL How is that different then people worshiping God together?
i'd say you're fucking ignorant but that would be stating the obvious...

Many Christians seem to believe that atheism is a religion, but no one with a fair understanding of both concepts would make such a mistake. Because it's such a common claim, though, it's worth demonstrating the depth and breadth of the errors being made. Presented here are the characteristics which best define religions, distinguishing them from other types of belief systems, and how atheism utterly fails to even remotely match any of them.

Belief in Supernatural Beings:

Perhaps the most common and fundamental characteristic of religion is a belief in supernatural beings - usually, but not always, including gods. Few religions lack this characteristic and most religions are founded upon it. Atheism is the absence of belief in gods and thus excludes belief in gods, but it does not exclude belief in other supernatural beings. More important, however, is that atheism does not teach the existence of such beings and most atheists in the West do not believe in them.

Sacred vs Profane Objects, Places, Times:

Differentiating between sacred and profane objects, places, and times helps religious believers focus on transcendental values and/or the existence of a supernatural realm. Atheism excludes believing in things that are "sacred" for the purpose of worshiping gods, but otherwise has nothing to say on the matter - neither promoting nor rejecting the distinction. Many atheists probably have things, places, or times which they consider "sacred" in that they are venerated or esteemed highly.

Ritual Acts Focused on Sacred Objects, Places, Times:

If people believe in something sacred, they probably have associated rituals. As with the very existence of a category of "sacred" things, however, there is nothing about atheism which either mandates such a belief or necessarily excludes it - it's simply an irrelevant issue. An atheist who holds something as "sacred" may engage in some sort of associated ritual or ceremony, but there is no such thing as an "atheist ritual."

Moral Code With Supernatural Origins:

Most religions preach some sort of moral code which is typically based upon its transcendental and supernatural beliefs. Thus, for example, theistic religions typically claim that morality is derived from the commands of their gods. Atheists have moral codes, but they don't believe that those codes are derived from any gods and it would be unusual for them to believe that their morals have a supernatural origin. More importantly, atheism doesn't teach any particular moral code.

Is Atheism a Religion? Defining Atheism and Religion

Yet just saying it doesn't make it true does it? Face it. Atheism is a religion.

You say that atheism is a religion while suggesting "Yet just saying it doesn't make it true does it". No doubt you said that with a straight face. :lol:
Do you think your pathetic attempts are personally insulting the Lord will make me angry? I do pray someday you see the truth about the Lord. Yet that is between him and you. I dont push faith. I defend my own. You see the one being intolerant and hateful here right now is you.

If it is between me and your imaginary god, why are you trying to intervene with your prayers? If you don't push faith, then why are you telling me that you will pray for me? Don't be a hypocrite.
My prayer that you find God is distressful???? How can that be if you dont believe in God?

Did I say anything about being stressed? I just pointed out the hypocrisy of your stance. You are the one who appears to be stressed. You want to pray for me, you say I am insulting your god, blah, blah, blah. Get a life.
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You two geniuses know you in a thread discussing religion right????? Who forced you to join the debate if you think hearing the other side is coercion?
Of course it is a religion! You are one of the most devout of them. A bunch of people who find solace in worshiping hedonism together ! LOL How is that different then people worshiping God together?
i'd say you're fucking ignorant but that would be stating the obvious...

Many Christians seem to believe that atheism is a religion, but no one with a fair understanding of both concepts would make such a mistake. Because it's such a common claim, though, it's worth demonstrating the depth and breadth of the errors being made. Presented here are the characteristics which best define religions, distinguishing them from other types of belief systems, and how atheism utterly fails to even remotely match any of them.

Belief in Supernatural Beings:

Perhaps the most common and fundamental characteristic of religion is a belief in supernatural beings - usually, but not always, including gods. Few religions lack this characteristic and most religions are founded upon it. Atheism is the absence of belief in gods and thus excludes belief in gods, but it does not exclude belief in other supernatural beings. More important, however, is that atheism does not teach the existence of such beings and most atheists in the West do not believe in them.

Sacred vs Profane Objects, Places, Times:

Differentiating between sacred and profane objects, places, and times helps religious believers focus on transcendental values and/or the existence of a supernatural realm. Atheism excludes believing in things that are "sacred" for the purpose of worshiping gods, but otherwise has nothing to say on the matter - neither promoting nor rejecting the distinction. Many atheists probably have things, places, or times which they consider "sacred" in that they are venerated or esteemed highly.

Ritual Acts Focused on Sacred Objects, Places, Times:

If people believe in something sacred, they probably have associated rituals. As with the very existence of a category of "sacred" things, however, there is nothing about atheism which either mandates such a belief or necessarily excludes it - it's simply an irrelevant issue. An atheist who holds something as "sacred" may engage in some sort of associated ritual or ceremony, but there is no such thing as an "atheist ritual."

Moral Code With Supernatural Origins:

Most religions preach some sort of moral code which is typically based upon its transcendental and supernatural beliefs. Thus, for example, theistic religions typically claim that morality is derived from the commands of their gods. Atheists have moral codes, but they don't believe that those codes are derived from any gods and it would be unusual for them to believe that their morals have a supernatural origin. More importantly, atheism doesn't teach any particular moral code.

Is Atheism a Religion? Defining Atheism and Religion

Yet just saying it doesn't make it true does it? Face it. Atheism is a religion.
true but I did not make up the above facts....and they are true and are not Affected by your IGNORANCE OF WHAT A RELIGION IS...
You two geniuses know you in a thread discussing religion right????? Who forced you to join the debate if you think hearing the other side is coercion?

Discuss it all you want. No one is stopping you. Are you suggesting that we don't have a right to discuss religion in an open forum? Because that would be silly.

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