Why do the U.S. support Ukraine which has Nazi laws?

Still talking out of your ass, they were each nations under the umbrella of the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics".

The only US state to ever be an independent Nation was Texas. The original 13 states were British Colonies before joining together under first the Articles of Confederation and then later the US Constitution.

Stop being such an obvious blithering idiot.

Any time a state joins a federation, it has to give up its sovereignty.
Otherwise each state would end up negotiating treaties themselves, instead of having only one for the whole federalation.
That is why you have federations, and how they work.
Yes moron, Baghdad Bob was a propaganda tool and was comically wrong in many many ways, just like you Moscow Boris.

No, it was the US who lied and claimed that Iraq has WMD, terrorist ties, and threatened the US.
Do you expect vicims of US lies and aggression to be honest to the US then when we are trying to murder them?
That is stupid because the no-fly-zones in Iraq were totally illegal.
All those who joined against Saddam were criminals.

The UN NEVER authorized the removal of Saddam.
Iraq was actually NEVER in breach of any UN resolution, and the UN was acting entirely based on US lies.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 is a United Nations Security Council resolution adopted unanimously by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 2002, offering Iraq under Saddam Hussein "a final opportunity to comply with its disarmament obligations" that had been set out in several previous resolutions (Resolutions 660, 661, 678, 686, 687, 688, 707, 715, 986, and 1284).[1] It provided a justification for the subsequent US invasion of Iraq.[2]

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by its troops during the 1990–1991 invasion and occupation. It also stated that "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq's obligations."
Iraq made no violations, had allowed all inspections for years, was not making missiles that violated anything, the UN could not legally demand compensation to Kuwait since Kuwait has caused is own invasion due to its theft of Iraqi oil, etc.
That is the most ridiculous excuse I have ever heard, and has long since been repudiated by all the inspectors who later proved Iraq was not in violation of anything at all. The US was simply lying and making everyone do what we wanted.
You continue lying out of your ass.

Under 1483 who were recognized as the Authorized Occupying's force in Iraq?

When Iraq failed to meet it's obligations under 686-687 under 1441, the Gulf War Cease Fire Agreement was rendered moot.

At that time the cease fire was over and the Coalition forces were then empowered to take whatever steps they believed necessary to destroy Saddam's army.

Once captured he was turned over to his own people for trial, found guilty of countless war crimes both legally and properly executed.
Ukraine has made a genuine effort to stem corruption in their government over recent. These efforts are the reason why both parties chose to support giving them military aid. If Russia succeeds in annexing Ukraine, they would control a large amount of oil and natural gas and would be able to threaten the. European energy market.

That is Putin's goal, to invade country after country, an get as close to a monopoly on European oil and gas as he can. Ukraine isn't the only country they plan on invading. If Ukraine, and other fossil fuel rich countries, joined NATO and the EU, and had the military protection of those memberships, those plans would be thwarted, which is why Putin went as far as threatening nuclear war if Ukraine were allowed to join.
Any time a state joins a federation, it has to give up its sovereignty.
Otherwise each state would end up negotiating treaties themselves, instead of having only one for the whole federalation.
That is why you have federations, and how they work.
They didn't give up all of their sovereignty nor territorial integrity. A federation is an agreement between separate states under an overall umbrella.

Learn to shut up when you have no damned clue what you're talking about.
Ukraine has made a genuine effort to stem corruption in their government over recent. These efforts are the reason why both parties chose to support giving them military aid. If Russia succeeds in annexing Ukraine, they would control a large amount of oil and natural gas and would be able to threaten the. European energy market.

That is Putin's goal, to invade country after country, an get as close to a monopoly on European oil and gas as he can. Ukraine isn't the only country they plan on invading. If Ukraine, and other fossil fuel rich countries, joined NATO and the EU, and had the military protection of those memberships, those plans would be thwarted, which is why Putin went as far as threatening nuclear war if Ukraine were allowed to join.
Zelensky's platform was nearly all one of reform and he was overwhelmingly elected with 73% of the vote.
In the middle of April, I published an article which dealt with the question whether some Ukrainian laws are the Nazi ones (see here).
This article was discussed on USMB (see here) and nobody could disprove that these laws are the Nazi ones, indeed.

It’s an obvious fact that, for example, ethnic Crimean Tatars - according to these laws - are “first-rate” citizens of Ukraine and have more rights; ethnic Hungarians are “second-rate” citizens and have less rights than Crimean Tatars; and ethnic Russians are “third-rate” citizens and have less rights than Hungarians.

It’s another obvious fact, that Ukrainian rulers always make territorial claims to the Russian Crimean Peninsula, where ethnic Russians amount to 67.9% of population (see here).
It means that the Ukrainian rulers want to turn 67.9% of Crimean population into citizens of the “third-rate”!

At the same time, Ukraine intensively armed itself, constantly declared its plans to join NATO etc. The Russian government many times tried to persuade the Ukrainian rulers to remain nonaligned, to let Crimea stay in Russia etc. But Ukraine continued to arm itself etc.

At a certain point of time the Russian government decided that the actions of the Ukrainian rulers reached a dangerous point and very soon the situation could become even more dangerous. And then, the Russian government decided to start a military operation against Ukraine.

But the U.S. supported and support all Ukrainian actions including its claims to the Crimean Peninsula – despite of the Nazi laws in Ukraine.
It means that the U.S. support, inter alia, the Ukrainian plan to turn 67.9% of Crimean population into citizens of the “third-rate”! :clap2:

The question naturally arises – Why do the U.S. support such a country as Ukraine?

My opinion is that it doesn’t matter for the U.S. what kind of a country Ukraine is. The U.S. want to reduce Russian influence in Europe; the U.S. want to sell their liquefied gas in Europe etc.
Therefore, in my opinion, the U.S. are ready to support even Nazis if these Nazis are hostile towards Russia.


Wow idiot, did you just seriously say that Ukranians teaching classes in Ukranian proves they are Nazis?

Seriously? I guess you also think that Russians ARE NOT Nazis while they are invading sovereign country under laughable excuses, commiting war crimes left and right, piling up civilians in mass graves, talking about how there is no such thing as Ukranian nation, while domestically arresting protesters and passing laws that allows them to jail anyone that calls this war a war?

Of course not! There is no way NOT NAZI Russia would make someone learn in Russian....in a Russian school.
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No, it was the US who lied and claimed that Iraq has WMD, terrorist ties, and threatened the US.
Do you expect vicims of US lies and aggression to be honest to the US then when we are trying to murder them?

Moron, nothing you've just said refuted Bagdad Bob's insane denials that Americans are crushing Iraqi army and taking over. You are just too damn stupid to understand that.

I'm not going to get into a sidetrack of relitigating Iraq war with a crazy whack job like you. Go fish somewhere else.
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Before Chavez, Venezuela has massive poverty.
Chavez greatly improved the quality of life.
But then US economic sanctions illegal killed their oil industry.
The US is directly responsible for the current state of Venezuela entirely.
Completely ignorant and WRONG.

They were a first wolrd nation before chavez who increased poverty enormously.

Chavez is resonsible
That shows complete ignorance of Marx.
Marx continually said communism was voluntary, based on the inherent generous nature of man.
Marx defined the proletariat as equality among all, so then you can't have a wealthy elite, like Stalin.
He said no such thing he clearly stated it had to be enforced by force and violence.

He defined the dictator ship of the proletariate as an absolute despot and an absolute necessity.
You make me repeat the same things again and again. Please read the text below - especially the sentence which is marked by blue color.

Dissident said:
At first, you (Confederate Soldier) lied that I allegedly had not named the Ukrainian laws, which are discussed. Then you refused to answer the question, whether these Ukrainian laws are Nazi ones; see here.
It makes no sense to discuss anything with a person who - like you – lies and refuses to answer questions relating to object of discussion.
Wow idiot, did you just seriously say that Ukranians teaching classes in Ukranian proves they are Nazis?
You make me repeat the same things again and again. Please read the text below.

Dissident said:
The thread Aren't these Ukrainian laws the Nazi ones? doesn't deal with the problem of teaching a national language in Ukraine – their national language is the Ukrainian.
Under the above mentioned Ukrainian laws, different ethnic groups have different rights in Ukraine - for example, ethnic Crimean Tatars have more rights to use their native language – the Tatar language – during the education; ethnic Hungarians have less rights than Crimean Tatars to use their native language – the Hungarian – during the education; and ethnic Russians have less rights to use their native language – the Russian - than Hungarians.
A statement signed by more than 300 historians who study genocide, Nazism and World War II said...

“We do not idealize the Ukrainian state and society. Like any other country, it has right-wing extremists and violent xenophobic groups.
This “statement signed by more than 300 historians” about Ukrainian right-wing extremists and violent xenophobic groups has nothing to do with Ukrainian LAWS – i.e. with the Ukrainian Law on Indigenous Peoples and Law on Secondary Education (see here), which are discussed here.

And please answer the question below:
Aren’t the laws, which divide citizens according to their ethnic origin into categories, some of which have more rights and others have less rights, the Nazi laws?
Before Chavez, Venezuela has massive poverty.
Chavez greatly improved the quality of life.
But then US economic sanctions illegal killed their oil industry.
The US is directly responsible for the current state of Venezuela entirely.

See, there you go just flat out lying, and when you do that about common subjects, you just look like a fucking moron.
Ukraine has made a genuine effort to stem corruption in their government over recent. These efforts are the reason why both parties chose to support giving them military aid. If Russia succeeds in annexing Ukraine, they would control a large amount of oil and natural gas and would be able to threaten the. European energy market.

That is Putin's goal, to invade country after country, an get as close to a monopoly on European oil and gas as he can. Ukraine isn't the only country they plan on invading. If Ukraine, and other fossil fuel rich countries, joined NATO and the EU, and had the military protection of those memberships, those plans would be thwarted, which is why Putin went as far as threatening nuclear war if Ukraine were allowed to join.

Ukraine was indeed fighting corruption, but the big guy wanted his 10% so he extorted them to stop.

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