Why do the U.S. support Ukraine which has Nazi laws?

IF you use this kind of logic, it points fingers back at US as well as most of the world,
You make me repeat the same things again and again. Please read the text below.

Dissident said:
If you know any US laws, which divide US citizens according to their ethnic origin into categories, some of which have more rights and others have less rights, please tell the titles of these US laws and tell how they divide US citizens into these categories.

I personally don’t know such US laws, but I know such Ukrainian laws and I can tell the titles of these Ukrainian laws - the Ukrainian Law on Indigenous Peoples and Law on Secondary Education; please read the first post of the thread Aren't these Ukrainian laws the Nazi ones?

Ukraine teaching in Ukrainian GOOD, America teaching in English BAD - bahh bahhhh bahhhh

Dumbass, not everything good or bad is Nazism.

If US gets rid of ESL classes that would be bad policy, but that doesn't mean that we are somehow Nazis.

Is that a concept too complicated for your tiny partisan squirrel brain?
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Zelensky's platform was nearly all one of reform and he was overwhelmingly elected with 73% of the vote.

In an election that was well known to be totally corrupt, with the competition being imprisoned or poisoned.
The Ukraine is likely the single most corrupt country in the world, with the legitimate government taken out by military takeover.
The government is so corrupt that against Ukrainian law, some cabinet members were even US citizens instead of Ukrainian.
Wow idiot, did you just seriously say that Ukranians teaching classes in Ukranian proves they are Nazis?

Seriously? I guess you also think that Russians ARE NOT Nazis while they are invading sovereign country under laughable excuses, commiting war crimes left and right, piling up civilians in mass graves, talking about how there is no such thing as Ukranian nation, while domestically arresting protesters and passing laws that allows them to jail anyone that calls this war a war?

Of course not! There is no way NOT NAZI Russia would make someone learn in Russian....in a Russian school.

No one said anything about teaching classes.
What is being discussed is people having their rights determined by what class they are designated as being put into, based on what language they speak.
Meaning Russian speaking citizens were being denied the ability to vote, hold office, etc.

You clearly do not know what Nazis are.
They are anti-socialists, meaning ultra capitalists.
So a country as socialist as Russia can not be Nazi, while the Ukraine obviously is based on privilege for the wealthy elite.

And Russia had plenty of justification that required the invasion, such as the Ukraine stealing oil, murdering ethnic Russians, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc.
Haven't you read anything at all about how this all started?
Moron, nothing you've just said refuted Bagdad Bob's insane denials that Americans are crushing Iraqi army and taking over. You are just too damn stupid to understand that.

I'm not going to get into a sidetrack of relitigating Iraq war with a crazy whack job like you. Go fish somewhere else.

The point of Bagdad Bob was that he was a body double to reduce the odds of Saddam getting assassinated.
Since 16 of the previous 17 leaders of Iraq had been assassinated, that is a smart move.
And of course the whole point of a body double is misinformation.
Do you expect Saddam to wear a red hat or something so it would have been easier for us to assassinate him?
You do not let an invading force know the truth.
They are the enemy.
The point of Bagdad Bob was that he was a body double to reduce the odds of Saddam getting assassinated.
Since 16 of the previous 17 leaders of Iraq had been assassinated, that is a smart move.
And of course the whole point of a body double is misinformation.

Concession accepted.
Yes, logical fallacy such as the above non-sequitur is as close to logic as you ever wander.

There is no fallacy in saying that there could be disagreement on good policy without one side being Nazis automatically.

You are just too fucking stupid to admit such simple facts.
That was not a treaty moron

Once Reagan got into power, it was effected by US policies, so then it WAS a treaty.
Just illegal and secret.
Treaties can often be secret and illegal, like the Molotov/Ribbentrop division of Poland.
Completely ignorant and WRONG.

They were a first wolrd nation before chavez who increased poverty enormously.

Chavez is resonsible

So then the fact the illegal US embargo that prevented Venezuela from selling oil, had NO effect on their economy?
No one said anything about teaching classes.
What is being discussed is people having their rights determined by what class they are designated as being put into, based on what language they speak.
Meaning Russian speaking citizens were being denied the ability to vote, hold office, etc.

Pure bullshit.

Zelensky's first language is Russian and he speaks it fluently.

How do you even have the gull to post such blatant falsehoods?
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He said no such thing he clearly stated it had to be enforced by force and violence.

He defined the dictator ship of the proletariate as an absolute despot and an absolute necessity.


"Withering away of the state" is a Marxist concept coined by Friedrich Engels referring to the idea that, with the realization of socialism, the social institution of a state will eventually become obsolete and disappear as the society will be able to govern itself without the state and its coercive enforcement of the law.

Both Marx and Engles were clear that they belief that capitalist greed was the fault of the corrupt wealthy elite, and that once there was justice, that inherent generosity of people would take over and make government force totally unnecessary.

The phrase, "dictatorship of the proletariat" means very specifically, a democratic republic, based on cooperation.
It means the exact opposite of what you claim, a centralized authoritarian dictatorship.
The proletariat is the masses.
A dictatorship of the masses IS a democratic republic.
My god you're a fucking idiot. After going through a sea of links, only to go to your original OP, you have not stated one law and it's effect on racial minorities.

Racial discrimination is never openly admitted by passing legislation, but is implemented by discriminatory actions by the executive. For example, the Azov Battalion lynching other ethnicities, the same as the KKK did.
The Kyiv police, military, etc., prevent ethnic Russians from being allowed to vote, run for office, etc.
The number of candidates murdered or imprisoned by Kyiv, is huge and well known.
You are just ignorant.
See, there you go just flat out lying, and when you do that about common subjects, you just look like a fucking moron.

How are economic sanctions again Venezuela legal or anything more than an attempt at political discrimination?
And I remind you that economic warfare of civilian commerce is a war crime as per the 1906 Geneva Conventions.

Ever since the arrival of Hugo Chávez in 1999, Washington has been trying to overthrow the Bolivarian Process. In recent years, these regime-change efforts have mainly relied on an all-out economic war against Venezuela with a weapon of choice: unilateral coercive measures, commonly known as sanctions.

Below you will find a list of recommended materials to understand the nature, reach and impact of US-led sanctions against Venezuela, as well as grassroots resistance.

The economic aggression against Venezuela began with individual sanctions and it quickly escalated to a full-fledged blockade. The country's oil, mining, banking and food import sectors have been the subject of unilateral coercive measures.

[Infographic] The Blockade Against Venezuela: Measures and Consequences

Venezuela's oil sector has been the US Treasury Department’s main target in an attempt to starve the country of foreign income. The result has been a drastic fall in output since the first sanctions were imposed in 2017.
No one was ever authorized to occupy Iraq.
The UN voted against the use of force.
The US invaded Iraq on its own, illegally.

The fact the US kept claiming Iraq was not meeting its obligation, did NOT at all authorize the US to use force.

Without UN authorization, the US invasion was totally and completely illegal.

Saddam committed no war crimes and was illegal murdered over the execution of the adult male population of a village that tried to ambush his convoy. They were legally found guilty after a trial, and their execution was appropriate for their crime. Saddam did nothing illegal, ever.
The invasion was legal

The Un does not decide such matters.

Saddam did many illegal things and was legally executed according to the laws of Iraq
Such laws, if they exist, are the result of discrimination that you find in other countries around the world, such as China. Do you want to claim China is a buncha Nazis? Sounds more like laws that progressive liberal democrats want in this country.

Yes, China is a bunch of Nazis now when you look at things like how they treat the Uyghurs.
Ethnic discrimination is bad.
The Ukraine is one of the worst.
That is why they manned most of Hitler's death camps in WWII.

Porter McConnell was/is part and party to the Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz (John Kerry), Paul Pelosi Jr. embezzlement gang.

Corruption, it turns out, is a bi-partisan effort.
AGREE that corruption is a bi-partisan effort, people tend to pick & choose those they name as evil based on political party preference, as apposed to looking for the truth.
Once Reagan got into power, it was effected by US policies, so then it WAS a treaty.
Just illegal and secret.
Treaties can often be secret and illegal, like the Molotov/Ribbentrop division of Poland.
No it was not a treaty aty all.

Treaties are never secret. They are public formal agreements. Any old interactions hetween to governnments does not define a treaty.

Ukraine violated no treaty at all
Yes, China is a bunch of Nazis now when you look at things like how they treat the Uyghurs.
Ethnic discrimination is bad.
The Ukraine is one of the worst.
That is why they manned most of Hitler's death camps in WWII.
The Ukranians did NOT man most of the death camps and china is a communist nation
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Dumbass, not everything good or bad is Nazism.

If US gets rid of ESL classes that would be bad policy, but that doesn't mean that we are somehow Nazis.

Is that a concept too complicated for your tiny partisan squirrel brain?

But extreme nationalism and racism in order to advantage the wealthy elite IS Nazi, and fits the Ukraine perfectly.

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